
What we're meant to be

@childrenofthesunny / childrenofthesunny.tumblr.com

Call me Sunny or Cots. 26. She/her. Good Omens fanblog. Childrenofthesun on Ao3, please go there for a masterpost of my fics. My ask box is always open, feel free to drop by and say hi anytime!

Arranged marriage AU

Arranged marriage AU part 2

@gayforgoodomens you wanted pining angst? I'll give you pining angst

(Featuring: Crowley Struggles With a Horse, an Obligatory Bathing Scene, and a few of the riffs we were throwing around in the Discord over this idea)

Aziraphale closed his eyes briefly as they crested the final hill before reaching his estate, letting out a quiet sigh as some of the tension seeped from his body.

By God, he was glad to be home.

The wedding had rather been a mess – his and Crowley's families had both insisted on carrying out the ceremony with as many of their own traditions as possible, and neither side had been happy with the progressive series of compromises made where those traditions clashed. Aziraphale had quietly wished to himself that they wouldn't make such a spectacle of it – after all, the marriage was little more than a symbolic act to seal a trade deal. It was hardly as if they were going to be furthering their family lines, and it certainly hadn't been done for love.

Aziraphale felt a faint pang in his chest. No, he'd seen the shuddering sobs wracking Crowley's body as he was bound irrevocably to Aziraphale, how he'd choked out his vows like they were threatening to drown him, mourning the loss of his freedom and ability to choose his own path. He'd seen the stony set of Crowley's face later on the night of the wedding, eyes hollow and expressionless as he slowly began to undress before their bed. Aziraphale had gently stopped him, of course, hesitantly suggesting that they perhaps just tell their families that the marriage had been consummated, without actually going through with it.

The relief that had flooded Crowley's face in response had been a dagger to the heart – that his handsome, elegant new husband was so repulsed by the thought of sharing intimacy with him, and yet had apparently been willing to subject himself to Aziraphale's touch for the sake of keeping the peace.

But Aziraphale would never force him – would have never forced anyone. Even it meant crushing any fanciful dreams he'd ever had of lovingly laying his spouse down and holding them close.

Instead, they had gotten in on the opposite sides of the bed, and had lain there silently, both keeping firmly to their own side.

(Keep reading at the link below)


Seek Him Who My Soul Loveth (2/2)

Part 1: link


Crowley somehow managed to keep his feet coordinated enough to carry him up the stairs without incident, eyes locked on the broad expanse of Aziraphale's back. Aziraphale glanced back over his shoulder as they reached the landing, as if making sure Crowley was still following.

 With a smile, Aziraphale opened the door to his bedroom, gesturing for Crowley to go in ahead of him. Crowley had never been inside Aziraphale's bedroom before, but was entirely unsurprised to find the contents of the bookshelf overflowing, spilling out onto every stable flat surface in the room. Aziraphale kept the main light off and dimmed the reading light to the lowest setting possible, in deference to the sensitivity of Crowley's eyes.

 The bed was the same as Crowley's, albeit with far paler sheets. Somehow, it looked so much more inviting than his own.

 He should have taken the floor downstairs. He was going to get all sorts of ideas being laid out in Aziraphale's bed, and he wouldn't be able to act on any of them.


Seek Him Who My Soul Loveth (1/2)

For my spin on @gayforgoodomens‘ Priest AU, for when she wondered off-hand how Crowley and Aziraphale might go about having sex for the first time, whilst simultaneously still pining/pretending they’re not breaking their vows. So, naturally, off I went to write what’s looking like will be a 6-7,000 word fic about it.

Listen, the only thing stopping me from turning this AU into a full-blown multichapter fic is (a) my knowledge of the workings of Catholicism being limited to some brief skimming of Wikipedia and what little of church I remember from when I was 7 and (b) I already have a multichapter WIP being posted, and I know I don't have the attention span to maintain two major WIPs simultaneously.

But I want to

(That being said, this is in two parts; part two should be done in a few days.)

If you prefer, you can also read this on Ao3 @ childrenofthesun.


"Ah, Father Crowley, there you are! So, this is where you've been hiding all evening."

