
Jericho Made Me Do It


Carrie/Dinah. Talk to me about Kory, Kon, Dinah, Mera, and Jason!

hey heads up, Sin Lance is not “Cynthia” and yall calling comics!Sin that is racist. that name was given to the whitewashed version of her for that dumbass tv show and has nothing to do with the comics. stop calling her by a whitewashed name

Cool motive, but…

Edit: also the name Sin was literally created to dehumanize her in universe. If anything, it’s worse to just call her Sin

Except that was changed after the introduction of the character on Arrow. Sin Lance has never in her entire comic history been referred to as Cynthia before they whitewashed her. Maybe read a comic before you comment shit like this

Her last appearance was in 2007 (which is really fucking shitty) and White Washed Arrow Sin appeared in 2013. And the DC wiki doesn’t tack on info from other versions of the character onto the original. That’s the actual, main Wikipedia articles, which tell you that Kingdom Come’s Iris West’s mother was Linda Park even though that wasn’t the case.

But yeah, go ahead and tell me I’m wrong for not wanting to use a name that was created solely to, as I literally mentioned earlier, dehumanize her and make her feel worthless.

Yeah I don’t like the name Sin or her origin story either bc its racist as all hell. But literally you are wrong. Sin’s name has never been Cynthia in the comics, ive read every comic where shes a character and she’s never been referred to as Cynthia in a single one unless theres a one off issue im forgetting. like the fan wiki page is just wrong and was likely edited after the popularization of the arrow character just like sara lance’s Canary shows up as “Black Canary” even tho she never was either. Like you can not want to use Sin all you want but using a white washed version of her name isn’t the way to go either, especially if you’re going to refer to the comics version who is Chinese

If the wiki is so wrong and it’s such a horrible crime, then go edit it.

There is literally nothing wrong with naming her Cynthia. There are other people and characters with Chinese heritage and ‘white’ names.

Also why are we restricting names to race?

hello? you came onto my old ass post telling me im wrong based on a wikia post, why would i go edit something im not actively thinking of or invested in? like you started this and instead of acknowledging i know more than you and proved you wrong, you're still trying to argue with me on semantics. just block me at this point bc i literally dont care about this post from like 2 or 3 years ago.

also no one is saying that Chinese people cant have "white" names, but im saying its in poor taste to use a name that was given to a whitewashed version of her instead of just doing research to give her a better name, Chinese or not. other Chinese characters in dc either have a "white" name and their Chinese name, a "white" name only bc of who they were raised by, or just a Chinese name. considering Sin is a character who spent the majority of her life in China, its not an unreasonable thought to give her a different Chinese name and/or an anglo name that doesnt come straight from the other racist version of her. like you could give her a traditionally Jewish name to referrence Dinah's likely Jewish heritage or look for names that symbolize rebirth and renewal of self to reflect her becoming her own person outside of the Lady Shiva mantle and training. use your imagination, the possibilities are endless


hey heads up, Sin Lance is not “Cynthia” and yall calling comics!Sin that is racist. that name was given to the whitewashed version of her for that dumbass tv show and has nothing to do with the comics. stop calling her by a whitewashed name

Cool motive, but…

Edit: also the name Sin was literally created to dehumanize her in universe. If anything, it’s worse to just call her Sin

Except that was changed after the introduction of the character on Arrow. Sin Lance has never in her entire comic history been referred to as Cynthia before they whitewashed her. Maybe read a comic before you comment shit like this

Her last appearance was in 2007 (which is really fucking shitty) and White Washed Arrow Sin appeared in 2013. And the DC wiki doesn’t tack on info from other versions of the character onto the original. That’s the actual, main Wikipedia articles, which tell you that Kingdom Come’s Iris West’s mother was Linda Park even though that wasn’t the case.

But yeah, go ahead and tell me I’m wrong for not wanting to use a name that was created solely to, as I literally mentioned earlier, dehumanize her and make her feel worthless.

