

@ki117h3dr4g0n / ki117h3dr4g0n.tumblr.com

English is my third language💢

we’ve all heard of the fake dating trope… but have u considered.. fake exes trope…..

  • ‘my new romance-obsessed friend asked me who my last date was with and i was too embarrassed to say i’ve never been on a date so i blurted your name and it turns out they know you’ au
  • ‘i didn’t want to tell my friend who my real date last night was so i just pointed at a random stranger (you) but now they’re storming over to interrogate you and you’re playing along??? okay’ au
  • ‘a mutual friend tried to introduce us, but we already knew each other from LARPing but we’re both too embarrassed to admit that so i jokingly said we used to date and oh god now our friend wont stop interrogating us about it’ au
  • ‘im egging your house for a dare but your parent is a cop and they’re yelling at me so i told them that you were my ex and you wronged me and now you’re coming outside and please go along with this i don’t want to go to jail’ au
  • ‘my current partner is a huge asshole and i need a reason to break up with them so will you pretend to be my possessive and violent ex’ au
  • ‘we’re contestants on a reality show and we kind of hate each other so the producers told us to pretend to be warring exes for the ratings so now we keep inventing crazier and crazier things the other did while we were dating’ au

The kids have found a way to do the old ‘30s/40s comedy of remarriage without the original marriage, that’s incredible


In case anyone is having a bad night:

Here is the fudgiest brownie in a mug recipe I’ve found

Here are some fun sites

Here is a master post of Adventure Time episodes and comics

Here is a master post of movies including Disney and Studio Ghibli

Here is a master post of other master posts to TV shows and movies

*tucks you in with fuzzy blanket* *pats your head*

You’ll be okay, friend <3

i will reblog this everytime it shows up because any of my followers could have a bad night right now


This was………………. the drag of the century

Same energy

Okay so in case y'all don’t know, this is from Pose. A series about the black trans community and ball culture in new York during the 80’s. Its got vogueing, lgbt+ culture, history, drama, romance, comedy, tragedy. Its wonderful and historically accurate and all the trans people are played by real trans actors.


Just remember. There is no such thing as a fake geek girl. There are only fake geek boys. Science fiction was invented by a woman.


Specifically a teenage girl. You know, someone who would be a part of the demographic that some of these boys are violently rejecting.

Isaac Asimov.

yo mary shelley wrote frankenstein in 1818 and isaac asimov was born in 1920 so you kinda get my point

If you want to push it back even further Margaret Cavendish, the duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673) wrote The Blazing World in 1666, about a young woman who discovers a Utopian world that can only be accessed via the North Pole - oft credited as one of the first scifi novels

Women have always been at the forefront of literature, the first novel (what we would consider a novel in modern terms) was written by a woman (Lady Muraskai’s the Tale of Genji in the early 1000s) take your snide “Isaac Asimov” reblogs and stick it

even in terms of male scifi authors, asimov was predated by Jules Verne, HG Wells, George Orwell, you could have even cited Poe or Jonathan Swift has a case but Asimov?

PbbBFFTTBBBTBTTBBTBTTT so desperate to discredit the idea of Mary Shelly as the mother of modern science fiction you didn’t even do a frickin google search For Shame

And if you want to go back even further, the first named, identified author in history was Enheduanna of Akkad, a Sumerian high priestess.

Kinda funny, considering this Isaac Asimov quote on the subject:

Mary Shelley was the first to make use of a new finding of science which she advanced further to a logical extreme, and it is that which makes Frankenstein the first true science fiction story.

Even Isaac Asimov ain’t having none of your shit, not even posthumously.

You know what else was invented by women? Masked vigilantes, the precursor to the modern superhero. Baroness Emma Orczy wrote The Scarlet Pimpernel in 1905. The character would later inspire better known masked vigilantes such as Zorro and Batman.


Stick that in your international pipe and smoke it


I have literally been telling people this for over a year.


the first extended prose piece - ie a novel, was not, as many male scholars will shout, Don Quixote (1605) but The Tale of Genji (1008) written by a woman

The first autobiography ever written in English is also attributed to a woman, The Book of Margery Kempe (1430s).


The day may come when I find this post and do not reblog it, but it is not this day.


