
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

@edgy-teen-wannabe / edgy-teen-wannabe.tumblr.com

Liz • 26 • Hardcore feminist • Belgian nerd • Addicted to music and anime
I reblog a lot of different stuff, sorry about the mess!

Dear teen girls,

Stop abusing your boyfriends and yes what you are doing is abuse.


  • Yelling at him in front of his friends 
  • Hitting or slapping him when he does or says something you don’t like
  • Telling him he doesn’t have a choice when it comes to decisions that involve both of you 
  • Telling him he can’t hang out with friends because you don’t like him
  • Telling him to not talk to other girls even if they are his friend
  • Forcing him to spend every moment with you 
  • Belittling him and pointing out all his flaws
  • Calling him stupid or making fun of him for making a mistake
  • Threatening to break up with him if he doesn’t do what you want
  • Being emotionally manipulative and crying until he does what you want
  • Accusing him of cheating every time he’s not with you
  • Blow up is phone if he doesn’t text you every five minutes 
  • Telling him you are the must thing that has ever happened to him and no one else will love
  • Physically attacking him when ever you are mad
  • Forcing him to have sex despite that fact that he said he didn’t want to
  • Invading his privacy by going through his phone
  • Getting mad at him for changing his password and demanding he tell you what it is

If a guy did any of these things to a girl it would be considered abuse but since its the other way around its considered normal. Throughout High school I saw many girl treating their boyfriends like shit. Sometime even physically abusing them in the hallways and no one trying to stop it because its a girl attacking a boy. 

Boys: If your girlfriend does anything on this list leave her. It is abuse and you deserve better.

Girls: if you find your self doing anything on this list to your boyfriend you need to knock it off because you are being abusive. 

!!!!!!!! My brother was abused by his babies mom and it started like this and escalated to child abuse and neglect.

You don’t deserve to be screamed at, ignored, or assaulted.

Not showing affection when she wants or not hugging her before class) or missing a phone call doesn’t warrant getting cussed out or hit.


Lol, I lost 5 followers from reblogging this. That’s fine, y'all can go

Whole lot of grown women do this too.

Just wanna throw these in too

  • Being passive aggressive with him when he wants to spend time with friends or doing other things 
  • controlling when he’s able to go out with friends
  • Breaking up his friendships with other girls just because you’re insecure
  • Making him feel like his opinions in decisions that affect the both of you are irrelevant and don’t matter
  • testing him in anyway in general without his knowledge or permission (example: catfishing! it’s manipulative and weird don’t fucking do that)
  • taking money/credit cards without permission to spend on things without his knowledge ( had an ex friend do this constantly to her boyfriend and she’d always condone it because “he’ll get over it” )
  • guilting him for hanging out with friends/family over you  and making him choose between you and friends/family
  • telling him “you don’t love me if you *insert harmless activity he wants to do here* “
  • being rude or mean to him in front of others to assert dominance or power over him
  • downloading apps to spy on his phone activity (yes, this is a thing “”regular”” people do) or snooping on his social media to see who he’s talking to
  • hitting him, slapping him, punching him, shoving him. literally how do people not understand slapping your male partner is bad. people tend to find this funny in media and society and its weird. KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR PARTNER WITHOUT PERMISSION. 

I come from a family of very forward and manipulative women and i see it in media all the time. it’s fucked and people need to not be accepting of young girls acting like snot-nosed, abusive shit heads that think they can get away with manipulation and cruelty because they happen to be girls.


if you have an abusive teen or young adult gf right now fellas, leave. don’t let her use you to get her shit right. you’ll be so fucked up by the time she gets it together if she ever does and believe that most likely she won’t.  evil toxic behavior by women is normalized in our society so it’s extremely doubtful she’ll ever change. just… 


Ladies and gentleman,official french Polnareff (OAV SC)


