
J'ai peur d'aimer pour rien

@robinsontheroof / robinsontheroof.tumblr.com

Hello I'm Robin and I talk to myself a lot. I also try to be funny all the time. Sometimes it works! Mostly DC, Doctor Who, Good Omens, and whatever makes my gay heart feel alive. #She/her. (I don't receive DMs, I think my account is broken lol.)

im gonna say it . its weird how many people immediately dismissed hussies coming out as like A Bit or them just fucking lying ?

also can I just say they did this with lil uzi vert and f1nn5ter too. we as a society have a very hard time accepting transfemininity when it's not something ironic or to be mocked.


just realised that senshi's laios is the way marcille imagined him before. which is.. just like falin. not even with shorter hair, she though he will be like this shoujo prince with wavy bob cut

and she is still so upset that she sees him like some sort of giant bulky dude


not ONLY did the Doctor talk about Susan but he did so in a delightfully weirdly matter-of-fact way. “I live over there. right now. In Shoreditch”

not like “ohh this is where it all began” or something all mythologizing like that, just. *points* I live in Shoreditch

of course he goes on to talk about his past/future family who may or may not be dead. but that’s just the doctor for you


i think what ppl who don't like cats do not understand is a cat will scuffle with u even if it likes u. sometimes more. a cat biting you or kicking you isn't because they hate u its because they are little predator animals and they like to play. they're also 2 feet tall and don't have hands and their mouth is the only thing they can Get Stuff with and it's full of tiny razor teeth. not their fault!!


this is problematic of me (joke) but i really enjoy the splashing of french into english speech or writing. just adds a pizzazz

*adds a certain je ne sais quoi

see the problem is that despite around 8 years of french schooling the french language has utterly escaped my brain so even the most obvious set up i had created for myself by accident was missed by me. such is life.

*c'est la vie

god damn it

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

making this because I am insatiably curious to know the public opinion, especially because my feelings are very different than I expected they would be at the beginning of series 1 (new who only, sorry classic who fuckers)

*by "most fuckable" I mean the doctor you think is genuinely the most sexually attractive to you and/or who you think is most sexually attractive in general. obviously that's subjective and complex, so take that as you will, but we're talking actual fuckability here. also this is about the characters, NOT the actors. option for none of the above included if you think none of them are fuckable whatsoever

feel free to rb and elaborate in the tags/replies if you wish

Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes


the problem with not voting in order to send the message that you hate all the candidates and the entire system and therefore refuse to participate is that it's completely indistinguishable, as a signal, from not bothering to vote because you think the system is great and all the candidates are great and you'd be fine with any of them. so you might want to rethink the strategy there


This, by the way, also implies the converse problem: that it's very easy to attribute to active and reflexive dissent what's only apathy and indifference.

i want to give this a shoutout for being one of a very few comments in over seven thousand notes to say something really interesting that's responding to the actual content of the post instead of what people imagine i'm saying here


If you do get sexually harassed on the street that’s terrible and that shouldn’t happen but because of how society works if you never get sexually harassed on the street you end up feeling like aw man I’ve never been sexually harassed on the street I must be ugly and unlikable it’s like how did we end up here

Also adding onto this to say hi transmasc here. Not a woman. But also I feel like this kind of thing is why men sometimes don’t understand why women don’t like it when they’re catcalled either in person or online. Because men just straight-up don’t get attention. Living as a man the feeling is similar to when I was living as a girl and never got catcalled. There is even less feedback about my attractiveness now. Moments even of family members seeing you in a new dress and calling you pretty are gone.

It’s like one part of society only gets positive feedback in the form of threats and the rest of us are so starved for some form of indication that someone somewhere could possibly find us attractive that we become envious of the people being threatened. Idk how or why we set up society like this but it sucks.


I think "they don't even have X" is one of those memes that's actually funnier in its original context than in anything that's been done with it subsequently. Like, in its original context, this is a joke about a man who has lived his entire adult life alone in a swamp cold-reading the atmosphere of a corporate workplace and deciding that appealing to the receptionist's sense of working-class solidarity is going to get him in the door, and it fucking works.

Anonymous asked:

i'm sure people have sent you the answer 293 times already too but just in case, the water texture is a default photo filter on the tumblr photo editor!



Not one person knows how tumblr works.



This is so beautiful to me

WAIT! I can make it worse!!

I can make it more worser!


I've been using Tumblr for over a year now and every day I still learn something new


Do you think Clark Kent's first few major articles were about the continued presence of lead pipes in parts of Metropolis' water system

(Average Metropolis reader after investigative reporter C. Kent's 452nd article on yet another case of landlords/business owners/factories' continued use of lead pipes/paint/gas/glass knowingly exposing the public to dangerously toxic lead levels) what the fuck happened to this guy

One day Bruce Wayne mentions in an interview that heroes like Superman are overrated, as the most effective way to reduce crime is to provide public resources and improve local infrastructure, then cites how neighboring city Metropolis has effectively lowered their violent crime by 13% after addressing their outdated water system and investing low income housing. the reporter conducting the interview suddenly starts looking a little uncomfortable

To be clear, Clark is still a fantastic investigative reporter. He still has to track down the sources to prove all this shit

"Who, Clark Kent? Yeah, we're pretty sure he's a Meta. Is he a superhero? Like what, "Lead-detector guy"? "Captain pipes?" Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy and it's a handy trick, but it's lead detection, not laser vision. He's not about to go running around in tights any time soon."

"Sure, he's done a lot of good for the city, we love the guy don't get us wrong, but it's not like he's fuckin SUPERMAN or anything."

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