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DEAR IMAN - Costume Magazine Interview

(translated interview from the september issue of costume. quite long (3.3K), so most of it is under a read more. i’ve added a few links for stuff that international fans might not know about. enjoy!)

Clothes define who we are, says the Skam-star Iman Meskini (20). She feels most beautiful when she looks at herself in the mirror wearing the hijab. 

- I was so shocked, says Iman Meskini. 

It’s 24 hours until the very last episode of Skam will be broadcast on TV, a few hours until a friend will do her make-up before the big farewell party. It’s three days until she’s going on a month long vacation to her father’s home country, Tunisia, for the first time in several years. It’s a month until she will show up to her initial service in the military at Madla in Stavanger. At the moment, one of our biggest international celebrities right now is sitting on a bench at St.Hanshaugen in Oslo, telling us about when she understood how popular her character Sana had become. 

- Like, I’ve looked up to Karpe Diem my whole life. I love their message, their lyrics, that they’ve managed to reach the top without singing about shake booty, that you can come that far with a message that isn’t about money and nice cars. When I realised that I had more followers than them on Instagram… That was insane. 

The dimples that have charmed people far outside Norway’s borders are showing. 

- It wasn’t until then I realised I was famous. 


Even comes home to Jonas strumming on his guitar and what sounds like Mahdi beatboxing. He grins as he takes of his shoes and hangs up his jacket. He loves when the boys come over to just hang and jam around for a bit. He’s been picking up the guitar again and he and Jonas have been having fun riffing off and singing off-beat.

He’s just about to announce his presence when he hears it. Isak is rapping. Even stops walking and just stands still in the hallway, listening. The biggest grin appears on his face as he hears Isak getting into it. Unable to wait any longer, he rounds the corner.

Isak is on crouched down, a mic in his one hand, the other moving around on the beat. His eyes are closed like he is concentrating hard on the lyrics. And Even… Even is so gone for this boy.

Magnus is the first to notice him and he smiles widely and waves. Even smiles back but his eyes immediately wander back to Isak who still hasn’t noticed him.

Even is glad his boy hasn’t seen him as that gives him more time to simply watch him, dopey smile plastered on his face.

When Mahdi notices him, his beatboxing falters for a moment, making both Isak and Jonas snap their heads up to Even.

“Even! You’re home!” Isak blushes like he’s caught doing something embarrassing. Even couldn’t disagree more.

“Don’t stop on my account!” he says, crossing the room to peck Isak on the lips before settling down next to Mahdi on the couch.

Isak grins at him, cocks his eyebrow, “E-Box, gimme the beat!”

Even laughs loudly, before starting (and quite spectacularly failing) to beatbox. Mahdi takes pity on him and takes over, Jonas starts the beat up on his guitar again.

Isak winks before closing his eyes and resumes rapping.

Even is in love.

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