
Anti-Capitalist Fandom


Javi. 33. Transmasc. Hispanic. Jewish. Disabled. Anarcho-commie. I play dnd and write fanfic sometimes. This blog is mostly politics and shit that reminds me of my OCs rn.

That post I made over new years had people at my THROAT for saying I only buy real leather. Sorry I really do think that wearing textured plastic that will fall apart in under 5 years and go on to irreparably poison the environment is the worse option here.

if you look into the mushroom leather or apple leather or cactus leather or any other plant-based alternatives, they're all still about 50-75% polyurethane. They'll still fall apart fast and then they wont decompose except into microplastics. They're just not sustainable. I thrift pretty much all my leather garments and some of them are 30 years old and still hold up like they're new. Like there's no contest.


Buying plastic fake leather saves zero cows, at least in the US. It just means the hides from cows killed for their meat are thrown in the landfill instead of used to make leather.

There is literally no benefit to it except for an unearned sense of superiority.


Power to the people ✊ Yesterday, Dutch police bulldozed the Gaza encampment at the University of Amsterdam. Today, students and staff confronted police and forced them to retreat. Videos: X: Qudsnen and Mariyankhan


When Zionists persist and tell me “you’re not Jewish”… it makes me want to wrap my changing body in tallit, whisper to a lover in Yiddish, it makes me want to sing tefilah as I knead the velvet dough of my challah. To tenderly kiss G!d’s words, and maybe leave my magen david on as I sleep. Because where I stand, the unmoving k’lal Yisrael, with the kufiyah, my prayer shawl— I am Jewish. And it is in Palestine where I dream of touching the kotel.

Long live Palestine.


ANDREW SCOTT for Esquire | ph. Ramon Christian

"I'm also wearing a couple of gold rings that my mother, who died really recently, always wore. They remind me of her. One of them she made herself, so, I just wanted to say that I'm wearing that so I have her with me on the evening as well. That's important. I just wanted to let you know."

Youtube doing this while fully fucking enabling the alt right pipeline with dozens if not hundreds of racist/anti semitic grifters on their platform for decades at this point is an insane double standard.


In my soul and spirit I'm rejoicing with the 911 kiddos for their good fortune, but the true vector for spreading fannish enthusiasm on Tumblr is the gifset, and all the 911 gifsets seem to be of 2-3 absolutely identical dudes, so it's all very confusing. I don't know which one Buck is, but I guess he's going on dates with a guy who isn't the other main guy? I actually thought there were gays already, but what I'm learning is that those are the gays from a different show which is also 911, a show I was not even aware had a cinematic universe. Anyway I believe in my heart that all of this would feel less confusing to me if it were happening on a space ship, but people who watch procedurals deserve happiness and I'm not afraid to say it. God bless you and your 2-5 sturdy, indistinguishable white men.


Joe Biden makes a speech saying Hamas are driven by the ancient desire to eliminate Jews. Hamas was created in 1987, Joe. Ain’t nothing ancient about them. So unless you are implying that Palestinians are driven by the ancient desire to wipe out Jews which is KKK cross burning level of racism, you might want to tone down the racist bullhorn that you are mistaken for a dog whistle.

Liberals were brought to tears by Trump’s racism will nod along to Biden’s open pronouncement to eliminate Palestinians and Arabs in general.


And to think I was concerned that everyone was just going to lazily show up in floral print.

Fucking wish people showed up in floral print. Instead of this bland-ass sea of beige.

I didn't hate beige outfits before tonight.

I hate them now.


I am creating an army of beige haters YES!


when doctors ask if i have any history of cancer in my family and i have to say that yes my grandmother had 2 types of gastrointestinal cancer and they're like oh wow okay so we'll keep an eye out for that but i'm like no it was probably just all the nuclear radiation and they're like ok hm ok what the fuck do you mean and it's very weird seeing the look on american doctors' faces when you have to explain to them that believe it or not atomic bombs were dropped on this earth 2 generations ago and it did have consequences


“Umm it will actually be very difficult for universities to divest from israel and arms manufacturers without tuition skyrocketing 🤓☝🏼” why is the financial stability of a college (and the economy at large, especially in the us) so reliant on what amounts to war profiteering to begin with? Why is that an inevitability that we’re supposed to accept?

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