
They’re good fics Brent


This is where I reblog fics i like
Main blog: @nonameswereavailable

Secret Shifter

A gift for @cutetinyartist ​for the @secret-shifters ​gt gift exchange!

CuteTinyArtist gave three prompts to work with, and I tried to use bits from all of them, but this is mostly prompt three.

Prompt 1: Pretty much anything involving handheld fluff! Giants holding tinies (whether it’s for the first time or the billionth time) is always a great trope.

Prompt 2: A giant finding a tiny and being really excited about it- possibly with accidental fearplay as the giant doesn’t realize how scared the tiny is!

Prompt 3: Size-Shifter accidentally revealing their powers to a close friend who doesn’t know about it (and the friend finding it absolutely adorable/amazing- possibly even leading to a confession of love? Fluffy romance in G/T is something that I absolutely adore)

Wordcount: 3.1 K

Summary: Sam has a secret. A big secret. Or maybe it’s a really little secret…


It had been a perfect day. One of the odd days when Rose and Sam had had a day off in common, and they decided to spend it together. No plans, just hanging out and goofing around. They’d spent a large portion of the morning simply sitting together on Rose’s living room couch and watching cartoons, and now they were in her kitchen, doing their best to make lemonade from its base components.

Anonymous asked:

Hi! Im looking for a fic I read quite a while ago that had ace Roman and it was prinxiety. Roman was in the imagination running through the scenarios of what would happen if he came out to virgil as ace over and over again in his head and I recall it being very well written and rather emotional. It was kind of heavy angst but I think it was a happy ending? Ishshsjsj maybe this isnt enough information but Id really like to read it again of anyone knows it!

is it Exposure Therapy by GraeWrites on Ao3?


Hi, ive been looking for a certain fix for ages, I read it a long long time ago and could never find it again. its a story with a touch starved Virgil and he really wants hugs but can't ask for them so he steal some clothing from Ro Lo and Pat. They eventually find out and Patton gets angry, not at Virgil but at the fact that he needed a hug doll in the first place. Thats all I remember about it, its been a while so my timeline might not be 100% accurate


There's a fic I saw on Tumblr where when Roman has like... A breakdown or creative block he freezes? Like he can't move at all? And the others found out about it after finding him like that. It was really sad and really well written but I can't seem to find it again.


Hey anyone know this fic?


Is it this one? Ive read a couple like that iirc but this is the only one i know where to find


Virgil the Wee Vampire  Chapter 14: Negotiations 

Summary: Terms are discussed and a deal is made.

Warnings/Contains: blood, vomit

Wordcount: 2.7 K


That night, as they flew together, and found some unsuspecting livestock to feed from and a space just big enough for two bats to shelter from the sun, Virgil and Thomas filled each other in on the events that had happened since they’d last seen each other in their cave days ago, and they mourned their family together.


Ok I've got this really weird intrumoceit (is that what it's called?) AU just bear with me also sorry it's long I just NEED to get this out here.

