
Building a Simblr


Building a world is fun. Telling stories about the world is better.

Holder Court

We were invited to Holder Court for a block party that would be starting in the afternoon. We'd arrived early partly to help set up, but mostly so that I could finally see where my daughter's girlfriend lives. Alexandria had brought Artemis to visit before, but today I would meet the whole family!

The Woods family lived at number 859, and they were instantly welcoming. Soon my car was moved into the driveway and I was helping Mrs. Woods get ready for the pot luck, while her husband and son finished up breakfast.

You don't want to hear about the prep, though! Let's move on to the party!

They blocked off the end of the cul-de-sac to keep out traffic, so the street was full of Sims. There were a couple yard sales...

A food stand...

And somehow I ended up in the pool with Matthew Hamming!

I'd say there was a game of basketball, but there were a few balls involved, and not many rules!

I ran into Mason Parsons in number 857. There was a movie playing, and I took a break from the heat and activity outside to watch a bit before heading back out.

As the sun set, there were fireworks!

It was a fun day in a beautiful neighborhood!

Holder Court on the Sims 4 Gallery (houses also available on gallery separately)

Featured Sims: 


Cruise Ship: Helios

The beach was slowly filling with Sims waiting to board a boat hardly large enough to be called a cruise ship. Until a few weeks ago, I’d never even heard of a fan cruise, and now here I was in sunny Sulani, ready to tour the islands with celebrities and those few others lucky enough to have scored tickets.

There was some good-natured teasing from my daughter, Alexandria, about how we’d gotten our tickets, but I insisted that Matthew Hamming was not my boyfriend. I’d had a crush on the actor for years before we’d even met, but he wasn’t the only one with commitment issues, and neither of us was willing to put a label on things.

As we headed to the pier, we passed through the gift shop. It was a small building, but had a lot of collectibles and even some island-themed clothing! It was tempting to spend some money, but we didn’t want to be late, so we moved on.

Alexandria and I dropped off our luggage in our rooms, then headed to the deck for a game of foosball. Our eyes kept catching those of the celebrities around us, and finally we met up with Matthew.

As the ship trailed alongside the islands, we headed to dinner with Matthew at the on-board restaurant. The food and music were incredible, but it was hard not to be distracted as famous Sims walked past. I loved Devin Ashton in The Old Sawhorse!

We heard from our waiter that there was a nightclub on the top level! After we ate, we went upstairs and danced the night away in a sea of stars. 

The cafe next door was bustling, but I managed to get drinks for myself and Alexandria. While I was in line for a refill, she met Brytani Cho and I started a conversation with the lead singer of one of my favorite rock bands!

Phoenix Valentine told me over coffee and pain au chocolat to keep an eye out for guitarist Ransom Deschain on tv. Ransom will be on the next season of Survivor, and is hoping to win for his favorite charity, Pools Without Ladders.

The sun was coming up by time I said goodnight to Alexandria in her room, then headed to my own.

The next day we relaxed on deck for a while before the ship made a stop. We made a trip to land and visited a little shack that sold beach supplies. I rented a couple Aqua-Zips! Alexandria and I raced around the ship until we got hungry, then headed back.

We dressed for a formal dinner with Matthew, Phoenix Valentine, and Ransom Deschain! Though it was still exciting talking to some of my favorite celebrities, it was nice not being as overwhelmed as the first time we’d met.

Before hitting the club, we went downstairs to the tv in the sitting room. We managed to catch the premiere of Survivor! Though Ransom wouldn’t tell us what happened, or even if he made it through the first elimination, it was a lot of fun!

We were the stars of the nightclub, and it turned out that Phoenix and Ransom are as good at dancing as they are at songwriting. We requested some songs and stayed out late!

On the final day of our cruise, Matthew pulled some strings to get us into the one place we hadn’t seen; the control room. We met the cruise director and got to look at some of the high-tech equipment, as well as the maps and records they kept. I was impressed by all the work it took to keep the cruise running!

Before we left, Phoenix sang a song from his new album for me and Alexandria. It was incredible! When I’d finished swooning, I thanked him for the performance!

Back on land, we built sand sculptures and said our goodbyes. This is one trip I’d definitely take again!

Featured Sims: 

Sims Survivor on YouTube (courtesy of gamelia)


1-Acre Dream

Morning comes early on the farm, and so Alexandria and I were up with the sun, packing our bags for an unconventional holiday. We've lived in Oasis Springs nearly two years now, and though I wasn't raised in the country, my daughter was, and her heart yearned for someplace green.

We'd be staying with Michael Sleep and his fiancée, Lavender, though we'd never met either of them. I knew Lavender's sister, Daisy Wade, though. And I knew Michael's brother, Matthew Hamming. Michael only ever dabbled in gardening until he met Lavender. The two of them were ready to settle down now, and had invited family to see the wedding at their acre homestead.

At four bedrooms, the house was too big for just Michael and Lavender, but for the weekend, they'd be full up. Daisy was staying to help her sister get settled in, and she'd brought her young daughter, Lily.

"Where's Levi?" I asked.

"With Michael's brother," she said. "He's a big 5-star celebrity, you know. Wouldn't stay the weekend in the barn, though there's plenty of room. They're moving his trailer."

I couldn't blame him. If I'd had my own trailer, I might have brought it, too!

We met the bride and groom on the steps of their new home and Lavender was so much like her sister that I felt like I already knew her. They invited us in and gave us a bit of a tour.

Inside was a small, cozy library with a lovely view, and we lost a few people there! Lily asked for a book, and Alexandria couldn't say no to reading! Michael had a few things to get done before the wedding tomorrow, so he stayed as well, leaving me with our hostess and her sister.

We sat down to talk in the kitchen nook, and Daisy asked about their famous guest. "I thought Michael didn't get along with his brother," she said.

Lavender smiled. "They put aside their differences for the wedding," she said. "I'm more surprised that you're not all aflutter, Kiss!" The sisters looked to me as Lavender went on. "Most people get a little star-struck when they find out Michael's related to Matthew Hamming."

I blushed lightly. "Oh, we've met," I said. "About a year and a half ago at the Plumbob Pictures Backlot. "I've actually been in his superstar trailer! To visit," I added. "We were chaperoned!"

After a bit, Daisy left and Lavender showed me the workroom. It was attached to the house, but had a door out to the barn as well. I marveled at the space.

"Why are there planters inside? Doesn't your farm have everything?" I asked.

"Some plants don't do well in certain weather," Lavender told me. "We can bring them in and they'll thrive."

I helped her choose some flowers for an arrangement she was making, then we peeked out the back door at the view before heading inside.

We found the guys in the living room. Matthew stood to greet me, but we were soon shown out the back door to see the yard.

"Mom, you have to try the swings!" Alexandria said, grinning. "I'll push you."

I had my The Swing  moment before Alexandria left us to look at the pond.

There was a lot to be done on the farm, even aside from tending the plants! There was plenty of that too, of course. The farm is so large that they appreciated the help. A couple times a week, Lavender said, they invited the Garden Gnomes club to get everything watered and weeded.

I may not seem like the outdoorsy type, but I love to grill. We had chicken with fresh corn on the cob, and it was even better eating in the fresh air.

By the time we'd finished, the sun had begun to sink low in the sky. Everyone went inside and headed upstairs to the rec room. Here, Michael challenged Levi to a game of darts, Daisy and Lavender competed over Foosball, and I played Don't Wake the Llama with Alexandria and Matthew. Little Lily couldn't keep her eyes open, and fell asleep in front of a warm fire.