 "Hardly a shock to find me out here, is it?" Crowley asked with a grin, squinting up at the cherubic middle-aged man now standing beside him. Like Crowley, he was wearing pants and a short-sleeved button-up with a clerical tab, in deference to the balmy summer weather. Unlike Crowley, he was very clean and neat, and not wearing a dirt-streaked garden apron. "I've been spending all of my free time this week working on the gardens, now that Shadwell's retired and can't go berating me for trying to do the job he wasn't even doing himself. Beyond me how he even got the job in the first place."

 The other man looked around fretfully, as if expecting the former groundskeeper to leap out from behind a poorly maintained bush and start yelling at him. "Oh, I know, but you mustn't be too hard on the poor fellow. The job was more to make him feel useful than anything. But Gabriel said we couldn't justify the expense anymore."

 "You were too soft on him, anyway, Aziraphale," Crowley admonished, smirking at the little huff Aziraphale let out when Crowley didn't address him by his title, as he was supposed to. "Letting him set up all that nonsense meant to ward off witches. It’s certainly never stopped Anathema from coming here to borrow one of your books."

 "At least it kept him busy," Aziraphale replied, sounding slightly aggrieved. His hands fluttered briefly by his wrists, as if he wanted to fiddle with the sleeves of the cassock that was his preferred style of dress. "Although it would have been nice if he had directed some of that energy towards the upkeep of the gardens. I did try to explain to him that the grounds are consecrated, and that surely would ward off evil, but in his eyes that wasn't sufficient protection."

 "I know, I tried to explain it that way, too," Crowley told him cheerfully. "Apparently, the fact that I wear sunglasses all the time means I must be in league with the Devil, so he didn't think my input was particularly useful."



Flaming Like Anything: Volume 2 will be a full-colour NSFW Good Omens anthology of fan-created works. The content will be themed around the concept of BDSM and will encompass illustrations, short comics, prose, and other fan-made creations. We aim to showcase a variety of content portraying positive, consensual BDSM scenes. Works will cover sexual and non-sexual BDSM as well as aftercare scenes and, as such, the zine will be explicit in nature.

We’re delighted to announce our line-up of amazing contributors in this zine!

🗡 Guests 🗡

Aiwasensei { Twitter ~ NSFW Twitter ~ Instagram } | Whiteley Foster { Tumblr @whiteleyfoster​ ~ Twitter ~ Instagram } | entanglednow { Tumblr @entanglednow​ ~ AO3 } | HipHopAnonymous { Tumblr @hiphopanonymousao3​ ~ Twitter ~ AO3 }

🔥 Artists 🔥

Al Figeroid { Tumblr @fledglingdoodles​ ~ Twitter ~ Instagram } | amadness2method { Twitter ~ Instagram ~ Website } | Arania { Tumblr @araniaart ~ Twitter ~ AO3 } | brainyraccoons { Tumblr @brainyraccoons ~ Twitter ~ Patreon } | Carla Createsss { Twitter ~ Instagram } | cassie-oh { Carrd } | CatofApocalypse { Tumblr @vivi-theakuneko ~ Twitter ~ AO3 } | childrenofthesun { Tumblr @childrenofthesunny ~ AO3 } | Erik M.Y.B. { Twitter } | Erin { Tumblr @erinomalleyart } | eyjayy { Twitter ~ Instagram } | FopDoodles { Instagram ~ YouTube } | GayDemonicDisaster { Tumblr @scrapheapchallenge ~ Instagram ~ AO3 } | Gensyz { Tumblr @gen-syz-art ~ Twitter ~ Ko-Fi } | Gumksoig { Twitter ~ Instagram } | kuramoriz { Tumblr @kuramoriz ~ Twitter ~ Instagram } | Kurikukun { Twitter ~ Instagram } | Mae in the Corner { Tumblr @maeinthecorner ~ Twitter ~ Instagram } | NohaIjiachi { Tumblr @nohaijiachi ~ Twitter ~ Patreon } | princeclarkey { Instagram } | quietsubway { Tumblr @quietsubway ~ Twitter } | Ryoukon { Twitter ~ Instagram } | SanguineSense { Twitter } | Sparky/horrorimus { Twitter ~ Instagram } | spiralstagg { Instagram } | sungmee { Tumblr @sungmee ~ Twitter } | themirrorswish { Twitter ~ Instagram ~ AO3 } | Theta_bee { Instagram } | Tyro { Tumblr @tyrograph ~ Instagram } | SVDÝIX (Mitisarc) { Tumblr @svdyix ~ Twitter ~ Instagram

