



Rupert Graves Birthday 30 June

In honour of the inimitable Graves' version of DI Gregory Lestrade, I draw your attention to my series Got My Eye on You.

Twenty-seven stories (and not done yet!) 265,580 words and my most bookmarked series.

There was something very special about the Sherlock-Lestrade relationship that I enjoy exploring.

There will be more! As the Magpies series moves on to Five through Ten, there will be minor detours to see how the world looks from Lestrade's perspective.

The next one up will be Bolthole, in which Lestrade follows up on the shooting of Sherlock in Magnussen's office.

One of my all-time favorites! Great reads.


Sometimes a rare bunny is sighted ...

It is after all, the year of the rabbit! 🐇🐇🐇

And the award goes to ... @7-percent

7PercentSolution for Exposition: An Ex-Files Special

Read the fic critics are calling: "astoundingly beautiful", "so emotional!", "compelling!" .... "with such sparse language" ... "aimed like a laser", "proof positive that less is more!", "10/10 for best use of haiku", "... I have never thought of haiku in this way before!!!"

Personal experience taught me to clear an entire weekend just to sit and contemplate (and re-read) this gem! So let me just say ... it deserves the high praise, and more! No hyperbole, just a fic that lives up to the hype! (and I think 10/10 readers would agree!)

I totally agree!


It Belongs In A Museum

"John ... I thought you said this was a library?" Sherlock turned a corner and found himself in the middle of what instead appeared to be ... a museum?

John meanwhile, rounded the corner and came crashing into a halted Sherlock.

He looked the taller man up and down before peering about the room before them. Trying to see what might have arrested his flatmate's attention?

John's breath caught.


Hanging on every available inch of the walls ...

. Were brilliant works of art, in every style and fashion ...

Full sized paintings ... hand drawn sketches ... and mostly digital works ... some full color, some in a manga or comic book art style ... but all featuring ...

. "It's ... it's us?"


John asked, stunned.

The question had also paralyzed the detective. Try as he might ... he simply could not compute the sheer amount of time and effort that had been put into this lovingly curated hall of art works ... ?

"John ... are you seeing-?"

. "What you're seeing ... ?" John finished for him, "yeah mate." He nodded imperceptibly. Unable to tear his eyes away from the mesmerizing pictures that graced the gallery walls.

His tongue darted out to wet his lips, as he caught a glimpse of something he definitely wanted a closer look at! And he was off ... Sherlock hard on his heels.

They spun about, smiling ... laughing ... tugging each other to see and comment on various pieces ... catching themselves eyeing each other with newfound wonder as they explored ... and often a hand over their mouths as they suppressed the joy that threatened to spill over like an uncorked bottle of champagne!

John had never seen Sherlock so animated, as when he was choosing his favourite image of John and having John imitate - or try as he might - NOT imitate - the position or stance that the artist had put them in ...

They landed on the floor laughing and rolling in each others arms after chasing each other around the silent gallery ...

Until John remembered - they were in a gallery! or what was supposed to be a LIBRARY! - and he hushed Sherlock with a finger to his lips ... Following it with a hesitant ... and careful kiss.

Their first.

Sherlock blinked.

"How long has this been going on, John?" he asked, needing to know more. John shrugged, his smile deepening even as he flattened himself against the ground and simply enjoyed the feel of Sherlock in his arms ... The man was gorgeous with his hair all aglow in the gallery lighting ...

. "I honestly don't know, Sherlock," he replied ... tugging the detective down by his shirt front for another good snog ... "but I'm guessing they all noticed it before we did?"

. Sherlock hummed in acknowledgement. Accepting John's lips and the warmth of his nearness like a glove that fit only too well ...


John felt a twinge in his back at being on the cold, hard floor too long though - and pushed Sherlock off of him, playfully - rising and helping the man to his feet.

"Guess we should see what we came here for?" John offered, leading the way, "think the library is back here? Ah!" He flicked on a lightswitch behind a pair of double doors ... and a

. "WHOA!!!!"

Slipped out of their mouths simultaneously ... jaws dropping.

As the darkened warehouse before them flickered to life, row ... by illuminated row ...

Revealing hundreds ... if not thousands ... NO ... HUNDREDS of thousands!!! Of stories ...

. Written about ... them?


John winked at Sherlock.

Before dashing ahead in a mad chase. Each grabbing up several volumes apiece and meeting to read a few pages ...

. "Look at this one!"

. "John - you won't believe-!" "Sherlock!" "John!"

. "This is-" "-I'm taking this one!" "This is brilliant!"

. "We're in a sci-fi!" "oooh an epic!" "OHmyGOD!"

John's giggling could be heard a few rows down, and Sherlock tucked another in his pocket and swung around the shelving to peruse over John's shoulder.

His jaw dropped.

"I think ..." John grinned wickedly "... I've found the E rated section ...!"

Sherlock's eyes grew wide as saucers and he tore the book from John's hands ... devouring pages at a time! Then he looked up at the rows and rows of shelves, his gaze glossing towards empty - but John could see he was critically engaged in making a heavy calculation.

