
And This Too Shall Pass

@finding--freedom / finding--freedom.tumblr.com

Bronwyn. 28. Canadian. Medical Genetics PhD Candidate. Rower. Runner. I think a lot. I read a lot. Sometimes I forget to post things for a while.

Monday October 16th 2023 – 5:12pm

Hey Tumblr, it's been a while.

I've logged on a couple times in the last week or two. Most people I used to follow are no longer active. The few that are still here feel comforting (hi!). This community used to be such a big part of my life.

As always, I have many (many) thoughts going through my head. Some I would love to get out here, but I'm not going to put any pressure on myself to do so.

Scott and I are getting married in just under six months! We can't wait. He's been away for work almost 50% of the time in the last six months, and it's been very hard at times. Some days I still can't believe the life we're growing together – and am in awe that it's really just beginning.

The dark wet days (like today) are hard.

I'm still working on my PhD (please don't ask for much longer).

Jazzie is doing great.

I even won a rowing race over the weekend! My first in many years.

We'll see if I have anything else to say.


Race Recap: Hatzic Valley Road Race

Man is it nice to be able to write race recaps again. This one is a bit different because it's a cycling race recap! I'd never done a cycling road race before, so I learned a lot through the many mistakes I made. Cycling races are *very* different from running (or rowing) races. The short of it is that my fitness was alright, but my race tactics were non-existent. Much of the placing came down to a sprint at the end and I had nothing left, so I placed quite poorly. However, I had fun and would do it again! Over-analysis below:

Anonymous asked:

Do more math. The last three primes.

My first thought was 'do you not just know it's a prime number by looking at it' but then I looked at one and guessed wrong so touche. Better choices this time (if it is indeed the same anon), thank you!

89. Which are better black or green olives? Neither, olives are disgusting

83. Can you swim well? Not at all ... I am considering getting a swimming coach over the winter so I can do well when I finally do my 70.3 Half Ironman (I don't even think I mentioned it, but the 70.3 that got moved from May to July got flat out cancelled, so I've deferred to next year).

79. What was the last concert you saw? City & Colour sometime in 2019! It was great


17, 23, and 28!


Hello! Much better questions, thank you :)

17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? I think the short answer is 'people I meet on tumblr'. I talk to my friend Lucy the most, but I often talk to different people for different things.

23. Are your eyes the same colour as your dad’s? They are not: his are brown, mine drift between dark green and grey (I call them hazel on my driver's licence but that's maybe not technically true).

28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? I've chuckled at multiple internet things today but the last thing that made me laugh properly was my grandmother when I was out for lunch with her and a few others this past weekend!


March 18th 2021 - 3:14pm

I've been thinking back to this time last year, as I'm sure many of you have. Here's a collection of memories:

  • I was largely working from home in early March to finish my PhD proposal. I was grateful to be at home, able to work within arms' reach of Jazzie. Scott was in the field. I handed in my proposal on Friday March 13th, barely - I was incredibly distracted by the news of the "novel coronavirus" that was wrecking havoc on the other side of the world
  • My friend had her birthday on March 11th, and we made plans to go out for lunch on the weekend. By early on Saturday the 14th, we decided that it might not be a good idea. We still haven't gotten lunch together
  • The morning of Monday March 16th, I rode my bike to rowing. When I got back to my phone I had an email from my university telling us all to stay home if we could - until further notice. The university told us to wind down all laboratory experiments before the official shutdown on March 23rd. I had just submitted my PhD proposal, and so experiments were in a lull; I biked to work later that week to pick up my lab notebooks, and then didn't set foot inside my building again until June 15th
  • At my insistence (he said he'd hardly heard anything about the unfolding situation) Scott came home early from his work in Alaska. They shut down all flights in and out of the mine within two days of him leaving
  • I bought a ton of groceries before he landed and then we isolated for two weeks. Near the end of those two weeks our government passed a mandatory quarantine law. We had only been going out to run, but we stayed inside the last few days until the two weeks were up
  • Scott acclimatized to working from home quickly enough, but I was a mess. I could hardly read, so I was watching every minute of federal and provincial coronavirus coverage. I tried watched some of the US coverage, but couldn't without despairing. I refreshed the Worldometer website multiple times an hour. I went to every seminar about coronavirus that I could find. I got absolutely nothing done in the latter half of March besides training. It was the longest two weeks of my life
  • My PhD comprehensive exam got postponed from the first week of April until the 24th. I still think they went a bit easy on me; I hardy studied beyond a mad rush in the last few days. I was glad that I'd learned so much in my background research for my proposal, because my brain felt like it was full of holes. I (somehow) passed
  • May was purgatory. There were rumours we might be able to return to the lab fairly quickly; numbers were very low in Vancouver, and my building was working on COVID-safe protocols. Different protocols were suggested, most of them horrible. There one option where I'd be at work 6am-11am to allow for full cleaning between shifts. May 15th, then June 1st passed. I did some design work but mostly just exercised
  • We were finally allowed back in the lab, on short shifts. It was devastating to write June 15th after March 9th. My building felt the same, only now there was signage everywhere: single-direction staircases; one person per elevator. Our transit passes had been canceled, and I biked to work most days. I was only allowed there between 8am-1pm for the first few months
  • When I occasionally took the bus, few people were wearing masks. No one wore them at work (including me). Our labs are open concept and negative pressure systems, so it seemed overkill. Now it seems insane that we didn't

March 6th 2021 – 9:06 am

I haven't had the time/brain energy for journalling much this year, so this will have to do! A collection of thoughts below:


Zoomester Studyblr Challenge

Thanks to @progressaesthetics for setting up this challenge! I fully expect to do a couple days of it and then fall off the face of the earth, but it's nice to have some prompts.

