Minded mindlessness




a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity

  1. brooklyn bail fund
  2. minnesota freedom fund
  3. atlanta action network
  4. columbus freedom fund
  5. louisville community bail fund
  6. chicago bond
  7. black visions collective
  8. richmond community bail fund
  9. the bail project inc
  10. nw com bail fund
  11. philadelphia bail fund
  12. the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
  13. george floyd’s family gofundme
  14. blacklivesmatter.com
  15. reclaim the block
  16. aclu
turn off your adblocker and do not skip ads. between each time watch 3-5 other videos (mix it up) before restarting. this will ensure you aren’t marked as spam by youtube. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere but don’t mute the video itself. and let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.

please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.

01 or 10

Looking in the mirror,

I see a fat girl,

With her confidence non-existent,

Social situations making her hesistant,

Continuously questioning her own relevance,

Upheaveling her mind with not much elegance,

Looking around for a hand to hold onto,

But too scared of what would happen of that hand has to go,

Thus refusing to hold in the first place,

Unable to stop what she started,

Not wanting to give anyone a chance to hurt her, she has become so guarded.


But you,

You see a different girl altogether,

A girl who's opinionated and stern,

Well educated yet willing to learn,

Who dances when no one is watching,

And reads like everyone is listening,

To her,

Only her,

Who when avoids eye contact, you find that alluring,

A girl with mind vast than the ocean,

And you can't wait to dive in,

To explore the deepest corners for the hidden treasures.






It's just  a difference in prespective, you say,

You see a zero one while i see a one zero,

While you fail to realize that you are the hero,

You have been looking for all this while,

The two different worlds but the division is none,

The essence in both of them is just one,

And when the storm of your thoughts is finally undone,

You have to decide who you will become,

the one (01) or the ten(10),


Become the girl you've always wanted to be,

She's right inside you, you just need to see.

-Confessions of a struggling freak
PS- i got this idea while looking at a piece of paper lying of the floor which had the numbers '0' and '1' scribbled on it (in that order).
While i read it as 01, the person sitting in front (opposite) to me read it as 10.
This lead me to understand that its just a game of prespective in life.

Do leave a review, lets all learn and grow together.❤️

Nothing is as it seems
I'm seen as this person,
not lonely, not needy,
but you've failed to see,
right through me,


I'm seen as this person,
not jealous,not hurting,
but that's not me,
though I'd like to be,


I'm silent, speechless, solid,
an impenetrable wall no one can break without knowledge,


and that's not your fault,
that I'm guarded by this vault,
decieving your vision,
i put up this illusion,
so that you can make your decision,
and validate me as fine,
so that you would finally resign,
from trying to mend me,
and leave me alone to celebrate your victory,


i am hidden from everyone,
i hide bcoz its easier,
than to explain the rotting interior,
of my mind,
so, i have to make you go blind,
as have i,
to the pain and the cry,
of my heart,
so that i can run away from it like always,
because this is not a problem, it's just a phase,
yes yes its just a phase,
just a phase,
and it will pass,


but before comes that day,
i will push you away,
you'll do as i say, you will have to obey,
bcoz i want to hide till the time I'll be ok,


because that's just who i am,
So don't be mad for i am being me,
don't be decieved by what see.
- Confessions Of a Struggling Teen
A Song Without A Line
I am a song without a line,
No words i offer, i always decline,
Conflicted forever but i show no such sign,
As cold as a deep coal mine,
I am as huggable as a porcupine,
Like a forgotten melody underlying,
Like a knight in silver armour that shines,
I am unable to escape my own confine,
Wanting to live in a world i design,
Opening my eyes i find myself standing on the front line,
Feeling emotions i can't define,
causing my thoughts to intertwine,
But if your heart resonates with mine,
Maybe you'll understand this plight of mine.

- Confessions of a struggling teen 👀

Tender love - Beyond a crush

To Tom Hiddleston,

Thanks for existing and making the world a better place ❤️



My heart is screaming,

always dreaming,

of you with your guitar,

finally seeing,

how perfect of a being,

you are,

completely agreeing,

oh my heart is fleeing,

this crush has gone too far,


your name is on the list,

of people that exist,

who are too good to be real,

you give my heart a twist,

oh i can not resist,

the things you make me feel,


you are so sweet and you are so kind,

not just good looks but an alluring mind,

as serene as the morning dew

to Shakespeare your heart's inclined,

you are a soul by love so refined,

i can't stop thinking about you,


your thoughtful heart and your eyes always filled with care,

i can't help myself but stare,

at your face with innocence every so glowing,

Your everlasting grace and that pushed back hair,

can't help but notice that smirk so rare,

oh wait, Tom! your loki is showing


your smile so stupidly cute,

that smoldering look you shoot,

oh my! you are so divine,

Its a fact you can't dispute,

the goodness in the world you profuse,

you make my world smile.

- Confessions of a struggling teen

Yeah i know, I fangirled a little...

ok A LOT

But I'm not even sorry.

“Just one platform, even a small one, and i can express myself to the world.”
I made the mistake of uttering those words in the back seat of a car few months ago in the company of some friend and here i am today.
completely terrified
and having not a single clue of what's next.


So what the hell, let's begin
I'm a writer, I write poems just as a way to vent out my feelings, wanting to share them with the world but at the same time terrified of it, So lets commence this journey.

Welcome to my blog


sorry haven't decided a pen name yet💜


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