"Verdict?" John asked, smirking. Having allowed the great genius to do his mental gymnastics.

"I think we're going to need more bookshelves at Baker Street," Sherlock stated, "... and we may need to try everything suggested."

"For science?" John asked, solemnly.

"For science," Sherlock agreed. Hiding his own burgeoning grin.

Then they both stood. Sheepishly looking down at their own feet ... and then at the rows and rows of unexplored fiction they could wander through ... endlessly ... nightly ... for the rest of their lives ...


"John ... ?" Sherlock asked, then, quietly. As if whispering in a holy room, "... what did you say this place was called again?'

He was a boy again. Full of wonder.


John smiled. Recognizing the dawn of a new era of their lives. He answered, just as solemnly,

"I'd say it was ... an archive of our own?"


Then he met Sherlock's adoring eyes,

. ... as the lights above ... winked.

For @sherlockchallenge February Prompt: Museum. and for all you lovely @fluffbruary writers and artists making the month delish.

This is a gem!

Anonymous asked:

Hello... I normally don't interact with anyone because I honestly don't know half of the times how to navigate a conversation and fear that I'll end up saying something offensive.

However, after reading your most recent post about autistic Sherlock, I felt that I had to say this.

I'm an autistic young adult (with ADHD too) and your writings are extremely impactful to me. I have to admit sometimes a few lines hit too close to home but they are a soothing balm as well. I can't honestly believe you are not on the Spectrum and yet create such a realistic and understanding portrayal of ASD better than most media and organisations who claim to understand Autism.

Your writings and some other authors who write Autistic Sherlock have played a huge role in finally letting myself acknowledge my Autism. I haven't been quite lucky in my life as my family and acquaintances resent my nd tendencies and try to ignore the existence of one of the key parts of my identity. But reading John, Mycroft and Lestrade's acceptance of Sherlock and trying to take care of his needs and mental health gives me so much happiness. I sometimes like to pretend that my close ones are loving me through these stories. Unhealthy coping mechanism, I know, but it is what it is. :)

So, thank you for the fantastic work that you do (and also some others). It means a lot.

P.s. Pardon my mistakes as I'm not a native English speaker


Whatever I may have done by writing on Ao3 and posting here on tumblr, YOU are the reason why I keep writing. Thank you for your bravery and for being willing to speak out, no matter how rarely you might interact with anyone online or in person.

Thank you for your honesty. I so agree that every individual on the Spectrum is just that - an individual. My Sherlock isn't everyone's cup of tea and a lot of people who are on the Spectrum may not recognise themselves in how I write him or relate to how I write him. The fact that you do even in part and (more important) take comfort from the stories, is just... well, 

Let me thank you too for seeing that the purpose of my writing is to raise awareness, turn that into respect, and show how acceptance of ND persons enriches EVERYONE's lives.

I hope you find the people you need, the respect you deserve, the support and love that are due to you.


Such an important message from Anon. We hear you. Thank you @7-percent for your writing with such knowledge and sensitivity.


“Our Lady of New Frontiers, Nichelle Nichols”

My last painting of 2022, and I wanted it to be a painting carrying me into the new year, a tribute to an amazing and inspirational woman.

Star Trek has been a show I have watched since I was a wee one. I started with TNG as a child, but when I finally watched TOS in college, its impact was undeniable, both today and especially during the time it aired.

Although the famous speech says “final frontier”, Nichelle Nichols was a woman leading the way onto new frontiers, a beacon of hope, resilience and possibility. So that is what I wish to carry with me into the new year.

prints can be found through my site: www.lindsayvanek.com

Extraordinarily beautiful! Nichelle so deserves this.


reblog this if you’re jewish or your blog is a safe space for jewish people

in light of recent events as well as a new rise in creating nazi ocs I think this post is an important one to have on your blog if you stand behind your jewish followers or are jewish yourself.

We must all unite to make everywhere a safe space. Never forget. 


How. Fucking. Beautiful.


If you haven't read the fic yet, you're in for a treat! (Would willingly give up another weekend to it!) 💙💙💙

Perfect artwork that complements the brilliant @7-percent ‘s Exposition-AnexFiles Special. I will have to go re-read. Again.


getting back in contact with people after a depressive episode is so wild because it’s like hey sorry i dropped off the face of the earth and never responded to your attempts to reach out for months i was six feet deep in a grave of my own making when i suddenly realized i didn’t want to die down there and had to claw my way to the surface inch by inch on my belly like a worm until i felt the sunlight on my face again. anyway how have you been? how are things? but you can’t SAY that so you’re just like. um. hi. do you still like me 👉👈


I’m letting you all know. You CAN say that.


Please please say that. People will surprise you


Friends will understand, I can’t stress this enough. They will understand and let you know that yes, they still like you. And that if you need to drop off the face of the earth again, it’s ok, they’ll be here when you get back on your feet. That’s what friends do.

A poignant, important message. 


