

@ruffles-and-roses / ruffles-and-roses.tumblr.com

Hey All! my names Skaiyler, I am eighteen and about to start college in the spring! I'm gender fluid or smth like that and im open to being friends with anyone who isn't a total dick. i roleplay, sew, sing, write, compose some music, play a couple instruments, draw and cosplay! Thankys for stopping in and have a good day! 18|she/her|he/him|artsy

literally every sleep advice pamphlet and website: don’t do things before bedtime! no reading! no video games! don’t watch tv! nothing stimulating at all within two hours of going to bed! :)

me, an adhd: you fools. you buffoons. i can’t even manage one minute without stimulation. i will die before following this advice and that is a threat


See what your followers think of you.


BLACK = I would date you. GREEN = I think you’re cute. BLUE = You are my tumblr crush. GREY = I wish you would notice me. PURPLE = I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. TEAL = We have a lot in common. YELLOW = I don’t know you at all. ORANGE = I don’t like your blog. BROWN = I don’t like you. PINK = I think you are unattractive. RED = I hate you with a burning passion. WHITE = You scare me. RAINBOW = BED PLZ.


Okay I’m gonna add more meaningful colors because this list is inadequate.

SCARLET = You have influenced my decision/thoughts on something.

MAROON = You taught me something new. 

CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. 

PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh

MAUVE = You are really talented

BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. 


Actually I’m gonna add a few too

CYAN = We have very little in common

THISTLE = I only just started following you

INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time

FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold

COPPER = Your blog content is trash (and I love it)

VERMILION = You make me feel passionate

HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname

LAVENDER = You inspire me

CORAL = You’re a meme

UMBER = I want to know more about you

FORGET-ME-NOT = You remind me of somebody

RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you

ARSENIC = I don’t know how to describe the way I feel about you

WINE = You make me feel kinda funny, like when we used to climb the rope in gym class

SAFFRON = I love your ideas

TIMBERWOLF = I trust you

FALLOW = I want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you

PLUM = I’d like to chat with you

TANGERINE = I love your aesthetic

SAGE = You make me cry

CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something!

VIRIDIAN = I wanna hang out on your blog

CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie

BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you


how to trick writers into giving you more fanfic to read


Works for comics and art as well.

…this has the opposite effect.


instead try; I love you *generic keysmash* h OW DA RE *lavish praise* *inside fandom joke* *quote fave part* *more generic keysmashing*

you. i like you

Also, the favorites: 1) DID I SAY YOU COULD HURT ME LIKE THIS?!?;?!; 2) DONT HURT MY BABY WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS 3) why must you hurt me this way 4) WHY IS THIS A CLIFFHANGER?! WHAT HAPPENS NEXT I NEED TO KNOW 5) This made me cry/squeal/giggle/wake the dead with my laughter 6) I almost woke my family laughing at ___ part 7) I DIDNT KNOW I NEEDED THIS AU UNTIL YOU POSTED THIS 8) this is so cute I’m dying 9) and (writer’s name) strikes again! 10) I had to reread this bc it’s so good and I love it 11) I wish I could like/heart/kudos this more than once Like, seriously guys, freak out with us and you’ll have us wrapped around your little fingers.

This is so true! A lot of the time, I get stuck in a writer’s hole. But whenever I get a comment like the above ones, it makes me want to write more!


Honestly someone called my fic a masterpiece and I legit cried.

Every single time that @panic-at-marengo says they hate me I’m fueled to write more

This is how you fuel the writing train! Encouragement on one story gets me pumped for all pf what i write!


peter retaliating against “baby monitor protocol” by changing the names of Tony’s Iron Man protocols

“hey FRIDAY, zoom in on that building over there”

“Old Man Bifocals protocol activated, Boss”

“what the fuck did you just say to me”

“FRIDAY alert the team that my thrusters are down and i can’t fly”

“sure thing, activating I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up Protocol”


Tony: FRIDAY, open these encrypted files we don’t have a lot of time-

FRIDAY: activating the Fr E Sh A Voca Do protocol



-Peter gets hurt in a battle- FRIDAY: Bone Hurting Juice Protocol has been activated - Mr. Parker is in distress. Tony: -stops- He’s what?  The what? Peter: -over the com- Oof, ouch… my bones…

Tony: FRIDAY! Engage autopilot!

FRIDAY: Activating Jesus Take The Wheel protocol.

Tony: Really, Pete?


Tony: Where in the world is that kid??..FRIDAY!! Activate Peter’s GPS

FRIDAY: Activating

“ Helicopter parent protocol”

Tony: *sighs*….why do I even bother

Tony: FRIDAY divert all energy to thrusters

FRIDAY: nyOOOOOooOOoM protocol activated

i literally can’t breathe from this


Go d

Tony, in front of team: FRIDAY activate the electric taze blast

Friday: Activating ‘Wanna Be Thor’ protocol

Thor: *triumphantly laughs*

Tony,mumbling: Now the boys’ gone too far.

