
Experimentation - I cut out the crust pizza logo and tried to form a new sign or logo by linking the white parts. I believe the theme of rebellion allows people to have the freedom to rethink, reimagine and recreate.


Experimentation - I cut out the crust pizza logo and tried to form a new sign or logo by linking the white parts. I believe the theme of rebellion allows people to have the freedom to rethink, reimagine and recreate.


Experimentation - I cut out the crust pizza logo and tried to form a new sign or logo by linking the white parts. I believe the theme of rebellion allows people to have the freedom to rethink, reimagine and recreate.


Experimentation - I cut out the crust pizza logo and tried to form a new sign or logo by linking the white parts. I believe the theme of rebellion allows people to have the freedom to rethink, reimagine and recreate.


Experimentation - I cut out the crust pizza logo and tried to form a new sign or logo by linking the white parts. I believe the theme of rebellion allows people to have the freedom to rethink, reimagine and recreate.


Experimentation - I cut out the crust pizza logo and tried to form a new sign or logo by linking the white parts. I believe the theme of rebellion allows people to have the freedom to rethink, reimagine and recreate.


Future - today, nearly everyone owns a phone and travels with them at all times. This interesting road sign can be interpreted by two groups of people - both the driver and pedestrians. It can signal the driver that there are pedestrians ahead deeply distracted by their phones as well as it can point out to pedestrians that they shouldn't be so focused on their phones on the street.


Traditional Chinese Family and Lineage - as I grew up with a Chinese background, I have took numerous of family photos set up like the image above. The elders would be sitting down on each side in the centre and theirs sons and daughters would stand next to them with grandchildren. They would all dress up, sit and stand up straight as the photo taken is very formal. I would love to take a family photo that is not so formal with deliberate placement of things as long as everyone is happy. But this has never occurred to me before as I thought family photos were supposed to be taken in a certain way and I never questioned about it.


Father knows best - this is a family photo that places the father of the family in the centre of authority. However, why does all the family photos generically do that? People could alternate the positions and take multiple shots placing a different family member in the center but this was never the first thing that came to mind.


Assessment 1 Statement

Can creative acts be rebellious when rebellion has become canonised in art, design and media histories? What would a contemporary creative rebellion look like? I believe all creative acts can be rebellious as it is up for individuals to consider and we all have different thoughts and opinions. My artwork displays pieces of the superstructure - two triangles but slightly different in shape and size. I researched and considered the topic of being rebellious in creative practices in tie with the idea of the superstructure of society. My ideas and inspirations mostly came from online images and some artists that relates to the theme of rebellion including Minglu Gao. I thought about what the superstructure currently is, who wants to change it and how can it be changed. As for a contemporary creative practice, I chose to represent my ideas in a minimal and simplistic way. A piece of A2 paper is split into halves then one triangle is extracted from each. The triangles are then separated into three segments representing the higher class (embroidered in gold), middle class (embroidered in silver) and the lower class wrapped in black tissue paper. The black tissue paper represents the unknown, suffer and despair that might occur to the lower class people but everything stays the way it is. The difference in two triangles are indicated by the colours on the three segments, switching the positions of the higher class and lower class. During this process, the sizes of the segments also made me realise another factor - population of people within each social class. This made me think of what would it be like if more than half of the people within a society were in higher class and only a few were in lower class? Finally, the pieces of the two superstructures are mixed and jumbled up conveying a sense of rebelling against the normality and how everything should be. The pieces are not at a fixed position as an individual has they own say. I believe a rebellious act is just another way of wanting to change something, so everyone can be rebellious when they jumble and move the pieces around representing the superstructure of society.

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