
the spirit star

@thewhitehairedwitchgirl / thewhitehairedwitchgirl.tumblr.com

Demi - 25 - Ace as hell - Queer AF This blog wishes every single TERF and exclusionist a very pleasant get the fuck out.

After several months of deliberation I finally decided to self-publish my first novel. So if you're interested in Afrofuturistic/Solarpunk settings, found family dynamics, hot yet morally dubious women, the circus, and like your love triangles with a dash of sapphic betrayal and polyamory, then say no more.


Inside the walls of the Republic of Taraji, peace and protection are maintained through the poisoned blood of children. At the age of seventeen, Kambili knows no other life than that of a Vanguard soldier, a life of relentless hardship, and obedience to the iron-fisted supervisors of Salvation. However, Kambili's life takes a harrowing turn when she discovers a power within her that could either reignite the flames of a long-extinguished war or offer a glimmer of true deliverance from the threat of the Abyssal Jungle.

So if you're interested in all of the above and/or would like to help me afford rent + utilities in the future, I would seriously appreciate it.


i truly could not care less about celebrity beef, let alone involving artists that i don’t listen to, but jesus fucking christ. never before have i seen a man get eviscerated so badly. every new piece of info i find is another fatal shot. this isn’t a rap battle, this is a “get his ass or i’ll show up at his house and kill him myself.”

Anonymous asked:

What do you think riddle's dad is like? He was so randomly dropped lol are they divorced? Unhappy couple? Off getting milk with Ruggie's dad????

I swear he talks about his dad at some point? (I thought it was one of the birthday cards, but I just skimmed through them all and didn't see it, I am at a loss as to where else it might be). assuming I didn't just make it up, his parents are still together, but they don't actually get along very well and his dad mostly just...avoids interacting with them both. just in case you were worried for a second that Riddle might have one non-sucky parent! 👍

honestly is it any wonder that Trey spent thirty seconds with him and immediately was like


I must not explain the joke. Explaining the joke is the joke-killer. I will face my followers who did not get the joke. I will permit them to pass over me and through me


you are making this so difficult


people have these “my dog is a democrat” stickers and I like to imagine them with increasingly unlikely animals professing more niche political opinions:

  • my parrot is a democratic socialist
  • my arctic fox is an anarchopastoralist
  • my catfish believes in the divine right of kings

“My dog is a democrat” stickers Cause plenty spontaneous snickers, But I can’t help ponder Where else their views wander, On what other points my pet bickers.

To my mind the option it brings Of increasingly niche-seeming things Your critter conceives. MY catfish believes In the heavenly birthright of kings.


Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.

i must stress that he's never seen the original comic. My mother simply showed him the shorthand symbol and he memorized it. As far as he is aware this is just a fucking hieroglyph that deals instant psychic damage to everyone under the age of 30


it sucks that the money you get to spend on like rent and gas is the same money that you get to spend on records and plushies. there should be a serious currency and a fun currency


I think all money should be fun money and the other stuff should be the government's problem


My favorite response to “that’s not a word” is “then why do you know what it means?”


Every time someone within 30 miles of me says “that’s a made up word” I am uncontrollably compelled to respond “ALL WORDS ARE MADE UP!”

In a college language class I took, we talked about the Jabberwocky poem and the professor had us try to explain every word in it. When we got to ‘outgrabe’ she asked why it was past tense and my response was “Cause the present tense is outgribe”. Her response was “That doesn’t answer the question but that brings up a better one. Why do you know that?”


I see lots of "let people enjoy things" in fandom but no "it's not the end of the world if people don't like this thing you like, chill out" which is a shame I think fandom could benefit a lot more from the latter than the former


honestly fucking fascinating that people will pretty universally understand that thin people can be naturally predisposed to thinness regardless of what they eat or their activity level, but that so many of the same people cannot possibly fathom that fat people could have similar dispositions or that there could be any factors more complex than a "lack of self control."


"Oh, it doesn't matter what I eat, I just never gain weight!" = normal, legitimate

"Oh, it doesn't matter what I eat, I just never lose weight!" = lying glutton

It is in fact far, far harder to lose weight than gain it. Like, scientifically. But nobody wants to hear that...

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