

@struggleagainstreality / struggleagainstreality.tumblr.com

"It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression!" "Symbolic of his struggle against reality".

Conservatives: I hate Muslim people. Look at what that Muslim person did at that Orlando LGBT bar.

LGBT people: So, does that mean you care about LGBT people?

Conservatives: No! Gay people are pedophiles, and transgender women are just men who want to invade women’s restrooms and harass women! WE NEED TO PROTECT WOMEN!

Women: So, does that mean you care about women?

Conservatives: Shut up, feminazi! Women in the United States are not oppressed! If you want to talk about women’s oppression, you should be focusing on how women in other countries are treated!

Refugees: So, does that mean you care about people from other countries?

Conservatives: Stay out of our country! Why should we care about refugees when we have people here who need help?

Homeless People: So, does that mean you care about people who need help?

Conservatives: No! Get a job, freeloader!

this is accurate



I have not eaten more than 500 calories a day in over a month, some days it’s as low as about 90. I’m not trying to diet or anything, it’s just a reality of way I’m living right now and my medical conditions.

Despite that, not only have I not LOST any weight, I have actually GAINED a small amount.

To say that I am frustrated is an understatement. Mostly because there are SO many people out there who think it is easy to lose weight if you want to and will push that attitude into so many people. Yet every fat person I know has tried to lose weight at LEAST once, so many have done it over and over again only to not be able to maintain unrealistic diets and starvation over a prolonged period of time with INCREDIBLY slow results.

So, like, next time you go to give unsolicited advice to a fat person about losing weight, just go and fuck yourself instead.

reblogging this to tell my followers, DO NOT EAT LESS THAN 1000 CALORIES.

Dont eat less than 1200, which is the bare minimum for females


Anything under your bare caloric minimum to keep your metabolism functioning normally WILL make you gain weight as your body kicks into Starvation Mode and thinks you’re essentially dying from a lack of food.

Can’t gain weight out of nowhere though. OP said they were eating 90-500 calories a day for a month, and have somehow gained weight? Where’s the weight coming from?

Probably from going from 90 to 500, possibly over. A body starved that badly will surely hold on to any fat it gets. OP has made it perfectly clear she doesn’t know a single thing about dieting, why are you surprised.

People don’t read a single thing about how to diet, just begin starving themselves, have no consistency in their eating pattern, can’t keep up the starving and start eating again, body immediately holds on to the fat that’s taken in so they gain weight, and in come the “dieting is too hard!!” and “dieting is unrealistic!!” nonsense. Of course your “diet” is unrealistic you absolute idiot. You would have known that if you had read even the most basic of information about dieting properly.

OP or anyone else wanting to lose fat, start by reading this. It covers all the important basics on how to diet healthily and in a way that you can realistically keep up with. Dieting is not easy, but it is simple. Figure out what amount of calories your body needs per day (with an online calculator for this purpose) and eat roughly 500 calories under that. That’s the basis of it. Get a fitness app to help count your calorie intake. Start lifting weights, not just cardio exercises. Keep in mind that losing weight can happen fast at first, then slow down. A cheat day every 1-2 weeks or so (allowing about 500-800 calories extra, not binging like mad) can help keep up the pace (tricking your body into believing it gets enough calories to safely continue burning fat) and allows you the occasional break. Try this for at least a month. Only then can you actually say that you have tried dieting.

OP’s dieting ‘strategy’ is..... Not good.

But they still shouldn’t have gained weight if they ate the amount they claimed.  90-500 is still just going from “barely anything” to “barely anything”. 

Let’s say OP’s body normally spends 2000 calories a day. To build weight on 500 calories, OP’s body would have to drop over 3/4 of what it spends - run on, say, 300 calories, and store 200 calories, and will gain a single kg after 5-6 weeks of this.

How is a body going to run on less than 500 calories? If that was plausible, what are we doing running on 2000? Doesn’t seem evolutionarily sensible to be throwing away energy.

My money is on OP not even remotely sticking to 90-500 calories.


I have not eaten more than 500 calories a day in over a month, some days it’s as low as about 90. I’m not trying to diet or anything, it’s just a reality of way I’m living right now and my medical conditions.

Despite that, not only have I not LOST any weight, I have actually GAINED a small amount.

To say that I am frustrated is an understatement. Mostly because there are SO many people out there who think it is easy to lose weight if you want to and will push that attitude into so many people. Yet every fat person I know has tried to lose weight at LEAST once, so many have done it over and over again only to not be able to maintain unrealistic diets and starvation over a prolonged period of time with INCREDIBLY slow results.

So, like, next time you go to give unsolicited advice to a fat person about losing weight, just go and fuck yourself instead.

reblogging this to tell my followers, DO NOT EAT LESS THAN 1000 CALORIES.