Monsieur Joestar et consorts, je vous souhaite le bonjour. Je m’appelle Jean-Pierre Polnareff. Les amateurs de poulets grillés et de chicken wings peuvent se mettre à taaable OULA OULA OULA OULA OULA OULA OULA OULA OULA oH la belle rouge, t’as rien d’autre en stock? messieurs, vous m’gonflez, je vais aux chiottes. wooooow ça sent les fleurs! - oh oui tu es beau même dans les pays pauvres.t’as raison ma vieille, on me retient pas. bonjour chez voooous. j’en n’ai rien à secouer de ta vie si tu savais. eh mais tu me SAOULES avec ton truc. écoutez les filles, on assez perdu de temps ici. AH un indigène. on vous dérange sans doute pendant la sieste excusez-MOAAAAHHGGSFD Eh dis donc, mamie, heureusement qu’on n’a pas de bagages! Parce que si t’avais dû les porter t’aurais disparu en-dessous! EUHEUHAHAH ALLEZ LES GARS! En fait euh je suis de passage. Si vous le voulez, je pensais que tout les deux on aurait pu tout les deux essayer d’être de passage aussi vousvoyezcequejeveuxdire ehehe OH les majorettes auraient quand même pas monté dans ce truc là MAIS COMMENT VOULEZ-VOUS QUE CE MACHIN DEVIENNE UN ALLIÉ ALORS HEIN?????? MAIS T’ES PAS MALADE?? cette GOURDE a gobé la tête du pilote comme si c’était un sushi au conCOMBRE. c’est dingue ça t’as vraiment pas de race euhvitekakyoinilaeukakyoin uuhnrnrnrnr je finis toujours par me faire serrer aux chiottes.LA FAMILLE JOJO! POURQUOI VOUS M’AVEZ RIEN DIT? COMME çA çA ME FAIT FLIPPER /Bon polnareff tu vas te calmer oui? UHRN

i have never been happier in my whole life


Me: *Removes my cat from my lap to do something else.*

My cat: Father is…evil? Father is unyielding? Father is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my little rucksack and going out to explore the world as a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this household.

The spiritual successor to Miette

Might I also add

May i add the piece from artist Verbal Vomit

Glad to see we’re all in agreement that cats talk like disparaged victorian children

I am so incredibly glad we finally moved on from “i can has”. Cats are clearly smart enough for advanced sentence structure and dumb enough to draw entirely incorrect conclusions about what they’re talking about.


My cat, banging the cabnet door over and over and over: bang bang bang

Me: you will not earn what you desire by banging the cabinet door.

My cat: This is a test of wills, is it not? We shall see if your ability to put up with my incessant banging outlasts my eternal lust for snackie treats. Years of conditioning have hardened me for this purpose. bang bang bang

Me: ksst!

My cat, throwing herself to the ground like she’s been shot: Oh! Oh I have been assailed in my own home! Have mercy, have pity! Surely in the cruel darkness of your heart there is some mote of goodness that might stay your hand! Do not strike me, I pray you!

Me: ok

My cat, after waiting about 3 minutes: bang bang bang


Can haz snackytreat



Alphonse is such an overlooked character. People tend to focus more on Edward, as he is technically the protagonist, but they seem to forget the fact that Al is just as talented as Ed. They both equally worked out the formula for human transmutation, and their alchemical ability is more or less equal. Other characters go on about how Ed is a child prodigy and the youngest state alchemist, but it’s never mentioned that Al is even younger than Ed and is pretty much as intelligent as he is. Not to mention that he’s actually better than Ed in some areas, such as hand-to-hand combat.

But oh my god Alphonse has suffered so much. Ok all of the characters in FMA have had some kind of traumatic experience, but I’m talking about the physical side here. It’s easy to think “oh yeah he can’t eat or sleep or feel, that’s sad" but I want you to really imagine this in detail:

By doing some rough calculations (I won’t explain them here but if anyone asks then I will), I estimate that Alphonse regained his body four and a half years after losing it. Now you have to remember that he couldn’t sleep. He had to stay awake for that entire time. Have you ever had one of those nights where you can’t sleep at all and nobody is around and you feel so lonely and you don’t know what to do to pass the time and the night seems to go on forever? Yeah, Alphonse had that every night for approximately 1,644 nights. Assuming you sleep for half your life, think back to 9 years ago and imagine living from that point to this point. That’s a long time.I can’t even comprehend it; it must have felt like one long, endless, lonely day. And it’s shown several times that it clearly bothers him - it seems to be the one thing he hates the most.

