


Contrary to this I actually go by Samantha (they/them or xe/xir). 19, genderqueer woman-adjacent-adjacent enby, aropan, white I mostly reblog things. Idk what really this is supposed to be so that'll do also go dolphins (both the animal and the football team) because why not

voice training but it's just me learning to mimic the dc metro's "doors opening, step back to allow customers to exit. when boarding, please move to the center of the car" and "step back doors closing"


Also instead of “problem behaviour” call it “distressed behaviour” for a more accurate picture of what the person is actually facing

I can’t reblog this enough, I will do it every damn time I see it from now to death.

When someone frames your mental health issues as attention seeking behavior, problem behavior, or any other negatively-coded context, it creates an environment that makes you feel guilty, wrong, and selfish for struggling with things outside of your control. As a result, serious issues are allowed to arise in the absence of support.


Cool. Definitely not a bad sign, and definitely not something that will be used to slaughter more innocent people. Thanks for enabling the deaths of thousands and potentially many more by not pushing Genocide Joe for a ceasefire liberals, now the genocide is a weapons testing ground!


*Attenborough voice*

And here we see the uncommon transfem in her natural habitat, scrolling Tumblr, hugging her IKEA brand blahaj and eating stale biscuits at 2am. Based on her slumped position, self-comforting body language (such as rocking back and forth), as well as her generally unkempt look, we can infer that she is currently undergoing a depressive episode. Ah, she's about to cry again. Let us move on.


Autism and masking are so funny because like internally I despise when plans change or food feels funny in my mouth or there's a tag in my shirt or I talk to too many people in one day or I have to make a phone call, etc so I always feel like a nervous wreck at any point in the day, but on the outside I'm just 😎😊😃 just vibing and I seem so chill and adaptable and emotionally put together, so it's hard to differentiate like am I GENUINELY okay with this or am I masking

I think a lot of being an autistic kid unaware that you are autistic is saying “I’m really stressed right now” and getting the response “you don’t SEEM stressed”. Like u have no idea how good I am at pretending not to feel like this


Autism and masking are so funny because like internally I despise when plans change or food feels funny in my mouth or there's a tag in my shirt or I talk to too many people in one day or I have to make a phone call, etc so I always feel like a nervous wreck at any point in the day, but on the outside I'm just 😎😊😃 just vibing and I seem so chill and adaptable and emotionally put together, so it's hard to differentiate like am I GENUINELY okay with this or am I masking

I think a lot of being an autistic kid unaware that you are autistic is saying “I’m really stressed right now” and getting the response “you don’t SEEM stressed”. Like u have no idea how good I am at pretending not to feel like this


yeah yeah girlcock this girlcock that, but are you sitting next to her on the couch when you dont want to fuck her? are you holding her in platonic comfort when shes sad? are you grabbing her by the wrist at the function so she doesnt get separated from the rest of the girls? are you helping her zip up her dress? is she invited to girls night?

are you doing it when you don't want to fuck her? when she's not your girlfriend or your type or hot or skinny or goofy? are you doing it when she's just your friend?

are you treating her like Just Some Chick? the one who you're Not in love with but just like in a normal way?

are you being a girl friend to her when she's just a girl and a friend? when the thought doesn't make you have couvidh?


got blood work done today and i just remembered a time i got blood work done as a teen. after the nurse drew like 6 vials of the stuff, i asked him “is all that mine?” and he said “not any more” and walked off

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