Dont eat less than 1200, which is the bare minimum for females


Anything under your bare caloric minimum to keep your metabolism functioning normally WILL make you gain weight as your body kicks into Starvation Mode and thinks you’re essentially dying from a lack of food.

Can’t gain weight out of nowhere though. OP said they were eating 90-500 calories a day for a month, and have somehow gained weight? Where’s the weight coming from?

Anonymous asked:

you used to be so anti-fearmongering, why the hell are you talking about "nazis" as if they're a real threat? we're in 2017 for fuck's sake.

Then you might want to take a second to wonder why the guy who’s so anti-fearmongering is saying “this thing is concerning.”

Are you actually so naive that you believe neo-Nazis do not exist? You think there are no more groups here in Europe that still identify with Nazism and wish to bring it back into power? You might want to read a news website every now and then. Far-right parties are rising up everywhere. We even have a party here, the Greek Golden Dawn, whose leader openly admits to being racist and nationalist. This is all in response to a man’s tweet that “"jokingly”“ implied people deserve to be locked in concentration camps. What sort of bubble are you living in where these problems do not exist? Where this is not concerning?

You are actually a prime example of why overdramatizations of the left are so damaging. Because they’re making people like yourself look at actual Nazism and say "no real threat here, stop fear mongering.”


Part of why I like debating controversial topics is that I believe it really shows whether people believe in these values or not. It’s easy for most people on here to say “I tolerate homosexuality” nowadays. That’s hardly a radical statement to make. It’s when it’s not easy to tolerate something that it pushes you to choose between your personal opinion and your belief in everyone’s freedom to live their own lives. The moment you believe your personal opinion is more important than the rights of other people, you are not truly in favor of freedom and equal rights.

What a nonsense response. Intersectionality is obviously relevant to MRM; e.g. black men is because of the intersection of racism and misandry, not one by itself. Black men are stereotyped in a specific way that doesn't apply to all men or to all black people. Rather than dismissing intersectionality as a principle, maybe recognise its value + try to bring it into your movement...?>

I was reblogging it not with the intent of “pfft who cares about those lot”, but in the line of thinking of:

OP: MRM is only for and about privileged rich white cis middle/upper-class straight men!

Response: Are you actually serious, virtually all of MRM issues disproportionately affect men of certain demographics. (Many examples were of that nature, though I may have just been over-reading onemv’s intent)


it’s funny how you never see MRAs or meninists advocating for gay men, trans men, men of color, Muslim men, Jewish men, disabled men, poor men… it’s almost like… they only care about cishet, abled, middle- to upper-class white men… like themselves… really makes you think! 🤔

The MRM is about problems men face on the grounds they are men. So I guess what I don’t understand, is why you think an adjective suddenly means these people are no longer men, and don’t have the same issues as what you seem to consider the only real men in  the world.

Does being gay mean they now have a shelters to go to when they are raped? Does being poor mean they will no longer face bias in family courts? Does being black mean they will no longer face unfair sentencing? Does being disabled mean they have access to some super secret spending on research into prostate cancer? Does being Jewish mean they are no longer mutilated at birth on religious grounds? Does being Muslim mean graduate and pursue higher education at the same rate as women?

These are all issues men ace universally, that the MRM does talk about, at length. But for some reason you think those people aren’t real men who would benefit from any of those things being corrected. Do you think a suicide line for men is going to screen calls to make sure they don’t accidentally keep a gay man from killing himself? How do you propose programs to keep boys in school and encourage them to seek higher education make sure they accidentally provide that service to a poor black kid?


someone please explain the difference between ethnicity and race to me the way you would explain it to a child. 

I’m still confused too, even after reading the answer already posted.


It’s like types of ice cream; race is the manufacturer and ethnicity is the flavor.

Racists are people with strong brand loyalty, conservatives are people who are really into a particular flavor, and liberals will eat any old thing.

Now I’m more confused and want ice cream.

Pff. These analogies man. Race is usually tied to phenotypes. Genetic expression related to large, overarching body features. Ethnicity tends to be more related to culture and direct, tribal ancestry.

OK, that’s actually helpful. But, like, are all “ambiguously brown” people the same race? Because they’re the same phenotype?

The way I see it for example a man might be “chinese” in terms of race (or I guess “asian” would be more accurate) because of his ancestry and phenotype, but Italian in terms of ethnicity cause he lived here all his life, grew up in Italian culture and blended in with it at least to some extent, is familiar with Italian social norms and expectations, speaks Italian, is familiar with Italian media, etc

Nah, that’s nationality you’re thinking of rather than ethnicity.


My favourite thing is when there is a ~scary~~ snake pit on television, and it’s full of cute little corns and pythons.