Yeah I don't like the name Sin or her origin story either bc its racist as all hell. But literally you are wrong. Sin's name has never been Cynthia in the comics, ive read every comic where shes a character and she's never been referred to as Cynthia in a single one unless theres a one off issue im forgetting. like the fan wiki page is just wrong and was likely edited after the popularization of the arrow character just like sara lance's Canary shows up as "Black Canary" even tho she never was either. Like you can not want to use Sin all you want but using a white washed version of her name isn't the way to go either, especially if you're going to refer to the comics version who is Chinese


hey heads up, Sin Lance is not “Cynthia” and yall calling comics!Sin that is racist. that name was given to the whitewashed version of her for that dumbass tv show and has nothing to do with the comics. stop calling her by a whitewashed name

Cool motive, but…

Edit: also the name Sin was literally created to dehumanize her in universe. If anything, it’s worse to just call her Sin

Except that was changed after the introduction of the character on Arrow. Sin Lance has never in her entire comic history been referred to as Cynthia before they whitewashed her. Maybe read a comic before you comment shit like this

Anonymous asked:

I don’t like Tim drake at all and I was wondering if there were any redeeming qualities about him

hm okay big q especially since i havent been active in a hot minute (also if this is the same person who just filled my notifs: hey whats up hope you enjoy your stay!)

as a known time drake anti, i absolutely cannot stand his character both in canon and fanon for a wide variety of reasons mostly bc Jason and Steph are my two fave batfam members with Damian being a very close third. across almost every comic ive read hes been nothing but a misogynist slacker/stalker (come back to that in a min) who cares very little for the people around him besides the people he idolizes like Bruce or Dick. i dont think hes particularly skilled or as intelligent as fanon seems to make him out to be considering the rest of the family’s skills/personalities and his own admissions about not being that smart and cheating in fights (the Lady Shiva fight in RR) i think a lot of his appeal stems from the ability to project onto him and essentially mold him into whatever the reader wants.

that being said i do think his character could have potential if hes written properly and his flaws are actually addressed.

1.)his misogyny and treatment of the women in his life needs to be called out full stop. Steph, Tam, and Ariana? his first gf whos name i cant remember rn deserved way better than how he viewed them.

2.) his origin story is a mess. there is/should be like a 7/8 year age gap between him and Dick so how the hell could he have seen Dick perform/be Robin? not to mention him inserting himself into Bruce’s life after his SON just died in order to fullfill his own selfish fantasy is disgusting. stalking a man who just saw his kid die so you can play pretend is gross and fully hypocritical considering he yells at Steph for being a vig later even tho when they meet shes been doing it longer and has an actual reason (plus shes a better fighter than him imo)

3.) he needs a mentor that suits his actual talents/abilities like hacking and trickery based fighting. he isnt a very good detective or standard hand to hand fighter

4.) his privilege as a rich white guy needs to be addressed bc it really isnt like ever save for the plots about his dads/Bruces companies

i think if these elements of his character are addressed and resolved in a well written way, i think he could become a decent character. but as it stands the only good things about him are his friends


I am sick today, and I am tired, but, yes, I am about to have this exact same discussion again because I have nothing to do today while I self-isolate and wait on my test results, SO

I have so many issues with this that I kind of don’t know where to start, so I’m just gonna focus on one piece of this that I know I have stuff on hand to pull from. You wrote: “him inserting himself into Bruce’s life after his SON just died in order to fullfill his own selfish fantasy is disgusting. stalking a man who just saw his kid die so you can play pretend is gross”

I agree 100%!! That is a horrible, irredeemable thing to do!! But it’s also not what Tim did. Like, at all.

Tim has noticed, that ever since Jason died, Bruce has been a more violent, more destructive Batman. Bruce, in no uncertain terms, is hurting things at least as much as he’s helping them. Robin has always been, in Tim’s eyes, about reminding Batman why he does what he does, and helping stop him from going too dark and doing something irredeemable. That’s why Batman needs Robin.

Let me make one thing EXCEPTIONALLY clear. Tim did NOT want to be Robin. He did NOT PLAN to be Robin, EVER. He just knew that Robin needed to exist. And when he saw how bad Bruce got after Jason died, he knew that Batman, in that moment, needed a Robin. He did NOT want that Robin to be him. He never even considered it, because he was just some normal kid, and that didn’t make any fucking sense!

