
We're making History


Creja| Yuri on ice is life | Victuri | Yurio defense squad | Protect Katsudon at all cost | Phichit is Captain of SS Victuuri | Stupid Victor | OtaBAEk Altin | Ice Daddy Victor
Anonymous asked:

So my struggle is that I’ve kinda lost interest in YOI and I’m not sure how to get back into it. Most of the fanfics are just alternate universes that I can’t get into. I miss the old fanfics that were just canon based. I was always afraid that the YOI craze would end and I’m just sad.

Alas, this lull inevitably happens to every fandom. I’ve been feeling down myself about it recently because people just don’t seem to be as excited anymore. And well…I can understand why. It’s been more than a year since the movie was announced, and we don’t even have the slightest hint about a release date yet.

There was just something so special about this place when the anime was still airing. I’ve never seen a fandom so passionately in love with the source material. Those days were magical!

(Remember when Episode 7 first aired???)

But here’s the thing.

It’s up to us to nurture the YOI fandom.

All of us - whether you’re an author or reader, artist or reblogger - can do our part to keep the excitement alive.

Write the fanfic you want to read. Make the art you want to see. If you don’t write or draw, send prompts to the authors and artists who do. Ideas are incredibly appreciated!

Get active! Write meta. Organize fandom events. Plan a rewatch of the show with live-blogging. Make fic recommendation posts. Learn Japanese and start tearing apart the English translations we all think we know. Analyze screencaps. Redraw them. Dig into the #tags and see how far back you can go. Go back in time on your own blog and see how your thoughts about the anime have evolved.

Reblog art, fic, and meta. Don’t just “like” posts. SPREAD THEM. Tell people about YOI. Rewatch it with them and enjoy their surprise. Watch episode reaction videos on YouTube to help you remember what it felt like to be excited about the show. 

Take a chance on a fic you think might not be what you’re looking for. I’ve found some amazing gems by forcing myself to get past that initial “meh” reaction. I never thought I’d like reading a western, but The Other Side of Sunset is one of the best damn fics in this fandom. And not nearly enough people have read it. If people read the same kind of thing over and over again without exploring new authors or genres, it’s no wonder they get bored. Try something new! 

Take care of fandom creators. One chapter of fic can sometimes take a writer weeks of work, and they do it for free. Thank them. Leave kudos, write comments, make playlists, find them on tumblr, send asks, make fanart. Creators need positive feedback. I’ve lost track of the amount of times I’ve seen someone stop writing or making art because they think no one cares. When someone works that hard at something and receives only cold silence as a reward, why on earth would they want to waste more time on a fandom that doesn’t support them? It’s soul-crushing. 

Authors - respond to your comments. Thank your readers for giving you a chance and offering their support. They need to feel appreciated, too!

Stop listing out the things you hate seeing in fic and art. Keep your pet peeves to yourself. Writers and artists see those blog posts, and it discourages and shames them. Then they stop creating. Is it really that important to get a passive aggressive jab in?

STOP FIGHTING. Shipper wars split fandoms down the middle. The more that people leave, the quieter it gets. Don’t let anything diminish your joy for the things you love. Go find friends who share that love and don’t spread hate, even if hate comes knocking at your door. Block the offender and move on with your life. I promise you’ll be in a better mood if you choose to be the bigger person. 

I can’t stress this enough. The fandom needs ALL of you to keep it going.

No matter how many followers, notes, or kudos you have. No matter if you’ve been here since day 1 or joined the fandom today. WE NEED YOUR PASSION.

And you know what?

If you’ve done all those things to rekindle your love for YOI, and you’re still not feeling it…well, for the sake of your mental health, that’s okay, too. Try new fandoms! Read books, watch a new show, close the computer and go for a walk.

The important thing is to enjoy yourself! Because the YOI fandom is still going to be here when the movie comes out, and we’ll be excited to see you if and when you return!

I know I’m certainly not going anywhere! You guys are stuck with me.


I think this is a brilliant response and borntomake makes some great points because yes, this fandom is created by everyone in it! Not just the most popular fic writers or artists! We can all contribute, we can all create the content to keep ourselves and others going! And there’s always gonna be someone who appreciates what you do!

But I’d like to stress this: It’s okay to walk away, too. It’s okay to move on to a different fandom.

And I’m saying this because many times in the past I’ve felt this sort of guilt - the “I’m not a devoted fan of one series if I also really enjoy another series” sort of guilt, the “I’m not a real fan if I move on to something else” sense of guilt.

But see, it’s not a question of whether you can move on to a different series - it’s a question of whether you can come back. And from my personal experience? It’s very easy to come back.

I’ve watched so many sports series and moved on from them fairly quickly once the season ended and there was no sequel in sight. Because that’s normal - why would you stay around when there’s no new content? But whenever they announced a sequel and the sequel was released I was right. there. immediately. I’d watch every new episode ASAP and die inside from all the weekly hype and excitement and great content.

The yoi fandom has always been very passionate and even though there’s less content made in the fandom now due to the lack of new official content and many fans spend more time in other fandoms, I’m not worried about its future. I could almost guarantee you that once we get more yoi movie news or a trailer or the actual movie itself, then fandom will come rrrrright back to enjoy and scream and keysmash and share their excitement. We’re just experiencing an understandable slump now.

Trust me, even the people who think they are “over” yoi will come right back - I thought I was over Free! but when season 3 was announced I realized that this was very much not the truth haha.

