
However long it takes

@hisgirlinthewhitedress / hisgirlinthewhitedress.tumblr.com

Valentina, 26.Italy. I worship Contessina De'Bardi. STAR WARS PREQUELS HOE. Ezio Auditore is the man of my life I'll never meet. https://www.fiverr.com/valentinacol716

thank you vegas for giving us charles and max pressed up against each other in the back of a rolls royce


max "i don't apologize for whatever happens on track" RAN after charles the moment he got out of his car to apologize for that lap 1 incident so charles was not mad at him he's so unserious


K3 first run

Charles: *makes mistake*
Max: *makes mistake*
Charles: through thick and thin

K3 second run


ma secondo voi ce la faranno mai a non parlare di persone bianche, europei, colonizzatori in merito a qualsiasi cosa? 

Letteralmente qualsiasi cosa succeda nel mondo è a causa delle “persone bianche” e seguono centinaia di tweet su cose che non c’entrano na beata minchia. 

Non lo so, sembra che abbiano un solo neurone


Things coronavirus has caused in italy so far:

  • People assaulting the carrefour
  • All of italy is quarantined
  • A prison break????
  • Memes
  • Giuseppe Conte suddenly becoming attractive
  • The disappearance of hand sanitizers

I don’t mind this ending for Alex.

I absolutely despise Grey’s writing and that’s a fact.

The show should have ended years ago, about around S7/S8.

Also, I never gave a shit about all the new characters introduced after S5, I really have no emotions when it comes to Jo or DeLuca (it that his name?) or whatsoever. 

So, maybe this is the reason why I don’t mind the way Alex left.

Ok, they could have done it 100% better, but I don’t think it’s just the writers’ fault.

The problem is the show that keeps going on and on and on for 16 fucking years. It’s a soap opera now. 

Actors are not going to stick for that long, and who knows what happens behind the scenes, I honestly think the drama made a lot of actors leave, but that’s just my opinion. 

Going back to Alex Karev, one of the few things they did good throughout the years was to highlight how he had never ever got over Izzie and, even though it was forced and made 0 sense to handle it that way, I’m ok with that. 

I prefer this over his death as many suggested.

Again, maybe because I never cared about Jo and his relationship with her, maybe because I always believed he never stopped loving Izzie, but he’s happy and I’m good with his ending, not 100% satisfied though. 

Now I’ll go back watching S1 of Grey’s cause I deserve good writing and characters I truly love. 


Yesterday my family and I had to put down our beloved 9 year old german shepherd due to liver cancer.

It was so sudden, we didn’t know about it and it was too late when we found out. 

I’m completely destroyed and heartbroken right now, I cannot stop crying.

On Monday morning I sat on the floor with him while he was laying down helpless with no energy and I just cuddled him as long as I could. At times, he tried so hard to get up but it was all in vain, he was so weak that he immediately fell back on the floor like a stone while I was ready to be his cushion. 

We didn’t know about the cancer til midday. 

We got to be with him til his last breath, he died surrounded by his family.

The utter pain is crushing everyone of us, my only relief is that he only got to suffer for 2 days and not 1 more, I just couldn’t take to see him suffer any longer.

We love you Jeff, you will be missed so much and we’ll keep you forever in our hearts.

Thank you for your unconditional love and the beautiful moments we got to spend together. 


Since I just reblogged something about Friends, talking about the Ross/Carol/Susan situation, it got me thinking. Everyone was always like “Wow Ross, it’s so big of you to be okay with your ex being a lesbian”, as if that was supposed to be something he shouldn’t be (and really, he wasn’t very supportive half the time). They also praise him for being a “good dad” as if he wouldn’t. (He also wasn’t, not really.)

Let’s talk about Susan. She fell in love with Carol and then finds out that she’s pregnant by her ex. Instead of running, she says “No, I want to raise this baby with you.” She goes to the appointments, is in the room when Carol has Ben. Then, we can see that she’s more of a parent to him than Ross ever is.

Susan is the one who deserves the praise. She’s awesome.

I’m sorry, but no. We need to stop thinking that just because they’re gay they should be condoned for having an affair and Carol cheating on her HUSBAND. 

Being gay doesn’t give any right to cheat. Ross, as much as annoying he can be, was hurt. He was in love with Carol, she cheated on him, lied to him, left him for someone else (if Susan were a man, you’d be here screaming and condemning him for being the other man), yet you think Ross should have been supportive?

NO. He did not have to be supportive of her relationship with Susan. 

The support had to come from friends and other people, certainly NOT from Ross and I’m so sick of you people judging Ross for hating Carol and Susan for what they did to him. He had every right to be mad and furious. 

Let alone the fact that when they find out Carol was pregnant, Susan did her best to keep Ross away from his own son using the lesbian card, when at the end she was the one that spent most of the time with Ben and not because she was the better parent than Ross, but because she got to LIVE with Ben and Ross had just to spend some days with him. 

Even though things turned out fine for all of them, you can perceive the fact that Susan and Carol cared little about Ross and his role in Ben’s life.

Carol had a hard time to deal with her sexuality and Susan helped her, but that didn’t give her any right to cheat and for them to pretend nothing ever happened. 


“How I act is me. I braid my hair all the time. You can’t tell me I’m acting black just because I braid my hair. That makes no sense whatsoever. As long as you’re happy with it I think you should do it. If you’re not happy with it then don’t do it. You cannot act a color.”


Ogni singolo giorno potrei scrivere un post di tutte le stronzate leghiste dei miei genitori che devo sentire e risentire non stop. 

Forse potrei farci anche un blog nuovo. 

Ho la voce della Meloni che mi trapana le orecchie alle 7 del mattino e alle 8 di sera.

Potrei non farcela. 


torno su tumblr per sfogarmi e dire che non riesco a capacitarmi di quanto cattiveria Salvini abbia diffuso.

I miei genitori stanno diventano delle belve disumane incapaci di ascoltare le opinioni degli altri al punto che io non parlo perché mi danno della stupida e sinistroide.

Io ho paura e mi viene da piangere. 


                                 My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel.                                     If I am ever a queen, I’ll make them love me.

                      Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)


                                 My skin has turned to porcelain, to ivory, to steel.                                     If I am ever a queen, I’ll make them love me.

                      Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones (2011 - 2019)

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