
I Was Meant To Be Yours

@popgoesthewiener / popgoesthewiener.tumblr.com

This account is strictly to house my RP side blogs. If you receive a follow from here, it is likely from: Veryfxckingconfused, quae-nocent--saepe-docent, allthecoolboysaredead, forricher-andpoorer, and/or ascending-and-fun.

so is Victory



Don’t forget Truth (Coming Out of Her Well to Shame Mankind)


This must be why the Trump administration hates them all 

The Four Horsewomen of the Trumpocalypse.

I’ve never reblogged anything so quick


The Ultimate Squad, comin’ to wreck your shit and save the world

Rb for that art doe

Anonymous asked:

Question, I have seen a lot of people talking about 'omega facilities' where like omegas are trained to be 'perfect' omegas and sold to rich Alphas. I don't really understand much more about it than that, would you explain please?

The ones I have seen are awesome. And this is what I know about them.

Usually, the omega is expected to be a submissive house-keeper/wife/husband. 

They will be taught things like cooking, cleaning and pleasing their alpha. They will be taught to wash all the clothing their Alpha will need. In addition, they will be put through conditioning so they are able to be the “seen but not heard” kind of person. 

There will be lessons on different types of food, so that the alpha will be able to enjoy anything they love. 

How to build a “proper nest”, what clothing is appropriate to use in a nest, how to pose to welcome the alpha to their nest, and when it is appropriate to nest.

Think traditional “Finishing School” for girls. 


Signs you grew up lonely

- Chasing people who don’t want you

-Making up lots of stories and worlds

-Overtalking whenever there’s someone to talk to

-Excessive reading


-Clinging emotionally to others

-Being the ‘disposable’ friend in the group

-Excessive baths

-Talking to oneself

-Obsessive friendships

-Excessive helpfulness


this is an insult

I once applied and interviewed at a bookstore cafe for a barista position. It was way closer to my home, and I had almost a decade of experience working in a coffee shop at that point. 

Got to the interview, and it turned out they didn’t want a barista, they wanted someone to spearhead their new cafe, as the cafe that had been in the store before didn’t want to resign their lease with the bookshop. They wanted to put their own cafe in its place, all new menus etc. They needed someone experienced to train their new staff, to handle window displays, to communicate with the bookstore owners about changes and needs of the cafe, to be able to handle inventory and ordering.

Okay, I had basically done most of that stuff at my previous job. I asked if cafe positions would also be required/trained to work the bookstore. They would. They would be required to run the book sale counter, stock and reshelf books, and help bookshop customers find things. They would also–despite having an outside cleaning company–have to help maintain bathroom cleanliness. They’d have to take out trash, and clean spills, and vacuum.  Wow, that’s a lot, I said. Is this a manager’s position, then?

No, I was told, it wasn’t, but there was a chance that after a training period it might become one. And that made me pause, because I’d been working as the front-of-house manager at my cafe, and I knew how much work that entailed, and what kind of money I was making, and it was only the commute that had me looking for a new job. So I asked what the job paid. $8. E I G H T  D O L L A R S. Per hour. Barely above minimum. For all of that work. For someone they expected to get an entirely new cafe up and running, and then also do the work of the bookstore and the cleaning company as well.  I thanked the woman for the interview, said I’d have to talk to my significant other about the impact a four dollar pay cut would have on our finances, and that I wasn’t sure it was the job for me. She asked me to sleep on it, and she’d call me the next day.  This is a job I was way more than qualified for. I had years of experience doing exactly the things they wanted. It was a convenient location, close to my home–I could walk there if I absolutely had to. I did not go home and talk about that four dollar pay cut and what it would do to our finances. I knew as soon as she told me that not only was it not feasible for us, it was downright insulting. That little money? For a frankly ridiculous list of responsibilities and expectations? She called back the next day. I thanked her again, and told her in no uncertain terms that my time was worth way more than what they were offering. And whenever people bitch about Millennials being lazy, not spending money, not buying houses…whatever the complaint of the month is…I think about the very nice lady who conducted this interview, and how confused she was that I didn’t want the job. 


Halloween Themed Fic Requests! (10/10 OPEN)

Hello, all! Welcome to my Halloween Themed Fic Request post!  I am going to be moving in October, and it looks like we might not have internet while we’re out at the new house for the first month or so. I will need plenty of things to work on in the meantime, and I’m planning on getting a jump on stuff that won’t get posted until after I get a chance to get some internet.


Some fandoms that I am currently big into and excited to write for!

Lollipop Chainsaw Left 4 Dead Pokemon Dragon Age Fallout (3 or 4) Final Fantasy VII Static Shock South Park Saw Insidious Heathers/Dismissed Pumpkinhead  Rick And Morty


Please read the rules for submitting requests, and heed the fact that these will come after the 31st. I will be able to get them written at the new house.