🗡 Writers 🗡

AEpixie7 { Tumblr @knightofthesevenfandoms ~ Twitter } | ChubbyHornedEquine { Tumblr @kreauxlighe ~ Twitter } | FacetiousKitten { Twitter ~ Instagram ~ AO3 } | GlitterSkullFairy { Twitter ~ AO3 } | Habie { Twitter ~ Instagram ~ AO3 } | jomipay { Tumblr @halfofmysoulistrees​ } | loveneedlesandhayMackaley { Twitter ~ AO3 } | MerenwenNolat { Tumblr @merenwennolat ~ AO3 } | MickyRC { Tumblr @one-with-the-floor ~ AO3 } | Mira Woros { Tumblr @miraworos ~ Twitter ~ AO3 } | MovesLikeBucky { Tumblr @moveslikebucky ~ Twitter ~ AO3 } | Nara { Tumblr @girl-in-the-library ~ Instagram ~ AO3 } | Paperficwriter { Twitter ~ AO3 } | Sev Dragomire { Tumblr @sevdrag ~ AO3 } | Sk3tch { Tumblr @sk3tchid ~ AO3 } | sosobriquet { Carrd } | waterofthemoon { Tumblr @waterofthemoon​ } | Waywarder { Tumblr @waywarder​ } | writingelizabeth { Tumblr @writingelizabeth ~ AO3 } | Zaxal { Tumblr @zaxal ~ Twitter ~ AO3 }

🔥 Returning Contributors 🔥

A-Chan { Tumblr @achan9999​ ~ Twitter ~ Instagram } | Aivelin { Tumblr @aivelin​ ~ Twitter } | Allen Hernández { Tumblr @allenhdez ~ Twitter ~ Instagram } | Ashley R. Guillory { Instagram } | Callus Ran { Tumblr @ran196242​ } | Chamyl { Tumblr @chamyl​ ~ AO3 } | Cheryl { Tumblr @behold-my-squees​ } | Cliopadra { Tumblr @cliopadra ~ Twitter ~ Instagram } | Emmett Lee { Twitter ~ Instagram } | FangsScalesSkin { Twitter ~ AO3 } | Fyre { Tumblr @amuseoffyre​ } | Gayngels { Tumblr @sun-glasses-at-night ~ Twitter } | GingerHaole { Tumblr @gingerhaole​ ~ Instagram } | GraphiteTroll { Tumblr @graphitetroll ~ Instagram } | Jasmine Tea { Twitter ~ Instagram } | Katartstrophe { Tumblr @katartstrophe​ ~ Twitter } | Knotti Rae { Instagram } | Matt Park { Twitter ~ Instagram } | Lizzie Lace { Instagram } | Loud Cat { Twitter ~ Etsy } | Lurlur { Tumblr @luritto​ ~ AO3 } | Lyxill { Twitter ~ Instagram } | MuffDash { Tumblr @loverboy-crowley ~ Twitter } | Rina { Twitter ~ Instagram } | Roman { Tumblr @roman-kun ~ Twitter ~ NSFW Twitter ~ Instagram } | Silkbox { Twitter ~ Instagram } | Sparkle { Tumblr @asparklethatisblue ~ Twitter } | Spicy Carrot { Etsy

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So pumped to be part of this zine - all the WIPs I've seen of the other contributors are amazing, this is going to be such a lovely zine when it's done!


For @desperateground‘s delightful new one-shot, Raptus, featuring Pictish Crowley, Roman decanus Aziraphale, and some sexy, sexy roleplay at the expense of the Roman legionaries that Aziraphale is supposed to be in charge of.

First time trying to shade a drawing lit by firelight; not sure how successful it was at conveying that, but I still like it regardless.

Click here for full version, as, unsurprisingly, Tumblr ate the quality in the dashboard view.

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