He tracked down Dick, after a lot of work, just to BEG him to go back to Bruce and help him by taking up Robin again:

Above, when he mentions “fantasizing” about being Robin when he was little, it was just in the way that every little kid wants to be a superhero. He wasn’t plotting some big ridiculous plot to “insert himself” into Bruce’s life or the mantle of Robin. He was literally just a kid idolizing two heroes that meant the world to him:

It’s actually Dick who has the idea that maybe Tim can be Robin. Because Dick agrees, 100%, from experience, that Batman needs a Robin to keep him from going over the edge. Dick has seen, twice now, what Batman is like both with and without a Robin, and he knows that Tim is right. Dick has also very clearly made the decision years ago that he’s never going back. So, Dick thinks, ‘this kid is clearly brilliant, let’s see how he does.’ See below:

So yes. Tim suits up. Because he’s asked to, and because Batman needs Robin. And when he’s done, he thinks it’s over. He thinks he’s so lucky, because he’s the normal kid who got to be Robin for a day. He’s thrilled. It’s more than enough. He doesn’t want to replace Jason. He doesn’t wanna replace anybody.

And when he tries to give up the suit, guess who persuades Bruce to take him on full time. Because it ain’t fucking Tim. It’s Dick again:

But maybe I’m missing something here. Please tell me how Tim “inserted himself” into Bruce’s life “in order to fulfill his own selfish fantasy,” so that he could “play pretend.” Or, I don’t know. Maybe actually read something with Tim in it. You might figure out that all he was trying to do was help.

Anyway like ten seconds after this during his Robin career, Tim was shown to repeatedly ignore Bruce's trauma symptoms and downplay his grief because he liked being Robin. Not to mention its bad writing overall because no kid should have been Robin. Just end of story. Jason was a 15 year old who was brutally murdered and there's absolutely no justification for Bruce to take in another kid as a mentee or for Dick to even suggest that option regardless of Tim's begging for a Robin to exist.

Doesn't matter tho bc Tim's entire existence was created bc of classism and racism and there's nothing interesting about his character in canon, not to mention the fact that a.) his timeline makes no sense and b.) there are other characters that would fit this part of Bruce's life better in terms of narrative progression and interpersonal relationships.

Anonymous asked:

I do not agree with the tim being the best detective or whatever but he is actually good at it and when you say Jason is just a kid so when he does something wrong we shouldnt say bad things about him the same goes for tim too like. he was just 13 who is written by a grown ass white man so idk why do you hate him so much like he is a real person lmao

okay so you have zero reading comprehension, got it. let's break this down tho.

1.) i didnt say he wasnt good at being a detective, i said it wasnt tims area and that he has actual talents in hacking and trickery based fighting. all members of the batfam have detective skills because they were all trained by Bruce like literally all of them are good due to years of training, not bc of any innate talent that we see besides Dick in NTT.

2.) I never once talked about Jason and tim in any way bc they dont have a relationship. like putting aside that weird shit where he attacked tim at Titans Tower, they just dont interact. now what i did say in my RR thoughts post was that DAMIEN is a child and he shouldnt be judged the same way as others bc he literally is a.) 10 years old compared to tims early 20s and b.) just left his other family who raised him to be an assassin and taught him his bloodline made him better than everyone around him. hes been raised this way since birth and has only recently been challenged on those ideas (in the comics timeline), shouldnt his situation call for some sympathy from others i stead of tim whining about being upgraded from sidekick to partner or having the two positive male role models in his life shit talk him behind his back? why are tims feelings more important than helping a traumatized brown kid figure out his life and relationships in a healthy manner?

3.) i wrote my Carrie Reads RR post like two or three years ago. if you look at my blog for more than ten seconds to send this dumbass anon, youll see i dont talk about tim here. like at all. you know why? bc like i dont care enough about him to spend every second hating on him like you imply. i got one ask recently about my thoughts but before that i havent spoken about characters i dont like in a while. i havent even been active on this blog for a while either. and its not that i think hes a real person or w/e bullshit you think i think he is, i dont like him bc hes a bland character with almost no value to the comics from a narrative standpoint and you tim stans overhype him and flood the fandom with him to the point where i cant go ten seconds without seeing people claim things that didnt happen or arent true to his character. that is what annoys me more than anything.

also side note, if youre gonna come to my blog to be an ass, at least turn off anon so ik you arent a coward too

Anonymous asked:

