
lets play :)


side blog for awkward lucy montgomery. submissions are appreciated! i do rps as well!

About the Admin!

Purple Dino Questionnaire!

(Nick)name? Preferred pronoun?

My nickname’s Wandi, and my pronouns are she/her.


October 17th (Libra)

How would you describe yourself?

I would say I’m very introverted, but also understanding. I’m not very open with anyone, only with people I’ve known for a long time. However I always try to be nice to everyone I meet.


My hobbies are probably drawing and playing video games. I don’t really go out much, so those are my only ones honestly. The games I like to play the most are definitely JRPGs. (Favorite games are Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

Are you a fan of anime? If so, what are your favourite ones?

What kinda question is that lmao. My favorite animes are Fairy Tail and BSD no question. Others I like are My Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, and a few others.

Do you ship? If so, what is/are your favourite ship(s)?

From BSD, I’d have to say me favorites are Soukoku and ShinSoukoku (boring ik im sorry) But I also like AtsuLucy and EdoPoe. (Yes im a multishipper)

Outside of BSD, a one of my other favorites is Chendy from Fairy Tail.

Favourite Character(s)?

Favorite character from BSD is Atsushi. Outside from that, my other favorite is Wendy Marvell from Fairy Tail. Some of my other favorites are Chuuya and Lucy Heartfillia.

If you could bring any character to life to become your best friend (or partner), who would it be?

Probably Lucy (Fairy Tail). I would love for her to be my best friend.

If you could have any superpower (it can be from an anime, movie, video game, or anywhere really), what would it be?

Gosh its hard to choose lol. I guess if I could choose anything, I’d love the power to fly, along with the ability to control wind. 

How many posts do you plan on posting a day?

I try to post at least one or two posts a day, (I fill the queue when I can) however there might be periods where I don’t post anything for a while due to school or other issues, but I’ll try my best to keep up.


Eastern Standard Time

Other blogs/social media you want to share?

My main blog is @creator456, and my Twitter is Wandiwooo (three ‘o’s)

Anything else you’d like to mention?

If you send and ask and it takes a while for me to answer, I apologize! Sometimes I get too busy to reply or I wanna try something for it, and it takes me a while to do it. Please try and be patient with me OvQ

Questionnaire was made by @awkwardbsd!

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