
Negin Cho ♡

@negincho / negincho.tumblr.com

˚₊‧ ꒰ঌ 🩷 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ 【DE | 27 | INFJ】

the signs and their best qualities

Aries: selfless, adventurous, the hardest workers ever, cares a lot, extremely helpful, their wisdom is so unexpected but valuable, will go to great lengths to protect the people they love, charming, magnetic, will prove you wrong so don’t even try arguing with them, relentless and driven, will stop at nothing to achieve their goals even if their goals seem impossible, very sure of themselves, would probably actually kill for you

Taurus: smart as hell, really relaxed but never boring, unexpectedly creative, surprising, can be very romantic when they’re in love, always willing to try new things, funny as hell, the most sarcastic and snarky people, generally cool people with a diverse perspective, music taste is impeccable, don’t even bother trying to argue with them because their logic and debate skills are unnaturally advanced, up front and genuine, doesn’t like to bullshit people, go to them for honesty and good advice

Gemini: will give those they love everything they need, observant, not afraid to stand up for themselves, go getters in general, really silly (sometimes morbid) humor and generally fun to be around, strong, compelling, really interesting people with lots of “useless” knowledge and fun facts, knows more than they show, they’re often the most victimized sign but in reality they’re just really misunderstood because they themselves don’t understand who they are but that’s part of their charm

Cancer: the absolute most selfless, always figures out a solution even when it doesn’t seem possible, can win over anyone, timeless, they’re probably the most magnetic sign because of how fucking great their personalities are, well-rounded, wouldn’t kill for you, but would emotionally torment someone for you, knows how you feel before you even know how you feel, dreamy, honestly just lovely people, their endurance for people’s bullshit is above and beyond, even though they’re emotionally sensitive, they connect on a very deep and empathetic level and may appear disheveled but are actually pretty aware of what they feel

Leo: their minds…..ugh, one of the most underestimated signs in terms of their creativity and emotional toll, committed until the very end, when they’re in love they’re actually pretty big babies and will 100% surprise you with their sensitive nature, natural leaders but even if they’re more on the subdued side, leos still have a natural knack for understanding people on a level that enables them to move through (especially) their careers, relationships and so forth, self-aware and unafraid of judgment as judgment only adds to their constant inner quest for self understanding, stereotypical leos are known as being out there and brave, but often times leo’s want to be acknowledged for their ability to withhold themselves and be more in control than they let off

Virgo: they remember everything…everything, they’re really the baddest bitches out there, incredibly smart and determined, gives the best advice, will tell it like it is and doesn’t care to hold back what they see as true, their actions are their love language and those actions are priceless, they honestly live thirty years in the future and are really prepared even if they don’t know what they’re prepared for, while they can sometimes come off as grounded and engrained in the more serious aspects of life, virgos are actually incredibly sensitive and imaginative and are never given enough credit for their visions and virtues, able to navigate tricky situations, fearless

Libra: babies, extremely lovable, quietly powerful, not just smart but incredibly wise, gentle and caring, living, breathing fairytale people, extremely giving and gracious, even though they’re indecisive, they’ll alway try their best to make the most well intentioned decisions, they just kind of get it, can analyze you in 2 seconds and suddenly know everything about your deep rooted childhood traumas (I don’t understand how but they just do), they’re people pleasers so they’re very social, but their truest selves come out most when they can connect to someone who genuinely understands them and vice versa, they’re very tired so expect lots of naps and quality relaxation time with them, peaceful angels

Scorpio: the absolute most stubborn and unrelenting sign and while that could be a negative quality, its positive attributes are that they will not stop until they’re understood and will be wildly loyal to their morals and standards even if those moral and standards are a bit unaligned with everyone else’s, highly individualistic but can blend in easily if they want to, passionate, when they’re in love they’re in love for good (the perfect soulmates), critical for the best reasons, they don’t like to sugar coat and want to give the best advice possible while still keeping things very real, adaptable, their mind is everywhere and with that they are an endless landscape of imagination, visions, and characters all weaved within this one beautiful mind

