i still miss l'manburg

@thequackcity / thequackcity.tumblr.com

dsmp side blog | check out my about | main blog: hoodienanami

If your first thought when you see twitch post a video talking about Shubble's years of content creation and influence in the mcyt community is to comment "ok then when are you banning her ex" then you need to realize you're way more invested in punishing this guy you used to have a fixation on than lifting up Shelby. Don't make it seem like everything that happens to her career from now is in some way connected to that man


Brooke, Tina and Hannah have all now cut ties to the Dteam or called them out. Men should not be shielded from the consequences of their behavior and this is a good first step.

Now that Caiti has spoken up there's rumblings of other young women and content creators who either noticed or have been victim to how that trio treated women in their spaces.

She's talking about the Dteam specifically here, but this applies to both sides of the pond. Wisp finally being openly called out as the man who abused Lexie has other smaller content creators quietly reminding people that you might hear more troubling things soon. There were cc's that had a vested interest in making sure their buddies were not exposed and that's fucking awful.

We're in the middle of a big upheaval in a community that had a rotten core and I think more people that were put on a pedestal are going to be thrown off.

Anonymous asked:

there's the little 2020 part of me that still wants the ccs to be good people, but i'm seeing caiti fight on her own (with a few wonderful, but unfortunately small, ccs on her side) and i just. Where's all the ccs who were all up in arms for victims? the jaded part of me can't help but think it's because there's no possibility for a slam dunk reply, easy positive pr, like there was under wilbur's tweet.

Dream taking hi 6 page essay defending George pretty much confirms that, doesn't it?

He had a snappy reply ready to drop on Wilbur's tweet to promo his charity donation from his last video and farm goodwill. Then when it comes to his bestie he writes an essay about how This Is Really About How Everyone Hates Him and literally the exact opposite of every sentiment he expressed in that comment to Wilbur.

And he puts it on Reddit for his more diehard sycophants so that no one can do the same to him.

I've been grossed out by it all day.

But yeah, George and Dream definitely learned from Wilbur's blunder and refused to give people a rallying place to throw their hit tweets on him.

I feel bad for Caiti. I feel bad for that other really young streamer guy that keeps talking out too. They're so young. They shouldn't have to stand up when there's whole adults in their community that have been around long enough to have seen these problems for years.


id: a set of 5 photos from alice (twitter handle alicenyanya.)

the first image is a screenshot of alice's tweet. it reads: "These past few years have been difficult but I finally feel safe enough to speak out about my experience with Wilbur."

the second image is a graphic titled "MY EXPERIENCE WITH WILBUR" with two selfies of wilbur and alice together underneath. there are trigger warnings for emotional abuse, domestic abuse, alcohol, self harm and sexual assault.

the next three images are alice's account of the relationship. the first one reads: "Hello, I'm Alice, I dated Wilbur back in 2019 and I want to speak out about my experience.

I felt like I couldn't talk about this sooner because I was scared of his public influence and the potential backlash from fans but now after hearing Shelby's story, seeing the support she's been shown, and admiring her bravery I finally feel safe to break my silence on our relationship.

Back in 2019 at the beginning of the relationship, I was immediately shown a lot of affection very reminiscent of love-bombing. One of his close friends at the time warned me in confidence to "be careful" as if they had seen people get hurt in the past but I believed he was good inside. After a month the honeymoon period was over and it was like I was dating a completely different person. I was told to keep our relationship a secret, but was framed in a way that implied that it was for my safety, as if it was in my best interest to keep this a secret despite my own feelings. I believe that he enjoyed having control in the relationship."

the second image reads: "I would have to hide as he streamed, and sit silently in the corner of his room waiting for him to go offline. He would say condescending things to me about my interests and the type of content I created as if he just didn't take it - or me - seriously and would only be enthusiastic about his future plans with music and desire for fame. I never felt like he was encouraging towards me or any of my goals and in the last few months he made me feel extremely unloveable and unwanted. I had suffered with self harm tendencies in 2019, he ignored the marks on my body and only took interest in retelling his own life struggles. I also experienced the biting habit, which has already been elaborated on by Shelby.

After a while I noticed that it was always me putting the effort into the relationship so I decided one day to not be the one to message first, just to see what would happen and he never spoke to me again so the relationship dissolved."

the final image reads: "Skipping ahead to 2021, we had spoken briefly over an instagram DM about the relationship and meeting up for closure on how things went in 2019, I gave him a second chance and met up hoping to get some answers. We walked through densely populated areas of town where we got stopped multiple times by his fans. In hindsight this felt very intentional, almost as if it was to flaunt his influence and desirability to me. We went to a bar to talk and he then proceeded to get me very drunk. He got us an Uber back to his house, I ended up blacking out in his bed due to the alcohol but the last thing I remember was him nonconsensually removing my clothes. The next morning he proceeded to tell me that I must be a lesbian because I wasn't interested in him.

These past years have been extremely difficult to navigate because of this, I couldn't go online without seeing him everywhere and being adored as this soft boy who heroically respects women and mental health issues. I couldn't even go to conventions and enjoy my own hobbies without seeing people dressed up as him.