I don’t like Tim drake at all and I was wondering if there were any redeeming qualities about him

hm okay big q especially since i havent been active in a hot minute (also if this is the same person who just filled my notifs: hey whats up hope you enjoy your stay!)

as a known time drake anti, i absolutely cannot stand his character both in canon and fanon for a wide variety of reasons mostly bc Jason and Steph are my two fave batfam members with Damian being a very close third. across almost every comic ive read hes been nothing but a misogynist slacker/stalker (come back to that in a min) who cares very little for the people around him besides the people he idolizes like Bruce or Dick. i dont think hes particularly skilled or as intelligent as fanon seems to make him out to be considering the rest of the family’s skills/personalities and his own admissions about not being that smart and cheating in fights (the Lady Shiva fight in RR) i think a lot of his appeal stems from the ability to project onto him and essentially mold him into whatever the reader wants.

that being said i do think his character could have potential if hes written properly and his flaws are actually addressed.

1.)his misogyny and treatment of the women in his life needs to be called out full stop. Steph, Tam, and Ariana? his first gf whos name i cant remember rn deserved way better than how he viewed them.

2.) his origin story is a mess. there is/should be like a 7/8 year age gap between him and Dick so how the hell could he have seen Dick perform/be Robin? not to mention him inserting himself into Bruce’s life after his SON just died in order to fullfill his own selfish fantasy is disgusting. stalking a man who just saw his kid die so you can play pretend is gross and fully hypocritical considering he yells at Steph for being a vig later even tho when they meet shes been doing it longer and has an actual reason (plus shes a better fighter than him imo)

3.) he needs a mentor that suits his actual talents/abilities like hacking and trickery based fighting. he isnt a very good detective or standard hand to hand fighter

4.) his privilege as a rich white guy needs to be addressed bc it really isnt like ever save for the plots about his dads/Bruces companies

i think if these elements of his character are addressed and resolved in a well written way, i think he could become a decent character. but as it stands the only good things about him are his friends


@akira-daiyamondo-suta yeah thats basically my thoughts exactly. i have a lot of problems with how the role of Batman is written irt detective work, but most people just want to have tim be Batman bc they think hes a.) a good detective, b.) calm/level headed/logical, and c.) the natural successor when none of this is true to his character or to the relationships between the Bats themselves.

like ideally in my earth? the Batman mantle dies with Bruce. i dont think any of the characters need that mantle or should even want it imo. Dick spent his whole life under Batman's shadow and his whole journey from kid!Robin to NTT!Robin to eventually Nightwing was about him finding himself and not basing his whole life around his grief or around Bruce's. Jason needs a better mantle imo but again his post-revival life is about himself: his revenge and then eventually his rehabilitation and self discovery. I haven't read much of Cass but her entire origin is about being molded to fit a mantle and how her identity was forced into that for so long. Damian, imo, is a lot like Cass and honestly I think being Batman would not suit him at all. I don't think being a vig in any way would suit him for the most part. He's been fighting and killing and training since basically birth and I think having a mantle like that would just hurt him more rather than help him become his own person.


since its been a hot minute and im gaining notes again, lets make one thing clear: if you support or ship batcest youre a disgusting freak. stay off my blog and out of my notes if youre cool with that

Anonymous asked:

I don’t like Tim drake at all and I was wondering if there were any redeeming qualities about him

hm okay big q especially since i havent been active in a hot minute (also if this is the same person who just filled my notifs: hey whats up hope you enjoy your stay!)

as a known time drake anti, i absolutely cannot stand his character both in canon and fanon for a wide variety of reasons mostly bc Jason and Steph are my two fave batfam members with Damian being a very close third. across almost every comic ive read hes been nothing but a misogynist slacker/stalker (come back to that in a min) who cares very little for the people around him besides the people he idolizes like Bruce or Dick. i dont think hes particularly skilled or as intelligent as fanon seems to make him out to be considering the rest of the family’s skills/personalities and his own admissions about not being that smart and cheating in fights (the Lady Shiva fight in RR) i think a lot of his appeal stems from the ability to project onto him and essentially mold him into whatever the reader wants.

that being said i do think his character could have potential if hes written properly and his flaws are actually addressed.

1.)his misogyny and treatment of the women in his life needs to be called out full stop. Steph, Tam, and Ariana? his first gf whos name i cant remember rn deserved way better than how he viewed them.

