
100% bias for logan sanders

@thesides / thesides.tumblr.com

A little blog about the Sanders Sides.

To, You.

To someone who needs this, wherever you are;

Times can get rough. That is undeniable. You will face the toughest trials, the roughest of obstacles, and the most tragic of events. But these things - so fleeting, yet ever so profound - are not who you are entirely. While we will always be affected by these issues, remember you are never chained to them. We will cry. We will sob. We will curse out every planet in the galaxy and every shooting star in our sky. And it’s okay. You will feel alone. You will feel these emotions that tear you up inside. And it’s okay. Remember, you are never completely alone. Sometimes, it doesn’t take a physical hand to reach out and help you out. Sometimes, what helps us the most is none that we can grasp in our own real lives.  Sometimes, the people we need at our sides, are the ones in fiction. And there will never be anything wrong with that. I don’t know much about the fandom right now. But, truthfully, I know one thing-- Whoever you are, no matter what you have faced, no matter what scars you’ve accumulated, no matter how many times you’ve cried... From Patton, you will feel with all your heart and heal it with all your love. From Virgil, you will learn to protect the beautiful soul you have in you. From Roman, you will build far kingdoms of bonding friendships and blossoming relationships. From Logan, you will discover a new part of you each day, each a dazzling gem of what makes you so unique. When all you feel is alone, remember this- You can always rely on the Sanders Sides to be on your side. Never forget that, Fanders.


okay i know we all talk about which side is the mom friend, but i feel like we all forget about thomas omfg

like with the amount of “logan!” and “roman!” and “play nice!” and “you pumP THOSE BREAKS, PRINCEY!” there are in the series, thomas reminds me of a distressed parent driving his kids around in a giant mom-van being like “I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND IF YOU FOUR DON’T STOP IT” every, like, five minutes omfg


Whoa, I haven’t logged in for a long time!

I’m getting into Sanders Sides again~! I think it’s about time I’ve jumped back into the fandom. 

If you’re a TS Sides blog, I’d love to follow you! I hope to get back into the fandom again <3


Headcanon that you cannot take away from me: Patton and Roman are those “bro posts” you see occasionally on Tumblr, word for word


I love the idea of Patton with circle glasses and freckles so much it has become my lifeblood and my only purpose at this point. Plus I saw like, fifteen fireflies on my walk yesterday and really wanted to draw Patton with some because I lOVE THEM BOTH WITH A PASSION OKAY- and so this happened. Anyways enjoy my son with some glowing boys.


PSA about the Incredibles 2

I know you guys have probably seen a lot of posts like this and are probably getting tired of it, but it needs to be said. I just saw the Incredibles 2 last night, and a large portion of the movie is strobe lights. I felt like I had to cover my eyes for half the movie. I’d seen the warnings on tumblr and done a bit of research, but nothing fully prepared me for just how bad it would be. If anything, some of the posts downplay how bad it is. I thought I’d be able to handle it without having to close my eyes, but I was very wrong. Almost every scene that had strobes had it consuming at last half of the screen, and it was pretty rapid too. Please, please PLEASE, use caution if you’re going to see this. 


Okay, so… Detroit: Become Human AU…..?

…..Yeah, no, this is really only about Logan being an android and starting to experience emotions while working together with Patton. I don’t really have much of an idea for a story.. but things certainly would not escalate. Humans would be more accepting of androids in their society. 👏👏👏

Plus, I really like the designs of the androids, which is why I wanted to draw Logan as one of them


If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again

Isn’t it disgusting that 23 people just unfollowed me


Unfollow me too

this goes double if you call paedophilia a disability. unfollow me twice


and if you call pedophilia an “orientation” or in any way compare it to being LGBP+ you can unfollow, delete your blog, and set yourself on fire. 

I just lost 50 followers.. bye

clearing out the trash




I’ve seen this circulating forever and genuinely thought “no way do I have any of them following me” until this week when it turned out I had all these fuckin “MAP” (pedophile) followers sad to find out I’m an “anti” (normal person) Please leave and also please get guinea worm.

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