Sagittarius: they’re just here to have a good time, would 10000% kill for you, steal for you, probably commit treason for you but they’re chillin, will go to great lengths to understand others and the world around them, cultural and diverse, very social but they also know when to pull back and seek comfort from themselves, they know how important self-awareness is and constantly seek out who they are and what they aim to be, refuses to be tied down to any one thing (not to suggest they’re incapable of finding a solid relationship, rather, they need someone who can match their unrelenting speed and drive for life), truly goes with the flow and lets life lead them rather than lead their own life

Capricorn: doesn’t seem like they’re psycho analyzing you, but they’re 100% psycho analyzing you, scary smart, the hardest working sign, they’re often considered as a bit stiff and lacking vulnerability, but on the inside, capricorns are complex and other worldly and really want to be understood, they can endure and manage just about anything, is unexpectedly very artistic and deeply understanding of the emotions their art depicts, committed and responsible, incredibly reliable, they don’t like to cancel plans or ghost people, but sometimes they need time to themselves and can be susceptible to those things which is perfectly fine because capricorns deserve a bit of a departure from their usual selves, the type of person you think about even if you don’t talk to them for a long time

Aquarius: cares a lot about social issues and pressing matters, optimistic, efficient with time, not afraid to try new things, a people person (pretty popular), very free spirited, very in tune with their morals and virtues, easy to relate to when they’re vulnerable with those they’re close with, mysterious and adaptable, truly the chameleon of the zodiac signs, great listeners and even better speakers, can dictate a conversation even through silence (it’s never awkward), sometimes has a hard time loving others deeply but has an everlasting love for life so it’s cool

Pisces: also babies, empathetic and kind, dreamy, intuitive and observant, goes out of their way for the people they love (or strangers, they just like making sure everyone is comfortable), good listeners, will make you fall in love with them without them even knowing it, sensitive to other’s feelings and morals, socially aware, overall very sweet but also very encyclopedic and aware of social and political matters (can debate you under the table), will 100% take you away from reality


Women should NOT be forced to feed their babies in a bathroom, all because we live in a misogynistic, porn-warped society that’s been brainwashed to believe that female breasts used for anything other than male pleasure is “indecent”. Support public breast feeding and end the porn culture.

Forever reblog

No. I’m eating. I don’t wanna see you hang out your goddamn tits while I have food. My kids don’t wanna see it. It’s not some misogynistic ideal, it’s fucking public indecency. Can I take my cock out under the table and feed my wife/girlfriend? No? Fuck you

i genuinely cannot believe that you just compared a blowjob to breastfeeding oh my fucking god 

getting a blowjob is a sexual thing and it also does not ‘feed’ anyone whereas breastfeeding is literally not even a sexual thing a baby is having food that they need to live like it’s nowhere near on the same level as getting a blowjob omg

if you are uncomfortable seeing a woman breastfeeding then that is your problem because you have oversexualised breasts so much that you can’t even stand seeing them being used for their actual purpose and also you’re an idiot

go eat your dinner in a public bathroom, you trash bag


End skeevy dudes who compare whipping out their dick in public to breast feeding 2k15



Pediatric anthropology student, here.

1.) Breasts as sexual fetishes is a (largely Western) cultural construction. Yes, it’s a fetish – anything you are sexually attracted to that is not the genitals of an adult is a fetish, or paraphilia. My professors have met non-Westerners who think our men are “like babies” because they are attracted to breasts.

Breasts ≠ genitals. Scientifically, they are considered secondary sexual characteristics – same category as facial hair. They can be sexual in a sexual context, just as necks and feet can be. But their primary purpose is reproductive.

2.) Breastmilk is not a “bodily fluid.” It is FOOD.

It is not categorized by the CDC as a biohazard, and so no you don’t need to freak out if your coworker wants to store her milk right next to your Lunchables.


Breastmilk is not just protein and vitamins. It is a living, dynamic substance that BUILDS HUMANS.