2.) his origin story is a mess. there is/should be like a 7/8 year age gap between him and Dick so how the hell could he have seen Dick perform/be Robin? not to mention him inserting himself into Bruce’s life after his SON just died in order to fullfill his own selfish fantasy is disgusting. stalking a man who just saw his kid die so you can play pretend is gross and fully hypocritical considering he yells at Steph for being a vig later even tho when they meet shes been doing it longer and has an actual reason (plus shes a better fighter than him imo)

3.) he needs a mentor that suits his actual talents/abilities like hacking and trickery based fighting. he isnt a very good detective or standard hand to hand fighter

4.) his privilege as a rich white guy needs to be addressed bc it really isnt like ever save for the plots about his dads/Bruces companies

i think if these elements of his character are addressed and resolved in a well written way, i think he could become a decent character. but as it stands the only good things about him are his friends


tagged by @doropetras my best friend and the other half of my solidarity emote

nickname: Carrie, Dinah, or Cherry

sign: virgo

height: 4′11″ or 150 cm

hogwarts house: slytherin

last thing i googled: Got7 Spinning Top 

song stuck in my head: BAD BACK by Jackson Wang

following: 54

followers: 200 something

amount of sleep i get: mmm almost none

lucky number: 27 but officially 1/3/4 

dream job: comic book/tv/movie writer

wearing: jeans and a tank top

favorite song: currently LOVE ME by NU’EST 

instruments: like very minimal piano

random fact: i was created by magic

aesthetic: trying to be fashionable but not really succeeding? but my mind aesthetic is different from what i wear since my clothes are lots of dark colors but my mind is like *pastel yellow and blue and flowers and glitter*

dont really have any one to tag? so if you want to you can say i tagged you


None of you will ever feel a human emotion until you listen to Jason Todd’s speech in under the red hood

is that what you think this is about?

That you let me die? i don't know

what clouds your judgment worse.

Your guilt or your antiquated sense of morality.

Bruce, i forgive you for not saving me.

But why? why on God's earth...

..is he still alive?

ignoring what he's done in the past.

Blindly , stupidly, disregarding

the entire graveyards he's filled...

..the thousands who have suffered,

the friends he's crippled.

You know, i thought--

I thought i'd be the last person

you'd ever let him hurt. if it had been you

that he beat to a bloody pulp...

...if he had taken you from this worid,

i would've done nothing...

...but search the planet for this pathetic pile

of evil death-worshipping garbage...

...and sent him off to hell.


i get so mad when someone implies dick grayson is this impulsive, reckless, leaping-before-thinking kind of person. because not only was he trained by batman, BATMAN, from a really young age, so that probably built a lot of the way he thinks, but also he was raised as a perfomer! he was part of a show! where every one of his moves was planned and everything was built on anticipation and coordination and preparation! i get that he might come off as reckless because he jumps into action and takes risks but he is a much more calculating person than a lot of people give him credit for. thanks for coming to my ted talk

Dick “failing to plan is planning to fail, it’s not about your next move, it’s about the one after that, and the one after that” grayson is one of the most strategic and thought out people in the dc universe. He knows how to improvise, but he’s always measured. Op knows what’s good.


I knew I couldn’t do a giveaway unless all the pins were unlocked, and thanks to over 100 wonderful backers, they are all comfortably in the green! 

Rewards: One pin of your choice from the KS desgins.  One charm of your choice from the KS designs.                     = If you are already a backer of the Kickstarter and you win, you will receive an extra pin on top of your existing pledge. This way backers and nonbackers both can enter without worry! ♥ Giveaway End-date: June 8th, 2019. 7 days before the KS ends (Designed so if a backer wins they’ll know which extra pin they’re getting for free and they can use their pledge choices for others.) ♥ Expected delivery of reward: Early August 2019 with the rest of the KS orders. ♥ Rules:               - TWO winners. Must be willing to share necessary info for shipping. U.S. or International backers welcome.               - Reblog this post and tag/comment your favorite of the pins shown above.               - Do not need to back the Kickstarter to win.               - No giveaway blogs.               - You don’t need to be following me, but I recommend you do to keep up to date with news about this KS. There might be more opportunities to win. 

Last day!

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