Shelby was right, Staying quiet wasn't bringing me any peace, it was only keeping his."

end id


cling to me

I know I said I was going to distance myself from this piece of media because of all of its terrible connections, but these characters seem to have taken root in a permanent place in my heart, and I can't let them go.

Anyway, here's some character design notes below the cut for the one person out there who's obsessed with these characters as much as me.


also can we not. fall for terf talking points. all men are not evil. men are not inherently abusive. a vast number of men are wonderful, kind, good, beautiful, and gentle. being a man is not the crime.


christ on the damn cross women are the only oppressed group not allowed to hate our oppressors or vent about our oppression without some idiot coming in and crying about 'what about mens feeeeelingssss'

theres tons of wonderful, kind, good, beautiful, and gentle white ppl out there but guess what? as a person of color im allowed to say i fucking hate white ppl

theres tons of wonderful, kind, good, beautiful, and gentle straight ppl out there but guess what? as a lesbian im allowed to say i fucking hate straight ppl

so why cant i say i hate men without ppl jumping down my throat when men oppress me and other women?

if you see the word man or men and think its referring to trans women then youre the ones whose a fucking transphobe


tommy is literally good friends with wisp he has allready been complicit in abuse happening in his circle. He is not being "victim blamed" . good grief u are all deeply misogynistic and hateful

Wilburs abuse has been clearly based in misogyny and of the men that have come foward- all have discussed the harm done to people around them. Meanwhile, we hear multiple stories from women/marginalized genders talking about how wilbur directly harmed them. Dont act stupid and dont obscure the fact this harm is based in misogyny

u all saying this is cryptoterf rhetoric only works if u see trans women as men and think they wouldnt also be victim to misogynistic abuse. They would, btw.

Wilburs abuse was explicitly misogynistic. a big part of it was how he made shelby play the role of his mother for gods sake.


This is the only post I will be writing in regards to Wilbur Soot's statement.

It was a shit apology. I'm not going over that. We can analyze it to death but it absolutely reads like the apology of someone who is now represented by some label's legal team. The only thing I'm thankful for is that he did not release text messages between him and Shelby in some attempt to distract people. She doesn't deserve that embarrassment.

But, I really hope you read this, I need you to stop treating this like a party. I need you to stop giving every CC that speaks up about this a hit post or hit tweet by liking it.

Almost none of these people liked a single post of Shelby's or uttered the words "I'm so sorry for what Shelby went through" They waited until it was safe to say something. They waited until they could write a "coming in with a steel chair reply." They waited until they knew it would look good.

They revealed that Wilbur has always been manipulative, a narcissist a bully and mean to his friends. They revealed they've always thought he was a bad person. They've revealed that they don't think he's taking accountability while they stayed silent.

And not just silent for a few days. Some of these people are saying they knew for better for weeks, months, years that he was a horrible person. And they said nothing. They let people spend time and money and energy on a community of a person they knew was dangerous and cruel and they said nothing.

They didn't need Shelby Shubble to come forward and say how bad of a person Wilbur Soot was. They didn't need Shelby's story, if they thought he was a bad person, to not appear in videos with him or be in a group channel with him or mention him on stream or tease content with him or be on Anvil Cards or follow him on all social media platforms.

But they did anyway because, to these content creators, it's better to be silent and let a bad person flourish than cause "drama" online.

These people do not give fuck. I need you all to please take this advice that none of these online creators are worth the time and energy you put into them. You don't know what else they're sitting on. You don't know what they've done. You are lying to yourself, right now, if you think Phil or Tommy or Tubbo or Jack or whoever your current fave is wouldn't have been fine saying nothing if Shelby hadn't spoke first. You're lying to yourself if you think whatever new smp or content creator group you're currently into doesn't have horrible shit that they're all choosing to ignore.

The amount of manipulation required by these content creators to maintain the devotion and investment of their communities is horrific.

Do not trust your mental well being, your comfort, your whatever to these people. Any of them.


I wish I could yell this loud enough for people to listen, but after listening to Lexie's stream, if you're a fan of ANY male creator who lives in Brighton or makes content with those that do you should be reevaluating your own feelings about that creator. There is a rot going on and it is so much more than Shelby's story.

Anonymous asked:

pls don't laugh at me. i got a lovejoy tattoo because they were my first concert and i designed it myself. it's my art inspired by their music but now i see it and i feel sick. i don't know what to do with it.... can i keep it? i don't want people to think i'm a bad person

I've gotten two asks about tattoos so I've picked yours to answer.

First, with something like tattoos, we don't rush to do anything. Give yourself 4-6 months to process and see how you feel before making a decision.

Are you worried about people thinking you're a bad person because you have the tattoo and they see it? Or is it that you think wanting to keep it makes you a bad person?

You're not a bad person either way.