It has hundreds of ingredients (<— actually that list needs to be updated because they’ve discovered more already). There is a lab at the University of Washington St. Louis, where they have written all of the ingredients of human milk on the wall – They have run out of room on that wall. Among those ingredients:

  • The exact ratio of protein-sugars-fats that human infants need (cow’s milk doesn’t even come close)
  • Antibodies to pathogens in the baby’s environment (synthesized by the mother within hours of coming into contact with a given pathogen) and other immune factors
  • Stem cells. FUCKING STEM CELLS. (They used glow-in-the-dark mice to find out what they do!)
  • Hormones (support growth and regulate behavior)
  • peptides
  • Self-digesting fats (what the whaaat)
  • Growth factors
  • water, vitamins, minerals, carbs, etc.
  • prolly other awesome shit we don’t even know about yet because we’ve barely scratched the surface of this research!

These ingredients change hour-to-hour according to the baby’s needs. It will even add more water on hot/dry days. Fuck, breastmilk kills cancer in a petri dish. Breastmilk. is. not. a. bodily. fluid. It. is. liquid. gold. 3.) When you tell a woman to go to the bathroom to breastfeed, you are perpetuating the notion that it is dirty and shameful and needs to be hidden away. This idea is the biggest barrier to achieving breastfeeding goals in the United States. Because women feel ashamed, they often stay isolated at home when they should be spending time out and about with friends and family and having, like, a life. This isolation can contribute to postpartum depression. From the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding: Women may find themselves excluded from social interactions when they are breastfeeding because others are reluctant to be in the same room while they breastfeed. For many women, the feeling of embarrassment restricts their activities and is cited as a reason for choosing to feed supplementary formula or to give up breastfeeding altogether. And since we have this culture of shame and privacy surrounding breastfeeding, young girls and women don’t see it enough to learn what is normal/not and how to do it, so they often give up when they run into problems because they don’t realize there’s an easy fix. Moreover, an infant needs to be integrated into society in order to develop properly. He/she needs to see faces and hear voices. Isolating them – or throwing a blanket over their head – takes this important component of their development away. It also often annoys them because they are understimulated. 4.) YOU NEED TO SEE IT. That’s right, YOU. Even if you are a dude. Maybe you aren’t a parent, but you probably have loved ones who are. Or you might become one yourself someday. And if you are American chances are you have no idea how breastfeeding actually works, because you never fucking see it. It’s messy and complicated, and hard. It used to be a part of everyday life, because there weren’t any alternatives – So we learned how to do it by being around it all the time, NBD. The whole sexualization/modesty thing surrounding breasts wasn’t a thing until like the mid-20th century. Check out this 1871 drawing of a woman breastfeeding IN FUCKING CHURCH:

She’s covered head to toe, in accordance with modesty standards of the time – except for her breast, about which the people around her give zero fucks. More from the Surgeon General: In American culture, breasts have often been regarded primarily as sexual objects, while their nurturing function has been downplayed. Although focusing on the sexuality of female breasts is common in the mass media, visual images of breastfeeding are rare, and a mother may never have seen a woman breastfeeding. Mothers need to see it. Future mothers need to see it. Future fathers need to see it. Family members need to see it. Everybody needs to see it. SO THEY FUCKING GET USED TO IT. So, no, I’m not gonna go to the bathroom to feed my kid. If you don’t want to see it, then DON’T. FUCKING. LOOK.