Purple Love Award For 7-percent, 7PercentSolution

Blurb From Your Gifter @totallysilvergirl: Seven does everything. 100+ Sherlock fics on AO3. Haiku. Brit Picks. Grammar Guides. Writing tips. 93 Sherlock fics. Guides to English life. Beta-ing. MAD research skills. Energetic promotion of new writers. Meta. Recipes and photographs and poems. Shiny facts and novelties and insights collected and shared with the delight of her emblem creature, the Magpie. 2.4 million words solo-authored, 3.3 million words included the co-authored ones. I can’t pretend to have hit everything Seven contributes, but I wouldn’t still be writing fic without her and her generous welcome to the writing side of the Sherlock fandom.

Congratulations @7-percent from the team at Purple Awards.

Have questions? Send us an ask.

Want to nominate someone for an award? Just fill out this form.


OMG- look what I found when I opened my dashboard this morning!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing surprise!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to @totallysilvergirl​ and all of the other commenters. You make me blush (and realise that there is no Sherlock image of him blushing) So you will have to make do with one looking surprised, amazed and delighted.

Now I have to get back to writing the next instalment of Periodic Tales!

Totally well deserved! @7-percent​ is one of the first writers I “discovered” on fanfic. How lucky and I? Well done, @totallysilvergirl​

Anonymous asked:

Terrible Tumblr fanfiction-level "authors," please just set your books on fire next time you need a Blaze. It'll be fine, there are 1000 others just like it out there.

I didn't realize promoting my own work (which was, incidentally, published in 2009 before I was even on Tumblr) was such an affront.

This book has also been translated into five languages, had an audiobook produced and been adapted into a manga but go off, I guess, about “authors.”


See, they say “fanfiction-level” authors like that’s a bad thing. Obviously there’s a spectrum in all things, but there are so many pro-fic only authors who wish they could write as well as our fandom faves.

Ah, the courage of someone who pontificates anonymously! I am all admiration. How I wish I had the stones to send anonymous contempt mail on tumblr. But alas, I am forced to limit my posts to things I’m willing to sign my tumblr name to.

Per science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon, replying to criticism of the quality of SF writing: "Sure, 90 percent of science fiction is crud. That's because 90 percent of everything is crud."


I honestly don't think I know any other cis people who are as adamantly dedicated to speaking up for the trans community as you are. You're a consistent source of solidarity and reassurance, Wil, and it's deeply appreciated


It's literally my privilege! I didn't choose to be cis any more than you chose to be trans. We both have a fundamental right to live our lives, and it's bullshit that there are people trying to take your rights away from you because they hate themselves.

I will always have your back. I will always go with you.


Hear! Hear!


“Over the green squares of the field and the low curve of a wood there rose in the distance a grey, melancholy hill…”  

The Hound of the Baskervilles

A photo safari, based on my recent journey through Devon. All quotes are from the ACD story. All photos are mine.

“We curved upwards through deep lanes worn by centuries of wheels, high banks on either side, heavy with dripping moss and fleshy hart’s-tongue ferns…”

“Still steadily rising, we passed over a narrow granite bridge, and skirted a noisy stream, which gushed swiftly down, foaming and roaring amid the grey boulders.”

“A few minutes later we had reached the lodge gates, a maze of fantastic tracery in wrought iron, with weather-beaten pillars on either side, bleached with lichens…”

“Rain squalls drifted across their russet face, and the heavy slate-coloured clouds hung low over the landscape…”

“God help those who wander into the Great Mire now, for even the firm uplands are becoming a morass.”

“It’s a bad place, the Great Grimpen Mire.”

“A short walk brought us to it, a bleak moorland house…

”…and orchard surrounded it, but the trees, as is usual on the moor, were stunted and nipped, and the effect of the whole place was mean and melancholy.”

The moor comes alive with ACD's prose and 7-percent's photography. Great work--a lot of work-- matching up the descriptions w/ photos.


It seems to be a thing…. So I will post six sentences from a WIP I am working on in draft. It’s called “Crossing Lines” in the Got My Eye On You series, another Sam and Sherlock story. 

Please help. Too complicated to text. Expect phone call at 11.15

When his phone rings at exactly 11.15, Sherlock’s ready, willing and able to answer. “Hello, Sam. What can I do for you?” He’s always been interested in Lestrade’s nephew ever since he’d met a thirteen-year-old who was on the Spectrum.*

“Hello Sherlock I promise not to take too much of your time but I have to talk to you but before I do you have to promise not to say anything to Uncle Greg or my parents otherwise,” a gasp for breath, “I can’t speak with you.”

As it comes out in a torrent, Sherlock knows that this is the product of a rehearsed speech. Sam has some communication problems and doesn’t like talking on a phone any more than Sherlock does. Both prefer to text. “Are you alright?” he calmly replies. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

* If you want to read the first of the Sam stories, it’s Called Role Model and you can find it here

Six sentences isn't nearly enough! You know that I can never have enough of Sam and Sherlock.

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