We finally turned in for the night, Alexandria and I to the room we'd be sharing with Lily, her parents across the hall, Michael and Lavender downstairs, and Matthew to his trailer. Alexandria and I stayed up late talking about all the fun we'd had, and looking forward to the wedding in the morning!

The morning was busy. Everyone had breakfast in the dining room except Michael and his brother. They ate together in the trailer so that the bride and groom wouldn't see each other before the wedding.

Soon it was just us girls, holed up in the master bedroom to get ready for the day. Outside, people were setting up the wedding arch and seating. More friends had begun to arrive. Then, it was time.

The weather held out, and the wedding was beautiful. The Fannings came for Lavender, and for Michael, celebrities like Devin Ashton and Aria Trill filled out the guest list.

Matthew played the guitar for his brother's first dance with his new bride. We all danced, drank, and partied throughout the day and well into the night.

Midnight saw me and Matthew watching the star-speckled sky and losing track of time altogether. We finally said goodnight outside his trailer, and I hoped I could sneak into the house without waking anyone!

I thought I'd made it when I heard singing from the hallway...

Who's strong and brave, here to save the American Way?

I'd caught Alexandria... singing Star Spangled Man with a Plan!  It took a while to get everyone calmed down, but we managed to get to sleep all the same.

The next day, after Matthew's trailer was hooked up to his car, we said goodbye to the Wade family. The newly married couple were off on their honeymoon, leaving the care of the farm to Daisy and Levi.

It was an unforgettable weekend!


Ancient Ball Pit

Johnny Zest: Thanks for tuning in to SSE, Sims Sports Entertainment! We’re here at the beautiful Ancient Ball Pit stadium. Do we have a show for you tonight, am I right, Mitch?

Mitchell Kalani: You’re right, Johnny!

MK:  Now, this is what some might call an Extreme Sport.

JZ: More like a sacrifice to the gaming gods!

MK: Whatever you want to call it, it is brutal!  Let’s look at the rules, shall we? Remember, PK Gameplay  rules are totally optional. You can play however you want, but if you want to know what’s going on this time,  these are the rules we’re using.

JZ :  I think I’ll hit Fast Forward on the DVR, Mitch! PK Rules  are a little crazy. A lot like your housemates!


JZ :  Let’s get into things! First off, I couldn’t be more excited about the Oasis Springs Skulls versus the Willow Creek Fire. You know I’m a skulls fan!

MK: I usually root for the Skulls, Johnny—I’m from Oasis Springs too—but I love underdogs and the Fire lost a team member last game.

JZ : (interrupting) Those cowplants are wicked!

MK: There were some visitors from where? Well, out of town, definitely! We all speak Simlish, but they seemed to have a little trouble with the local dialect and one didn’t realize what she’d volunteered for until it was too late!

JZ : This was one time the old Smile-And-Nod did not  work out! For the volunteer, anyway!


JZ : But let’s look at the teams. The Skulls are headed by Coyotl. He’s a strong player with a high fitness skill level, but maybe just as importantly, the crowd loves  him!

MK: He’s maxed out charisma, and you know, that goes into their odds. Fitness and charisma.

JZ : Minus distractions. We Sims are easily distracted somet—I need a drink of water. I’m going to the bathroom sink upstairs instead of the one in the next room, so it may take a while.

MK: While Johnny’s gone, we’ll finish up the roster. Coyotl’s second is Zyanya, who doesn’t lift as much, but is an adult player, and therefore more experienced. You really can’t beat experience, as long as you make it past the cowplants!

*laughs alone, then stops*

MK: The Skulls are filled out by Toltecatl, who may wander off to play guitar, and Tlalli, the weakest member of the team. Still, it could be worse. She could be playing for the underdogs!

MK: Speaking of underdogs, we’ve got the Fire. Captain Coaxoch will stop at nothing to live through another game, and her second is just as tough. Necalli has maxed his fitness skill, and he’s got a wife and five kids cheering him on!

JZ : Will he make up for Kiss Fontaine, though? *sits and drinks* Thank the gaming gods we got the ability to multitask in Sims 4! Anyway, Kiss’s fitness skill is at a laughable two!

MK: Still better than our fitness skill, Johnny! Her strengths are in painting and writing, but she can’t get distracted by those activities in the stadium. I also heard she’s got a steel bladder, so she’s not likely to need a toilet break.

JZ : The Fire are rounded off by Milintica. He’s a rookie, but he’s got good fitness skills. The chances of the Fire making it through alive is 20-23, and with the Skulls at 28-17, they’re going to have a hard time. Let’s show that player screen again.

JZ : Is Kiss dressed like a Medieval peasant?

MK: It is  the 14th Century. SSE would like to point out that this game is inspired by a Mesoamerican ball game that can be traced back to 1400 BC. This version is really more of a sport-based obstacle course.

JZ : Is it?

MK: I didn’t Fast Forward through the rules, Johnny.



MK: Coaxoch and Necalli showed off their basketball spinning skills, hoping to intimidate the Skulls, then went head-to-head against Coyotl and Zyanya, respectively.

JZ: Respect? Newcomer Kiss is getting none of that.The first time she got hold of the ball, her fitness skill went up to 3, but sadly it didn't help her make a basket.

MK: Ow! That's got to hurt!

MK: She's going again! She shoots...she scores! What an upset! Kiss won against Tlalli!

JZ: It looks like the games are over! Let's see who won, and who's getting eaten!

MK: Winners are Kiss, Toltecatl, Zyanya, and Coaxoch!

JZ: Looks like Necalli isn't taking the loss well, but there are only two cowplants in the center arena. He'll have to play another loser to see if he moves on.

MK: And with the end of the first quarter, distractions are setting in.

JZ: Tlalli is... playing on a mobile phone? Those won't be invented for centuries!

MK: Phones ruin some of the best shots, don't they?

JZ: Who's playing in the losers round, Mitch?

MK: It's Necalli versus Coyotl and Tlalli versus Milintica, Johnny.

JZ: Look at Coaxoch! A perfect swan dive! The crowd loves it!

JZ: Beautiful! Maybe that'll raise her Charisma after the game.

MK: Take a look at this, Johnny! You can see Necalli about to score in the background here, but...

MK: Kiss is in the lead!

JZ: How?!

MK: At the end of the First, when the other Sims were distracted, she was just standing there—

JZ: (interrupting) Oh! She's got the lowest fitness skill, so she didn't stop to do pushups! But how did that help?

MK: When she was directed to go to the diving board, there weren't any actions to cancel!

MK: Underground, Captain Coaxoch has taken the lead. That fitness skill came in handy because she can jog and Kiss can only walk.

JZ: She didn't get distracted by the workout equipment, and she's almost to the center of the maze!

MK: What's this? Zyanya is going back up the stairs!

JZ: She wants to watch the remaining basketball players! Captain Coaxoch is already through the maze into the lake and the Skulls aren't even downstairs!

JZ: That's going to cost her, Mitch. Her teammate isn't downstairs either. And Kiss finally got distracted. Apparently she wasn't sure about the purple water and decided to go browse books. I didn't even know we had a library!

MK: It's a library of game records, Johnny. Don't bother looking on the map, it's a hidden area and fans aren't supposed to go there.

JZ: Toltecatl is going back upstairs! He wants to play guitar! What a mess!

JZ: Captain Coaxoch is almost through the catacombs and there are still Sims playing basketball! At least some of the Skulls are on their way downstairs.

