
themes by suppisun

@suppisunthemes / suppisunthemes.tumblr.com

Welcome! This is the theme blog of xiuminseoks (previously suppisun). Here you can find themes, pages and other resources.

Hello! I'm trying to use your theme nephilim, but whenever I click the links for the code all I get is some kind of thing where it tells me to press download and nothing happens? I love the theme, by the way!


hello! thank you for letting me know, it appears the links are indeed not working correctly. I will go through and update all the theme posts. here is the direct link to theme nephilim: https://pastebin.com/cEmLaRws I hope you enjoy!


it’s been soooooo long but i’m finally working on a new theme :’)

Anonymous asked:

I am using your About version 1 page and I want to use a more vertical picture so I want to make 'Block1' bigger, but if i make block1 any bigger 'block2' and 'block3' will be sent to the bottom, how can i make it bigger while keeping the list and tags to the side?

the picture in block1 has a set width and height of 52 pixels, but you can change the size of the image without having to resize the blocks. it will change the width of the text in block1 but will still be contained to the same block. go to edit html in the customizer and find the section that says .pic img and change the width to whatever you would like and the height to auto.

.pic img {width:52px;height:52px;width: ;height: auto;}

i hope this solved your problem!

Anonymous asked:

For theme #05, is there a way to not have the avatar be shown, only the sidebar image? thanks!

for that theme, there should be an option in the appearance menu to hide the avatar. look for a dropdown called icon and set it to hidden. if that doesn’t work, then edit the html and find the class called icon. it would look like this, just add display: none; at the end:

.icon {width:48px;margin:30px 0px 0px -70px;float:left;display: none;}

hi i'm using the second version of your about page on a sideblog, but the image on the first column is blocking out the information on the second column. is there any way i can resize the first column to fit the image?


hello! if the image is placed inline with the text, then you can add this code to the css:

.desc img {    max-width: 100%;    height: auto;}

that makes the maximum width of the image be the size of the first column and it shouldn’t overlap anymore!


Anonymous said: hey, how do you add a next/previous button? i'm using one of your themes but it doesn't have them...

all my themes should have pagination, which one are you using? it would help if i could see an example. 
to check if the theme has pagination you should open the theme customizer and go to edit html, then click ctrl+f to open the search bar. where it says “search for” type {block:Pagination} and hit enter, if you find anything the pagination most likely does exist. if not, you can look at the tumblr documentation for help on how to use pagination.
in the case that you’re not sure what the pagination is supposed to look like and can’t find it, i’ve included pictures of how they look in each theme. most of them are located in the sidebar.
let me know if this wasn’t helpful to you and please provide a link to the blog you’re experiencing the problem on so i can properly investigate :)

Hi! I'm using theme sourwolf. How do I make the font bigger in this post where it says "you mean nothing"? darkhairandstubble(.)tumblr(.)com/post/142595140198 Changing the font size of the body doesn't affect blockquotes it seems, and I couldn't find where to edit it in the code. Thanks in advance.



It’s the style for the tag that’s at work here and it’s specified in the code with percent of the main body text, so it should change if you make the body text larger…I can’t say for sure why it doesn’t.

this is the code you want to find, it’s at the bottom of the css:

sub {font-size:90%;}small {font-size:90%;}small small, small small small {font-size:80%;}

you can change the values to 100% or to a value in px, it’s up to you. 

I hope this solved your problem :)


Hi. I'm using your beautiful theme "Sourwolf" and I'm wondering whether it's possible to make it so that the post info (via & source) don't show on the index page but show on the permalink page? I do want note count, date and tags to remain on the index page though. Basically, I'm asking how to move via and source from the index page to permalinks, if possible. I found where to remove that info all together but I like to keep the source so people can find the original poster, I just don't want the sources' usually pretty long usernames taking up most of the space under the posts. I would appreciate your help. 

at the bottom of the code there is a section where it says <!-- Date --> and below that is this bit of code: 

{block:RebloggedFrom}<span class="reblogged">/ Via: <a href="{ReblogParentURL}">{ReblogParentName}</a> / Source: <a href="{ReblogRootURL}">{ReblogRootName}</a></span>{/block:RebloggedFrom}  

to make it only appear on the permalink page you put {block:PermalinkPage} around it, like so: 

{block:PermalinkPage}{block:RebloggedFrom}<span class="reblogged">/ Via: <a href="{ReblogParentURL}">{ReblogParentName}</a> / Source: <a href="{ReblogRootURL}">{ReblogRootName}</a></span>{/block:RebloggedFrom}{/block:PermalinkPage}