In Rotterdam this week, the designer Daan Roosegaarde is showing off the result of three years of research and development: The largest air purifier ever built. It’s a tower that scrubs the pollution from more than 30,000 cubic meters of air per hour—and then condenses those fine particles of smog into tiny “gem stones” that can be embedded in rings, cufflinks, and more.
Each stone is roughly equivalent to cleaning 1,000 cubic meters of air—so you’re literally wearing the pollution that once hung in the air around Roosegaarde’s so-called Smog Free Tower. In the designer’s words, buying a ring means “you donate a thousand cubic meters of clean air to the city where the Smog Free Tower is.”
The project has been in the offing for a long time. We wrote about the idea more than two years ago when the Dutch designer first publicly announced the project, which was originally planned for Beijing after the city’s mayor endorsed the idea. Roosegaarde and his team have spent the past few years developing the first prototype in Rotterdam, where it was unveiled this month. “It’s really weird that we accept [pollution] as something normal, and take it for granted,” Roosegaarde explains.
To fund the travel, the studio launched a Kickstarter campaign where you can buy jewelry and cufflinks made with its tiny smog gems—which, theoretically, would eventually become diamonds if they were compressed with much more extreme pressure.
But for now, the tower sits on a patch of grass next to Roosegaarde’s studio in Rotterdam, whose mayor and local government supported the project with grant money.
The process taking place inside its walls is powered by 1,400 watts of sustainable energy, which is comparable to a water boiler, and the studio says it hopes to one day integrate solar PVs into the design to power the process—which works not so differently than some ionic air purifiers. Roosegaarde explains:
By charging the Smog Free Tower with a small positive current, an electrode will send positive ions into the air. These ions will attach themselves to fine dust particles. A negatively charged surface -the counter electrode- will then draw the positive ions in, together with the fine dust particles. The fine dust that would normally harm us, is collected together with the ions and stored inside of the tower. This technology manages to capture ultra-fine smog particles which regular filter systems fail to do.
The team’s Kickstarter, where the studio is raising funds for another eight days, is closing in on doubling its goal—you can get your own smog gems by donating here.
This is the same man who created the Smart Highways and the Van Gogh Bicycle path

Sorry, it’s a pretty-looking clickbait scam, and barely does shit.

After you’ve seen a couple of pretty-looking clickbait scams, they look very recognisable.

Artsy person makes a prettily designed thing that they claim will solve a major problem, but take almost no energy. They push it all through the media, but for some strange reason often can’t get industry funding, and fund it via kickstarter. It gets debunked some point along the line, but by then the media has moved on, and the creator(s) have made a huge pile of money, and can move on.

A fair amount of that fits here, so it’s no surprise that the creator is now saying that it’s just an awareness campaign for environmental issues, rather than the fix.

They never claimed it would save the world. Media mostly hyped it like that. The claim that it was to raise awareness was already made before the Beijing project began.

It’s an interesting project and mainly an art installation that works in theory, but that can not be expected to single-handedly solve the smog problem in China. It’s still an interesting experiment and an inspiration to other designers. It’s neither as world-changing nor as worthless as both sides are making it out to be. The story you made up only fits if you overhype an art project and have your unrealistic expectations let down, then feel the need to resort to using words like “sucks” and “scam.” If you think only world-changing and life-saving solutions deserve positive feedback, then you’re never going to see either of them.

The Smog Free Project is not only intended to be a local solution for parks
creates a bubble of clean air enabling citizens to experience clean air for free
captures and collects more than 75% of the PM2.5 and PM10 airborne smog particles and releases clean air around the tower with a 360-degree coverage creating an almost circular zone of clean air in its surrounding.
FAQ: Is the Smog Free Tower the solution for air pollution? The Smog Free Tower is not only a final solution, but a sensory experience of a clean future.
The clean air that is blown out again will create a 'Smog Free Park'; a bubble of clean air in which we can inhale and experience an air that is 75% more clean than the rest of the city.

By their official statements, it was supposed to create a bubble of clean air in parks and such. It was claimed to be useful, not just an inspiration and sensory experience.

That’s why Tumblr bloggers are saying “HOOOLY SHIIIIT”. That’s why kickstarter backers emptied their wallets.

It’s an art installation masquerading as a technical solution, preying on people not distinguishing it from science/engineering. Presumably because there’s more money in good-hearted but misguided citizens wanting to tackle pollution than there is in an art gallery.