MK: It's evening now, and only Captain Coaxoch has moved on to the third quarter. There's no one for her to challenge, but she does need to play basketball—

JZ: Wait! Necalli has skipped the underground portion of the game, and is in the endzone! Can he do that?

MK: No! Is this his attempt to keep out of the cowplant's stomach?

JZ: PK Rules  are off the table, ladies and gentlemen! Looks like we need a different way to narrow down four losers to two because all four have a "Good Game" moodlet from losing a basketball competition!

MK: This is the first time we're playing this, and we're not using cheats or multiple games, people. What you see is what's happening.

JZ: We’re making this up as we go along!

MK: So what's going on with our four "Good Game" Sims, Johnny?

JZ: I guess this time it's last two on the court, and that makes one Sim from each team. Fire Milintica and Skulls Captain Coyotl are still in range.

MK: This can't promote cheating!

JZ: We'll try different rules if we do this again, maybe only four Sims to start out with so there's no need for elimination. Plus, Necalli has a family and fabulous hair, and Tlalli took herself downstairs without direction. She went to play with the punching bag distraction!

MK: All right! Let's get things back on track, and let's catch up with everyone! Captain Coaxoch is in the endzone legally, Necalli is there illegally, but we're going to let it slide because this game has already gone on too long, Kiss is almost out of the underground lake, and Milintica is about to be fed to a cowplant.

MK: As for the Skulls, Captain Coyotl is cowplant food, but the rest of his team is underground, at various stages of the maze.

JZ: I finished my drink. I'm going to wash it in the upstairs bathroom, even though cups can be thrown away and there's a trash can right next to the desk. *walks away laughing*

MK: What quarter are we in? (pause) They're all in different quarters? Are you going to move everything into a single timeline for our viewers? Why not? (pause) My executive producer says that part of the fun of Sims is how  crazy it gets, so we'll just let this keep going. Can we at least have more pictures?

MK: That's what you tuned in for, folks.

MK: Captain Coaxoch and Necalli have been directed to shoot around, so let's hope they make three shots each! I have a feeling I know what'll happen if they miss!

MK: Toltecatl has left the field! He's going after that guitar again! We're pretty sure he didn't make it through the maze, and we're getting frustrated, so let's feed him to the cowplants!

MK: That means there's only one hungry cowplant left! Remember, no one dies unless they get eaten twice, so this is really increasing the chances that everyone will live through the game.

JZ: Did I miss anything?

MK: Tlalli went back through the wrong end of the maze to play with a punching bag. This is her second or third time with it, but we'll try to get her through the maze again.

JZ: Necalli is finished playing basketball and wants to go hit the punching bag. Who's still in the game? Who's winning?

MK: No one's winning, Johnny. This is insanity!

JZ: Is the game over? Why are Coyotl, Toltecatl, and Milintica heading out?

MK: Probably to use the shower rooms. Who's on task?

JZ: Captain Coaxoch, Kiss, and Zyanya.

MK: I declare them winners! Go milk some cowplants, ladies!

JZ: I need closure!

MK: Too bad!


PhantasmKiss: If you want to attempt this yourself, you can find download links below. Let me know if you've played! Change the game however you want! I'd love to see what you can do!

(Origin ID: PhantasmKiss)


Enchanted Forest

Levi Wade swears there's vampires out there, and that he's been bitten! His wife, Daisy, thinks he's telling stories, and keeps quiet about the green people who've taught her so much about gardening. Who's out there, really?

The night started out like any other. Levi stoked the fire and his wife, Daisy, turned down the sheets. They lived in a modest country cabin–one room upstairs, one room downstairs, an outhouse and a farm–and had everything they needed. The two kissed goodnight and went to sleep.

Around midnight, I suppose, though I wasn’t there to read the clock, the Wades had a visitor. He didn’t knock to wake them, but strolled on in as though he was invited. I would have thought that was against the rules, considering his ah, cultural standards, you could say, but there you have it.

The pale man with the dark hair invited himself right upstairs to the bedroom and started some kind of voodoo magic. Daisy slept right through her husband climbing out of bed.

I think what happened next goes without saying, but the pale man did  have fangs, and he left two little marks on Levi’s neck. Puncture marks. And when he was done, he disappeared like he’d never been there at all.

Levi was left dizzy and stunned, and woke Daisy up to tell her what had happened. He vamped me!  he exclaimed, but Daisy just raised an eyebrow, kissed her husband on his sun-browned forehead, and told him to go back to sleep. 

In the morning, everything was back to normal. Levi put out the fire and Daisy made the bed, they had a quiet breakfast, and were off to the day’s business.

They had the farm, of course, but Levi spent most of his days woodworking. About as soon as sunlight streamed into the bedroom window, he was awake, and back to his projects. Today he was building an end table, but he found a lot of joy in tinkering with statues, too.

Daisy spent most of her day in the garden, but she didn’t spend it there alone. She’d made friends with some of the oddest people who lived nearby, and they’d taught her what they could to keep things blooming. She’d even managed to raise up a few plants she couldn’t quite explain. After all, how many trees do you see glowing on their own, and what kind of flower has a skull in the middle?

By late afternoon, the Wades had worked up quite an appetite. Daisy made a salad bursting with fresh greens and some of the finest tomatoes this side of Appaloosa Plains, then went out to find Levi grilling burgers.

“After supper, let’s go take a swim,” she said, and Levi looked over with a smile. They’d done a good day’s work and had plenty of produce, live plants, statues and furniture to sell come market day.

Off near the river, the Wades built a fire. Memories crept in, the kind you don’t tell your kids about. Levi had been lookin’ fine the day they’d met properly, all lanky limbs in tattered jeans and a crooked smile beneath his cowboy hat. Though years of hard work had worn lines in his face, it had turned a lean youth into a man.

Daisy herself was no spring chicken, but that day, Levi remembered how he’d reckoned she was hotter than any girl-next-door had a right to be. After all these years, the two were still best friends, and it was times like these they remembered they could be more.

With a wink and a smile, Levi took off into the water, as though he wasn’t a day over sixteen. Daisy laughed and followed him in.

I’ll let you imagine what happened next, if you will, and if you won’t, I’ll leave it like this: There’s still a spark left in that old fireplace, if you get my drift.

Well, Levi went fishing after all that, and Daisy went home, but soon enough the sun went down and she had to go get her husband. He’d have stayed out half the night if she let him, and had done so before on many an occasion!

If you thought that was the end of this story, you’ve been misled. You see, Levi hadn’t forgotten the night before, though Daisy had brushed it off as a dream. That was no dream, and Levi reckoned he could prove it. He took his trusty lantern and set out alone.

I’ll give you a picture of what happened next: Yep, Levi went on a stakeout. Literally, as the case was. He crept through the darkest parts of the forest with a hastily-carved stake tucked in one boot. Applewood, it was. He wasn’t sure if the type of wood mattered, but Applewood made fine furniture and a sweet-smelling fire, so why not?

At last he found an old, weathered door, half hidden behind creeping ivy. Did he go inside? Why, yes he did, or the story would have ended back at the river!

Levi wondered for the first time that night if he hadn’t bitten off more than he could chew. Thankfully, the bats didn’t bother him, but what did was the tattered old home he’d stumbled into. He and Daisy didn’t own the finest things, but they were comfortable and tidy.

I’ll let you soak all this in for yourself, but he did find a stairwell, and at the bottom was a heavy wooden box, unmistakable in its use. And his presence called it open.

It was the very vampire he’d seen before! The vamp recognized him as well, and though I can’t tell you just what was said, quite a discussion followed.

