
dari is drawing here


not today

Hi people! Here you can find: reblogs of all things I like, some of my drawings, other visual art things and pictures (all tagged respectively as "my art", "my crafts" and "my pictures")

If you like my art and want to support me you can find me on kofi or COMMISSION A DRAWING

my old cringe thoughts on spn fandom are on my sideblog @spn-headcanons-daily but now I post everything here

If you want to see my cool pictures of sunsets: go to @skyfrommywindow

If you want to talk to me or ask anything - send an ask or dm me at any time, you have no idea how much I love talking to people. Also I always appreciate comments, please leave comments, doesn't matter if in the tags or just under the post


why would you like media that is good if you can like media that is bad instead and pace around your room like an insane person thinking about What If It Was Good


A man takes his sadness down to his Tumblr blog and throws it in his Tumblr blog but then he is still left with the Tumblr blog


Okay but what the hell do I do all day if I'm sick so I can't do stuff, and also can't be on tumblr (because of doctor who spoilers)


Roommates when you don't need to take a shower: I mean honestly who even needs a bathroom. Fuck this bathroom I hate being in this bathroom .you couldn't pay me to spend a single second in this bathroom

Roommates when you do need to take a shower: I love this bathroom soooooo much I am going to spend the rest of my life in this bathroom. I'm domesticating the wolf and planting cereal grains in this bathroom I'm figuring out how to make bronze in this bathroom


Feeling bad but in a way I can't clearly recognise as one of the possible things that can be wrong with me. Hate when that happens. It means there's no plan of action

symptoms are: stomach hurts all the time, general weakness, and I feel cold, to the point that I thought the weather got colder suddenly, but no, it's +22 outside. What the hell is this??

But no headache, at least I have that going for me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write.

It's been 22 hours and it still hurts. I hate my life

Ah great. Now I have a fever too


Feeling bad but in a way I can't clearly recognise as one of the possible things that can be wrong with me. Hate when that happens. It means there's no plan of action

symptoms are: stomach hurts all the time, general weakness, and I feel cold, to the point that I thought the weather got colder suddenly, but no, it's +22 outside. What the hell is this??

But no headache, at least I have that going for me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write.

It's been 22 hours and it still hurts. I hate my life


Feeling bad but in a way I can't clearly recognise as one of the possible things that can be wrong with me. Hate when that happens. It means there's no plan of action

symptoms are: stomach hurts all the time, general weakness, and I feel cold, to the point that I thought the weather got colder suddenly, but no, it's +22 outside. What the hell is this??

But no headache, at least I have that going for me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write.


I feel like shit and I can't finish my thesis on time and I think I'm getting expelled just as I reached the end of this and my life sucks

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