


⠀❪⠀VINTGICALS ⠀ on ⠀𝒘𝒑⠀❫

“Zutara is not a toxic hero/villain ship because Zuko was not a true villain character and he went through a long and detailed redemption arc and he understood and helped Katara’s trauma” and “Zuko’s redemption arc was for himself to become a better person from his own struggles with his nation’s sins and his family’s toxic and abusive ways, not to make him a love interest for Katara” are statements that can and should coexist.


‘Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can’t just be on people of color to deal with it. It’s up to all of us – Black, white, everyone – no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out. It starts with self-examination and listening to those whose lives are different from our own. It ends with justice, compassion, and empathy that manifests in our lives and on our streets.’ — Michelle Obama


Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.

Of fucking course

What sick bastard doesn’t


“You’d be surprised”, said Xaldien, who just lost four followers and received a lovely “men can’t be raped” anon shortly after reblogging this the first time.

Yowch, disgusting.

If I don’t reblog this, assume I’m dead.

Always reblog this

If you Dont reblog this if u see it then i cant call u my friend


If you disagree with me, unfollow my blog, block me and never look at my blog again.

If you want to debate about this or send anon’s about this, I will reply but your actions have consequences.

Out of 19000+ followers I have, only one of you actually reblogged about this issue, yet a lot of you have reblogged and liked a picture by playboy about catcalling and that how men should never do it.

Additionally, I have received abuse in my ask box (which I will be answering when I can) and threats. In particular death threats and rape threats.

I can see the real problem here already. Male domestic violence and rape is just invisible in our society because we don’t want to talk about this because it just damages the status quo of this fucking website.

I’m a male victim of child sexual abuse. We matter. Please, reblog this.

Please never forget male victims are real and it can happen to everyone/anyone

Make sure the romance is there on both sides people

Screw people who don’t believe in male rape.


This post always makes me feel some type of way when it comes up.

Never shut your eyes to male abuse and rape…♥♥♥

This. Fucking this. Thank you.


Do something!


imagine if zuko’s fire turned rainbow after seeing the dragons,,,


can i offer you some atla doodles in this trying times?


any mention of black lives matter has disappeared off my dashboard so i thought y'all might want to know that police stormed a peaceful vigil in memory of elijah mcclain, attacking mourners with pepper spray. families were there. children were affected. this movement isnt over just because it's no longer trendy.


I’m back with my unpopular opinion that toph and aang were soulmates and would’ve gotten together once they were older and aang and katara realized their friendship didn’t translate into a relationship and katara and zuko were also soulmates and fell in love. Also mai and ty lee were lesbians and in love and suki and sokka lived long and happy lives together because they DESERVED IT


A stunning photo showing Filipinos practicing social distancing during a protest to #JunkTerrorBill #JunkTerrorBillNow 

Because Filipinos aren’t undisciplined. They simply know what rules protect them and what do not.

Also shown: Protesters kneeling in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. 

MORE PHOTOS AND SOURCE CAN BE FOUND IN THE REBLOG BECAUSE TUMBLR HIDES POSTS WITH LINKS. If you have Facebook, share the original post there, which has more amazing photos of the protest. 


“Why I ship Zutara - since so many are inclined to believe it’s a Zuko fetish”

Is Zuko my favorite animated character of all time? Why yes, yes he is. Do I identify with Katara as a barrier-breaking feminist and woman of color? Yes, yes I do. Is that why I ship them together? No.

Look, when I first watched ATLA, I was 7 years old. I don’t remember shipping anyone, but I didn’t hate that Aang and Katara ended up together. They were cute! It’s whatever.

When I rewatched the show at 13, I still thought Kataang was cute, but I ended the series shipping Zutara, and as the years went by, they rose higher and higher on my list. Now they’re my #1 OTP.

So why do I ship them?

1) They’re two sides of the same coin. Both of them grew up too fast with the loss of their mothers. Both grew up under an elder’s influence. Both of them constantly fought to prove their worth to their peers, and both held resentment toward their fathers. Both spent the entire series improving their bending and incorporating each other’s bending styles.

They have so much in common, and so many shared experiences and important bonding moments (defeating Azula together, Zuko saving her life, confronting Yon Rha together, the cave scene / turning point, their battle at the North Pole...)

2) They’re yin and yang. Fire and Ice. Sun and Moon. Passionate male energy and the soothing, healing touch of a woman (and her chilling bite). Realism and hopeful idealism. The Blue Spirit and the Painted Lady.

Zuko grew up without a healthy sibling or father relationship. Katara eventually obtained both of these. Zuko lived in an elite world surrounded by people and bending teachers, yet he felt alone. Katara grew up on an ice cube with no bending masters, but she loved her home and family.

The parallels go on and on.