If you're worried other people will see it, let's be real, a lot of people aren't going to recognize 90% of Lovejoy tattoos in the wild. Even former fans probably wouldn't. And there's like. A disappointing. amount of people still into the band despite this. I don't think it's going to be some brand that you're bad.

If you're worried you wanting to keep it would make you a bad person, please remember not everything inspired by art is now tainted by the artist. You designed. It's yours. It's on your body. It's yours more than theirs.

And if in 4-6 months you still can't bear it, you can come up with a design that either covers it or incorporates the parts you like into something else.


anon, i want to tell you smth

my coworker has a led zeppelin tattoo. it is very common knowledge among pretty much everyone (but esp among led zep fans) that jimmy page and the rest of the members of led zep are terrible ppl who have done truly repulsive things that would send less rich, less famous ppl to prison for life

and guess what? no one ever bothers my coworker about his tattoo. bc ppl understand that he got the tattoo bc he loves the music, not bc he loves jimmy page and supports what he did

a friend of mine has a kanye tattoo. the bear from the graduation album. kanye has been going out of his way for years now to make sure everyone knows that hes a repulsive person

but no one ever bothers my friend about her tattoo. bc ppl understand that she got the tattoo bc she loves the music, not bc she loves kanye and supports what he did (and is currently doing)

youre fine. i promise. ppl have tattoos inspired by bands that have members who have done far, far worse things then what wilbur did


also i do recommend moving on from this circle of exdsmp men entirely, its proven itself to be very ugly, its just not worth waiting around until the next ugly truth comes out.there are better things you can be doing with your time.


every last one of them has skeletons in their closet that will come out eventually

dont hinge your mental health on men you dont know and never will know

treat every celebrity (including and esp online celebrities like streamers) like venomous snakes aka keep them at arms length and expect that theyll bite


"Silence has always brought me peace and this time it feels like my silence is not keeping my peace. It's only keeping somebody else's peace. And I never thought that I could be the type of person to end up in a situation like I did. I never thought that could happen to me. And so for me this is important because it can help anyone else see the signs sooner than I did.

I believe that people like this are genuinely dangerous. I believe he is dangerous. He was willing to lie. He was willing to do harm to someone he claimed to love more than anyone he has ever loved. His actions escalated. And I don't think that I'll be the last person that he hurts. And I felt like sharing my story was really important to warn people. I want people to see the signs that I refused to. I want you to listen to your body and get out as soon as possible. Tell your friends the truth and let them help you.

I truly feel now that my soul is so healed. I am lightyears beyond him. This was the last thing that I felt like I needed to do before I could move forward and hopefully never talk about him ever again, outside of maybe my stories that I wanna tell about other shitty things he did, anonymously mixed in with the other stories I still have of shitty things that shitty exes did because I think it's important for us to share our stories and experiences. I think it's important for all of us to know that we deserve so much better than this and I think if people don't want us to talk about the shitty things that they do, then they shouldn't do shitty things."

I am seeing so many people putting words into Shelby's mouth. Here is what she actually said about why she told her story and about the man she is talking about. It's very clear she is not protecting him and she spoke out to warn people about someone who is dangerous, and about the warning signs of abuse for her audience who will go through similar situations. People should not be pushing her to explicitly name who it is just like you shouldn't push any other victim to name their abuser. The pieces are there and she all but spelled it out because there's still so much risk that survivors take with explicitly naming their abusers - having everything they do become about their abuser, monetary risks, legal risks, the public scrutiny, getting asked constant questions, getting attacked by fans of that abuser, etc.


Since i deleted the prev post on this I wanted to repost about the abuse resources. Again some of these hotlines are US specific (though the information is still valid/important!). I encourage anyone to add on to this post with non-US resources.

Abuse is hard to recognize even when you've experienced it before, it looks like many things and you can and deserve to get out.


Kids Help Phone: Website, Phone Number 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free) or text CONNECT to 686868 is a NATIONAL, helpline for youths (ages 5-29!!!), you can call it, for free at any time and receive anonymous help, from TRAINED responders. Service is available in english, and french.

Safe Shelter: Website, has a map covering all of canada with shelters for women and children escaping abusive situations. Available in English, and French. The website has an escape button that takes you to the weather network.

IHeal: Website, is an app for women who are in, and who have left abusive situations. Website (and presumably also the app) is available in English and French.

Hope for Wellness: Website, Call 1-855-242-3310 (toll-free) (the website, also has a chat), offers immediate support for Indigenous and Inuit people in canada, Service is available in English and French and, on request, in Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut.


likely just gonna unfollow everyone who posts mcyt shit even if were mutuals and try to move on. gotta think about it a bit before i make a full choice

ive decided to do this. if you have an interest in remaining in contact with me then my dms on my main blog (hoodienanami) are always open and you can ask for my discord

this community is built on poison. every last one of those motherfuckers has skeletons in their closet that will eventually come out. i blinded myself to it for my own selfish desire to enjoy their shit content. trust none of them, esp the ones who pretend to be decent. fuck them all but esp fuck illumina the rapist and wilbur soot the domestic abuser. may they rot and lie stinking in their graves

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