
Smutty Pariah

@smuttypariah / smuttypariah.tumblr.com

Andy Biersack / Black fanfic, occasional gif maker. Don't take requests & won't co-author. Don't have a Masterlist. Have archives instead:
CLICK HERE to go to my profile page on wattpad.

Update on where to find me

The Black Veil Brides Fanfiction website has stopped allowing me to log in at all. Thusly, I am unable to continue posting there.  So if you’d like to read my stuff and continue getting updates on unfinished stories, there is (currently) only one place to do it:

Wattpad is available online in a browser window as well as its own app.

As a reminder I am no longer posting on tumblr either as I stopped getting any positive feedback and my posts no longer show up in searches. ( @staff )


Likely goodbye, 5/31/19

My posts no longer show up in tag searches, and thus I have no way to attract new readers. I haven’t had a writing post of mine ‘liked’ in 81 days. During that time I have updated all of my current stories, but gotten no positive feedback. I started out on tumblr, so this is a tough decision.  But now posting here is just hurting me. I’m not 100% sure yet, but I know posting here is like staying with an abusive partner.

If you still wish to read my writing, you have two other options:

1) Wattpad

2) The Black Veil Brides Fanfiction website (for as long as that website continues to limp along)

I may post somewhere else in the future, but that’s it for now


After Life #16- a Smutty Andy Biersack story

Everything changed after that night, and in more ways than one. (Y/N) no longer ran from me when I went walking through the eastern fields- quite the opposite! Each time we chanced to meet, I got, at the least, a smile and a greeting, which I returned with great enthusiasm. How lovely she was when she wasn’t shrieking at me! Soon I found myself, once again, making extra trips to the area in the hope of seeing her more often.


The Gorgon’s Daughter #33- a Smutty Andy Biersack story

(To catch up on previous chapters, please see the links in my blog bio.)

As our heroes traveled onward, they often found themselves on terrain alternating between craggy landscapes and gently rolling flatlands. But as winter started to sink its teeth into the land around them, the grasslands, forests, and tundra began to change quickly. Soon, most of the green to be seen was in the needles of the occasional fir and pine trees growing lower down the mountains than the rest of their kin. The snow became ever-present, at times forcing them to risk using established roads and trails. Fortune favored them, for they met with no other travelers.


A Demon’s Regret #90- a Smutty Andy Biersack story

(links to read past entries are in my profile bio)

I ran back to the kitchen to unplug the waffle iron I had forgotten, turned on the fan in the stove hood, grabbed the stepstool from the closet, silenced the fire alarm, opened the door to the balcony, and then put the stepstool away, all while intermittently reassuring Ash and Andy that everything was fine and that, no, I did not need help. Once I was done, I noticed the sound of conversation drifting from the guestroom. Curious, I tried to sneak up close enough to listen, but I was apparently no match for Ash’s uncanny senses. There was a pause, then, “we’re not fighting, (Y/N).” Somewhat embarrassed at being caught, I walked into the room with flaming cheeks.

The Ghost of Ohio, Andy Biersack’s second solo album as Andy Black, is out now! It is slammin’ folks- check it!

(Grainy photo taken by me at a recent show, yay!)

Side note for readers of mine:

I haven’t been updating because my health is tanking hardcore. I will do my best to write when I’m able. I swear I’m not abandoning any of my stories intentionally- it is only because I have a few health problems (and one really big one) that are ruining my life. This has been going on well over a year now, and worsening. I’m not happy with all my work hanging in limbo either. 😔

Also, I’ve noticed tumblr rarely (if ever?) shows my posts in searches, so my motivation to post here is dwindling. What would be the point if I know I’ll never get new readers, right?


A Demon's Bargain

This is a sibling to A Demon’s Regret. Andy is a very rare sort of demon that feeds off of first fulfilling the desires of desperate, lonely women, then leaving them in the dust. Could someone put a wrinkle in his perfectly operating machine?


I hummed to myself merrily as I went about my task, diligent in my work. I had already cleaned up all the items we had knocked over and disposed of the sullied sheets on my bed. Next I worked on…


This is story of mine was recently updated, but I don’t post it on this website.  So check it out at the link or on my Wattpad!


After Life

Lord Andrew is looooong dead. While he’s spent centuries haunting the site of his murder and mastered his spectral talents, one strange day, things actually change.


Guilt over the part I had played in (Y/N)’s murder seemed to weigh me down, to claw at me, wanting to drag me into the earth itself. I was a killer meeting my victim for the first time, having…


The Gorgon's Daughter

Andrew is determined to see the world and experience the wonders outside his small village. First on his list is to investigate the terrible beast that lives in the caves in the forest. What fate could befall him there?


For the remainder of autumn through the beginning of winter, our intrepid group journeyed southeast through the land of the Franks. Though terrain grew increasingly more difficult, the three friends…


Smutty's One-shots

Here I shall collect my various and sundry one-shots and other miscellany. I’m an AB-centric kinda writer.

#12b- Krampusnacht

Immediately we were on him, slicing at his back and legs hard and fast. Though bullets were more effective, they were off the table with the bait in line of fire. Initially Krampus hardly seemed to…

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