
Pretend you don't know this about me.

@redinkofshame / redinkofshame.tumblr.com

She/her - This is a blog for my DA fanfic writing, as well as lore, writing, and art references. My obsession with Solas can be witnessed on notsosecretsolasobsession, political garbage is over on theheraldofdiscourse, and shitposts live at the-red-jennies. I cannot be trusted to tag effectively, but I try.

Fic Masterpost

By relationship, roughly chronological.

Edit: added citrus bc Tumblr is a pain 🍋 = E, 🍊 = M

Edit: Added a Read More bc it’s long and I pinned it. Here’s a list of the biggest ships below the cut (all m/f):

Keria Lavellan/Solas (canon and various AUs)

Elle Lavellan/Solas (modern AU)

Des Lavellan/Solas (modern AU)

Marigold Kadret/Varric Tethras (post canon)

Cassandra Pentaghast/Cedric Trevelyan (canon)


btw i meant to make this post like 3 days ago but i have been very forgetful and not perceiving of time lately teehee ^^ but anyway yall know that one post thats like. i will die if people do not tell me about their ocs. well that is real and true and i do in fact think people telling me about their ocs would fix me at least a little so im gonna need yall to fucking pick it up or i'll DIE okay. [i slam my hands down on my desk and like normally it would be really cool and awesome and intimidating but i am so weak and sickly due to lack of ocs that it doesn't even make a dent and its kind of a little bit awkward.]

I have this OC ship, original fiction. Person A is a soft prince, beautiful perfumed curls, never done manual labor in his life. He's actually studied ethics and diplomacy and other princely things to the point of obsession but pretends he doesn't stress about every decision before he makes it. He's a spoiled prince after all, life is easy!

Person B is his big bulky muscle AF body guard who got to this position by Following Orders, not asking questions. No thoughts, only sparing practice and standing at attention. He doesn't understand right from wrong, but he's aware of it, so he lets the others worry about morality and just tell him where to point his sword. He's slightly shorter than the prince (esp with his helmet off, or if the prince is wearing his crown)

They're both aware that the other has feelings for them, but no amount of the prince flirtatiously being like 'oh Knight, I need someone to watch over me while I sleep/can you help me dress for the ball/how about a kiss for good luck' could EVER make the knight consider doing any of those things bc a relationship with the prince is Against The Rules, and without rules he is nothing.

When plot starts Happening and everything goes to shit, and the prince is agonizing over how to save his country, the knight is just dying to protect the prince from the pain and stress but doesn't know what to do. 'please just tell me who I can kill to make this go away'

They don't have names yet but I think about them all the time.


Insurance won't pay for the treatment that actually helps my chronic neck injury so I go to a massage therapist to pulverize the muscles into submission. She asked me to remind her what caused the injury (short version: bad epidural) and she hit me with, 'oh, you have kids? You don't look like a mom!'


I have looked like a mom for a least a decade before I actually became one. As soon as my body finished puberty it went straight into Puberty II : MILF Edition with the Badonkadonk DLC and Hair Loss computer virus.

I could tell from her delivery that this is a line she uses all the time, apparently unaware that implying not looking like a mom is a Compliment is insulting? Especially to those of us who very stereotypically do.


I'm 10 years late to playing Dragon Age Inquisition, but I'm so glad I finally did. That game is so fucking amazing, and the Solavellan romance has ruined me lmao. It's so beautifully tragic, like you can tell they truly love one another. That Solas so DESPERATELY wants to be with her, but his sense of duty and pride will not let him.

god, it hurts SO good.

I'm so nervous for Dreadwolf, and if we'll be able to get closure for our Lavellans and Solas. If it's even canon? Which I hope it is, cause romancing him and having him reveal who he truly was to her was so damn impactful. Like it felt like that's the way it was supposed to be.

I'm gushing lmao. But this game was wow. I know I missed a TON in it too, cause I definitely finished too fast and struggled in Tresspasser. Was way underleveled lol. Definitely NEED to play it again, anddd hurt myself once more with the Solas romance.


Me, ordering McD breakfast: I must speak clearly and keep my order short and simple and have my payment ready, thus achieving a good grade in Drive-Thru Customer, a goal that is both normal to want and possible to achieve

The drive-thru girl: oh hey, awesome jacket. Is that custom? Very cool. I genuinely hope you have a good day.

Me: 😮 *whispers* extra credit

Me, today: Man, I could sure go for some McD breakfast. Nay, wait! I do not have my Jacket. My hair is not as Cool today. What if Drive-Thru Girl recognizes me/my car/my clear and concise order and the memory of Customer With Cool Jacket is forever tarnished? Alas, I must never again prevail upon the tenderness of golden hashbrowns. Thus is the price of greatness.


Me, ordering McD breakfast: I must speak clearly and keep my order short and simple and have my payment ready, thus achieving a good grade in Drive-Thru Customer, a goal that is both normal to want and possible to achieve

The drive-thru girl: oh hey, awesome jacket. Is that custom? Very cool. I genuinely hope you have a good day.

Me: 😮 *whispers* extra credit

Anonymous asked:

Why do you think Varric made the Inquisitor a Comte? Wouldn’t that make them outrank him? Dumar seemed pretty powerless and I always thought that Varric got shoved in the rule to make him in charge of the recovery of Kirkwall but not actually of Kirkwall?

Sweet gentle anon, I know it was not your intention but you have stumbled into one of my favorite conversational topics and I hope you are ready for the fall out.

Welcome, children, to Fereldone talks about Thedas' Geo/Theopolitical bullshit!

(tl:dr at the bottom)


Marigolds in the Hanged Man *2023 update*

Hopefully this isn't insensitive timing considering... You know. But this is when I happened to finish it. I made a large change to a couple of the chapters (info below the cut) but first a summary for those new to the fic:

Almost twenty years ago, Varric Tethras fell in love with a woman of paragon skill. Since then he has met Wardens, Champions, and Inquisitors; First Enchanters, Magistrates, and mysterious apostates; Seekers, Templars, and the new Divine; two Red Jennys, several Qunari, and even a couple of demigods. After everything he's been through, what kind of woman would it take to win his heart anew? "This is the best tavern in Kirkwall. It could use some cute dwarven serving girls, but otherwise, it's perfect."

Also, my very first color digital art piece! Behold Marigold's floating head.

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