And then there’s eating. Have you ever craved a food really badly even though you weren’t physically hungry? The kind of craving where you can’t think of anything else until you eat that food? Yep, Alphonse had that experience with all food. Ever badly wanted to cry just to let your emotions out? After all the emotional events Al has been through, he can’t even cry about it. And to top it all off he can’t feel anything, which is the thing i find hardest to comprehend.

But the line from that top picture is what makes me want to shout from the rooftops about how much I love Alphonse Elric. You have to think about what he’s been going through in the past few weeks or so - he kept on losing consciousness as his soul was pulled towards his body, he’d been taken over by Pride, trapped with him, and then had to fight him, and suddenly his armour body is transmuted away and he ends up at the gate.

And his body is right there in his reach. You can tell that he wants to transfer his soul back into it more than anything in the world. After four and a half years of no sleep, no food, no tears, no pain, no sensation whatsoever, he could finally become physically human again. But he chooses not to because of his friends and his family and the entire country. In the above screencap you can see that he’s crying. He may not be able to produce tears but the display of desperate emotion is obvious. He has to choose - take this opportunity to restore his body like he originally intended, or help out in the mess that the Elrics and everyone else got caught up in?

And of course he chooses to help, despite knowing that his time as a soul bonded to a suit of armour is running out and he could potentially die at any moment and he might not ever be able to get to the gate again and he might have to spend the rest of his life without experiencing any of the things I mentioned before. Because he blames himself and only himself for losing his body, and he would rather live a lifetime’s worth of what he went through in the last 4.5 years than risk anyone getting hurt in the final battle because of his emaciated body.


Why does he do all that? Because he’s fucking Alphonse Elric and he’s an amazing person, and one of the most underrated FMA characters ever. Don’t even get me started on his role in the final battle because this essay would turn into a novel.


From now on im tellin jobs I was General manager at Toys R Us. Who tf they gone call

That’s actually a wise move that many people do practice. Don’t have enough job experience, but need it to get the job? Put yourself down as having had experience in a position in a company that is no longer in business, especially if it closed years ago. They literally have no way of verifying this (do not do this for chains wherein only the store closed, but not the chain). It’s a good way to fluff up your resume, just make sure you put down a position wherein you used skills you already have.

For instance, you can say you were a Personal Assistant – typing, data entry, responding to emails, taking phone calls. 

Or you were an entry level cashier/customer service worker. Retraining is simple at that point.

Need brief training on that, so that you can say you literally were trained?

All for free, just sign up with Alison. Takes 2 seconds to login with your google account, and then you can take some open courseware. Open University is another good place to go for good business acumen courses.

Seriously, Alison is amazing. Most courses are only around an hour or so long, and you can say you have some knowledge or some experience in these things… because you do


WWII Gay G.I.s recounts tale of losing their Lovers

Excerpt from the book Coming out under fire The history of gay Men and Women in World War Two: Combat soldiers often responded to each other’s personal losses with the deepest respect and understanding, allowing gay GIs to express openly their grief over the death of boyfriends or lovers. 

Jim Warren’s boyfriend was hit while trying to knock out a machine-gun nest on Saipan. “They brought him back,” Warren recalled, “and he was at the point of death. He was bleeding. He had been hit about three or four times. I stood there and he looked up at me and I looked down at him and he said, ‘Well, Jim, we didn’t make it, did we.’ And tears were just rolling down my cheeks. I don’t know when I’ve ever felt such a lump and such a waste. And he kind of gave me a boyish crooked grin and just said, ‘Well, maybe next time.’ And I said, ‘I’m going to miss you. And I’ll see your mother.’ There were people standing around, maybe seven or eight people standing there, and I was there touching his hand and we were talking. Somebody said later, ‘You were pretty good friends,’ because I had been openly crying and most people don’t do this. I said, ‘Yes, we were quite good friends.’ And nobody ever said anything. I guess as long as I supposedly upheld my end of the bargain, everything was all right.”