Tony: Friday, time to bring out The Blades

FRIDAY: oh my god why does he have a knife” protocol activated




Villain: did you name it like that on purpose or,,,

Tony, crying: shut up loser

This gets better everytime it shows up on my dash

I’m always going to reblog this! If I don’t, then it means I’m dead


tony: friday, reset all protocol names

friday: i’m sorry sir, the “i’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me” action is restricted

tony: peter what the fuck-

it got better-


“Trick or Yeet!” I shout to the children when I open the door. “Yeet?” one says confusidly. I shrug. “Yeet it is.” I throw the child.

Not Halloween but, okay. 

okay you stick of unsalted butter i made this on halloween but everyone just likes to reblog it for some reason


I don’t need fancy. I’m not high maintenance at all. I’m perfectly okay with ordering take out and watching Netflix all night long. Or when we go out, doing fun, cliche things like mini golf and getting ice cream. I really don’t need much, as long as I’m with the person who makes me happy. That’s more than good enough.

Okay like. Sometimes a touch of fancy would be nice for like... Big things??

But like. 99% of the time??? This.

Unless it's my makeup.


Before the computing era, ILM was the master of oil matte painting, making audiences believe that some of the sets in the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones trilogy were real when they weren’t. They were the work of geniuses like Chris Evans, Michael Pangrazio, Frank Ordaz, Harrison Ellenshaw and Ralph McQuarrie Forever thank you, to their handmade art and the work of their colleagues, that made us dream of impossible worlds and fantastic places across Earth and the Universe.

There are more background paintings on this article, featuring comments by the masters/artists themselves ! 

Some of the following pieces were made by other artists 2:

exCUSE ME?!?!!??!??! TheYRE PAINTINGS?!??!!?!

SHUT UP I thought they were miniatures!!!!

It’s too beautiful. I could cry.

I love this because I’ll be watching a movie and think “how did they do that? Is that a building they built for this movie? Was it there beforehand? Is it cardboard or CGI? Is that actually some place on Earth that they’re filming?” And the answer to all of these now is “nope, that’s a painting”. I can’t believe some of the most iconic, familiar shots were paintings!


Looking back, every decade of the 1900s feels like a separate and totally unique culture, while the past two decades feel like they blur together into something with little to no identity.


if i reblog a terf, its an accident and i want to know so i can delete the post

for cis people who may not know what to look for, check for these things in someone’s bio:

  • gender critical
  • radfem (although not always a 100% qualifier, it usually does lead to trans exclusionary discourse)
  • “Detransitioned female”
  • A huge obsession with genitals, including reducing other cis women to their vaginas
  • If they have “TERF” anywhere in their bio or their blog and it isn’t ironic, be cautious
  • Saying things like “TERF is a slur!”
  • If they have a lot of content where they call trans women “dysphoric men” or “male to trans,” get outta there
  • If they keep pushing the narrative that “TERF” is synonymous with “lesbian” (it’s not), or that trans women are trying to force cis women to have sex with them (we’re not)
  • “Natal Women”

And that’s just what I can think of off the top of my head from all of my numerous experiences with these people


one of the things i really like about los angeles is all the men hanging around with trucks full of produce

the first time i saw one was at home depot, the sun was setting, and i was with a group of friends. and right there, in the middle of the parking lot, was a giant truck filled with pomegranates, so high that he couldn’t possibly drive like that, but it was amazing

i literally stopped in my tracks. i’d never seen so many pomegranates in my life. i took pictures. i was so excited. my friends were laughing at me. people walking by were laughing at me. the guy who had the truck full of pomegranates was laughing at me. but i was thrilled. a truckful of pomegranates just right there, hundreds of them, the same color as the setting sun

maybe it’s weird to romanticize a pile of fruit, but i was thoroughly charmed. 

anyway. i left the bank today, and there was a truck of oranges. so many oranges, piled almost as high as i was tall. the man had cut some of them into slices and put a bowl next the bank entrance. ‘free samples!’ he hollered. i took one. it was firm and sweet and i pulled it off the skin in one motion. i bought a bag for $5, and he studied them before choosing one for me, picking up one bag and then putting it down to grab another. ‘they’re sweet,’ he promised.

there’s something so satisfying about it, about going to cash a check or pick up some nails, and being confronted with a huge pile of brightly colored fruit, a cheerful splash of color against concrete. 

support your local man with a truck full of fruit. they’re sweet. i promise. 

You’ve heard of “The Baker and The Tattoo artist” now get ready for, “The produce delivery guy, and the random ass person that loves FUCKING fruit”

is … is fucking an adjective or a verb here? because that, um, changes things

Is the story about lemons or is the story the lemon?


reproductive rights issues:

  • abortion
  • birth control

also reproductive rights issues:

  • doctors performing c sections during births without informed consent
  • eugenics via sterilization requirements for trans people to change documentation
  • eugenics via forced/nonconsenting sterilization of disabled people
  • eugenics via forced/nonconsenting sterilization of people of color
  • eugenics via selective abortion of disabled fetuses (fetuses with Down syndrome especially) (these are abortions sought by people who WANT to be pregnant–but only with non-disabled children, when there’s absolutely no guarantee that a non-disabled child won’t become disabled)

if your reproductive rights activism doesn’t incorporate ALL OF THE ABOVE, i want no part of it.

- the high rates of maternal and infant mortality among black women

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