  • Ok so Janus is a face stealing demon that sustains life by consuming the souls of people who have fallen in love with him. He gains the ability to wear the body of whoever he consumes. If he doesn't consume a new soul every century or so, he dies like a regular human and returns to hell. You get it.
  • So he basically floats through history wining and seducing innocent people and getting them to fall in love with him. He doesn't care about ANY of them. He's just here to c o n s u me.
  • So we hit the 1850s. Not sure where. He's wearing a face he's worn for a while and is looking for some fresh flesh to wear. He meets this dashing happy young fellow one night. He's really cute, has a great personality. He's got a weird thing for snakes and he's blind in one eye. He's in his late 20s maybe early 30s roughly.
  • Janus is perplexed by this man. He's dirt poor, blind as bat in one eye, has the most unruly, curly hair he's ever seen on a human and sOMEHOW he stuffs it under this bowler hat he's constantly wearing, and hes kind've a fool. Regardless, they fall in love. Now Janus is expecting this to end just like every other relationship has. The only problem; is that he genuinely loves this guy. Real love. The last time he experienced this kind of love was when he was angel.
  • This guy on the other hand has no clue that his dearly beloved is a soul sucking demon who is out to get him.
  • Janus tries everything he can to get rid of this guy because he doesn't want to hurt him. He's a demon. Even if he doesn't eat his soul, he can imagine that hanging around a demon is bad news.
  • The cute guy is persistent however and refuses to leave him alone.
  • One day however, the man comes running to Janus, blood searing out of his arm and he's howling in pain. Janus naturally goes to his side to see what's wrong. A very very poisonous snake had but him in the arm and left a fatal wound. Janus, being an occult being, had absolutely no way of saving him or magically healing him. His love was dying in his arms and he was so so scared and Janus only knew to do one thing. So then when his love looked at him and asked, tears in his eyes "am I going to die?" Janus said "oh my dear... You'll live forever tonight..." And took his soul.
  • The love of his life dies in his arms and learns that soul sucking demons can in fact cry. When he opens his eyes he sees that his own body had changed to that of his lover's and it crushes him. He doesn't want to wear this body. He feels.. Wrong. As wrong as a demon can feel.
  • He can't seem to bring himself to change his form. Like he's afraid that if he changes, he'll lose him forever. So, he never changes his form ever again. He is not blind in one eye however, instead his own slitted yellow eye peers out from one of the eye sockets. A painful reminder of what he'd done.
  • Shoot forward two centuries and a few decades. Janus hasn't changed his form, aside from using a small illusion to make his eye look normal. He meets a strange and.... Eccentric, individual in a club. His name is Remus. Remus could be described as Garbage Couture meets high goth fashion. Janus was almost convinced he was another demon just by how bad he smelled.
  • Janus and Remus seem to hit it off. Janus can sense Remus's infatuation, and realises that Remus would probably be his next target. Then roles up this lil soft boi out of nowhere wearing brown slacks and a cardigan. He hugs Remus and kisses his cheek, to which Remus proudly announces, "Janus! This is my boyfriend! Patton!"
  • Oh great. Janus can only smile. This Remus character is a cheating scumbag. Immaculate. He'll have to problem tearing out his soul.
  • So Janus spends the next couple weeks hanging around this couple. They live in a cutesey two bedroom apartment in the city. Janus hasn't really... Lived in human community before. So you'd imagine his surprise when this cute couple invited him to move in to their home.
  • For whatever reason, he agreed.
  • So he's living in this apartment with these two humans and things are pretty nice. For humans, these two were pretty neat. He genuinely enjoys their company. Remus is a character and Janus enjoys Patton's innocence, which is strange to him considering he normally dislikes it.
  • He finds himself sensing infatuation from Patton. Great. Patton is another cheating scumbag who will be-
  • Wait. He's never consumed two souls at once...?
  • This worries him. He's never felt true love from two humans at once before. Can he even consume two souls at once? What's stopping him?
