

@gwygle / gwygle.tumblr.com

gwen | she/her fanart goes here ✨ commissions are closed

local loser tries to be a good mother while dealing with a gambling problem, navigating the politics of a secret society and being undead

this is my vampire mc maggie from the in-development if "thicker than"

thicker than is written by @barbwritesstuff !


drew my sister's arisen when dd2 first came out and now my own a month later


❤💙🧡I am so excited to announce the release of our digital Armenian charity zine, Split Pomegranate - Sacred Seeds! 175 pages, 93 amazing artists and writers, and so much more, 100% of the profits of this digital book will be donated to All for Armenia It is such a privilege to showcase so so many beautiful pieces from Armenians and non Armenians alike, all representing the beauty and depth and resilience of Armenians. All supporters also automatically enter into a raffle to win amazing prizes, and the first three people to find the hidden links in the zine win a sticker bundle!! Thank you! ❤💙🧡


zagreus' first snow

the first time i ever beat hades i had demeter's call


ive been sitting on this so long but i was inspired by dunyun-ring 's faetober prompts awhile back. this was for "turning over a new leaf"


Nothing is more devastating than this. The UN World Food Program has officially suspended aid delivery to northern Gaza, citing violence and lack of safety as major reasons the aid trucks aren’t getting through. Israeli officers are liberally shooting at Palestinians who try to approach the trucks in hopes of getting even the smallest morsels of food, despite the fact that Israel has allowed only one crossing for the already woefully low numbers of aid they’re permitting entry. Reportedly this number has fallen from 140 a day in January to just 60 a day this month, and now 16% of all Gazan children under 2 are “acutely malnourished.” Meanwhile, the US vetoes a call for a ceasefire for the third fucking time. It’s so inhumane in its cruelty it’s actually shocking to see it being allowed to go on and on, and on an international level no less.


Self promo post incoming. If you're burnt out on weirdly sinister fast food ads, feel free to keep scrolling.


I loved this game so hard. I still love this game. A Fairy Tale is short, silly, and so fucking stupid. Also, optional cannibalism. It also got the glow up of the century with the help of @gwygle.

But while that glow up was in progress I made another game with Ren'py.

I love Something A Little Super so much.

It was inspired by two of my favourite superheroes of all time: Superman and my mum. It was also a test to see if I could make Ren'py do what I wanted it to do... which was make more interactive fiction.

I think I proved you can, which leads me to:

Mermaids Motherfucker! (fun fact: that was actual original working title of Drown With Me).

The game is so very incomplete, but still so very dear to me. It's mermaids vs pirates, with cannibalism.

I promise I'm normal about cannibalism guys. Don't worry about it.

I'm also super in love with the main menu, but to see it you have to download the game, because screenshots really can't do it justice. It's weird and spooky and the exact vibe I go feral for when it comes to mermaids.

This time last year, I didn't believe I'd ever be able to make a game with Ren'py. Now I have three. And sure, they're short, and janky, and weird, but I love them all the more for it.

So, if you haven't checked them out yet, you totally should.

Anyway. That's it. That's my self promo post. How'd I do?


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