Levi reprimanded an immortal creature of the night for trespassing, I can say that much!

Of course, he’d trespassed too, and that came up, but the two were logical men and worked out their differences. In fact, they came to an agreement, chewed the fat a bit, and found out they had things in common.

Fishing, for one, and the vampire, by name of Floyd Pink, took his new acquaintance through a secret tunnel to a lake more beautiful than Levi could believe. He didn’t stay out half the night fishing, after all. He stayed out all  night fishing.

It was around dawn when Levi went home and Floyd pulled out a book to read. How do I know that? Well, I’m the one telling this story, that’s how.

Floyd had a visitor just before he’d have gone to bed. Or gone to coffin,  if you’d rather. It was an old friend and neighbor of his, Vivendel Blomst. It was her family who owned that pond on the hill, and he’d built his home in the only path to it, for protecting reasons. He’d had a slip-up the night he’d visited the Wades, but in general was a nice enough fellow, if you didn’t mind his eating habits.

It just so happened that the Wades were now mutual friends, and they were extending an invite to a party. The sims had finally swapped stories, and everyone within hiking distance was invited.

Where do I come into all this? Well, right about now, actually. You might not know this, but I spent a great deal of time in Simissouri, and have family there. This happened some years ago. I was friends with the Wades, you see. I lived just down the road a bit, so it was no trouble showing up early to help get things started.

Levi and I moved the couch out to the patio for some extra seating, and my daughter helped Daisy find some folding chairs. They told me about their other guests, and I went home to freshen up before the big gathering. 

At dusk, just as the sun slipped behind the hills, a cloud of mist formed. What did it form? Floyd, of course, haven’t you been listening? He’s a vampire! Kids, they never listen. Well, here was Floyd, and his friends the Wades had gotten together with the Blomst family to get him a basket of the biggest, juiciest plasma fruits you’ve ever seen. Floyd laughed, but you could see he was touched.

Everyone tucked in, and there was quite a spread! Hamburgers and hot dogs are a must at any get-together, but there was also a stew, a casserole, some fresh-baked cookies, and Daisy’s best apple pie.

The Fannings arrived, and the Ulrics, and everyone had a good time.

I had a good talk with Sage Ulric about his fledgling veterinary practice. He’s quite the handsome fellow, and Vivendel kept my daughter entertained for a bit while we got to know each other.

I liked him quite a bit, but you know my daughter. Alexandria told me later that she didn’t like Sage. “He’s a scrub,” she said.

“He’s a veterinarian!” I argued.

“He’s a scrub.”

“But you liked Matthew Hamming!”

“Not this guy, he’s not good enough for you.”

Why does this seem to happen every time I meet a single man?

The sun was near to rising when the party finally wound down. Alexandria watched the stars as I thanked Daisy for having us, and she gave me a warm hug before sending us off with a bag of leftovers. I wouldn’t be cooking for a day or two!

And that’s that, I suppose. Of course, that’s just the way I remember it. Maybe someone else knows the Enchanted Forest Sims, as I call them. Maybe they’ve got a different story to tell. If so, I’d like to hear it.


Plumbob Pictures Backlot

Note: The Plumbob Pictures Backlot came with the Sims 3 Nightlife EP. I have recreated it the best I could, with the Sims 4 base game. My related Sims 4 challenge is here.

Lights! Camera! Action!

These are the words that come to mind when you think of movie-making! Beautiful people, red carpets, adoring fans, and, of course, §imoleans,  §imoleans,  §imoleans!

A good acquaintance of mine, Mason Parsons, was lending his yacht to the making of an upcoming film and invited me and my daughter, Alexandria, to come along.  We’d driven by before, but had never been inside the buildings. My heart thudded with excitement as we pulled into a parking spot.

Our guide for the day, Evelyn, looked like a star herself, but she was actually director Alan Stanley’s personal assistant.

She led us inside, where Mason checked in at the front desk. Alexandria and I looked at new movie posters set beneath a ticker displaying how the studio’s movies and TV shows were doing. I couldn’t believe that Malpractice was losing viewership! That show has been a hit since 2014!

We went upstairs, where several hopefuls were waiting with screenplays, or to give auditions. I overheard Nancy Landgraab saying some very rude things to Evelyn! Apparently Nancy thought her son should be on TV, and the studio disagreed.

Finally, the director was ready to see us! Alexandria and I shared excited glances as we listened to Mason talking to the others. Director Alan Stanley fielded questions from costars Matthew Hamming and Lola Belle, and I thought I saw Lola’s son, Jupiter, sneaking glances at Alexandria from behind his sunglasses. I hadn’t realized they were so close in age!

 After the meeting, we got to see storyboards for another film Alan Stanley was directing. This one was a western, called The Old Sawhorse.

We also took a peek into post-production, where they were mixing sound for an upcoming project. We left quietly, and finally Mason had to leave us. We’d see him again later, but for now, Alexandria and I were on our own.

We stopped in the cafeteria for a quick lunch and saw all sorts of Sims, some in regular clothes and others in full costume for filming. One group was celebrating a wrap with drinks!

Evelyn found us to continue our tour, and we went down to wardrobe first. They had copies of a lot of items, even those used in only one scene, in case something happened to one, and all kinds of costumes for extras as well. I recognized a couple things from movies I'd seen, and Alexandria swore she saw a pair of ruby slippers!

The prop department was incredible! There were suits of armor, treasure chests, space creatures, crates, and even everyday things like clocks. I recognized the prop-master, who'd been upstairs hoping to give someone his screenplay on his lunch break. I wished him good luck!

Alexandria and I waited in the hall while Evelyn went to talk to someone in their dressing room. Though we didn't follow her in, we did catch a glimpse of Emmy Starr!

Some of the extras for her new sci-fi movie hadn't shown up, and we were surprised when Emmy suggested we fill in. Even if we were shadows in the back of a crowded room, this was an opportunity we couldn't pass up! We headed over to hair and makeup.

My hair is so long that I got my own team of stylists, and Alexandria's hair is so pink that she got a wig!

We were dressed in costumes which got pinned up in places to fit us perfectly, then met the others on the set. I remembered that Emmy Star is dating Alan Stanley, but the two were very professional.

That's me and my daughter on the left! It took quite a while to prepare for such a short time, but it was amazing seeing Emmy go from business to emotionally crushed by the destruction of her home planet.

Lola Belle was filming as well, and after we'd changed back into our own clothes, we got to sit in and watch.

Lola plays a young woman who is stood up on a beach date and meets a handsome beach bum who turns out to be the owner of a certain familiar yacht! In this scene, she and her mother, played by Aria Trill, sing a duet on the yacht.

Since Aria and Lola are about the same age, it took some makeup tricks to make them look like mother and daughter.

Lola’s hair got dyed to make her look sweeter, as well.

They'd created parts of the yacht in the soundstage to film some of the trickier scenes. We also got to see a dance scene set against a green screen, and part of the opening scene!

We saw a couple other films, as well! Bella Goth was in one, as an evil sorceress. I'm not sure exactly what was happening but it looked like a white knight was trying to get past Bella's henchknight to storm the castle!

There was also a low-budget western being filmed. The producers couldn't get Matthew Hamming, so they cast Devin Ashton, who actually looks quite a bit like Matthew. I heard someone call Devin the poor man's Matthew Hamming!

Whatever they call Devin, he was dashing as the sheriff! I hope this movie raises his celebrity level, as I’d love to see him in more things.