Ben Small was even less able to control himself when his boyfriend was killed in the Philippines. But he, too, was surprised by the other men’s compassion towards him. “We had a funny freak attack of a Japanese kamikaze plane,” he recalled, “and I guess he was getting rid of his last load of these baby cutter bomb, these little bombs that explode at about three feet high so if they went off through a tent they exploded at bed level. I had just been in the tent of a guy I had been going with at the time. He crawled into bed, and I said goodnight and walked out the tent. And this plane came overhead and all we heard was explosions and we fell to the ground. When I got up too see if he was all right, the trust of the bomb had gone through his tent and he was not there. I went into a three-day period of hysterics. I was treated with such kindness by the guys that I worked with, who were all totally aware of why I had gone hysterical. It wasn’t because we were bombed. It was because my boyfriend had been killed. And one guy in the tent came up to me and said, ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were gay? You could have talked to me.’ I said, ‘Well, I was afraid to.’ This big straight, macho guy. There was a sort of compassion then.”

After a raid in the Philippines, Ben Small remembered, a lieutenant who had been injured was being shipped back to the States, so the men “all went to the plane to see him off that night. It was an amazingly touching moment, when he and his lover said goodbye, because they embraced and kissed in front of all these straight guys and everyone dealt with it so well. I think it was just this basic thing about separation of someone you cared for, regardless of sex.” Small described this tender parting as “a little distilled moment out of time” when men’s “prejudices were suspended” and gay soldiers “could be a part of what this meant.”


Tips That Can Save Your Kid’s Life.


When I was a child, from the time I was about four and could understand things, my mom told me and my brother that we should have a secret word. That way, if we were ever in trouble or felt unsafe and we didn’t want the people around us to know we needed her to come get us, we could let her know. So she let us pick the word and my brother and I chose the phrase “peanut butter cups.” (I’m happy to share the phrase now since both my brother and I are adults now). 

I used the phrase twice in my life. Once, I was at a friends house when I eight years old. Her dad got really drunk and was throwing things against the wall. I was really scared and I didn’t want to draw attention to myself on the phone when I called my mom to come get me because I didn’t know if he would get more violent if I asked her to come get me. So I called her and was calm and after a couple minutes I asked “Hey mommy, did you get me those peanut butter cups from the store?” And she said “I’ll be right there.” And she came and got me within minutes. 

Second, I was a teenager spending the night at a friends house. Her brother and dad were drinking and they started talking about things that made me uncomfortable - ie: what they liked to do to women. My friend didn’t seem perturbed and said that was normal for them and that I shouldn’t worry. But I was worried because they were really drunk and I was 15 and the only ‘woman’ around that wasn’t related to them. I went in my friends room, told her I needed to call my mom and say goodnight. Before I hung up with her I asked “Next time we go to the store, can we get some peanut butters cups? I’ve been craving them.” And she came and got me, just like that. 

Two incidents, one as a young child, one years later as a teen. Don’t discredit this stuff, it fucking works. My brother used it a few times too. Let your child pick the word and no never, ever, ever, ever get mad at them for using it no matter what it is. 



Off topic, but very important! I was taught to yell “this is not my mom/dad.” A young kid freaking out in public is likely to be ignored out of embarrassment, but a kid telling you right out that they don’t know who is messing with them? That will turn heads.

Reblog this.💯🗣💋

rEBlOg nOw

I feel like this should be said too if you see a child yelling things like “this isn’t my mum, or I don’t know you” or something don’t ignore them! This system relies on people actually helping the child! It dosent matter how rude you’ll seem or how anxious you are you could be saving a child’s life!