In Rotterdam this week, the designer Daan Roosegaarde is showing off the result of three years of research and development: The largest air purifier ever built. It’s a tower that scrubs the pollution from more than 30,000 cubic meters of air per hour—and then condenses those fine particles of smog into tiny “gem stones” that can be embedded in rings, cufflinks, and more.
Each stone is roughly equivalent to cleaning 1,000 cubic meters of air—so you’re literally wearing the pollution that once hung in the air around Roosegaarde’s so-called Smog Free Tower. In the designer’s words, buying a ring means “you donate a thousand cubic meters of clean air to the city where the Smog Free Tower is.”
The project has been in the offing for a long time. We wrote about the idea more than two years ago when the Dutch designer first publicly announced the project, which was originally planned for Beijing after the city’s mayor endorsed the idea. Roosegaarde and his team have spent the past few years developing the first prototype in Rotterdam, where it was unveiled this month. “It’s really weird that we accept [pollution] as something normal, and take it for granted,” Roosegaarde explains.
To fund the travel, the studio launched a Kickstarter campaign where you can buy jewelry and cufflinks made with its tiny smog gems—which, theoretically, would eventually become diamonds if they were compressed with much more extreme pressure.
But for now, the tower sits on a patch of grass next to Roosegaarde’s studio in Rotterdam, whose mayor and local government supported the project with grant money.
The process taking place inside its walls is powered by 1,400 watts of sustainable energy, which is comparable to a water boiler, and the studio says it hopes to one day integrate solar PVs into the design to power the process—which works not so differently than some ionic air purifiers. Roosegaarde explains:
By charging the Smog Free Tower with a small positive current, an electrode will send positive ions into the air. These ions will attach themselves to fine dust particles. A negatively charged surface -the counter electrode- will then draw the positive ions in, together with the fine dust particles. The fine dust that would normally harm us, is collected together with the ions and stored inside of the tower. This technology manages to capture ultra-fine smog particles which regular filter systems fail to do.
The team’s Kickstarter, where the studio is raising funds for another eight days, is closing in on doubling its goal—you can get your own smog gems by donating here.
This is the same man who created the Smart Highways and the Van Gogh Bicycle path

Sorry, it’s a pretty-looking clickbait scam, and barely does shit.

After you’ve seen a couple of pretty-looking clickbait scams, they look very recognisable.

Artsy person makes a prettily designed thing that they claim will solve a major problem, but take almost no energy. They push it all through the media, but for some strange reason often can’t get industry funding, and fund it via kickstarter. It gets debunked some point along the line, but by then the media has moved on, and the creator(s) have made a huge pile of money, and can move on.

A fair amount of that fits here, so it’s no surprise that the creator is now saying that it’s just an awareness campaign for environmental issues, rather than the fix.

charcoalandcowpies :
nekoamamori :
ulfric42 :
isabelknight :
butchlinkle :
dogtit :
traceexcalibur :
I took a DND personality quiz and it fuckin nailed it
seems about right im a fuckin Noodle
5th level neutral good human wizard. A weirdly buff wizard - I have a STR of 15 and CON of 14. I guess I can go punch people after I run out of spells.
Neutral Good Elf Monk, 5th level.
Strength- 17 Dexterity- 17 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 18 Wisdom- 17 Charisma- 13
Yeah, that pretty much hits the nail on the head. And yes, charisma is my dump stat.
Neutral Good Human Wizard (4th Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 14 Dexterity- 10 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 16 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 12
Chaotic Neutral Human Bard/Rogue (2nd/1st Level)
Ability Scores: Strength- 13 Dexterity- 9 Constitution- 11 Intelligence- 14 Wisdom- 10 Charisma- 14
Neutral Good Human Wizard/Cleric (3rd/2nd Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 12 Dexterity- 12 Constitution- 14 Intelligence- 17 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 16
Especially accurate given that in my detailed results I scored equally on lawful and neutral good, and only one point lower on half-elf than human.

Lawful Neutral Human Ranger/Wizard (2nd/2nd Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 15 Dexterity- 13 Constitution- 16 Intelligence- 12 Wisdom- 13 Charisma- 13

I have the shittiest stats for my actual classes, what the hell

Lawful Good Human Monk/Wizard (2nd/1st Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 11 Dexterity- 13 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 18 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 14


Chaotic Good Human Paladin (4th Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 10 Dexterity- 15 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 15 Wisdom- 15 Charisma- 15

As much as I behave and cultivate a bard/rogue appearance… this is really pretty accurate for me.

Neutral Good Human Sorcerer (4th Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 10 Dexterity- 11 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 15 Wisdom- 14 Charisma- 13

Lawful Neutral Human Monk (3rd Level) Ability Scores: Strength-   16 Dexterity-   12 Constitution-   17 Intelligence-   17 Wisdom-   17 Charisma-   15

I’ve come a long way from Neutral Evil.

You Are A:

True Neutral Human Wizard (4th Level)

Ability Scores: Strength- 13 Dexterity- 11 Constitution- 10 Intelligence- 14 Wisdom- 13 Charisma- 12

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