3) Symbolism. They could have embodied the Cave of Two Lovers perfectly: benders separated by cultural divide, a cave to meet in secrecy where outside conflicts are put on hold, allowing them to grow closer, to love one another.

Plus, what better way to bridge two nations with seemingly irreparable tensions than a marriage between lovers? These two went from enemies to partners in crime to friends. Imagine if they’d fallen in love. Imagine a water bender as Fire Lady, and what influence she could have on the Fire Nation’s perceptions of the Water Tribe. Imagine the prejudices she could shed herself, living in this new culture, serving its people.

4) They’re good for each other. Zuko needs someone who can help him shift his nation’s perceptions of the world. He needs someone who can take on responsibilities of her own, rally a crowd, bring hope to his world, and not only become a mother to his children, but his people. He needs a woman who, like his mother, can encourage him to be the best version of himself.

Katara needs to feel useful. She needs to feel like she’s helping people and making a difference. She needs to be more than a wife or a mother. More than a traveling companion. She‘s a cartaker, but she’s also a leader, and she needs a mature man in her life who she can leave alone, unattended for a while. Someone she can speak to about harsh realities. Someone who will not judge her for feeling negative. Someone who will understand her sarcasm, and who will vent with her when she needs it.

5) I have always shipped them for their potential, not necessarily what we were fed in the show. So I understand how others don’t see it. But as a writer, I recognize that this pairing could have been an extremely valuable storytelling tool. Aaron saw that, the actors saw that, but Bryke wanted Kataang, so we got the typical “hero gets the girl” scenario. I get it. I just wish they would have gone the extra mile.

6) I don’t ship Kataang anymore

Aang is 12 years old. He’s a child (and a monk). That’s what makes the series work, why his victory is so powerful. His youthful innocence is a reoccurring theme throughout the series. And yes, he learns to accept many hard truths of the world, but in the end, he chooses mercy and idealism. As an adult, I can’t see him as anything but a child. And I don’t ship children. I definitely don’t want to see them make out with anyone 😷

Katara acts like his mother for most of the series. She’s his caretaker first and foremost. And it’s clear she loves him, but she’s not even sure how she feels about him several episodes from the finale of the series. I’m not about to act like their relationship wasn’t romantically coded, but it felt forced at the end. It felt like they set Katara up to be his mother more than his partner. It’s regressive to her feminist arc (and don’t get me started on Korra’s depiction of her!)

And yeah. I did not find 12 year olds attractive when I was looking forward to my first year of high school. If I had the choice between Aang and Zuko at her age, you bet your ass I’m swooning over the prince of the Fire Nation. 🤷🏻‍♀️

7) I really don’t ship Maiko. I love Mai as a character (gray characters are always fun). But her relationship with Zuko formed off-screen (never a good choice for a romance arc) and she was only ever regressive to Zuko’s character. She was never going to help him grow, to be a selfless leader, to consider the importance of other nations or the lower class (she jokes about ordering servants around for fun, big yikes). She couldn’t be a positive influence on Zuko until she had an enlightened journey of her own, which she didn’t - her only arc revolved around Azula and her love for her boyfriend. She was a source of constant negativity and pessimim. That’s the last thing a leader of a war-torn nation needs.

So yeah. I’m not trying to convince anyone to ship my ship. I’m simply explaining why I love these two so much (since so many of you think it’s a bad boy fetish), and why I reject the pairings the show left us with.

I think Zutara would have created a stronger narrative for a near-perfect show, a better romance, and a more relatable protagonist, and no one will ever change my mind about that.


Frypan Appreciation Post

Please Note: Movie-Verse

You can all say that every character in the Maze Runner franchise deserved better or was underrated because there is a fair chance that you are totally right. But I don’t think any character is less appreciated then Frypan. So I thought I’d just conduct a list of the amazing things this character has done over the span of the three movies:

  1. He gets along with everyone in the Glade. Including Gally, which was hard in the first movie, but you see him following Gally who was angry about Newt’s decision to make Thomas a runner.
  2. He makes everyone food. Enough said.
  3. He is very welcoming to Thomas. “Welcome home, Thomas.”
  4. He’s funny. I could use some help in the kitchen.”
  5. He’s rational. He believes Thomas did a good job saving Minho and Alby in the maze but does not believe Thomas is ready to be a runner due to him only being there three days.
  6. He’s helpful. He went into the Maze with Minho and Thomas. He held Gally back when he punched Thomas, and he ran over to help Thomas after he stabbed himself. He played a key part in getting people through and out and the maze.
  7. He takes care of Winston. He is extremely gentle when Winston is dying and helps in any way he can.
  8. He’s emotional. He’s the first glader we see break outside the maze, and I find that to be extremely heartbreaking. He is the first one to say he misses the Maze which is a strong character trait to have to allow his friends to see how he is truly feeling. He is seen as just the “comic relief” as he had the best one-liners in all three movies, but this moment really gives depth to his character. It’s beautiful. Also Wes Ball’s direction in this scene, definitely makes us connect to Frypan the most.
  9. He’s a team player. He is the first to ask Vince and Harriet if there is any way to help them when Wicked attack them. He follows Thomas to save Minho.
  10. His disbelief to Teresa’s betrayal. He says, “What the hell? Teresa!?” In a disappointed, almost saddened tone. Frypan is very kind to Teresa, and we have no idea what happened off-screen when the group was separated from Thomas. He can’t believe Teresa being part of wicked because he is a team player and because he loves all his friends. 
  11. He’s a fucking hero. He is there to protect Brenda and Jorge from the wicked shoulders and is smiling when he does so. If it wasn’t for his shotgun skills, he, Thomas and Newt would all be dead. Ummm, the bus scene - does this need any more context? 
  12. He is Thomas and Newt’s best friend: Yes, I know he has other friends, and yes he cares for them a great deal but has anyone thought back this. After Minho is taken, the only three left from the glade are Thomass, Newt, and Frypan. Three out of like forty. So for these months, he only has these two, and these two only have each other and him. Every day, afternoon, evening and morning. Thomas and Newt would not have made it as far without Frypan. He was their link back to everything from the maze. Newt was the leader after Alby died, the group followed Thomas everywhere. And Frypan was one glader who followed them both everywhere they went. He was their constant reminder that they had to keep fighting.
  13. Frypan’s friendship with Brenda. In the Death Cure, Brenda talks mainly to Thomas, Jorge, and Frypan. He saves her, he laughs with her, he saves her by lifting the bus. After Teresa, it must have been freaking nice to befriend Brenda. Considering there is a handful of months we don’t see, there is not saying how close Frypan and Brenda became. But she calls him, “Fry,” and that’s just guaranteed friendship with Frypan. Also, they get the immunes out together, worry about their friends. They stick together, and Frypan seems to always look to her in dramatic, and happy scenes.
  14. Losing Newt (and almost losing Thomas) This is raw, man. I’ve watched this film three times now, and Frypan’s reaction is what really hits you in the chest if you pay enough attention. Think for a second about the roughly 6-8 months this group has been looking for Minho. Meaning it’s only been Newt, Thomas and Frypan (glade members) for a very long time; they are probably close, they spent literally every freaking moment together, and they have for a very long time. Now, imagine, not knowing one of your best friends has the flare because *hello* Frypan is never told, and he is not there to witness his friend’s downfall. He just has to find out through Minho asking Brenda for the serum. He then has to see his friend’s body, and know that his other best friend has walked headfirst into wicked. He doesn’t know what to do, and he’s broken. He collapses by Newt’s side and then like twenty minutes later has to witness as Thomas nearly dies on the berg.

He is us

Okay, this might sound strange, but stick with me. Frypan hands down is meant to be the “everyday person.” Someone who we can connect with these films. Some may connect to Thomas, or Newt, or Brenda, but Frypan is someone anyone can connect with. It’s quite hard to put yourself in other character’s shoes in this film. Let me break this down:

  • Thomas: Hero, almost dies like three times, is basically good at everything he does the first time around. He is fast, a good fighter, a friend, he’s a badass, but also emotional. He’s your typical hero type, and these days not every teen would wake up in a maze and be like “yeah, let’s go again everything we’re told to do,” and yes it works for Thomas, but not everyone thinks like he does. He is also the cure.
  • Newt: Now, I know a lot of people relate to Newt due to his suicide attempt, and strength afterward, which is amazing, and I love that. But Newt turns into a crank, and he died.  I’m going to go ahead and guess that no one here has ever turned into a zombie and been killed. Newt is also second-in-command in the maze and has to lead. Not everyone is a leader.
  • Teresa: Betrayed her friends to save her friends. I don’t think many of us would have the strength to do this.
  • Gally: Dramticcaly revealed that he wasn’t dead.
  • Minho: Leader, runner and freaking tortured for months on end.
  • Brenda: Had the flare and almost became a crank.

And then there’s Frypan: 

  • Frypan is not a runner, leader and he doesn’t become a crank. He was just the Glade’s cook, and that’s what he did, he made food for the people who lived in the maze. He is an everyday person trying to live in a post-apocalyptic world. He is the embodiment of what most of us would be like. He doesn’t have a dramatic storyline where he dies or gets hurt or betrays. He is just Frypan, and he survives everything thrown at him. Frypan is special because he is normal. He isn’t wicked’s star pupil, he was never a leader. At first look, he might not seem to be a Glader that you’d expect would survive, but he does. Which makes him amazing.

Please add reasons why you think Frypan is great!  (Sorry for mistakes, I am doing this a quarter to one in the morning) 

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