  • One night, they're all hanging out in the apartment. Remus is going on and on about this project him and his brother are doing, Patton is baking (and failing miserably. Janus was there for the invention of puff pastries and he's pretty sure that's not how you make them) and Janus is reading some strange human book Remus gave him about, ironically, demons. He raises an eyebrow at the crudely drawn portrait of him drawn in the book. Yeesh you'd think they'd at least try to get his wicked and awful true form correct. Gotta know the anatomy before you can break it.
  • . Janus finds himself enjoying their presence more than normal. He enjoys it a little too much. This feeling is familiar.
  • He's getting attached. Again. For the first time since....
  • Then, out of nowhere, Remus asks "are you a demon?" And Janus straight up drops the book. The only people that have really asked that are priests who accused him of various things and occasionally witches who calles upon him for some stupid reason.
  • Janus asks him why he asked, to which Remus replies "cause the other night when you were using the shower you left the door cracked and I could have swore one of your eyes was all weird and snakey."
  • Janus could have taken this idiot's soul right then and there. He felt so awkward being put on the spot. How absurd, a demon being nervous at the hands of a human.
  • Janus laughs it off and tells him he was seeing things.
  • They forget about this event.
  • Then, weeks down the line, Remus and Patton have asked Janus to dinner with him. Why? He doesn't know. He agrees to show up, while trying to figure out how he's gonna explain why he's not eating. None the less, he goes.
  • They ask him to be their boyfriend. Their boyfriend.
  • Janus is fucking shook to his core. This sort of thing had only happened a few times in his life. Even then, he only found himself taking one of their souls... And leaving the others in agony over their loss.
  • He figures he can't pass up on offer like this. So he agrees. Two souls for the price of one in a way.
  • Soon they're all sleeping in the same room. Soon they're moving into a bigger house. Soon... They're married.
  • Janus can feel himself getting weaker. It's been far too long. He can't pick who to take for some reason. Patton for his innocence, or Remus for his taste in darker matters. It pains him every time he thinks about. One night while looking in the mirror at the face of his lover, he comes to terms with what the problem is. He loves them, just like he loved him. Janus wept. This was God's punishment for defecting.
  • He decides that he's just gonna go. Not gonna say a word. Just gonna leave.
  • So the next morning on his way to work (which isn't really work. He just disappears for 8 hours and comes back with cash he... Acquired from... Somewhere...)
  • As he's walking out the door, he gets a strong hug from Remus and a soft kiss on the cheek from Patton, who tell him that they love him and they'll see him later.
  • He can't do it. He can't lose these fleshy morons he's grown so attached too. He can't go through that pain again. He throws his arms around Remus and Patton and tells them he loves them too.
  • So he stays. He avoids the temptation and his demonic nature. He takes lets out pent up energy by being a general nuisance and haunting the rude, homophobic neighbors next door.
  • At some point, Patton and Remus find out that Janus is a soul eating demon. At first they are very apprehensive. Even Remus is taken back. Patton looks visibly heart broken and betrayed and scared. But sooner or later it all kinda makes sense. Why Janus doesn't eat normal food and why he refuses to step any where near a church. They even get a good laugh out of it when Janus says "hey yeah I thought you two were gonna cheat on each other with me". Patton is brought to visible tears one night when Janus explained why he has these two massive snake bite wounds on his arm.
  • Horror movies become waaay less scary because Janus's reactions are super funny. "THAT'S supposed to be a demon????? What are those- are those hOOVES??" Remus has so much fun when Janus makes him float. Patton will give him 'offerings' which are mostly little shiny things and candies and Janus thinks its the most adorable thing.
  • They eventually get a snake.
  • But yeah, just Patton and Remus living with their demon boyfriend who loves them too much to eat their souls.

