


"Soundwave: Superior." Decepticon Communications Officer: Online.

ElectroMagnetic Overheation Disorder

Electro Magnetic Overheation Disorder (EMOHD) is a disease in which a Cybertronian has an overexcitable em field, which leads to adverse affects. It can and sometimes does skip generations, as some diseases usually do. It starts early for some, and late for many. Often it is caused by too much EM field activity, or spark energy. The sufferer of this disease will at times spasm, pass out, or loose control if their spark becomes too excited. It is one of the many reasons why a sufferer of this disease must personally keep their EM field and emotions in check, and one of the causes for a lack of intimate activities. because theres so much activity so much they could get too intense, and probably pass out. It is why..if they have made love, they must shut down for quite a while. The systems need time to reboot and the Electro-Magnetic field needs to readjust. It appears to be more common in mechs than femmes, but femmes who suffer it usually are never diagnosed, for fear of being seen as just ‘overemotional’ and 'weakly made’.

In the case of an “attack”, a medic must be called in order to manually cool the systems down via the fan overdrive button most commonly found under the chassis, near the spark. If a medic is not present, then the sufferer can slip into comatose or in the worst cases, death by overheation.

Soundwave: Is bored.
Nemesis: Quiet
Query: Where the fuck are the Autobots when you need them?
Soundwave: Is tired of humans.
Soundwave: Wishes to not deal with humans.
Soundwave: Really hates humans.

[The bots are trying to mingle on different ends of the table] Bumblebee: Hey, have you guys seen Attack of the Zombie Brain-Munchers? Ratchet: The operation I saw involved fascinating new brain module extraction techniques… Bumblebee: …by hideous mutants with huge drooling mouths! Ratchet: So precautions had to be taken to avoid contamination… Bumblebee: …from popping eyeballs and swelling brains! Ratchet: The incision was made here to relieve the tremendous pressure… Bumblebee: But it was too late, his head exploded… Ratchet: …with the slicing and cleaving, the gnashing and the severing.. Both: …bloody gory! Bumblebee: Aaaaaah! Oooooh! Eeeeeh! Aaaaaah! Optimus: Guys! GUYS! Stop talking shop! I said "…mingle.“!


They’re going to try and kill him.

He’s probably already dead




seriously guys boost this

I don’t care if it looks ugly on your blogs THIS COULD POSSIBLY SAVE LIVES

Nigerians are about to save the world


Governments are gonna kill this guy.

his name is Maduike Ezeibe, a professor at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State. this is huge

The world won’t get serious about this unless a post goes viral and that’s sad af You rather talk about a vine video or popular culture ok that’s fine and all but there’s a cure for HIV/Aids and america is lying There is a cure for HIV/Aids and no one will spread the news for those who are diagnosed with it, so that THE WORLD COULD WAKE TF UP There is hope for those who have been diagnosed with a disease that may have given them 20 or so years to live For the first time in the history of the world there’s is a possible preventative cure for one of the most deadliest viral diseases

Most def had to reblog this. I’m supporting him 1000%



This doesn’t fit but I needed to reblog. Please signal boost. ♡

Honestly don’t care about keeping an aesthetic going, this shit is IMPORTANT


What would you do?

If I was just there sitting next to you.

Yes big ole Whirl just sitting there his legs folded , optic blinking quietly, vents humming .

Soundwave: Would likely attempt a conversation.
List of possible topics:
Condition of Lost Light
Swerve's Bar
and many others.

Soundwave: Wishes to introduce new feline companion. Designation:Arcee

Soundwave: Begets a Protest.
Shockwave: Is not sexy.
Shockwave: Is p e r f e c t i o n.

I don’t know who you are.  But I will make one thing clear: I absolutely despise being flirted with.  I will give you this once.  You didn’t know.  I am glorious.  I am a Slaaneshi beauty.  It’s only natural to think so highly of my appearance.

But don’t fucking do it again.

Soundwave: Was not flirting
Soundwave: Apologizes if it appears to be so.
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