I do think that here in the yoi fandom we’re actually quite blessed - because there are still many fans creating new content for us every day. I swear, I check the yoi tag every day and every day I see new content in it. The reason I moved on from fandoms like Kuroko no Basket or Free! or Haikyuu is because people just… stopped creating content, and I had no reason to stay (Haikyuu is a bit different, since the manga is still ongoing, but I don’t read it so I can’t join the conversation even if I wanted to). Why would I check the tag everyday if there was rarely any new content?

So if you want the yoi fandom to remain alive - be an active part of it and create something!

And if you want to move on to a different fandom which you’re more passionate about - that’s also fine. All that matters is that you enjoy yourself, you don’t need to stay “loyal” to a single fandom for your entire life, this isn’t a monogamous relationship. And when you find interest or passion in yoi again because of a sequel - then we’ll be waiting for you to join us in the hype.

Fandoms are all about having fun - do whatever you makes you happy, even if it means temporarily forgetting about yoi. From experience, I can tell you that temporarily forgetting about something you love actually multiplies your love exponentially when the thing you love returns with a sequel.


Clarification by the YOI’s staff


Ready? Go! 

- (1/3) this is a psa for people still claiming yoi is “bait” a) Kubo never denied the rings being for marriage but rather said “not just for” だけじゃなく which means for marriage but also other things b) Sayo Yamamoto has adressed censorship problems in the fanbook an in an event.

- (2/3) Manabu Otsuka, ceo of Mappa (studio that animated yoi) has already stated that Sayo had problems getting greenlight for yoi with other studios bcs she wanted a romance 恋愛 between coach an athlete, he also has claimed in other interviews how she persisted despite backlash.

- (3/3) Kubo has stated in the fanbook go yuri go that even if at the beggining she thought ppl would like to have their interpretation, she learned that there always has to be one right answer, hence there is not “up for interpretation” here.

There is more to add including what the staff of funimation was told by YoiP to not downplay the romance in the dub or promotion, I’ll add sources and links below and feel free to ask me any doubt.

-Links and sources: -Otsuka’s statement (there is a video of the panel in facebook too):

-  Sayo talking about kiss censorship in the event cosmania in Philippines (hence mentions why they rendered the lips so shiny- to make clear its a kiss):

-  Sayo and Kubo’s comments in go yuri go regarding censorship and how there is always one right truth (you can read it in the thread):

-  Report of a funimation panel where they mention how they were told not to downplay the romance for the english distribution as well as other interesting details:

-  Kubo in another interview mentioning how the rings ALSO represent they are soulmates:

-  Interesting read, there is a part in which Kubo talks about Victor and Yuuri as a couple, along with Yakov and Lilia:

-  Video of the mappa panel where the interpreter (who is the official interpreter for mappa in other events) translates Otsuka’s answer regarding the romance in the show (it has spanish subs) https://www.facebook.com/que.eros/videos/1295075040590275/ …

-  I also found an interesting thread explaining the mistranslation drama from last year, read it all from top to bottom:

-  Interview with animators Tadashi Hiramatsu and Noriko Ito, they talk about animation work and how they think the racial diversity as well in sexuality/ gender (with mention of Victor and Yuuri’s relationship) contributed to the popularity of the show:


Info & Credits to: Mater Pochayuri (@toratoramin on Twitter),  toratoramin.tumblr.com


I’ve seen the idea floated around that YOI’s storytelling format is like that of a biography or memoir– Yuuri and Viktor reveal important moments in their relationship, but also maintain privacy and gloss over some things.

So. *smacks hand on table* I need clips at the end of each episode that are narrated by Mari and Yakov. It will be called THE REAL DEAL

It will always start out with a slow pan from the end of the episode, transporting us from the beauty of YOI to a careful narration by Katsuki Yuuri himself.

“And finally, we broke apart from our reunion hug at the airport and went home to sleep,” Yuuri sighs. At his side, Viktor beams and snuggles closer on the interviewing couch. Their interviewer is already planning a tasteful fading out. There’ll be snowflakes. It’ll be touching.

Then they pan over to where Yakov and Mari are sitting. Neither of them seem particularly teary. Mari mutters something in Japanese, Yakov something in Russian. Translation might have been a problem, if they weren’t uttering the same thing. It flutters across the bottom of the screen:


“They got home at midnight,” Mari deadpans. “Yuuri’s flight landed at 5pm. Doesn’t anyone wonder what they got up to? Because according to poor Mrs. Hoshi at the drugstore–”

The video feed blips for a second (THE SHOW’S RATING IS PG-13), and then Yakov is talking. “–and I had a scarf that Vitya gave me after Worlds that year. I put it on Katsuki because he looked cold, and what do I get? The next time I see my scarf, it’s on Vitya’s Instagram. In Japan.”

“I’m sorry, I needed it,” Yuuri pipes up from the couch. “For… reasons!”

The picture Yakov mentioned is not shown, but there is a brief fan candid shot of Katsuki Yuuri sleep-snuggling a scarf on his international flight.

“Smelled like him,” is all that is squeaked out.

THE REAL DEAL is 10% brutal honesty, 25% embarrassing fluff, 25% sexy hijinks, 40% embarrassing childhood stories, and 100% Mari and Yakov commiserating over their stubborn, love-drunk skater family

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