Hey do you guys want more of this?


Not Just the Two of Us Chapter 5: Further Discussion

Wordcount: 1.2 K


“So,” Patton said. “Polyamory.”

They were all seated around the dinner table now, with Patton across from Roman and Virgil across from Logan. Patton figured it was as good a time as any to get some more information.

“Yep!” Roman answered cheerfully.

Anonymous asked:

hey do you know a fic where virgil in nonbinary and like after a bit of stuff roman ends up going to him becuase he's also confused about gender stuff and confused about "if we're parts of thomas shouldnt i be the same gender" and stuff, roman and virgil actually bond over like doing there nails and just talking and stuff and near or at (i think) the end roman and virgil are surprise summoned as their doing their nails and in cool clothes (like "nonbinary royality" or something) and 1/2

i think i read something similar to this on ao3?

adventures in gender series by riverblujay


the end of being alone (3)

warning: mentions of fear, crocodiles, discussion of teeth


Logan found himself grateful that he’d made arrangements to postpone their other jobs for a bit, because it looked as though they’d be staying firmly on this planet’s surface for a while.

There had been all of one attempt to bring Virgil aboard the Mindscape, and it had resulted in a significant amount of crying from both the child and Patton. Whatever circumstances had led the Human to this planet, it had left them deeply fearful of any sort of spacefaring vessel.


SuperSides Chapter 8:  Reunion

Wordcount: 1.2 K


Virgil hadn’t paid much attention to which direction he’d run when fleeing from Roman’s room, and had ended up still inside an adjacent wall when Jamie came in. Humans were loud, and he heard their entire conversation.

Logan was alive. And, if the word of a human was to be trusted, he was back home. Safe. Virgil felt weak with relief.


Table for Two

A/N: Hi! This the first fanfic I’ve written for literally anything! (I’m an on and off writer in general tho) I’m hoping to write a collection of unconnected short stories currently called Smaller Sides to Life, that focuses on small/short moments in time during specific events. I’d be so grateful for any comment or feedback, but honestly I just hope you enjoy it first and foremost! >///<
Pairing: Logicality Words: 2468 Content: Human AU? A lot of descriptions of anxious waiting, so I guess it’s got a lil angst. Happy ending! (Please tell me if I need to mention anything I am very unfamiliar with how this works ;///;) Summary: Logan grows ever more anxious as he waits for his date, who, at this point, he isn’t even sure is coming.
If you wanna read my google doc for this instead you’re free to. (I like Cambria font u///u) I have an Ao3 but I am currently not using it.

there’s something that hits so different about timeloop fics where someone has to repeat the same day/week/etc over and over until they get it right.

  1. it’s an excellent set-up for a slow burn where the audience gradually figures out what’s happening in the world.
  2. there’s so much drama for the main character. lots of potential for angst and emotional devastation when they get so close to getting everything right, but one tiny thing throws it all off. or when they just can’t figure out what they need to do and just have to go through the loop over and over until they figure it out.
  3. also the additional baggage if this involves actual serious consequences like the start of an apocalypse or personal losses!! the impact of having to witness this repeatedly!!
  4. and of course the mandatory joke loops where the character just completely gives up and goes off the wall and/or decides to have fun with it.

this is just a plea for more fics like this. it’s such a good concept!!

guess who’s doing it!! patton deserves to be a little feral, as a treat. :3c

Please tag me too. Im begging i need this in my life.

please tag me!!!! this looks great


i need to just start checking my activity feed on this blog every day bc tumblr decided not to give me notifications when im tagged even if it shows up in my activity??????


I... have never seen that, actually.

I get numbers when people send me direct messages. That's it.

I manually check my activity feed for reblogs/replies/tags


i know theres an option to turn them on/off in settings. (and mine are all on but tumblr doesnt like me rip)


There’s a Snek in the Woods Chap. 8

Another story written with the wonderful @nommy-thoughts ​! This one is a reverse AU of Danger Noodles, in which the nagas in the previous story are human now and the humans in the previous story are naga now.

Chapter 8: Back to Camp

Wordcount: 2.7 K

Summary: They return to the forest. Logan learns what glasses are and that he needs them. Patton does a boop.

Warnings/contains: a bit of non-explicit animal gore, casual talk of terrifying other people 




i need to just start checking my activity feed on this blog every day bc tumblr decided not to give me notifications when im tagged even if it shows up in my activity??????


There’s a Snek in the Woods Chap. 7

Another story written with the wonderful @nommy-thoughts ​! This one is a reverse AU of Danger Noodles, in which the nagas in the previous story are human now and the humans in the previous story are naga now.

Chapter 7: Scientific Curiousity

Wordcount: 2.6 K

Summary: Logan finally gets to do an intensive study on a willing subject.

Warnings/Contains: extended non-sexual non-explicit nudity, an awkward and not fully comprehensive explanation of what ‘transgender’ means (explained by a cis character, but written (mostly) by a trans author)



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