I never would have recognized his costar, Lilly-Bo Chique! 

Evelyn got a text then, and took us to the back of the studio, where Matthew Hamming was resting in his trailer.

Alexandria and I waited outside, but Matthew must have recognized us from the meeting earlier. When he was ready to go to hair and makeup, he asked if we’d like to come with him, and we said yes!

This time, Matthew would be in a Roman themed film. I was sorry to see his beautiful hair get cut, but it grows back!

Before and After:

Mason found us just as filming began. I didn't recognize Matthew's costar, but Mason said her name was Babs L'Amour. Though they were filming in front of a greenscreen, apparently a beautiful Roman temple would be added to the background. This would save a lot of time and money flying cast and crew across the world.

Alexandria said that Babs and Matthew had no chemistry, and somehow it was suggested that I get up in front of the greenscreen with him. I wasn't about to say no!

Alexandria suggested later that I might end up in a love triangle with Mason and Matthew Hamming, and I laughed. "Why would you like me and Matthew together," I asked, "when you don't like Mason?"

"You and Mason don't have any chemistry," she said. "You and Matthew have a lot of it!" That was a strange thing to hear from my daughter!

She asked if we could get a picture with Matthew, who had been nothing but accommodating, and he said yes. Surely she was just teasing me!

Before we left, we got to see what they did with some of the greenscreen pictures. I know a bit about Photoshop, but this was film and some of the scenes turned out amazing!

They even put a backdrop on my picture with Matthew!

It was an unforgettable day, and we might be hearing from some of the Sims we met again. Alexandria definitely will, as she gave Jupiter Belle her cell phone number!


Elven Village

Year: ca 1780

My father was a Grand Mason in the Grand Lodge of London and Westminster, and with his death, I had been entrusted with a book that I should not have had owing entirely to my gender.

“Burn it when I go,” my father had said, “or give it back to the Lodge.”

I am an insatiable reader and far too stubborn to listen to such nonsense, and so I opened the book to learn its secrets. That is how I and my daughter, Alexandria, discovered the Elven Village.

Long ago, the book said, a village grew up around a mysterious tree flanked by a glittering lake. It was far more modern than we expected, neat cottages on stilts above what might have been swamp land had the grass not been so green and the water so clear. Guard towers stood at each corner, and we stood in front of a stately door. But where were the residents?

Alexandria and I spoke for some moments before letting ourselves in, and it wasn’t long before we heard faint music from ahead. We followed a path of stairs to what appeared to be a large communal building at the back of the village.

Within, we were welcomed by a fantastical assortment of beings! The town’s mayor was tall and fair, and we were soon invited to share a meal with the villagers.

This community was made of Norse and Germanic elves, visiting Christmas elves, and even fairies! They spent a great deal of time in their community center, eating meals together and participating in all kinds of activities. They were as curious about us as we were of them!

After the meal, we went upstairs to revel in music and dance. Beings of all ages and hailing from places far and wide mingled like a perfect melody!

The mayor was a brilliant pianist, his wife inspiring on the violin. Alexandria joined them, and though we’d only just met the elves, they already felt like family.

A tour of the building brought us to a rooftop garden. It grew everything the village needed. Elves are greatly in tune with nature, and I could see other roofs with gardens or activities atop them. This truly was an outdoor enthusiast’s dream!

I played a quick game of chess with the Mayor on one roof...

...and there was more music and dancing on another!

The Christmas elves took us into their vacation home. It turned out that they were not children after all, but a married couple with a young daughter. Though they didn’t live here year round, they were as firmly a part of the culture as any others.

We visited the pair of fairies next. These sisters loved the outdoors so much that they brought it inside as well! Their house smelled of fresh blossoms and summer grass, and had a large kitchen.

We found our way to the Mayor’s house to meet his wife and daughter properly. They had the only multi-level home, but though it was elegantly furnished, it didn’t seem pompous or overbearing.

The day had dwindled with our social calls, and soon it was night. Houses lit up with lanterns and the mystical tree glowed faintly. Even in darkness, the village felt serene.

There was one family we had yet to meet, and the Mayor introduced us. A young married couple had a spare room which might someday be a nursery, but was now well-equipped for overnight guests.

We spoke for some time about our cultures, about things which were different and things which were the same, each of us engrossed in the conversation. My heart was bursting with the love of learning, with all the kinds of beauty we’d seen meshed so well together that day.

At last, Alexandria and I sought our beds. They were soft, comforting. Soon we were asleep.

The morning saw communal bathing in a hidden lake. Elves and fairies came and went, sitting to chat, soaking in the emerging sunlight, or taking in the crystal-clear waters. We were revitalized.

There was more conversation, and more games. Alexandria made fast friends with a young man and I played Don’t Wake the Llama with a Christmas elf while her daughter played in the grass.

Alas, we could not stay forever. Home called to us, and we said goodbye.

Perhaps others will follow, as my father’s book could not have been the only one. There are other Freemasons, and countless adventurers. This adventure will not be my last.


Kiss Fontaine


Restful Spirits Cemetery

Let me start by saying that everyone is safe. Everyone is safe, and there are parts of this story that I'm not even in. I'll let my daughter, Alexandria, tell those parts.

At the beginning, Alexandria was off with her cousin Leanne for an afternoon drive and a sleepover. I called out the usual cautions, reminded them that I'd have my phone with me, and got patient reassurance in return. I wasn't really worried, they'd had several drives and countless sleepovers, but it made me feel better to say the words. Be safe!

I didn't know we were going to the cemetery, Alexandria told me later. I knew Leanne was into urban exploration, but she'd never brought me with her, and I wouldn't have agreed to go. I argued with her when we got there, but she was too excited and couldn't be reasoned with.

At first it wasn't so bad. Leanne knew of a walled-in space that was always decorated. It was a little creepy, but there were flowers, candles, and sugar skulls, and it really felt like the people here were loved.

We found a smaller place where kids were, and I couldn't stop crying. The urns were all decorated with drawings and favorite toys, and though the love could still be felt, it was so sad! Those poor children would never play with their toys again. They'd never grow up, never get married.

Leanne hugged me and we went outside. It was dark by then, and we found a pet cemetery. I wondered who had loved these animals enough to give them proper graves, wondered if any of them had belonged to any of the children.

It really was beautiful there. Some of the graves were tilted, sunk into the ground with time, but most had some sign that Sims still visited. There were flowers, mostly. Some had vases, or potted plants that looked well tended, and some had only a single bloom.

We were looking at marble tombs when a little girl came up to us. Leanne told me to leave it alone, that kids are horrible, but I love kids and she looked lost. How could I ignore her? I picked her up and she cuddled against my neck.

I almost had Leanne quieted down when I saw someone over her shoulder. The baby's mother had come for her, but she wasn't what I expected. Fierce brows were sunk low over deep-set eyes and blood-red lips surrounded a mouth filled with fangs. They were vampires! They wanted us to join their legion of the undead and had soon kidnapped us into the catacombs!

I told Alexandria that was nonsense. We don't have the Vampires game pack!

Okay, we didn't meet any vampires, Alexandria admitted. She was stalling, so I told her to go on.

Leanne wanted to go into the catacombs, Alexandria told me. She said she was going in whether I went with her or not. I didn't have time to think it through, but I hoped I could keep her from getting into too much trouble. Or if she got hurt, at least I would be there to help her.

In the catacombs the hallways were narrow and I felt a growing sense of unease and slight claustrophobia. What if we got lost? What if we got stuck? I hadn't known we were going to the catacombs so I couldn't have told you and no one knew where we were. At this, Alexandria gave a pointed look at Leanne. There were lots of urns and the lighting was dim and eerie.

