
🙄Destroyer of Worlds💣💯Causing Mayhem💅

@an-illusion-no-a-mirage / an-illusion-no-a-mirage.tumblr.com

they/them Australia 85 Vintage

My sister is praised , her beauty astounds I love her but still the jealousy grows

Like a dark rooted seed it takes place in my heart and while I starve it and try to let it die , others words water it and give it affection

Shes so beautiful she will be a real stunner when she grows up...

And of course you will be pretty too..

Not I am beautiful

Not I will be beautiful

Just im pretty too

My features are mine and unusual I think

My nose too big and my eyes are too small

My chin is weak and my lips too thin

I know from a young age that my face is not model worthy

But it doesn't matter

My brain is quite quick and it's only in the dark that the voices taunt ..

Such a shame for a beauty to birth a beast

I grow and my body stretches

My limb are long and my movements are awkward

I don't understand how people  make friends

It's ok though because I live in a dream

In my mind I'm smooth and I'm witty I'm strong and I'm fierce

I attract attention with ease and everyone sighs at how stunning I am and how I control the crowd with a laugh and a smile

In my real life its hard I become aware that men's gazes linger on young girls and young men,

Questions between men about how much I would cost , send me deeper into my dreams where everything's safe,

I never quite get it the gift of the gab my voice is full of excuses and dreams I can't speak

I day dream and forget what the point of anything is,

I struggle through school always wondering why

Am I not pretty enough for the men? So I don't even try.

I'm 16 and suddenly boys pay me heed but their attention is bad and makes me feel weird

I'm 17 and finding myself wooed by a much older man, he's horribly smooth

I'm 18 and a mother I'm terrified inside,

I'm 19 and single a mother to 1 and one on the way

I'm 20 and there is 2 children in my life, I'm drowning please help me, I can't survive

I  lose my children, It's for the best but now there is nothing of me left I turn to sex it's the one thing that helps and I find myself afraid to say no

If I say no , then what am I  worth?

It's the only thing left that I can control

So I say yes to everyone who asks

Sex is just sex  so why do I cry

My emotions are numb

Yet I still open my legs or go down on my knees

What else am i good for ?

How else can I please?

Its 2009 and Im dying inside

I hate who I am so I drink away the pain

Panadol is fine, just take 2 more

Another 2 is fine

Just keep adding more

It's fine because it's legal, I say to myself

As I drink some more vodka and take some pills

I end up with a partner that said i was his

It's nice to feel wanted

For more then my tips

It's hard

Hes mean and he's cruel

So I start gaining weight

No one wants a fat chick right?

I get my kids back

But this is not right!

There is another life with me


It's 2014 and I'm finally free

But I'm broken inside


Gonna be putting these screenshots here as a basic lesson on how NOT to be an ASSHOLE REVIEWER

Tip #1: This author will ABSOLUTELY NOT engage with anyone who goes around giving "DON'T READ THIS FIC" recommendations to others

Tip #2: That Hit-to-Kudos ratio is a BAD standard on which to judge any fic by and anyone using it (and proclaiming it as THE standard) upon which to read/recommend fics is an idiot

Tip #3: If you gonna be thinking this author thinks "everything I do in a good story is awesome and even the tiny stuff that means nothing to the story... and turns people off accidentally must be kept!" simply means you DO NOT HAVE A CLUE about why the author chose to use that scenario to bring the two lead characters closer. One's idiocy should not be passed off to the writer

Tip #4: All those backhanded compliments are NOT compliments at all

Tip #5: As a reviewer, you are judged by a set of standards as you would a writer. This is AO3, you don't know the author, your best bet is you DO NOT leave unsolicited criticism that exposes you for the over-privileged, self-entitled idiot that you are

Tip #6: Spare us the ESSAYS. They're just gonna be DELETED faster than you wrote them


Reblog if you’re 30 or older

This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!


helping stray cats



I remind you of the homeless cats that I feed! As you have already noticed, the number of cats has increased. I found 10 more! Now I go to them too.

Thank you for donating and sharing the post. You are simply amazing!

You can help us here:

pp ellensnake142@gmail.com (for the cats)

Or just reblog!

Thank you so much!❤️


Every artist who sees this post should do the following:

- Watch the video.

- Follow the instructions

- Reblog

I can’t stress you enough about how important these exercises are for your drawing hand. You don’t wanna get CTS of Tendonitis and similar stuff that will prevent you from making art or even hold  a pencil.


Okay, this guy is my HERO. I just did these exercises as I watched the video, and already my arms and hands feel better. I have a degenerative tendon disease that prevents my muscles, tendons and ligaments from retaining their elasticity, and so anything that maintains the health of my bendy parts is important.

I URGE YOU. Even if you don’t draw, do these several times a day. Even just sitting at a computer can do serious damage. My dad, who was a rugby player, a carpenter, and now a handyman, suffered from severe carpal tunnel syndrome, simply as a result of sitting at the computer at the end of the day to play a little solitaire. Don’t let it happen to you!

((Guys, I will reblog this like, 5 times a day just so you all will see this. This is REALLY helpful, and it’s quick and easy.))

Wow, these are REALLY helpful. And yes, this is not just good but IMPORTANT for more than artists — if you type a lot, play a lot of video games, do anything that requires lots of repetitive movements of your hands, wrists, and arms (gardening, sewing, factory work), these can help. Even if you don’t yet get pain these are a great preventative measure, because the damage builds up over time. Youth is no protection.

And like he says, you should feel a stretch, but don’t push it too far!

Signal boosting.  Guys, I just did this and holy cow do I feel incredibly light and limber in my arms.  Again, even if you don’t have any sort of disease, do this as a preventative measure.

i love that his English is basically perfect except he thinks the word for physical therapist is ‘physicist’


So, Luffy is actually hyper competent when it comes to outdoor survival.

Fire, of course, is so essential to this. He remembers fire on the quiet beaches of Foosha--remembers Makino's slim, calloused hands building a curious stack of wood, remembers the smell of smoke and the spark of warmth and light. The chocolate from the s'mores she made him got all over his cheeks, in his hair. His sticky fingers picked up a coating of sand and Makino washed his hands in the ocean.

That didn't happen too often. Makino was often dead on her feet, running her bar. But, when Luffy got a little older, when he got curious enough to ask "how do you do that?", she guided his little, chubby hands through the steps to build a fire. He was clumsy, and impatient, and in the end, she had to do it.

It was quiet, it was Makino all to himself surrounded by the stars and the sea and the warmth of the fire.

Shanks and the others never showed him how to build a fire, but their fires were different than Makino's quiet, private ones. The bonfires were huge--taller than Luffy! Even when Benn carried him on his shoulders! It was loud, and so bright it hurt his eyes, and so hot his hair would curl with sweat around his forehead and temples. And the men played so much music, and ate SO much food, and drank so much booze until they sloppily danced with each other and the young men and women from Foosha who were attracted by the fire.

Luffy loved those fires so much--he would feel full for days and days.

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