Hi, I'm using your theme #06 "sourwolf", but lately I have noticed the follow/dashboard buttons on top right aren't appearing - at first I thought it was just my slow laptop, but all my friends said they couldn't find the follow/unfollow button when opening my blog anymore. I just went to the live preview of this theme and it has the same problem. I don't wanna change the theme because I love this one, so if you could find a way to help, I'd be really grateful :)



I answered a similar question here and it’s the same problem but on different themes. for theme 6 the z-index needs to be changed for the div called header, like so:

.header {width:100%;height:68px;position:fixed;background:{color:Accent};top:0px;margin:0px;padding:10px 0px;z-index:99;overflow:hidden;}

I’ve updated the original theme code and my tags and about pages as well, since they use the same headers. the problem should be resolved on all of my themes but please let me know if there’s something I missed :)


I am using theme 07 on a sideblog and for some reason, the buttons at the top right of the page (reblog, like, edit, etc) are not displaying. i have never had this happen with another theme, but i'd love to continue using yours because it's so gorgeous. has this been a problem for anyone else?


I’m glad you like the theme!

it seems the tumblr controls have become hidden behind the titlebar for some reason. you can easily fix this by adjusting the z-index of the titlebar in the theme code. the section you need to find should be located at the top of the code and looks like this: 

.titlebar {width:100%;background:{color:Blogtitle Bkg};padding:5px 0px;position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;z-index:999;text-align:center;}

just change the z-index to 99 and the controls should appear (they have a z-index of 100). I’ve updated the original theme code as well if you’d rather re-install the theme.

I hope this helped! :)

Anonymous asked:

hi, im using your tags page and i tried to add a google font so it matches my main theme better, but it won't show up and i can't find anything on google to help. so i guess my question is, how do i use a google font on your tags page?

Hi, sorry for the late reply! 

to use Google fonts go to google.com/fonts and select the font you want to use by clicking the quick-use button:


if the font has different styles you choose the ones you want to use, and then just follow the instructions on how to embed the codes. the first bit of code goes directly after the tag (on the tags page):

the second bit of code is used to call on the embedded font, and you should add it to all the places where you want to use the font. in my tags pages the default is font-family:Calibri; and you should replace the entire line with the code from Google.

so from this:


to something like this:

I hope that helps you! 


Hello i'm using the "THEME 07: NEPHILIM" but I'm having problems with linking the "Message" button to a url. Please could you help?


hi! the default askbox URL is /ask and the only reason tumblr would show the not found error is if you have ask disabled. if you have your ask on a different page, like a FAQ, then you just change the URL to that of your page in the part that’s bolded below.


I hope that helps!


ABOUT PAGE static preview: version 1 | version 2 code v1: pastebin | freetexthost code v2: pastebin | freetexthost

TAGS PAGE static preview: version 1 | version 2 code v1: pastebin | freetexthost code v2: pastebin | freetexthost

  • version 1 matches theme 06: sourwolf
  • version 2 matches theme 07: nephilim

Hi! I'm using one of your lovely themes (theme 05) and I'm wondering whether it's possible to fix the tags so that they don't cut the tag at line breaks. Like with the word "need" in this post: darkhairandstubble(.)tumblr(.)com/post/116677639488/crofesima-studio-ghibli-movies-directed-by


easiest solution would be to remove word-break:break-all; in the .tagsy class.

.tagsy {margin:0px;padding:0px 5px;font-size:7px;font-family:{font:Body};color:{color:Text};text-align:left;letter-spacing:1px;word-break:break-all;}

I hope that helps!

Anonymous asked:

Hiii, sorry couldn't find this in your asks, but who big does the background have to be for it to fit perfectly in "Theme 02 :Hanasaku"?

the default for all my themes is that the background is tiled, meaning the same image is repeated in all directions. if you want your background to fill the entire background without repeating then you could follow my instructions in this post

there is no way you can make a background image the exact size of your screen so that it fits perfectly for you because there’s always someone with a bigger screen and then the background will be too small and repeat anyway. the method I linked to above is the best way to make the image fill the whole background space no matter the size of your screen.

I hope that helps!


is there a way to code the background to cover instead of "fixed repeat" ?? changing it to cover doesnt work


if you mean you want it to cover the entire background, without distorting its original proportions, this is the way I would suggest you do it.

go in the HTML editor in the customizer, and in the body section (body { }) find this code:

background:{color:Background} url(’{image:Background}’) fixed repeat;

change and add the parts that I’ve bolded below so it looks something like this:

background:{color:Background} url(’{image:Background}’) fixed no-repeat left top/cover;

in order for cover to work you have to specify the position and separate it from the size with /. left top is the position used as a default when it’s not specified, and it’s probably the one you want to use as well. if you want to change it you can check out other ones here.

I hope that helps!

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