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@anarchistclowns / anarchistclowns.tumblr.com

Polyfragmented DID System || bodily 22

System Introduction

Hello so about a year ago we were medically recognized as a polyfragmented DID system. Our current number sit around 200+ known alters.

Our main hosts are

- Ashwyn (He/Him) (21)

- Asmodeus (He/She/It)

- Nicole (They/She) (23)

- Pyx (They/Fae)

- Avery (It/She)

we don't have an up and running carrd and probably never will have any sort of updated version of system information because things change so often.. but we do have a simply plural where most of our system stuff is ^^ alastararchives if moots wanna add

our general interests include dc comics and shows, art, writing, music, pokemon, videogames, and traveling! we have a ps who is not on tumblr :( and we are poly!


Here’s my metaphor for systemhood that I tell my singlet friends.

Imagine you’re playing a first person video game. You have the controller, you control your character. It’s a normal first person game. You are an alter, the character is the body. This is fronting.

Other people live with you. Sometimes, they come into the room and sit and watch while you play. They sometimes try to guide you, give you advice on what to do next. They don’t always agree, and they can argue with each other. Other times they scream at you that you’re doing everything wrong and you suck at this game. This is co-consciousness.

Imagine how distracting it would be for people around you to tell you what to do, or to scream at each other or at you, even if they have good intentions. It wouldn’t be easy to focus on your game, would it?

Then sometimes, something happens in the game that prompts you to hand off the controller to someone else so they can play and you get a break. This is (some types of) switching. This can be good.

Other times, someone rips the controller out of your hand or fights you for it. This is (other types of) switching. And sometimes, six other players hook up their controllers, but there’s only one character to play as. So all of you have your controllers, but you’re all trying to play the same character. This is cofronting.

Imagine how difficult that would be. Imagine how hard it would be to try and play a game while someone is trying to take the controller from you, or while six other people are trying to play too.

There are also times that nobody is playing, or you can’t decide who should play. What’s happening to the character in the game? What are they doing if no one is playing? This is dissociation. The character is doing nothing. They’re stuck.

This is the best metaphor I have come up with for being a system. It’s something a lot of people get because they’ve played games before.


I just keep adding to this and it’s slowly going from a meme to something I might have to talk to my therapist about


i don't think we really acknowledge how scary it is being a host who doesn't remember the system's trauma. you know about your system, you know you have traumas you don't understand, and you know a couple triggers, but the information is being withheld from you. people having flashbacks inside while you lay there on the verge of tears, stuck in a trance. the system's rushing to cover your eyes but you can still hear the screaming. pushing a little bit too far because you can't stand not knowing and then regretting it because now your closest friends in the system are pissed at you and won't talk to you other than when they're trying to gaslight you. and then you can't even be mad at them because you know they're just doing their jobs and protecting you from things you can't handle yet. but that doesn't mean it doesn't suck.

Terms the Endo Community Stolen

This might be a series. We don’t know a lot of terms but if you know some you can request, dm, or comment the term to have it posted.


Sysmed: term was stolen from transmed which means “short for transmedicalist, refers to trans people who believe that dysphoria is required to identify as transgender.”

Traumascum: term was stolen from truscum which means “A queer individual that holds the belief that you require gender dysphoria to identify as transgender”.

System Hopping: an original term for polyfragmented systems/systems who experienced RAMCOA. The original meaning is hopping to side/sub systems in the same systems mind. (The endo meaning can and will most likely be used as a manipulation and gaslighting tactic as alters cannot leave one’s mind to go into someone else’s mind)

Tulpa: a closed Buddhism practice. The original is the following (please correct us if we are wrong those who are Buddhist, we are using Google for this information): a term that originates in Tibetan and Indian Buddhism. In ancient teachings it was used as a practice to show that the world around us exists as an illusion, and that the student could not trust what their senses perceived. The modern interpretation is that of a consciousness that exists parallel to your own inside your mind.

They can’t even make up their own terms they have to steal it from other people


Hey, do y’all remember how Tencent said they were developing faceID AI to identify people in riots, and then they suddenly created an AI art generator to turn your selfies into anime?

Do y’all remember that time that someone discovered facial recognition cameras couldn't see through Juggalo makeup, then Facebook had a fun “see what you'd look like with Juggalo makeup” thing, and then facial recognition cameras could suddenly see through Juggalo makeup?

Do y’all remember how, on Twitter, Elon started a tirade against artists who ask for credit when their art is reposted, and he suddenly he created one of the first big art AI programs?

Do y’all remember how AI destroyed the field of freelance translation, despite the inferiority of the machine translations, because companies didn’t care about the quality of the translations? They just wanted it done for free?

Do y’all know how companies will see a lot of money going into a New Tech Thing (like, say, AI art apps) and will jump to try and implement that New Tech Thing into their tech? For example, how it felt like every big company and celebrity had an NFT to sell?

Just wondering.


gentle reminder to system parts / alters that you are allowed to be more than just. "the angry alter" or "the softie alter" or "the one who likes to draw", etc !! you can explore your individuality; you can be multi-faceted.

you can be "the strong one", but also "the one who needs care". you can be a million things at once, just like any other person, & it does not make you invalid or mean that you're faking. you can also be similar to other alters in your system !! it's natural !!

you don't need to confine yourself to one role, one emotion or one style, if that makes you uncomfortable. *all* your feelings matter !! not just the ones that keep you in a little box.

[ endos/tulpas, please DNi. ]

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