
Pls Give Me Attention


moved to @platinumstark

hi! i’ve deactivated my side blog bc it was kinda dead there and i’ve now moved to @platinumstark. i haven’t been active here in a long time but i’m back now! (my side blog here was starkinbound)

sorry if i missed anyone! i made the mistake of deactivating my marvel blog before checking who was my mutual but i think i got the main people i interacted with


hi! i’ve deactivated my side blog bc it was kinda dead there and i’ve now moved to @platinumstark. i haven’t been active here in a long time but i’m back now! (my side blog here was starkinbound)

sorry if i missed anyone! i made the mistake of deactivating my marvel blog before checking who was my mutual but i think i got the main people i interacted with


“It’s too, well, clean, I guess. It’s not like Valenwood at all. Wood Elves, we’re part of the forest and we work together with the trees; the Altmer demand obedience from them. If they can’t magically force them into shape, they’ll cut them. I’ve seen it, the obsessive clipping and pruning and even tying trunks down to encourage them to bend in strange ways. I heard they’ll have them uprooted, even after years of work, if just one flower blooms without exactly the right number of petals, or if one fruit doesn’t have the ‘proper’ number of seeds. It’s all about control for them. It’s horrible. I feel bad for their gardens.”

–Riliadir, a Wood Elf, describing his experiences with Altmeri gardens.


but then again, its kind like putting a meat suit on and telling a shark not to eat you

We (men) are not fucking sharks!

We are not rabid animals living off of pure instinct

We are capable of rational thinking and understanding. 

Just because someone is cooking food doesn’t mean you’re entitled to eat it. 

Just because a banker is counting money doesn’t mean you’re being given free money.

Just because a person is naked doesn’t mean you’re entitled to fuck them. 

You are not entitled to someone else’s body just because it’s exposed. 

What is so fucking difficult about this concept?

How can you not reblog something like this


As a man I’m real fucking tired of the idea that I have no impulse control. We all have it, some of you jackasses just think you’re above it.


Steven Greenberg, “Wrestling with God and Men” - Author’s conversation with Rabbi Eliashiv in Jerusalem

“Twice the power of love” is my new favorite description of bisexuality

Anyway I’m crying because that’s the best and most genuine description of how it feels to be bi that I’ve ever heard.


Do u ever think about how dogs, who have 2 colour receptors, see an apple as grayish yellow, while humans have 3 and see it as red, and mantis shrimp have 12, and see it another monstrous colour altogether?

How none of us are necessarily correct, and the apple itself, is not really any colour, it’s just a fruit minding its own goddamn business??

Fucking fascinating


If you think about it just a bit too much like I did, you'll reach the conclusion that nothing really tastes, sounds, looks, feels or smells. It's just your brain's interpretation of chemical composition, vibrations, the way things reflect light, more vibrations and chemical composition again

Reality can’t be proven to exist outside of our ability to perceive it through our senses but our senses can’t be trusted so basically nothing is real do what you want

Today on Tumblr Accidentally Recapitulates Wittgenstein's Theory of Experiential Epistomology

Tfw you shitpost so hard you accidentally write a beautiful summary of the defining breakthrough of 20th century philosophy.


You know what? It really fucking bothers me that tumblr turned “instrusive thoughts” into “eat that leaf hehe” when in reality, the term was created to explain the violent and seriously disturbing, unwanted thoughts that mentally ill specifically compulsive, people get against their will. Not only did tumblr take the term, but intentionally said “intrusive thoughts are rarely violent”. A straight up lie. 

So i’m here to tell you. Intrusive thoughts are violent, disturbing thoughts that you do not want to be thinking. The actual definition of “intrusive thoughts” is:  unwanted thoughts or images that you find distressing and/or disturbing.

You know what’s not distressing or disturbing? Eating leaves. Touching things. Whatever tumblr tries to sell as “intrusive thoughts”. You know what my intrusive thoughts look like? Big fat heavy content warning: “you know if you jump off the stairs you’ll be heavy enough to just crush your dogs skull and kill her you could do that did you know that you should do that why don’t you just kill your dog”. Violent. Distressing. Disturbing.

The term was created to tell people with compulsory disorders that those thoughts are not you and that having those thoughts doesn’t make you a bad person. It drives me wild that tumblr took something to make mentally ill people feel better about themselves and said “actually violent thoughts aren’t intrusive, it’s things like “eat that leaf.” 


Impulsive thoughts and intrusive thoughts ARE NOT THE SAME THING!!!! 


This is actually really helpful because the tumblr brand of Intrusive Thoughts left me believing my ACTUAL intrusive thoughts were me just being a horrible person.


because fuck, you can see the lines under his eyes and even red on the edges of the whiteness of his eyes

and frost on the edgES OF HIS CLOTHING



seriously, the amount of detail and animation in ROTG is just AMAZING, I felt like I could reach out and feel the fabric of their clothes, of Tooth’s feathers and oh my god , these people are amazing.

Tooth’s feathers have this purple sheen on the lower half of her body and it’s only apparent when her knees are bent or the angle is right

And Jack has kinda splotchy skin and scraggly canine teeth and salt and pepper eyebrows




this is the kind of post I’ve been waiting for.


to everything.


What’s even more amazing is a bunch of nerds created that shit. I wish they got more praise for the amazing shit they do all the time.

I remember one of the guys showing me the sand tests .. he used to work for NASA.






So there’s this huge dudebro in my class, who, yesterday, sat next to me. And I’m sitting there sweating because like… I’m wearing my shirt with the lesbian flag on it, and he’s the most popular jock in school, and always has this look on his face that say ‘I can and will kill you’. He looks me up and down, stares at me for a minute and then goes, “So. Girls in skirts and long socks, am I right?”

To which I nodded solemnly, both out of agreement, surprise and also a healthy amount of awkward fear. He nodded and went, “You get it.”

I said, “Yep.” He fistbumped me, and on went our lives.

Oh! I forgot to mention! I saw him at lunch the same day, and he ran up to me, tapped me on the shoulder, pointed at this super sweet girl who comes to GSA and asked if she’s gay. I told him he should ask her because that’s not my place and he said he would.

I thought that would be the end of it.

Except ten minutes later he came back and told me he found out (she’s bi) and that both of us have a shot. I said “You more than me.” because he’s attractive and popular. 

But this wholesome dumbass looked really confused and asked, “Because I’m tall?’

So this isn’t lesbian/jock solidarity but I thought you guys would want to know-

My math teacher was trying to fix the rolling whiteboard and he just offhand said “This would be easier with a wrench”

And deadass, dudebro said “Hang on” and then proceeded to pull a fucking wrench out of his backpack

Update- after school today he saw me in the library and he didn’t say anything? He just pointed at the book he was holding and I gave him a thumbs up because it’s a pretty good book, and he went “Yes!” Really quiet and pumped his fist and then left

Okay so today he asked me if I know how to help people having a panic attack and I was like yeah? And he smiled at me and then went “cool I think I’m having one”

And I was like what the fuck Colin we’re in the middle of Tech class sit down and we went out in the hall and sat there for a while and he told me about the test he’s stressed about so we kind of went over his study guide and when he was feeling better he kind of like… smacked his head against mine gently? And I helped him up even though he’s almost a foot taller than me and yeah

Today at lunch we walked to the football field and laid in the grass and I told him thank you for being my friend (because I don’t have that many) and fistbumped me and said, “You always looked so nice and chill, how could I not want to be your friend?”

And honestly y’all, I would’ve started crying if he hadn’t sneezed and accidentally smacked me

Thought you guys would want to know-

Gray is me, white is Colin. We’re idiots

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