
As far as I'm concerned, that's America's Ass.

@detroitconnorfanboy / detroitconnorfanboy.tumblr.com

What a nice wall. Gale (or Wavey/Dino) // He/Him and They/Them (Transgender) // Abrosexual // Artist (Requests are NOT open) // Singer // Gamer // Nerd // The Alpha Dinosaur This will all be fanboy trash. Expect nothing more, but always expect less. For anyone curious, I am always accepting of asks! I will draw my responses as often as I can. (I'm leaving this here for when I open requests since I don't wanna lose it, but they're not open atm) I also take requests, so, send me them oc's and I'll draw em! I don't do super elaborate ones, so be careful when submitting an oc. Profile Picture from an animation by @inker-belle

An artist : Aw man! I saw my arts were reposted on Instagram. I’ve asked them to take my arts down but they ignored me.

Me : Say no more! Click this link, then click ‘fill out this form’. Fill the form and wait for about 1-2 days, the staffs will remove the image you were reporting from the reposter’s account :^)


hope you don’t mind me adding some more info :’D

Many websites have those complaint forms you need to fill out to submit DMCA notice. Here are some of them:

Usually links to those forms can be found on website’s Terms of Service pages. (search for copyright or DMCA)

Any content you’ve created, is copyrighted by you. You have full right to ask staff to delete repost. Your works deserve to be protected. ♥

Yo. This better be my most reblogged post. I want to see all my artists friends reblogging this for their artists friends.

^^^^^ for all the artists with uncredited work on pinterest and insta


me: dress how you want!! gender is fake!!! nothing matters!!!!!!

trans person: i like gender tho

me: hell yeah i respect that!!!! i apologize and don’t mean to dismiss your identity with my optimistic nihilism!!!!!!!

Good post OP

Denounce gender roles but respect gender identity.

Denounce gender roles but respect gender identity.


I love it when people tag a post “not X”…. like I understand it just means your blog is mostly devoted to one thing and everything else is tagged, but it will never not amuse me to see someone reblog one of my photos of a grizzly bear and tag it “not breaking bad” as though we were otherwise in danger of mistaking the bear for bryan cranston


“average person eats 3 spiders a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


An actual World Heritage Post

how does this post not have a million notes but anyone online can quote it


That’s completely fucking awesome!


I have complicated feelings about marine mammals in captivity but (a) this seal’s tango ability deserves recognition and (b) I’m inclined to think that this level of coordination suggests the seal legitimately enjoys it. 


ok, so I’m not at all an expert, but what I’ve learned from visiting various marine research centers and talking with people who work with these animals:

1) At this point in the US, all of the large marine animals like this you see cannot be released into to wild, and they come to the centers from things like injury and rescue. We do NOT just go out to the ocean and capture random animals. That is super illegal.

2) All performances like this are purely voluntary on the animal’s part. If a seal or sea lion twice the size of a person doesn’t want to do an activity with you, there is nothing you can do about it. You can encourage behaviors through positive reinforcement, but in the end the sea lion does what the sea lion wants.

3) This kind of training is actually very necessary for proper care of large, intelligent animals! The more intelligent an animal is, the more important it is to have sufficient social and mental stimulation, and training with keepers provides both. The displayed behaviors that these tricks utilize are often seen as play and/or social behaviors in the wild.

4) And perhaps most importantly, training large animals to move and position themselves in certain ways is necessary for minimizing stress during routine medical care! You can’t safely manhandle a large sea lion into showing its belly, so if you need to do a medical check without tranquillizing the animal (which carries its own risks and stresses), you need to be able to ask the animal to roll over on its own. If you watch the dance in the above post carefully, you’ll note that a lot of the different “dance moves” are effectively presenting different parts of the body. So what this performance does is take all of the stances/actions you might need it to do for a health checkup and sets it to music!


Toddlers are so pure. She doesn’t understand that we help her with certain things because she’s little. She thinks that everyone just helps each other like that. So she tries to blow on my food and cut it up for me and tries to help me put on my shoes.

i was giving little wagon rides to a baby around the backyard one day and all of a sudden she hops off and slaps the seat of the wagon telling me to get on because it was my turn and i was like no it’s ok im too heavy and she was like NO ITS UR TURN and kept tugging on my hand so i would sit down. eventually i got on and it was just a little 2 year old trying so hard to push me around on a wagon not understanding why it wouldn’t budge but still so determined to let me have my turn lol


I don’t think I’d realised how many casual compliments we pay to our toddler until she started casually complimenting us back, because experience has taught her that’s How Social Interaction Is Done, and there’s nothing quite like a very earnest three-year-old solemnly and sincerely informing you that you look wonderful and smell nice to make you feel really good about yourself

I tell her she’s my best girl. She tells me I’m her best auntie. Then we both feel good about the world!

Teach them kindness.


my little cousin is 3 and she stands there and goes “you’re doing it!” whenever i’m like, making food for us, or doing the laundry, or pushing her in a stroller up a hill. she is the most encouraging sweetheart. 

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