We entered a brick room with crosses made of skulls and a giant stone statue. Leanne was super excited. She had read about the catacombs in Paris that have skull art and she had hoped to see some. What she really wanted to do was take a skull off the wall and inspect it. She wants to be a doctor, and apparently inspecting skulls would have helped her in her studies of Sim anatomy. I talked her out of it, but just barely. Leanne took a picture.

Meanwhile, I was at home, playing on my computer in blissful ignorance. That is, until I pulled up Simbook to find my daughter tagged in a picture taken someplace she shouldn't be! I whipped out my phone to call her, but as I took my thumb off the dial button, I heard ringing across the room. She'd forgotten her phone!

Willow Creek hath no fury like a mother scorned! If I couldn't call my daughter home, I'd go get her, even in the deepest catacombs of a haunted cemetery. I grabbed our phones and my car keys and left the house.

Eventually, Alexandria went on, Leanne and I entered a room with fossils and jars as well as a few odd graves. We couldn't read them in the dark so Leanne took out her cell phone and shined her flashlight on the stone. There were no names on the graves and no inscription like 'RIP' or 'Beloved so-and-so'. The only writing was the dates of birth and death. The dates of birth were written in a language neither of us could understand. Simoogle Translator didn't help either.

I was still puzzling over the graves when Leanne called me over to a table at the side of the room. She was staring in fascination at the strange fossils on the table. They were no type of plant or animal either of us had ever seen. Leanne nudged me and pointed toward the floor. We crouched down and found jars filled with formaldehyde and bizarre creatures... Aliens! The room was for aliens! The graves and fossils were all for them!

Leanne began telling me of a time when she was with another one of her friends and she got abducted. Go ahead and raise your eyebrows, but after seeing those aliens in jars there is no doubt in my mind that aliens exist!

We left the alien room and continued our exploration, finding a pile of skulls resting in the near darkness. It was super creepy. Leanne reached out tentatively to touch the skulls, but I smacked her hand away. Who knows what could happen touching a skull? I warned her that there might be a trap or disease carrying pests. Leanne leaned closer to the stack of skulls and without warning collapsed sideways. "Leanne!" I cried. Suddenly she jumped up and said "Boo!'' I jumped and gasped. Not funny, Leanne!

Leanne and I left the skulls, her still giggling and me grumbling over the prank. We came to a hall with a door set in the wall. Leanne cautiously tiptoed over and peeked in. She gasped and pulled away, breathing fast. I, however, smelled baloney! I walked up to the door expecting another prank and peered in. What I saw surprised me. There was a ring of gnome spirits! At the head of the circle was a strange gnome in a cloak. The gnome looked up and pulled back his hood. He appeared normal, but his eyes were gold and glowing. My gaze stuck to his as he lifted his scythe, but Leanne pulled me back.

"Are you crazy?!" she whispered. "He could have reaped you."

I shook my head. "He’s the Reagnomper. He only reaps gnomes." Leanne was still skeptical and wanted to move on. As we went to walk past the door, she gave one last glance. Her eyes widened and she held up a finger for me to be silent. "Don't fear the Reagnomper," I whispered, and started to hum a bit of the song.

Leanne and I rushed along the halls, away from the gnomes. Her stomach growled and she turned to me sheepishly. "Do you have any snacks?" I remembered the fruit snacks in my purse, but my purse was in her car.

"They're in the car."

"We should probably leave," Leanne said. I felt relief flood over me. Leanne led the way forward, saying that there should be a second exit coming up, but we walked for what felt like hours.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" I asked.

"Positive," she said, though she didn't sound confident at all. "Oh! I think I found a door!" she shouted, her voice echoing around us. Unfortunately it was no door, but a necklace in a glass case, guarded by a silent ghost gnome. We looked closer, careful not to touch.

"I recognize this..." I murmured. Suddenly, I remembered where I had read about it. "This is the stolen necklace of the late Duchess Pinky!" Leanne's eyes widened. "It's said to have a curse worse than the Hope Diamond. Whoever stole it must have died down here."

My nerves were already stretched tight when I smelled something foul and heard the sifting of dirt from the walls behind me. I jumped, afraid that the ghost gnome had changed its mind, or we had somehow triggered a trap!

It was a ghost, but not the gnome, and not the Reagnomper! It was a pirate, one whose hygiene was so poor that we could smell him even through the veil of death. His name was Captain Long John Buttercups, and once we had gotten over the shock, we told him we were hopelessly lost.

Meanwhile, I had finally arrived. I was armed with nothing but my wits, a partial map of the catacombs I'd downloaded from Simoogle onto my phone, and martial arts, a skill I picked up long ago in Sims 3.

Still, a map can't fully prepare you for reality. My footsteps echoed in the entry hall, and a stale smell rose from ahead. A chill ran up my spine, lodging in the base of my neck, but this had to be done. I would find those girls, hug them close, and give them the scolding of a lifetime.

My map only took me as far as the room I had seen in the picture online. Sim skulls, bejeweled and painted, decorated the walls, and a lone statue stood in some unknown source of light. I stood still and listened carefully, holding my breath, only to be disappointed. There was no echo of footsteps, no laughter, no shouts for help. I gave a silent prayer that the girls were all right.

I caught the eye of a passing ghost and lifted my hand to get his attention. "Could you help me?" I asked, and introduced myself quickly. He told me his name was Captain Rodrigo De Pablo, and that he would indeed assist a lady, if he could. I exhaled in relief.

"I'm looking for my daughter and her cousin," I told him, and brought out my phone. There I had several recent pictures of Alexandria, though the phrase pink hair normally told people exactly who I was looking for. The Captain nodded.

"I know where they are," he assured me. "I will take you to them."

We walked quietly, each lost to our own deep thoughts. He paused at a small pool of water, as though remembering something, then turned to float up the stairs. I thought I could hear something now, the sound of voices, many voices, and the distinctive echoing voices of ghosts. My heart thudded.

As I reached the top of the narrow staircase, I found light and laughter, almost like an impromptu party. Alexandria stopped talking immediately and eyed me, wondering how much trouble she was in. Leanne looked away and pretended she hadn't seen me at all. "You two are in so much trouble," I said, then pulled Alexandria into my arms.

I was very tense, and Cordelia took me aside so I could try to calm down. The two of us viewed paintings which had been done when she was alive, while the girls stood nearby. Princess Cordelia pointed out that Captains Long John Buttercups and Chaz MacFreeling were to the left of her and her favorite, Captain Rodrigo De Pablo, was to her right. In each work I could see the spirits still haunting the world.

It was a long trek back through the catacombs. Three ghosts accompanied us, though the fourth, Captain MacFreeling, apparently spent most of his afterlife admiring his own painting. We said our goodbyes, and I led two silent teens back to living civilization.

Restful Spirits Cemetery in the Sims 4 Gallery

My house, Creative Spaces, in the Sims 4 Gallery



Billionaire Mason Parsons had an ego, that much was obvious. He'd commissioned an obscenely large yacht, and from what I could tell, it was mostly to impress other people. He loved his new toy so much that he commissioned a website to go with it, and that's where I came in.

I'm a graphic designer by trade, and I made a bid on the job. I couldn't say why he chose me, but he did, and I was determined to live up to expectations. Mason invited me and my daughter to see Calypso herself on a weekend-long holiday off the coast of Newcrest to get a feel for her before I began. How could I say no?

