
Fandom Randomness


SO MANY fandoms, sometimes I find new ones and they take over my blog for a few days. Currently I like Thomas Sanders, Dan and Phil, Riverdale, lots of mythology, and so so many more!

i was thinking about the weirdest phone calls i got when i still worked at the public library and i remembered this one phone call. it was probably less than 20 seconds long, but it still makes me laugh.

anyways, this woman called and without even saying hello after i said the usual “public library, how can i help you?” spiel, she said, “i have a very important question: when you shelve books, do you push them all to the front of the shelf or all the way back?”

it took me a second to process the question and then i answered that, at the library, we always shelve them so that they are even with the front edge so they’re easier to grab and see. she was obviously delighted by this answer and then, as if an afterthought, she asked, “okay, what about you? what do you do at home with your books?” i said i did the same thing. she hummed in obvious agreement and then just like that she said “thank you!” and hung up.

i never heard from her again. i hope she won whatever argument she was having.


for about a year, i worked at a call center for sprint. i have a similar kind of story. a woman called, and said she had a question about the call history on her bill. “sure, let me just pull up your account-” and she cut me off going, “no, no, it’s not anything specific, it’s just. so, if you change the time on your phone, does that change the time on the bill?” “uh… no? the time on the phone doesn’t matter, the call history is recorded by the towers.” “ohhhh” she said in the saltiest voice i have ever heard “so even if you changed the timezone it wouldn’t change the time on the bill? to, say, the middle of the night?” i stg yall i looked into the camera like i was on the office. “um… no? it would still be the local time of the tower. is there anything else i can help you with?” to me, overly chipper: “nope! thank you! have a great day!” turning on someone as she hung up: “she says yoU’RE A LYING SACK OF-” i still mean-snicker every time i think about it.


I get that being frozen for 100 years is a tough thing to go through but honestly Aang should have used it for comedy more

Katara: wow so this is Omashu

Aang: back in my day it was called weed city

Sokka: I’m… pretty sure it wasn’t

Aang: that’s what the fire nation wants you to think

Bumi, the second they arrive: welcome to weed city

Sokka: what the fuck


Rest of the Party: Dorian tell us literally anything about your background. Anything. Pick one thing.

Dorian, shaking: Hahaha yeah, uh….d…ditto to your backstory.

Rest of the Party: What. No. Be specific.

Dorian, sweating: Oh you know.


gay people talk about the next critical role campaign like its the nfl draft


Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll:

Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you:

Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll:

Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you:

Could kill you by feeding you too many cinnamon rolls:

This is now a fan blog for Exandria Unlimited. Thank you for your time


I love people with obscure knowledge or useless academic insights. I want to hear your analysis of lighting in Ratatouille. Tell me about the history of soda pop or the references to classical mythology in Macbeth. I want to know about the underlying homoerotic context of that 1930s sci-fi paperback. I think all knowledge is worthwhile knowledge. Explain to me the ecosystems that komodo dragons inhabit. Don’t be afraid to learn for the sake of learning.

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