



In the finale, when Villanelle calls Eve a psychopath for putting a lot of mustard on her curly fries, I kinda wanted Eve to cheekily respond, “Never call a psychopath that. It upsets them.”

Anonymous asked:

Man despite the rational in me the dreamer and analysis of the Easter theory and a secret episode prevailed until today…. I can’t believe they really did end the season that way. Do you think it was open to interpretation? LNs comments make me think otherwise which is behind disappointing.

I think the writer had her intentions of what the ending was suppose to be. But once the media is released to the public it's really up to the audience to interpret it how they see fit. There may have been her "vision" but that doesn't mean that's what we have to take away from it.

Even if by some stroke of luck there was to ever be a revival of this show, if a new writer was to come in they wouldn't have to follow the ending as created by her. They would be able to come in and create their own interpretation of what could've possibly happened.

That's where I think we can gain some form of solace. That even though she may have have written the shows ending, that doesn't mean it's set in stone. It is disappointing though that that is the last note it’s left on though.

Anonymous asked:

Ke wasn’t ever racist there’s been poc from the literal start. Bunch of whiney white people wrote in harassing them about it and y’all got what you wanted, cut all of villanelles screen time and added on useless characters because they’re not white. Gave more screen time to eve, who sorry isn’t as interesting as v and the show plummeted. Simple.

Wow, where to begin?

The first two seasons were great at balancing Eve's and Villanelle's storylines. Phoebe and Emerald understood the importance of Eve, of her tumultuous dynamic with Villanelle. Suzanne and Laura did not. They botched the last two seasons by sidelining Eve, in favour of mediocre plots that weren't at the essence of the show.

Eve was sidelined in season 3 so the writers could explore Villanelle's past.

Eve was sidelined in season 4 so the writers could explore Carolyn's past, and create a back door pilot to her show.

The last two seasons propped up white characters over the Korean lead, and that is not okay. We were never given an in depth exploration into Eve's past.

Eve, the titular character never got the deep dive she deserved. The TITULAR character. We know nothing about her, not like we do about Carolyn. It's indefensible.

The show plummeted, because the last two head writers jumped the shark. They ignored their main character, and embraced the lore of the show that nobody was invested in. Nobody was in it for the 12. The viewers were in it for Eve's inevitable darkness coming to the fruition, and the relationship between her and Villanelle.

So instead of Eve's darkness, learning what made her tick, instead of the intense dynamic between Eve and Villanelle, we got an uneven, out of place couple of seasons.

Eve and Villanelle are both fascinating characters, and they both bring out a desire in each other that is tantalising to watch.

To say Eve isn't as interesting as V, tells me that you don't understand the show, and what made it great.

Eve was treated appallingly the last two seasons. And yes, the way she was sidelined on her own show, was racist.


episode 9 on (catholic) easter: out

episode 9 on (orthodox) easter, special episode, season 5, KE: the movie👀😳: in


So if I'm to understand Lauren Seal and SWG correctly, we went from "I think about you all the time" "I want her to be safe" "When I think of my future I just picture your face over and over again" to "EVE IS FREE NOW. REBIRTH. WOO HOO"....FUCK OFF


i've been a widow for a week now and they lied when they said it gets easier. rip killing eve they did u wrong baby </3


Disappointed but this past week gave us:

"KE was PEAK television, we were THE standard ..."

"Villanelle is a DYKE, i will not elaborate... ACTUALLY I WILL ... "

Arrest Laura Neal petitions 🤣🤣🤣

"So is this episode 9 in the room with us right now?" 🙈

The reminder that "Every moment of this show exists so that these two women end up alone in a room together" !!!

