
Starfish Cult



Die heute show besudelt den Namen unserer geliebten Göttin des Streites und der Verwirrung ERIS, indem sie ihn mit den (zugegebenermaßen streitbaren und verwirrten, aber weit weniger sympathischen) Gotteskriegern von Daesh in einen Topf wirft. Das können wir uns nicht bieten lassen. Ich sage: Hmpf! 🤬

Source: twitter.com

What is the Game 23?

“I’ve always said I think that it’s exactly what you think it is. If you believe it is whatever someone else told you it is then you’re doing it all wrong because you’re the only one who could possibly know what it is.”

What we (I) think about the Game 23 ..

No one ever spoke about it in this Way, but we all played it since we were blessed up to be Discordians. The Number is in all, is everything and truely is, it’s a real good Value to create Things that you love and could go mad about. The Game 23, the Game of the Games, is the Godess favorite Thing and she played it before we begun it to play so she is this one great Dealer and the greatest Gamer of us all.

They say, the Game is an occult Archive of bombastic Knowlegde. Something great paranormal, something mysterious in the Matrix. Maybe the Source of everything, maybe the real big Kallisti. Playground for all those tiny little cutie Discordians and Priestress of Eris. A Real-Life-Role-Play-Game, connected to Witches and other little magical Beeings to invote the finest Chaos of Lady Eris Discordia into this fucking World of all those annoying Destroyer of this magical Planet. If we don’t stop it, it will stop us.


Once I carved statuettes of Chaos Gods from the Warhammer 40k universe and now I decided to try to return to this topic by redesigning Freya’s Anyway, whatever I carved, it turns out Slaanesh This and other my stuff you can find on my Etsy store

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