Mysteries of Love in Space #1 - “Glasses” (2019)

written by Jeff Loveness art by Tom Grummett & Cam Smith

I’ve gotta reblog this again because it’s honestly fantastic “he could be anyone and he chooses to be kind” shows such an amazing understanding of Superman as a character, who I think a lot of people who don’t understand him really struggle to write, Jeff Loveness continues to kill it, inhumans spiderman special, groot, he’s written so little and yet I remember like every moment, I really really hope he gets a series soon he more than deserves it


Marinette Dupain-Addams

You know like the Addams Family has become a theme much like Hogwarts for a lot of fics and now I’m thinking what if Marinette’s mother’s family was basically like that.

Like Marinette and her cousin Bridgette play hide and stab where they have knives, they electrocute each other and they routinely try to bury each other alive. Marinette can drink poison without a flinch and eats like mice and spiders and stuff.

Tom is completely human and he loves his family very much but he’s always aware he has to be careful around them because while his wife is smart and knows he’s human his daughter as a child had a hard time remembering. His father has yet another reason to dislike Sabine.

Everyone is aware Marinette is a shade of creepy but she’s also really nice still. Just creepy.

She’s still a fashionable pink loving person but she wears more gothic stuff. Just because she’s goth doesn’t mean she doesn’t love pink- she dabblesin pastel goth but does prefer darker colours.

Juleka and Rose are her best friends. Marinette also considers Chloe a friend/love interest because ‘emotional devastation! How flirtatious of you!’. Chloe has no idea how to respond.

Juleka, her brother, mother and Rose are all aware Addams aren’t quite human. Rose gives Marinette cookies with some bleach baked in sometimes and Marinette loves them.

Marinette is still Ladybug to. Tikki took one look at her and went: Addams and is chill with everything. She’s old, she’s not going to make a fuss.

Ladybug is very dark here and she often is seen drinking poison and laughing about it. It gets out she’s not quite human and then Tom is like: Marinette?

Sabine: splendid! We had a Black Cat once! Lovely to have a Ladybug! Tom: of course dear.

Adrien is still himself and Marinette still finds him cute but she’s less stutters around him and more open about t though she takes his rejection gracefully. They’re actually good friends here. Adrien doesn’t mind her shade of creepy. Hell he finds it attractive cause it reminds him of Ladybug.

Luka also crushes on Marinette and gives her poisoned food and such. She loves it.

Given Ladybug is creepy and dark Paris sort of changes to fit this as she is their hero. Marinette becomes pretty popular. Chloe goes a big edgy and goth to and it’s just... yeah.

A lot of Addams move to Paris after this because it’s now more homey.

Lila comes in and tries her lies but her threats don’t work on Marinette as she thinks they’re funny or that Lila is flirting. Ladybug as well has no qualms about talking about how cunning Lila is and only the fact she finds liars unattractive and she dislikes them does she not befriend Lila.

Marinette is an Addams.


I got an ask like this a while back!! Gimme a minute to see if I still have it!


So proud of my mother for doing her own research after I sent her that meme. A sign she hung in her car window.

Stay woke

Is this true?

Not only is it true, it gets worse. The Susan G Komen For The Cure Foundation has actually successfully sued “competing” charities, because (paraphrasing) their “message or branding was infringing.”

You read that correctly: they took money that people had donated to cure cancer, and hired attorneys with it, to sue ANOTHER group of people trying to find a cure for cancer, who, in turn, had to us their donated money to hire their own legal counsel to defend themselves.

Yeah signal boost because not enough people know about this and seriously FUCK SUSAN G. KOMEN THEY ARE THE ACTUAL WORST

Reblog every time I see it. Roughly once a month.


Also please never forget the pink fracking drill bit

that’s right fracking you know, a process using chemicals known to cause cancer that leech into the water supply

It’s that time of year again, please remember Komen is the actual worst


Komen For The Cure is pretty much awful.

My mother died in 1996 from breast cancer. Most cancer charities are scams, in that people throw fancy parties and get rich off them and very little money goes into research or support for patients. Here are some vetted cancer charities that get good scores on Charity Navigator and pay medical expenses or fund research:

Signal boosting this


Reblogging from myself because it’s October now

In Finland, support Roosanauha as it is part of syöpäsäätiö and not involved with Susan G Komen foundation.


When Witches Watch Ghost Shows

“That’s…That’s not how Ouija boards work. And the apps are not a reliable indicator of activity because their shit is randomly generated.”

“Why are you ASKING the tiny mysterious child to come in and play? Are you fucking stupid?”

“Why is it white people? Why do these shows almost always feature random white middle-America fluffheads without the sense God gave a goose? Is it because they do dumb shit more often or because POC families are quicker to recognize spirit bullshit and move the hell out?“

“-blink- Lady, that is NOT the 91st Psalm.”