I met his family first, and wondered what I had gotten myself into. His father, Matthew Parsons, was a big-wig investor who'd started out as a "Mailroom Technician," which sounds like a fancy way to say he brought people's mail to their desks. He'd recently married a woman younger than either of his children, and the two were definitely in their honeymoon phase.

Mason's sister, Madison, had a Can I see your manager? haircut, and I recognized her husband, Ramsey Zeng. He was one of those young men who'd made millions launching companies. Chronos magazine had called him a "Tech Guru" and a "Dot-Com Pioneer." He seemed to be trying to talk to their daughter, Audrey, as Madison complained about how long it was taking to set the stairs up next to the yacht.

Finally, the man himself showed up.

I'd dressed my best and was glad of it. For all the Internet stalking research I'd done, seeing Mason Parsons in person was an experience. The ego I'd expected, but not the charm. Mason was outgoing, self-assured, and, dare I say it? Extremely handsome! He welcomed me and my daughter, Alexandria, as though we were the guests of honor, not an employee doing hands-on research and her plus-one.

We chatted for a bit, then he led the way, a brisk breeze ruffling our clothing as we mounted the steps. There we met the pilot, Mitchell Kalani, and the activities director, aptly named Summer Holiday!

We went to the bridge while the crew brought our luggage and readied rooms. I pulled back the scarf I'd worn to protect my hair from the wind and promptly forgot to be nervous in my excitement.

Mason and Mitch explained the navigation equipment to me while Alexandria asked Summer every question she could think of. How fast could Calypso go? (Eighteen knots, though she cruised at twelve.) Who'd built her? (She was based on a design by Christensen Shipyards, originally called Casino Royale.) How big was she? (Forty-six squares long by fifteen squares at her widest.)

I even got to wear the Captain's hat!

Alexandria and I were shown to our rooms by Siobhan (pronounced sheh-vahn) Fyres. Each room had a double bed, a desk and Wi-Fi enabled computer, a lot of storage, and a private bathroom. Alexandria claimed a room on the starboard side, and I was across the hall.

I found something in my room which hadn't been in my daughter's, and began to wonder about our host's true intentions.

Little time passed before we were back out on the deck. It was late afternoon by then, as we said goodbye to Twin Oracle Point and began our journey to sea.

We were called to supper promptly at 7 pm. and the spread was fabulous! Alexandria, Mason and I chose the lobster, though there was also steak, gnocchi, and several things I couldn't quite identify. I ordered a non-alcoholic Purple Rain and Alexandria had something pink that shot off sparks when she first got it!

We were joined by Sims I hadn't realized were aboard, and I got a little starstruck. Apparently Mason's friends include the Landgraabs and the Goths, though Bella Goth was missing during the meal. Geoffrey Landgraab is a really nice, down-to-earth guy, something I hadn't expected, considering his wife's rumored criminal activity.

After supper was karaoke! Some of the guests were a little juiced by then. Matthew's wife, Aura, broke the ice with Madonna's Like a Virgin, which was a little awkward for the rest of us. Mason's niece sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow before being sent off to bed, and she did an amazing job!

I wanted to sing, but didn't have the nerve until Alexandria dragged me on stage. It was tough finding a duet that wasn't romantic, and even harder finding one we both knew, but we finally settled on Good Time, by Owl City and Carly Rae Jepson. It was a lot of fun!

A few Sims wandered off to bed, Alexandria included, though I think she was more interested in gossiping to her friends online than she was in sleeping! The rest of us went out onto the upper deck for music and dancing.

I recognized Alice Spencer-Kim on the piano and waved hello. This would be a nice job for her, but I bet she couldn't wait to get home to her family!

After hours of socialization, I needed quiet, but didn't want to stray too far. I stopped at the edge of the deck to look out over the water. The night was beautiful, buildings along the shore lit up, moonlight reflecting off the water. I wasn't alone for long.

Mason joined me, and for some moments, the silence was comfortable. When he spoke at last, he said some things I won't write, lest my daughter read this!

Our earlier tour hadn't included the master suite, but it was as modern and sleek as the rest of the yacht. It had the usual bed and storage, of course, but also had two walk-in closets, a vanity, and a high-end television.

I took the time to write down notes for my web design before checking out the master bathroom as well.

The master bathroom was as large as my entire suite! It had the same amenities, a shower and a tub, but dual sinks and far more space.

Later I met with Alexandria on deck. She loves kids, and had made fast friends with Audrey. This forced her parents to spend time talking with each other, which seemed to work out. Her mother was finally beginning to relax.

I was talking with Mason when I saw sea turtles off the port stern. They swam alongside the yacht for a moment, but when Alexandria came over, she had missed them!

We talked, and everyone decided to go for a swim, or snorkeling, or simply lounging in the sun. I took Alexandria with me. I spotted the turtles again! This time Alexandria didn't miss a thing, and we watched them for some time.

It was one thing seeing aquatic life from the yacht, but quite another to swim amongst it all. We saw schools of fish below a nearby dock, sea grasses and flowers, and I thought I saw a treasure chest, though I lost track of it in the excitement. Maybe someone else will be lucky!

We returned to Calypso, where the Parsons family was having a casual lunch on the top deck. We ate and talked where the night before we had danced. I decided I had misjudged Matthew's young wife. She really did seem to love him, and he could be as charming as his son.

After lunch, most of the others wanted to lie in the sun. Alexandria and I took that time to go exploring on-board! We started with the door off the dining room, which naturally led to a kitchen.

The kitchen had a double wide refrigerator and two sinks, as well as two dishwashers! I could smell something baking and hear someone moving around in the next room, so we took off before we could get caught!

The kitchen wasn't the only crew area we wandered into. We found an office/lounge as well. It was sparsely furnished, but clean and well-stocked. We talked about taking a skeleton key with us, but didn't actually do it. Anything that was locked up, we were fine staying out of!

The last stop on our private tour was the engine room. I hadn't imagined how much machinery it would take to run a ship of this size! Alexandria and I looked, but didn't touch, and finally we went to rejoin the party.

Mason was with Geoffrey Landgraab in the gym. Summer offered to coach us if we wanted to try the equipment, so we changed into our workout clothes and jumped onto the treadmills!

As promised, it was a bracing environment to exercise! I've rarely had so much fun exercising, though I wasn't at it long before I pulled a muscle.

Alexandria took me to the infirmary, which was small, but had everything I needed. Summer and Siobhan tended to my injury, which was thankfully minor, and I was advised not to overexert myself for the rest of the holiday. I had been very active!

There was a movie playing in the recreation room, and several Sims gathered to watch it, to read, or to play chess. Audrey played a very good game against her grandfather, though he won in the end.

I was feeling inspired, so I brought out my paints and easel. Alexandria watched me for a while, as I began to paint a passing canal boat, but Audrey came to find her, and they left together.

I later found them together, reading The First Unicorn. It was one of Alexandria's favorite books from when she was younger, and she'd brought it in case she got bored. That had never happened, but she had found someone else to share her love of reading!

Supper was amazing again, and this time everyone joined us. The table seated all thirteen Sims, with room to spare!

Alexandria and I stayed up half the night talking about everything we'd seen and done. She confronted me about my feelings for Mason, but I assured her that I have no intentions of settling down any time soon! She swore to me that if he broke my heart, she'd punch his yacht.

Finally, our holiday was at an end. It was hard saying goodbye to the crew, who felt like friends now, hard saying goodbye to the life of luxury, and to Mason.

