
Lemonboy And Purple Cloud Are OTP


Hi, I’m Moth/Charlie/Phil (all pronouns, 21) and I don’t know what I’m doing, but it involves Lemongrab and LSP being happy

LG2 August Event!

Image descriptions under cut

As some of you know Lemongrab 2′s debut episode aired on the 27th of August, making this his birthday month! So like I did a few months ago for LSP, I’ve put together two bingo sheets of prompts people can do over the month.

The way to participate is simple! You make a Lemongrab 2 centric piece of fancontent responding to one or two prompts and then cross them off. Whoever gets the most bingos (rows and I count diagonals) at the end of the month wins!

What do you get if you win? I’ll make a silly little certificate for you.


  • Please be responsible about posting gore if doing the second sheet. Put artwork and writing under a readmore so people don’t accidentally come across it, and be sure to add age warnings and appropriate trigger tags.
  • I’m gonna limit it to 2 prompts per piece of content if you decide to include more than one.
  • I’m keeping the term fan content intentionally vague, if you think what you’ve made counts it counts! That includes fanart, fanfiction, edits, playlists, moodboards, anything else- it’s up to you. 
  • For the second angst sheet, feel free to switch out the prompts for other ones (will include a blank ver underneath) as I don’t want people’s personal triggers to be a limitation for them :)
  • The free space prompts are for people to do their own ideas, just to clarify.

weird lemongrab physical traits that I NEED to include in my stuff more often: 

-the fact that he can rotate his head 180 degrees

-how his stomach acid doesn’t really work, or it seems that he can only digest food made out of candy/lemon candy so anything else he eats will just. stay there. Huge amount of comedic potential for him to reach into his stomach and pull out plot relevant items. 

-Lemongrab 3 only having toes on one foot which is pretty funny and also means he probably has to wear mismatched shoes to accommodate this which is quite cute to me. 

-his eyes!! Lemongrab emotes soo much using his pupils and eye size I already use this one a LOT but… it’s just so good. 

-the fact that his head is full of juice. When he walks he goes slosh slosh slosh and also lg1 becoming flat stanley when his juice got squeezed out is very funny. You could slide that boy under a door. 

-I also use this one a lot but his brain??? untapped potential. For horror and fucked up content and also hilarity. 


About a week ago, we had a discussion in class about what it meant to believe in something and what we in particular believe in. Religion was brought up, so was atheism, but also auras and flat earth and fate and soulmates.

What we also talked about was the concept of utopia, and the legendary city of Eldorado. Described as a city of gold with no crimes, no courthouses, no prison or conflicts or health-issues. There’s a song about Eldorado though that says that each and every one of us carries a shard of this supposedly golden city in our hearts, and shares it with others by sharing kindness and happiness. That we, ourselves, can build our own Eldorado around us.

Now, I had a pretty long rant about what I believe in, but I accidentally deleted it (which is probably good because I was getting lost in what I was talking about) so I’ll make it short: I believe that everyone has a bit of good inside them. Each of us has it and has the freedom to share it.

And I also believe that everyone deserves to be happy, even cartoon characters with trauma and insecurities and tragic past. Especially those. So, if it’s not obvious, I’ll say it: I hope LSP and Lemongrab had found their Eldorado. I hope all of you have or will eventually, too :)

eeeeeeedit: This was partly inspired by @charliecharlo’s headcanon of Lemongrab studying human history!

Guess who cried about her own art tonight /lh pos


I'd love one about how if lemongrab 3 sometimes can feel the split in his like brain like of the two lemongrabs you know what I mean


YESSSSS god i gotta add that 2 the lost n give it a shot, see if i can figure tht out......the only fics ive seen portraying this kind of thing were Snow in Summer or smthn like that on AO3, annnddd. God i cant remember the name but theres this 1 fic where lg3 is having a rlly fucked up time and has 2 put his relationship with lsp on hold and he has a Brain Crisis of the past two lemongrabs' Fighting In Him causing him to quite literally Un-make himself like. Undo the stitches n shit AGH. Intense stuff but v good. if i cant get more fics on this topic then i gotta do it MYSELF!!!!!!


Image description: a digital drawing of Lemongrab 3 and LSP from adventure time hugging. LSP is drawn far large than she is in the show, with a thick fur coat, large arms and cracks in her star gem. Lemongrab is leaning on her with his arms spread through her fur, his body partly buried in the fur. He is smiling with his eyes closed. LSP has her arms around him and is also smiling with one eye closed. Lemongrab has scarring on his hands and head, with red stitches sewing his flesh together. He is wearing a black jacket with a seam going down each arm that is held together by red stitches, and white trousers that have an outer seam, also with red stitches. The background is bright pink. End description. 

warm up for today. 


image description: a digital drawing of Lemongrab 1 from adventure time sat at a Pc aggressively jabbing the space bar, with his other hand on the mouse. Lemongrab 2 is standing behind him with their hands clasped and saying “Hi dinner is ready.” Lemongrab 1 responds with, “Not now! I am busy telling this 12 year old who disagreed with my Thomas the tank engine headcannons to kill themselves.” End description. 

this is so FUCKING OLD but also I bet lg2′s life was just unbearably shit even without the abuse. Lemongrab 1 feels like the roommate from hell crossed with the world’s scummiest shut in older brother. 


Things ppl have said to me about Lemongrab that make me rlly happy:

-my friend who called me the CEO of the lumpygrab fandom and while I personally think me and Other Charlie are more like… joint CEOs this is just so cute to me like aw. Thank you I try. Also means a lot coming from Other Charlie specifically bc I owe everything to them as the trans Charlie Lemongrab predecessor… like people had made Lumpygrab content before I feel like my friends fanfics really elevated me them to a new level for me, and also just meant a lot to me when I was 16 and not doing great lol. 

-My other friend who called me the ambassador of the lumpygrab fandom, another title I really enjoy! Like aww!!! People notice that I’m sort of obsessed in a goow way. 

-Person who said I basically have a phd in Lemongrab thank you very much. Lovely mental image of me graduating autism university with a phd in lemongrab.

-also people who are just really nice about my fanfiction too me!!! I’m still sort of embarrassed about it and struggle with the impulse to delete things but the nice things people say keep me posting :) I see all the nice stuff people say and really appreciate it a lot. 

-also people who leave nice tags on my artwork on my god??? Love you so much???


💜💛Lumpygrab Ask Meme!💛💜

1 - your favourite out of the two if you had to choose.

2 - when you first started to ship them.

3 - you favourite headcannon for them. Doesn’t have to be your own!

4 - your least favourite headcannon for them. 

5 - do you prefer art or fics about these two?

6 - If they had appeared more in the show as a couple, what would you have liked to see them do or become?

7 - Describe this ship as poorly as you can but you can’t use their names, the words lemon/princess or the colours purple/yellow.

8 - Any songs that give you lumpygrab vibes?

9 - how do you feel about fankids? Do you have any of your own? If fankids don’t interest you then apply these same questions to aus. Or both if you want! 

10 - what appeals to you most about them as a ship. What is it about their dynamic or relationship that you enjoy?

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