
hannah takes the stairs

@onelittleballerina / onelittleballerina.tumblr.com

23 | christian | autistic | californian
"I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken." Psalm 16:8

Taako goes to some fantasy university in neverwinter and says ‘can i get a phd? I don’t want to write an essay but i did just save the world soooooooooo….’

And they’re like um no you have to write a dissertation? So taako’s like fuck it i’ll start my OWN university where saving the world is grounds for getting a phd. Hey hi it’s me ur friend dr taako

barry shows up after getting a phd from an actual university with the most smug face ever like “u made the rules taako gimme that 2nd phd” and taako doesn’t speak to him for a week

Omg dr dr bluejeans


Barry has 100 years of nerdery under his belt, so he spends a solid five years speeedrunning through phd programs in every university on the continent, often simultaneously, just so he can introduce himself at parties as

Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Bluejeans, PhD.


the great rosefinch is a small bird found in temperate grasslands and tundra of asia. the rosefinch is named for the pinkish coloration that extends over much of their body, with the exception of the wings and tail. they are a stockily build bird, with a thick beak used for cracking open seeds and nuts. they also feed on flowers, berries, and insects.

strawberry bird


NEWT SCAMANDER [hp characters 6/?]

“Worrying means you suffer twice.”

I thought this was gonna be for Indiana Jones at first, but then I remembered I re-blogged it from a Harry Potter-themed blog.


i’m being neurotypical for april fools day


How do you do, fellow functioning brain owner!! I sure do enjoy looking people directly in the face while I speak to them, don’t you??? After we comfortably tend to all pressing responsibilities for the day, what say we participate in a loud, crowded social gathering?? Maybe later when we all go home we can lie down in our clean and well made beds long before four in the morning and enjoy a nice, refreshing eight hours of uninterrupted sleep! I hope tomorrow will be both very warm and brightly lit!!!

i understood what you said the first time you said it because i paid attention and because my audio processing brain meat works super normally, and i’m agreeing with you! i would also like you to know that my brain produces the normal amounts of all my chemicals, nothing more and nothing less

I remember the text you sent me 5 seconds ago, fellow person with a functional memory! Let me send you a direct reply! Oh, I so enjoy executive functioning! Oh, you replied? I shall immediately check your text without anxiety because my rejection sensitivity is so average!

Isn’t it great that we can all do things we want to do and should do JUST because we’re literally capable of doing them???? After I’ve done some things, I might spend some time thinking some thoughts that I chose to think for an amount of time that I’ve also chosen. Maybe I’ll throw in some worries, just to spice things up, about only real problems that I can control.

My emotions are totally in control! I never get emotional, sad, distressed, scared, or nervous unless there is a completely logical and reasonable explanation for why I might feel that way, and I only feel emotions at completely appropriate and reasonable times! 

Usually, I’m extremely happy and completely capable of enjoying things fully and deeply! I hardly ever experience boredom, and when I do, I can do literally any task and no longer feel bored! 

I also can fall asleep instantly whenever I want, sleep completely uninterrupted, and wake up feeling refreshed and energized! I am never tired during the day, and I have a very healthy sleeping and eating schedule! 

I eat meals at regular intervals and am only hungry at normal times of day; I never overeat or under eat, and I enjoy fresh and healthy meals that I totally took the time to prepare myself!  

All of my memories are intact, especially the happy ones! And the happy ones are the only ones I ever relive or think about, because I can totally choose what parts of my life I reflect on and think about! I never have nightmares about past experiences or feel as bad when I think about a memory as I did when I was actually going through the event in the memory! I never give myself reasons to worry or panic, especially over things I can’t control (like the past), because that would be weird!

My hobbies include doing tasks in a timely matter and in an orderly fashion, being super relaxed all the time, having energy, easily remembering the things I want to remember, finishing things by the deadline with plenty of time to spare, socializing, and enjoying life! I can do any task I set my mind to like it was nothing!

And it totally did not take me more than a minute to type out this response! I didn’t struggle with figuring out what to say and did not get distracted even once! Go me! I’m so neurotypical y’all! 


sometimes you just gotta go “eep eep eep!!!”

if you make little noises for no reason… or big noises… or animal noises… or robot noises… or any kinda noise… you’re valid and i love you

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