
Just a Cnormal Cnidarian

@anemonator / anemonator.tumblr.com

He/Him, 21+. Right now this is mostly a Psychonauts blog, except when it's not. Don't be a bigot, don't be a creep, don't be a jerk and I'm sure we'll get along fine.

(January 1 - January 19, 2024)

Everybody in the place (LET'S GO), Everybody in the place (LET'S GO)

(Look under the cut for more drawings)


One of the problems with being in a small fandom is that there really isn't enough space for people to separate into their own circles based on their different interests. Instead, we all see the same Popular People with their Popular Takes that everyone assumes as "default" even if they make you personally want to put your head through a wall.

And, like, that's not anyone's fault, really. Smarter people than me have pointed out how social media is becoming more and more of a monoculture. And I have neither the desire nor the energy to push my ideas as "better" or "more correct" than anyone else's. But it's frustrating as someone who frequently Doesn't Vibe with a lot of the popular fanon stuff to feel like I don't have a space to express my own thoughts without feeling like they'll get drowned out.


I love the idea of Raz and Norma coming to an understanding after their sisters start dating. Obviously neither of them are thrilled about the situation, but also neither of them want to be the one to ruin things for their sibling, and that's the seed of trust that a deeper reconciliation can be built on.

It's about the mutual "I dislike you, but I love my sister more."


A very fun Frazie/Lizzie commission for @anemonator! It's always fun to draw any of the teen characters from PN! Since I don't draw them often they're an interesting challenge.

ID: A colored illustration of Frazie Aquato and Lizzie Natividad holding hands with big grins on their faces. Frazie looks back toward the figures behind them, Norma Natividad and Raz Aquato, as she says "You two play nice while we're gone~!" Norma and Raz are pouting and looking away from each other as they're being forced to stand close together by sharing an oversized yellow shirt with blue handwritten text that reads "Our get along shirt". The shirt also has X's and a skull drawn around the text in purple. End ID.


YES! It’s magnificent! Thank you @aquato-family-circus for giving me the obscure dynamic i crave!

I am emerging from my hole in the ground to once again throw this at you.


Okay, this is pretty incredible. A 3D artist, consulting scholars and archaeologists, worked for a year and a half in Blender to create a reconstruction of pre-Columbian Tenochtitlán, complete with the surrounding landscape. It’s staggeringly beautiful, and—at least to me—gives a wonderful impression of the city as a place where people worked and lived and worshiped


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