Day 1- Introduce yourself! What’s some basic info you’d like to share about yourself? Also! What are you studying? (If you’re in college, what’s your major? which semester are you in?)

My name is Bronwyn! I am a Canadian PhD candidate studying Medical Genetics in Vancouver. I am also a high-performance endurance athlete (rowing/running/cycling) so I am very busy most of the time.

I am in my third year of my program (tags #gsy1 #gsy2 #gsy3 for each year), and am probably under half way done. My PhD is a fast-track from undergrad and my program average is 6 years (with people in my lab taking closer to 7). I'm fine with that though, I love my job (yes, we get paid)! I finished classes in my first year, and so I'm currently doing lab work, "attending" talks, TAing, and mentoring an undergrad.

Day 2- If you’ve chosen a major, why did you decide on it? If you’re in any other grade , what field/major interests you the most?

My major in undergrad was Biochemistry, which was great way to figure out that I don't indeed enjoy biochemistry! Part of the problem was that my program (at Queen's university) was extremely protein-chemistry heavy instead of being well-rounded. For example, I didn't take a *single* microbiology course, and only took physiology in my final year because I realized I had very little knowledge about how the body worked as a whole.

I knew fairly early on that I loved evolutionary biology, and my favourite fourth-year required course BY FAR was advanced molecular biology. I took a year off after I graduated to decide what I wanted to do next - I'd wanted to get a job in industry but it didn't work out. I then decided which university I wanted to go to, and I knew from my previous experience in two different labs that I wanted to do a research-based graduate degree. I spent a few days looking through labs and the ones I were interested in all fell under the Department of Medical Genetics. I then looked at the required courses and knew it was the program for me! I was also lucky enough to get into my first-choice lab. I don't have any particular ~story~ for why I'm studying X-chromosome inactivation beyond the fact that it brings together a few interests: gene expression regulation x sexual selection x cutting-edge laboratory techniques.

Day 3- Have you done a challenge before? If so, how was it? If not, what are you expecting to get out of this experience.

I have not! I have *meant* to do a few of them but haven't followed through. I think ideally I'd do 1-2 posts per week with questions that I like. I've been quiet on tumblr lately mostly due to feeling *overwhelmed* so I guess I just hope to start posting again.


January 2021 Recap.

By the time we got to the fourth week of January I decided that I would just wait until the end of the month before posting my January goals. (I’ll write out my 2021 goals at some point.) I think part of my issue is that everything just feels... up in the air. Uncertain. Lately I have been feeling both overwhelmed and ineffective, like I’m struggling to tread water yet not realizing that I would be able to stand if i could stop treading long enough to let my feet find the bottom. I feel like I don’t have enough brain-powered hours in the day, yet I’m also not waking up rested at least a few days a week.  It’s been raining a lot the last few weeks, which probably doesn’t help. Anyway, goals (generally not met) below the cut. Sorry for the negativity; things just feel hard right now.


January 26th 2021 - 11:15am

This month has flown by. I still haven’t posted my January Goals, so at this point I guess I will just post them when it’s time for the month’s recap. I can tell you now that it’s been very hit and miss. I haven’t fully written out my 2021 goals/intentions yet, but they’re sitting in the back of my head. 

Unrelated, heavy topics below the cut:


Training in 2020

Now that I’ve done my sport-specific recaps, here is my overview for the year. This was my second year of keeping a consistent training diary (2019 here). As per last year, I probably spent 30-45 minutes/week to keep it up to date since I also kept an online spreadsheet with totals (instead of spending forever to create it at the end of the year). I like keeping a training record because it forces quite a bit of self-reflection, and also helps with consistency. The basics: 

  • Total: 490 hours (460.4 cardio, 29.4 strength & conditioning)
  • average 81 minutes per day (76 cardio, 5 strength & conditioning)
  • average 95 mins per training day (usually one rest day per week)
  • average 8.6 hours of sleep per night
  • average resting heart rate 59

Slightly excessive number of graphs below the cut


2020 Resolution Recap

Original resolution post. Overall, I did fairly well, which is largely because my resolutions are internal and so achievable even in a global pandemic. Some of these have their own recap (which are linked, or will be linked). I put it under a read-more because a) another long-ass text post and b) this year has been hard, and I don’t want anyone to feel bad if they didn’t make or meet their goals!

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