Even if you just ask the child “Do you know this person” if the adult butt’s in make sure to ASK THE CHILD! Even a shy kid will tell you they don’t know this person or just met them or something!




my mom always told me that of someone is trying to take me from anywhere, just sit/lie down. it’s harder to pick you up that way


What she says: I’m fine

What she means: was Iroh a bad person turned good or was he always a good person (with extenuating circumstances) like zuko? If he lied about killing the last dragon at such a young age, then he must have lied about other things as well? If he was such a high ranking member of the white lotus, then that means he would’ve been in the organization for quite some time right? Was he always planning on ending the war once he became firelord? Did he fake his defeat at ba sing se because he didn’t want the fire nation to take the last piece of the earth kingdom? Was his son a casualty of this plan and then a catalyst for him to make sure that zuko didn’t end up like his father after the throne was stolen from him? Did ozai somehow know iroh wanted to end things and thus stole the thrown from him so that he could continue the fire nation’s tyranny? If he sent earth kingdom gifts to zuko and Azula that taught them about earth kingdom culture, then wouldn’t that mean that he wanted them to respect it and learn from it and not want them to see it as an enemy nation? Who taught Iroh water bending techniques knowing that he was the fire nation prince/possible firelord, unless they knew he wasn’t gonna be a tyrant? Was he undercover or did white lotus water benders teach him? Iroh didn’t want zuko looking for the avatar after his banishment, and even more so after they found out the avatar was alive. He was always distracting zuko and trying to get them off course. Was he always trying to change zuko’s mind? Was he going to somehow help aang if zuko was successful in capturing him? What would he have done if they somehow got the avatar? Did Iroh wanna end the war from the beginning? Was iroh always secretly helping the other side? Or did he have a change of heart after the death of his son?


Sorry but that trim is sharrrrrrrrp

Is he even real??


That last one is literally tripping me the fuck out.

I can see from the unfinished part that it’s 2D but I CAN’T look at the rest of it and not see a full 3D human. Like there are are perfectly rendered and real SHADOWS on the wall behind them HOW is that not photoshopped??

I’m losing it.


The artist’s name is Kelvin Okafor!




[Audio Transcript:

Mm. So I must not have said it clearly enough the first time so please listen up.

You cannot be a supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and be homophobic. It’s point black period.

The Black Lives Matter movement was made for all black lives, so therefore you cannot say that you support all black lives but… Mm not the gay ones, not the trans ones, not the bi ones, not the pansexual ones. That’s not how this works.

So, say it with me with your fucking chest. Say that you are a bigot and say, “I only support lives if they are cis and straight.” And, babygirl, I would not be screaming to the rooftops that you’re homophobic. That shit’s disgusting and embarrassing and it makes you look stupid and idiotic.

So, I said what the fuck I said. You cannot be a supporter of Black Lives Matter and be homophobic. I will not say it again. I’m pretty sure I made myself fucking clear.]


[Video Description: in the video itself, there’s a post in the upper right corner that says “Wait so you’re telling me that I can’t support the black lives matter movement because of what I believe in? I can be homophobic if I want to.” End ID]

get to know me: favorite team → team avatar (open in new tab for larger size!!) Sokka: “I just wanted to say: good effort out there today, Team Avatar.” Katara: “Enough with the Team Avatar stuff. No matter how many times you say it, it’s not gonna catch on!” Sokka: “How about the Boomerang Squad? See, it’s good cause it has Aang in it - Boomer-Aang!” (art credit)

Listen up. There is literally an app that can help you avoid self harm and I don’t know why we aren’t talking about it.

Calm Harm can be tailored to your needs and will provide strategies to help you get past those crucial moments of wanting to harm.

It’s also totally FREE.

once again, it’s called CALM HARM



For anyone that needs this!

Please it’s gREAT.

This app is really great. Seriously.

They also have an app called Clear Fear for all of those who have anxiety!

It has a safety net feature where you can put in your contacts and call them from inside the app

It also tells you about the different kinds of anxiety so you’re not confused on what kind of anxiety you have

And it’s free!!!

Reblogging again


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