While Alexandria hugged Audrey goodbye, Mason and I stepped aside to talk. I told him that I didn't feel right beginning a relationship while I was working for him, however distantly. I thought that it would be easier to do the job than to risk my heart after so many years with only my daughter to care for.

He countered with a rose, as fresh and beautiful as the one I’d found on my pillow that first night.

We had exchanged contact information before this weekend even happened, and though I'd heard he was a non-committal playboy, he promised to contact me again. Is this the end of a holiday, or the beginning of something else?

At last, Alexandria and I stood alone on the dock, watching Calypso ready to move on.

Who is Mason Parsons, really? An eccentric billionaire? A heartless rogue? Or is there something more to him, below the polished walls he puts up all around him? Maybe someday I'll find out.

Note: Captain’s hat is CC and not included. You can find it here, though.



Year: 1779

I had never heard of Agartha, but there was the word, scrawled in the back of a book I hadn't known existed. "Burn it when I go," my father had said, "or give it back to the Lodge." But curiosity had driven me, and when he died, I opened it and learned its secrets.

A world at the center of the earth, it said, a civilization independent of our own, existed. The Freemasons had kept this secret for centuries! The book I held had come from Scotland a century ago and my father, a Grand Mason in the Grand Lodge of London and Westminster, had been entrusted with it. I, a mere woman, was forbidden the knowledge that I held. I had no sons to pass my father's belongings to, and so the Freemasonry would end in our line.

I bristled. My husband had died years ago, shortly after our only child, a daughter named Alexandria, was born. With my father dead as well, I was left destitute. Was I to live with my only sister and her husband? A poor relation with nothing to offer? I refused. My daughter was not yet old enough to marry, and so I took her with me on a journey to Mount Epomeo, Italy.

With the forbidden book as a guide, we sought a tunnel through the earth, carrying what we could in packs and foraging for nourishment. The caves were dark, the path unsure, but at last we saw natural light once more. At last fresh water ran ahead of us, and we followed it to a city unlike any I could have dreamed of.

There was no one style that I recognized. There were hints of the classical in enormous corbels, dashes of the Orient in the slope of roofs, the Mediterranean in arches and windows, held together with sharp angles and touches of vibrant color. I had come prepared for a prehistoric society of cave peoples, but what I beheld was an exotic and quite complex city, the architecture of which defied all logic. Why, the central temple alone must have been four stories, and the bridge connecting it to a tower had no visible supports!

I and Alexandria walked a bit of the perimeter, but the city seemed surrounded by water. What seemed to be the actual entrance was thick walls surrounding a pool of the clearest water we had ever seen. Perhaps this deep within the earth, there was no stagnancy, no decay. Whatever the situation, we had one option only.

Stripping ourselves of the functional clothes procured for the adventure, we were left in undergarments to swim a lengthy tunnel. I feared for our safety, should the walls collapse, or should we be attacked from above, but we were left to be. The water was as warm as the earth and as smooth as silk.

The pool ended in a type of starburst pattern, one we would see echoed over and over throughout our stay. Those within the city must have known we were coming, as we were greeted by a willowy woman and a large, robed man. We blushed to meet them in soaked undergarments, but neither seemed disturbed by our attire.

Their appearance, however, was rather shocking. Both appeared human, but for their eyes. The sun in this land was constant, for where could a sun hanging in the center of the world set? Although I speak a smattering of languages, communication was no barrier. Others had journeyed to Agartha before, and though they were few and none had been seen for a hundred years or more, the Agarthans spoke English as well as you or I.

To return to their appearance, their eyes had no visible pupils, for the sun shone constantly. Pale skin was rare as well. [See appendices for more on the Agarthans' physical appearance. For the sake of this narrative, we shall focus on culture and architecture.]

Empress Song and Sapphire, as they called their spiritual leader, welcomed us wholly. They had never met females from above, as Agartha was a secret of the Freemasonry alone. I showed them the Masonic bible my father had left behind, but they needed no explanations. In their society, the line between genders was quite blurred at times.

We bid adieu to the Empress and followed Sapphire to a small building with a roof, it was explained, in the shape of an eight-pointed star. The star was sacred, as it was thought to be the source of all life. All that grew in the earth sought the sun or depended upon it.

Within the temple was the Sacred Fountain. Built so long ago that Sapphire could not make us understand, it was where the first Agarthans had drunk before beginning a settlement that would last millennia. Agarthans did not age as we did, and they attributed it to the refreshing waters that were the lifeblood of the city.

We cleaned our hands in the lower basin of the fountain, then drank the sacred water from above and a great peace descended upon us. I and Alexandria continued in awed silence to the next room. There we found an altar in remembrance of the dead and I lit a candle for my father. Alexandria lit one for her own father, and we bowed our heads in prayer.

By this time, a feast had been prepared to welcome us. We were led into rooms belowground, rooms lit with candles beyond reckoning, for though the Agarthans revered the rarity of darkness, they feared it as well. I have constructed a diagram of the public subterranean rooms, below.

Fig. 1 Public Rooms, Basement Level 1

Left: Dining hall, with seating for eight. Right: Kitchen, with ice box, wood stove, and dual sinks. Top: Candle altar, bathrooms. Below, unseen: public crafting room.

Empress Song presented her court, a gathering of men and women with names I can no longer recall. We sat at the dining table, the Empress at the head, Sapphire to her right, and myself in a place of honor to her left. We closed our eyes against the dim light as the table was heaped with food.

We enjoyed a meal of wrapped asparagus, pancake-like breads, and some delicate, lobster-like crustacean, as well as numerous other indescribable morsels. There was little supper conversation, but the few words said were well-placed. It didn't feel silent so much as contemplative, and I quite enjoyed the atmosphere of it.

We slept, and at this I found that the Agarthans had little sense of physical privacy. Though there were several separate beds, walls did not always meet, and so one room spilled into another, each surrounded by candles and in view of a magnificent star made of tiled walls.

Fig. 2 Private Rooms, Basement Level 2

Left and right: A total of four single beds. Top: Candle altar, bathrooms. Center: Arrangement of partial walls into a decorative eight-pointed star. Below, unseen: Empress Song's private chamber.

There was a large public space devoted to craft and production. The Freemasons were, of course, masons at their start. My father and grandfather were both artisans of sorts, and I enjoyed watching these craftspeople ply their trade. Each had his or her own workstation, his or her own set of candles to tend and to see by. I received a small wooden statue of a horse as a gift, which I will display proudly once home.

One of the workers, a handsome woman by the name of Iman, brought me and Alexandria to see the grounds. We observed painters outdoors, as well as one of two small orchards seated beside the waters.

We also bathed in the waters, a common social activity in Agartha.

We were welcomed into the court in a ceremony which I will never forget.

It began in a columned hall which stretched to a star-shaped fountain.

Dressed in Agarthan attire, Sapphire blessed us, and though I cannot tell all which happened, as it seems fantastic even now, it was a glittering time of music, dancing, and camaraderie.

Alas, we could not remain in Agartha forever, though they would have welcomed us gladly. Our journey complete, we parted company, taking one last drink of sweet, clear water. Perhaps some day we shall return, as my father's book lies hidden in this house.


Kiss Fontaine


Where Am I?

A very important question, there. You have arrived at yet another Simblr. Oh, I do a lot of things besides Sims, but this is what I use this particular spot on the Internet for.

To dig deeper, I intend to write short stories about some of my builds, using pictures of course. I like writing, and am fairly good at it, or so I’ve been told, so they could be worth reading.

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