I'm not very active here but I check in sometimes.

@sexy-androgynous-satan / sexy-androgynous-satan.tumblr.com

Maxx || 22 || Pan || He/They/It || Solarian (Masc NB) || If you EVER think its okay to tell people to kill themselves, promptly block me || I'm also 'selfshipsonmain' if you're confused why I followed you || You'll probably disagree with me on some things, and that's ok. That's part of being human. ||

Recently thinking about crawling back to this hellsite for some reason. Wonder if Id just clear everything on this blog or leave it and start fresh. Hm.


imagine seeing a post that says “kids don’t deserve to get bullied” and thinking this is a remotely acceptable response to it

this is exactly the sort of callous, heartless mentality that makes me SICK and if i catch anyone else i follow saying this shit or sharing it uncritically i WILL hunt you down and peel you like a grape


I was relentlessly bullied for being weird (which is to mean, neurodivergent) as a child and guess what? I didn’t “learn how to not be an obnoxious weirdo”, I only started hating myself and developed an anxiety disorder which made me become straight up afraid of people, aka even more weird. So if you claim bullying is a way to teach weird kids not to be weird, you’re not just a terrible person; you’re also stupid because it doesn’t work.


That was the mentality up until the 1970s and SOMEHOW, MYSTERIOUSLY, it completely failed to work, and now we have a flotilla of scientific evidence that bullying fucks people up good while making children treat each other like fucking human beings is incredibly good for all of them so like…. nah.

Kid me, a ‘weirdo’ bc neurodivergent and not cis: *Bullied*

Adult me, a ‘weirdo’ bc amazingly still neurodivergent and not cis: *Still a weirdo but like also deeply traumatized with additional weird due to debilitating social anxiety and rejection sensitive dysphoria now*

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