

@potionsprefect / potionsprefect.tumblr.com

Sometimes Choices | Sometimes F1 | A lot of complaining | Masterlist

Latest Works


A Place To Call Home: Victoria and Ethan make a house a home

Broken Heart: They're so near yet so far from each other

Big Dreams: Luke and Lily have big ambitions for when they are older

Adjusting: Victoria is back at work and not everything is the same

Stickler For The Rules: Date night looks a little different for Ethan and Victoria




Gen’s “First” Mother’s Day

A/N: happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!
McRam has arrived in Miami for their babymoon and to celebrate their anniversary on Tuesday

Tobias always finds a way to annoy Ethan 😂😂


Some writers: *meticulously plan out every plot point and the tone and meanings before they start writing*



Have a Punny Day

Premise: Cassie and Tobias go overboard with food puns.

Book: Open Heart Pairing: Tobias Carrick, F!MC (Cassie Valentine); feat. Ethan Ramsey Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 800

A/N: One of the readers on AO3 asked once if I'd consider writing a Tobias and Cassie interaction, similar to the food puns chapter in book 3. This fic is inspired by that ask. Submission for @choicesmaychallenge24 prompt 'mania' for the use of too many puns and uncontrollable laughter. 😂

Cassie Valentine was run off her feet. As a third-year resident and junior fellow at Boston’s prestigious Edenbrook Hospital, her free time was increasingly being squeezed ahead of graduation. Suddenly, it seemed as if the faculty was determined to dump all their knowledge onto departing minds.

That would have been helpful when she was a clueless intern three years ago. But now, after working with Ethan Ramsey on the most complex medical cases and performing hundreds of procedures, she no longer needed to know when arterial was preferred over central venous line placement.

She scarfed down a banana she’d grabbed from the breakroom between patients and wished it was a chocolate bar instead. What possessed her to give up chocolate for Lent?

Max, that’s what. The bastard had dared her, and she’d fallen for his sneaky insinuations like the gullible idiot she was.

I love this 😂


Here's a potential little prompt for Casey! Use as you see fit, or delete if you don't see fit! lol :)


Who am I?

Book: Open Heart (post series)

Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Casey Ramsey

Category: fluffy angst

Rating: PG

Word count: 401

Warnings: mentions of mental health

Summary: Casey is due to have baby Hudson in about six weeks and she is already starting to feel some of the loss of identity that occurs when a child is born. As a pre baby Mother’s Day present, Ethan tries to ease some of Casey’s concerns

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry.

Author’s note: thank you to @jerzwriter for not only sending me this prompt but for also hosting a Mother’s Day event for which this is a submission for.

The identity change that happens when we welcome a young one and the changes around that are real and it affects people differently.


Mothers Day 2025

It was six weeks until they were due to meet baby Hudson. The pregnancy was a wanted surprise and thankfully, aside from some morning sickness, the pregnancy had been relatively trouble free. Casey had clearance to work up until 36 weeks gestation. Casey had already begun handing over some of her duties to Aurora Emery, who was going to be the team leader whilst she was on leave. Tobias was also helping out where he could also.

Despite everything going well, Casey could not help but start to feel the gravity of the changes that baby Hudson was going to bring to their lives, especially hers. It was humbling that she soon there was going to be this tiny human who will be completely dependant on her. She was looking forward to being a mum but the thoughts of the loss of identity that came with that were starting to haunt her. Despite reassurances from her friends, the team, Harper and Ethan, she could not help but feel that who she was now, Dr Casey Ramsey would be lost.

Ethan was already at a lost with what to say or do, at least without coming off as condescending. So he got to searching. Even though Hudson was not born yet, he still wanted to do something, to celebrate the upcoming milestone for them. He was looking at coffee mugs, he did not know fully why, they both had several anyway but one caught his eye.

It’s Miss, Ms. Mrs



Written on the side. He ordered it thinking that it would be a cute and useful reminder that she will always be Dr Casey Ramsey.

Mother’s Day came and Ethan made her breakfast. He brought it to her in bed. He then gave her the box with the mug inside. Casey opened it, having no idea what it was and she the mug, chuckled and then hugged Ethan.

“No one can take away the title of Doctor, not even our son. You will soon be a mother but you will never stop being a Doctor.” Says Ethan.

Casey kisses him sweetly.

“Thank you Ethan, I am sure I will need reminding of this but thank you.”

They spent a lazy morning in bed before heading out to lunch and both were excited that this time next year they would have someone else to celebrate Mother’s Day with.

Authors note: hooray I was able to keep it to Drabble length for the Mother’s Day Drabble event.

Casey did need to be reminded several times in the first year of Hudson’s life that she was still a doctor, not just a mum.


Loved this!


It Happened One Miami Night (4/5)

Series Premise: A work trip to Miami means finally accepting that some risks are worth taking. Or are they?

Fandom: Choices Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,750

A/N: I'm using Prompt #269 from @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills. Submission to @choicesmaychallenge24 prompt "stormy eyes"

Ethan Ramsey let himself into the hotel room with a sigh of relief, the mask of professionalism falling in the privacy of the suite overlooking the gentle waves of the Atlantic Ocean outside.

He had tried to lose himself in intellectually stimulating conversations with colleagues and prepping for the panel. But the urge to march down to the exhibit hall and shake Declan Nash until the smug bastard spilled his secrets never entirely went away.

He needed a break from everything.

For just one night, he wanted to lose himself in the company of a woman who had plagued his lust-filled dreams for months. To pretend they were just two people, dressed to the nines, enjoying passable wine and canapes, and hitting the casino for lighthearted fun.

He deserved to put himself first, even if it was just for a few hours. Naveen wouldn’t begrudge him that. The older man would likely cheer from the sidelines at seeing his mentee let loose.

Always follow your heart! I hate seeing her sad but knowing how it ends I know I don’t have to worry 💕

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