I think ppl are kinda overreacting about that topic , both sides . Sure , that porn-society is fucked up and manipulating the world and that shouldnt be . But also , I dont know any woman over here who has an issue with breastfeeding in privacy . I am a woman myself and I dont have a baby yet but I got a mother , I got aunts , I'm babysitting for mothers who breastfeed their babies only at home and they dont feel isolated or depressed at all . Don't forget that it also is a private moment between baby and mommy and even if some don't care, some still do and it's not cuz they feel ashamed or anything , they just wanna enjoy that moment our have a moment with their baby . It can be that some mothers really feel ashamed , but that doesn't mean all mothers do . It's not like you have to feed your baby 24/7 and you aren't outside all the time . What mothers I know do is that they just prepare the milk beforehand cuz , at least I can imagine , it feels easier to feed the baby outside like this . And if you visit anyone or don't have milk prepared you can just put a light towel over , the baby and the mother won't care about it at all . When ppl say "everyone needs to see it" I don't see the clue about it at all . Yes , it is a natural process , but it is also a private moment between mommy and baby and it should stay private , not for other ppl , but for themselves . Ppl won't forget about it if they don't see it in public anymore , at least every parent or soon-to-be parent will deal with it anyway cuz of media , schooltopics , own parents etc. It isn't the only natural process ppl hide in front of others . Peeing for example is also natural and yes no one should be ashamed for it . But do you still want ppl to pee in public ? If they are outside and cant find any toilet they pee in bushes , they hide as well . Of course you still see them from behind but you dont see the process itself . So just putting a towel on the breast and baby is doing the same effect . I would say that ppl shouldn't take it that serious , there are so many opportunities for breast feeding in public and please keep in mind that every baby and mommy need their privacy . I don't wanna talk for every woman but I can only talk from my experiences and the experiences of other women and mothers I know . Please don't feel ashamed for breastfeeding or don't feel isolated , there are so many possibilities to deal with it than just making a big thing out of it . I hope I didn't offend anyone and if I'm sorry , I'm just trying to help and find a solution that stop the arguing and makes everyone a little bit happier cuz it is about compromises and not just forcing each other into stuff which makes them feel bad or mistreated . (:

Source: behance.net
“Why did we try to show things that new people would like when there are people who without care for their time have consistently supported us? Why did we try to grab onto the people who moved on? We should take care of the people who stayed and make it our goal enjoy together.” - Key

i don’t care what everyone says, this is the most important gif of my man cho kyuhyun




HI Everyone! It’s time for a giveaway!

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve done one of these, but I’ve had a stash back from Play/Replay era that I bought with the purpose of giving away and I’m trying to get rid of older albums that I has multiple copies or versions of. This will also, hopefully, encourage me to come back on here again, so here we go!

This giveaway is solely Super Junior!! I will be getting rid other albums at a later date


There will be 2 winners for this giveaway. 

Both winners will get the following:

…and then it gets a bit more confusing. The other prizes are given based on who replies to me first. They get to pick what they want of the following, and the 2nd winner gets the remaining:



Four of the following albums:

So in total each winner will end up with 7 albums, a magazine/book, and merch.


  • Likes and reblogs count.
  • No giveaway blogs - that would be a blog used just to reblog giveaway posts. I’ll check.
  • You do not have to be following me.
  • This giveaway is international.
  • Your ask box must be open! If i can’t contact you within 48 hours, I will pick a different winner. I will message you several times over that period of time.
  • You have to be comfortable with giving me your email and address. Email is more reliable than tumblr
  • If you are underage, you need your parent’s permission to give me your address.
  • All the entries will be numbered and the winner will be selected through a random number generator.

Giveaway ends Februrary 20th, 11:59PM PST

Until this, reblog as much as you like, and ask me if you have any questions! I know it’s more confusing this time than normal, but it was the most fair way I could think of.

**these albums are in great condition but have been used so there are no photocards


So I just got this message literally few minutes ago


A warning to all of my followers there no such a thing as @exposingthoselosers I just thought any form of information is good and can protect my followers from getting their phone or any other devices hacked if you’re connect to the wifi they might hack all of the devices connected.


Pls share this awareness ⚠


Also blogs get hacked or something and send these without the blog owner’s consent. I got this message and then afterwards the person who sent it to me said they didn’t send that.


got a message from a mutual today similar to this and they later messaged me to say it wasn’t them so yeah be careful

Basically if you get this message, don’t click on it, instead tell the person that you received that message. That way they know that they were hacked.

If I ever send you any message, especially if it has a link, message me back about the message before you click on the link. I will understand because things like this^^ can happen.

Guuuuys. I’ve received this

I’ve checked with the person running the account and it was a virus. Sooo… Be careful

I just got a message like this and thought it sounded familiar. Be careful everyone!

Warning for all my followers


Me seeing people say their faves are a better vocalist than Kyuhyun


Original choreo Leeteuk

with Leslie with Irene

The difference. Please stop being stupid. Leeteuk is very respectful with everyone. How on earth is this wrong?


Leave my son alone he did nothing wrong, stop accusing him & spreading false rumours

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