Phoebe Tower Bridge, all the flowers and notes people left there and in front of the pop-up shop, all the articles about the finale

The fic where Eve and Villanelle go to k*ll Lauren Seal 🤣

And (personal) i always avoided JC interviews or films bc i didn't want to lose the Villanelle character (selfish) but now i know she can play anything

Also it's gonna take time but i refuse to give that show to the so-called wr*ters and showrunners, it's more than them

Bonus: I was already sad about the show ending (FOREVER) but now because of the shows END im not even sure it's over, PLOT TWIST


In honor of the first week since the finale:

Here is an alternate ending that I made that gives Eve and Villanelle the happy ending they deserved.


I think for Easter BBC America/AMC+ should release a cut of Killing Eve 4.08 that ends at the hug, so I can watch it nine million times without having to dive desperately for the pause button before stuff gets dark. Please and thank you! 💕🙏

Anonymous asked:

Why are the Killing Eve accs on all social media so silent!? It’s literally driving me insane that they haven’t even commented on the finale, or Vs death or anything!? Radio silence for days now… it’s suspicious and I don’t like it. I don’t know, but it just feels weird that they aren’t acknowledging the response from their audience at all.

Because they know what they did. They've probably been advised by PR to go radio silent in the hopes it will blow over. It's our job to make sure that doesn't happen, so don't be silent!


i read this post about how we made our own ending while trying to justify ep9 happening by finding all of these clues in canon that link to villanelle being alive and i have to say…..atleast, in our own crazy way, we created an ending with actual evidence (that isn’t so far fetched) about v faking her death like that’s something right? usually the ending is left to our own interpretation and my interpretation is that v is alive and simply had to act like she was dead in front of eve for it to be believable bye <3


Attention all KE/Jodie Comer fans:

If you are going to Prima Facie at any time in the next couple months, I am literally begging, BEGGING, you to all be on your best behavior. So far, not all of you have been. We all know how Jodie has spoken of Killing Eve and Villanelle and how important it has been to her, and how much she loves Villanelle. It seems impossible to make her regret having portrayed her, but if y’all keep acting a fool, at the show and also online, I would be fully supportive of her if she ever were to feel that way, which is saying something because that would be a tragic devastation. She doesn’t owe you anything, meeting you at stage door is her choice and at this point I’m kind of hoping that she doesn’t continue to do that. She is doing a one-woman monologue for almost almost 2 hours, 8 times a week, for 9 weeks. 72 shows. Monologues are the hardest form of theatre. Can you imagine? She will be exhausted every night. She does not need you hounding her and being obsessive and creepy and loud and for the love of all that is holy DO NOT ask her questions about villanelle/KE. If she had something to say to us, she would have, and just because she hasn’t yet, doesn’t mean that she won’t in the future. Have you considered for a second that maybe the way the fandom has been acting since last Sunday is the reason she hasn’t said anything yet? You are there to see her play! If you’re there to just fangirl over her and not give a damn about the show, you should have let someone who actually does care have your ticket, especially considering all shows are sold out. You are there to support her and the subject matter she’s speaking up about. She can see you leave the show early to be first at stage door. Can’t you imagine how that makes her feel? It’s so incredibly disrespectful, to her and also to Suzie Miller. She has worked so hard on this. For so long she has felt so beaten down over and over for being continuously rejected because she is not theatre trained. She finally has what she’s worked so hard for, she deserves your attention and respect. There’s also proper etiquette and manners for attending theatre performances. She isn’t on stage for you to take pictures of her or to yell at her. Just be quiet and enjoy watching her act live. It’s a privilege. Do not forget that Jodie playing Villanelle is not Jodie Comer. This is Jodie Comer:

A literal goddamn cinnamon roll. Support her, please


The fact that Laura Neal wrote the episode with the baby in the bin makes so much sense now, because its clear that she is intimately familiar with writing trash

Anonymous asked:

hey, when did they say that the curly fríes scene was unscripted? tranksss :))

Laura Neal did an interview where she essentially said that she didn't write much dialogue for the Villaneve scenes in the finale. She gave them the outline of the scene then just let Jodie and Sandra play around

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