“Wait, so you saw random geometric symbols doodled in a closet and you automatically thought OMG SATANIC? What kind of ignorant jackass….”


“Since when is divination the same as spirit-summoning? What is this bullshit? Read a goddamn book, people, holy crap.”

“No no no, you can’t just set herbs on fire and think that’s it. You have to put some oomph behind it and claim your space. Holy shit, if you can’t use the sage properly, put it the fuck down.”

“You moved into a house that the realtor was literally afraid to walk around in, did you think there was no REASON for that!?”

“Oh you ignored your wife and kids being terrified cause you’re skeptical of spirits, mister big tough man? How’d that work out for ya? Thrown down the stairs you say? Gee, that’s rough.”

“Why does NOBODY listen to their kids when they say they see weird shit!?”

-the second anybody mentions Zozo- “OH MY GOD. OH. MY. GOD. OH MY. GOD OH MY GOD. OHHHH MY GOD.”

“Ohhh yes, there was a witch who lived in the house once. Totally the cause of your haunting because we all know that the only thing witches do is sit around and summon evil spirits. Much wicked. Very scare. Wow.”

“Yanno, witches aren’t automatically evil and hauntings can be nasty without being demonic. Your fundie financial backers are showing.”

“Listen, numb nuts, surfing the internet to find out what’s clomping around your house at night is kind of like going to WebMD to figure out why you have a stomachache. The answer you find is always going to be way more dire than what’s actually going on. Sheesh.”

“Oh my fuckin life….I need more wine.”

“Okay, somebody literally told you the place was bad news as you were moving in. You didn’t think that was maybe some kind of sign that all was not well?”

“The landlord specifically told you not to move the thing, not to go in the shed, and not to open the padlocked room. So what did you do? You moved the thing, you went in the shed, and you pried off the padlock and went in the room. You really are an especially virulent strain of stupid, aren’t you.”

“Why are people always so shocked when they look into a house’s history and find out people died there? You look far enough back, somebody’s died pretty much everywhere, especially in rural areas. Not automatically a haunting.”

“You decided to go up on the roof and slipped. Honey, that’s not supernatural. That’s GRAVITY.”


fun fact about american history: george washington was apparently so sexy that when he was 17 he went swimming a river and some girl that had a crush on him stole his clothes and watched as he walked around naked looking for them

aaron burr, the guy who shot alexander hamilton and also the second vice president of the united states, tried to start an empire out in texas

marquis de lafayette literally had to sneak out of france to come aid america and while some versions of the story claim that he disguised himself as a commoner, other versions say he dressed up like a woman

literally all the founding fathers had daddy issues, specifically alexander hamilton who refused to even befriend george washington initially because he didn’t want to grow close to someone who had the potential to become a father like figure to him

thomas jeffereson kept a bust of alexander hamilton in his house at monticello for no reason other than the fact that hamilton was his sworn enemy and he felt as though he needed a very expensive bust of his sworn enemy in his house


I love all of this please keep going.

they didn’t let hamilton try this one course of study at king’s college because it was so intense that it made one student literally get sick and have to go home for months on end and that student was james madison

george washington made a rule banning snacks during cabinet meetings because thomas jefferson would always eat mac n cheese which wasn’t big in the us at the time and all the other founding fathers thought it was disgusting

aaron burr once set himself on fire because he attempted to light a candle by shooting it because he was too tired to get an actual match and his gun was nearby

Same, Burr.


The Netflix gods have indeed blessed us on this day for this coming November

Ezran's going to become King and Glimmer as Queen (who looks fucking gorgeous btw and reminds me of her mom). I can't handle this shit


“I’m not here to speak, I’m sure as fuck not here to lecture anybody, but I will tell you what I have seen. And I have seen what happens when people organize, and I have seen what happens when the electorate and the citizenry know themselves and the sleeping dragon that they are, and I know what happens when they act and they act directly. I also know what happens when old pious men make laws about what women should and shouldn’t do. I know this ‘cause I’ve seen direct action from the very state that I hail from, the nation state which was created 100 years ago. And what I would say also, is just to remember where power lies and remind politicians where power lies, ‘cause the biggest thing they fear is losing their fucking jobs. And to men, also:  just be wary of any mentality that would make cattle or make vessels of women, because that same mentality will make machines and tools of you, and make monsters of you. Just remember where power is, just remember what the electorate can do.”

Be wary of any mentality that would make cattle or make vessels of women, because the same mentality will make machines and tools of you, and make monsters of you.

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