Slots Open: 10/10


Halloween Themed Fic Requests! (10/10 OPEN)

Hello, all! Welcome to my Halloween Themed Fic Request post!  I am going to be moving in October, and it looks like we might not have internet while we’re out at the new house for the first month or so. I will need plenty of things to work on in the meantime, and I’m planning on getting a jump on stuff that won’t get posted until after I get a chance to get some internet.


Some fandoms that I am currently big into and excited to write for!

Lollipop Chainsaw Left 4 Dead Pokemon Dragon Age Fallout (3 or 4) Final Fantasy VII Static Shock South Park Saw Insidious Heathers/Dismissed Pumpkinhead  Rick And Morty


Please read the rules for submitting requests, and heed the fact that these will come after the 31st. I will be able to get them written at the new house.


Slots Open: 10/10


Halloween Themed Fic Requests! (10/10 OPEN)

Hello, all! Welcome to my Halloween Themed Fic Request post!  I am going to be moving in October, and it looks like we might not have internet while we’re out at the new house for the first month or so. I will need plenty of things to work on in the meantime, and I’m planning on getting a jump on stuff that won’t get posted until after I get a chance to get some internet.


Some fandoms that I am currently big into and excited to write for!

Lollipop Chainsaw Left 4 Dead Pokemon Dragon Age Fallout (3 or 4) Final Fantasy VII Static Shock South Park Saw Insidious Heathers/Dismissed Pumpkinhead  Rick And Morty


Please read the rules for submitting requests, and heed the fact that these will come after the 31st. I will be able to get them written at the new house.


Slots Open: 10/10


Article 13 has been approved by EU. It’s worse than Net Neutrality has ever been. I don’t even know if we will have any access to Tumblr, Pinterest, Ao3 or even Instagram. Memes are probably dead, just like reactions, fanfictions and gifsets. Everyone in EU is in danger that they will not have access to their favorite sites. But I haven’t seen a SINGLE post about it on my dash because Americans doesn’t give a damn.

Also, I’m in Europe and ngl, had no idea this was even an article up for debate let alone it being fucking passed.

Don’t panic! This was expected at this stage and it is only the beginning. If you are a European and feel passionate about this, please keep on reading and help!

So what has happened so far … the Commission has drafted up a long overdue copyright reform. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/procedure/EN/2016_280 It contains a lot of good, and some bad: mainly Article 11 and 13.

This was put forward as a whole to the European Parlament, where it was voted down on the 5th of July 2018

This meant, this will not go through the fast way, and will be subject to scrutiny and change. 

The Commission made some alterations https://eur-lex.europa.eu/procedure/EN/2016_280 and put it forward again. If Parlament would have voted it down again, it probably would have meant back to the drawing board, but most people (including me) agree that Europe does need copyright reform, so on the second vote it passed the first step:

So what happens now? 

This will now go into what is called the Trilogue, where Commission, Parlament and representatives of all national governments will sit together to make alterations until everybody is happy implementing the regulation.

This means we can now influence this via our MEPs and our National Government!

In countries that are red your government is likely to support Article 13.

What to do now?

There are a lot of organisations that organise actions against article 13. Check out their websites and get in touch with your MEP or local government and let them know you are unhappy about this.

… and many many more, just google to find one in your country.

Also, as @asthesea-breezehitsmylungs pointed out, a lot of people are not aware of this going on. So make them aware! Share the memes and point them to the petitions. And don’t just complain how shit this is, get in touch with your politicians!

Oh good.

Yo, everyone, EU or not, please at least signal boost this shit. I’ve said it before and I will say it again: those two articles will suck majorly for all of us.

Like dude, how much time do you spend enjoying various things that relate to, Idk, your favourite show or book series. It’ll probs be gone. Funny memes and shit? Nah our generation doesn’t fucking need to laugh, it’s not like half of us are already depressed or anything. And so many other things that are cool about the internet, I’m not even gonna mention how some big, cool places like YouTube and Tumblr will be fucked by this.

So seriously, there’s only so much a small bunch of people can do. We need some noise on this. As much as I hate to admit it, some things require some fat numbres to be paid attention to. So even if you’re not planning on taking any action yourself, the best thing to do would be to spread this to everyone you trust to either get involved or pay it forward like you did.

And seriously, every little thing helps, ok? We should have a say in how the laws that deeply affect us are made.


Signal boost again to all EU peeps. Keep pushing your MEPS.



Guys im in the UK if you like and support my blog at all please help us with this as I could just suddenly disappear. And don’t forget I’m the one hosting The OmniWitch. We have no idea how this will affect the magazine yet but it may mean removing myself from a project that has been my dream for so long.

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