
Vespertine Bloom


Dreaming with a pen in hand
• Sagittarius • Twenty something • ENFP•
🌓 Moonbroch update:

Eep! If anyone follows me for this tale (which will be a small minority) just a little heads up that Chapter 8 is in the works.

It cuts me to miss my Monday scheduled date but work and non-work life have absolutely drowned me this week.

Hoping to drop 8 by Thursday and then 9 back on the scheduled time of Monday.

The flora & fauna 🌻

A little appendix/guide to go along with chapter seven of ‘Moonbroch’. The botany research was so fun.

The greenhouse:

The shrubs/herbs/flora and fauna:

Slippery elm: A native american remedy. Reddish brown, slimy inner bark used to treat sore throats, fevers and wounds. Produces a mucilage when boiled. It was also used to wrap around meats to stop them spoiling.

Hen of the woods: Also called Maitake. An edible mushroom (when cooked) that looks like the plume of a hen’s feathers and something more substantive than greens.

Mallow: A little flowering perennial. All parts can be eaten from seeds, shoots, leaves and flowers. Vitamin A &C and a smidge of protein. The roots can be used for poultices and salves.

Wood sorrel: All parts of this plant are edible. Full of vitamin C and was used to treat scurvy, fevers, utis, sore throats and mouth ulcers

Cattail stems: Apparently taste like cucumbers. Full of vitamins A, B, C, phosphorus and edible starch.

Wild ramps: Also known as wild leeks. Garlicky/onion-y in flavour. Enriched with vitamin C.

Chickweed: An anti inflammatory and good for digestive cleansing/soothing. Can be used as a salad like spinach. Vitamins A/B & C.

Chanterelle mushrooms: Smells faintly of apricots. Full of selenium, copper and an assortment of B vitamins.

Burdock: Used like collard greens to wrap around foods. Blood purifier and fever reducer. Used medicinally in several treatments.

Wild thyme: A nifty little herb. Used for flavouring but medicinally as a fever reducer, to aid respiratory illnesses: whooping cough, bronchitis, sore throats - endless!

All found in the back countries and forests of NC! (Among many other states and countries).

A fun little bit of research for fic purposes. (Please don’t take my words for this and start foraging in your gardens!)

-VB 🌻

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