

@milktrician-hell / milktrician-hell.tumblr.com

I’m Milk or Milkan! icon by twt@CardonaShio
• 21 • they/them • filipino-american •

now more than ever, please vet gofundmes before you donate.

copy and paste descriptions into google to see if there are scam accounts reusing the same story, check to see if there are any images/updates on the fund with faces. go to the original blog, check if the post asking for help is only an hour old, or even less than that. refrain from donating if all it links to is a PayPal account, without any further confirmation of identity.

it’s horrible to say but it’s never been a better time for scam artists to exploit your generosity, when things seem so dire, and I’ve donated to campaigns before only to realise later that the entire story was stolen from an actual family in need. due diligence might take a few more minutes out of your day but at least you won’t be sending money to an opportunistic scumbag.


for campaigns on tumblr: please check out @/el-shab-hussein's list of verified fundraisers here on tumblr and also @/nabulsi. they both do incredible work at vetting campaigns.

there is also this spreadsheet made by @/nabulsi and @/el-shab-hussein.

other places to find vetted fundraisers are the operation olive branch spreadsheet and also gazafunds.


pikmin 1 and 2 and pikmin 3, pikmin new play control for the wii, pikmin 4 and 5, pikmin 6, pikmin 7, pikmin eighteen billion and eleven pikmin 3 deluxe and hey pikmin, pikmin temptation and pikmin sin, pikmin on your ipad its called pikmin bloom, brand new crossover with Pikmin and Doom


pikmin fortnite pikmin loamy clay and pikmin sand, pikmin adventure (nintendo land), pikmin coming to super smash brothers brawl, new sport i made where you throw pikmin ball pikmin on the gamecube where you can play it love it or hate it you will find it... pikmin on the gamecube where you can play it love it or hate it you will find it on there... (pikmin on the gamecube) (pikmin on the gamecube) (pikmin on the gamecube) (pikmin on the fucking gamecube)

@unremarkabledog asked me to do this

ft. all these Synthesizer V banks


"but it's so haaard to write for female characters, they're so poorly written and underdeveloped" <- thing people say about major female characters with plenty of screentime and character development.

"I love how much potential there is with a character like him, it gives you so much room to play and develop him yourself" <- thing people say about minor character dude number four who shows up in a single scene and is never seen again.

lovingly grabbing the shoulders of everyone who has a one scene wonder male blorbo they've crafted into their own special guy with a combination of their own headcanons and the fanon their dozen mutuals equally obsessed with him have brewed up: I'm so happy for you. rock on. keep doing you. but consider:

where I do get judgmental as fuck is when fans exclusively develop thinly written minor male characters "for their potential", don't consider the possibility of doing the same to thinly written minor female characters, and say that well developed major female characters are badly written and that's why they don't like or care about them.

you see what I'm saying here. right.



you join a discord video call at the request of your long time mutual and instead of the 23 year old art history student you thought you'd been friends with you are greeted by two dozen middle aged business men huddled around a conference table intently staring at you

"Did you like our text post about the flock of gay seagulls?" one of them shouts, "We thought it was going to do numbers."


goombella every time she sees a girl: omigosh she's so cute? she's soooo cute mario, did you know? she's just really really cute,,

goombella when mario asks her for critical information about an enemy they're currently fighting: um... I totally don't think she's cute or anything. I'm not jealous of her, promise. do you think she's cute or is it just me? I mean-


My prof was like 'yeah there was this experiment where they like made a casino for rats with mini slot machines n everything and made those rats into gambling addicts it was so cool' n i looked up the article n hes the lead fucking researcher

I'll do you one better op, i was taking an american history class of the early 1990s to 2000s and upon our final, which only took two hours max (the class was 3) our professor said we could watch some americana stuff if we needed to wait for more finals in the building (i did). The classroom was a huge lecture hall with a projector. He puts on stuff about cryptids, which, that's a surprise but hey, nice light mood for a sobering look at what amounted to pre and post 9/11 america. And when the man on the video introduced the world expert on the jersey devil who do we see grinning at the camera, giant on the projector, but our professor. We turn to see him making the exact same face. We went wild.


The thing is, until you get past the mindset of "justice=punishment" you will never be able to create lasting change. We have actual proof that punitive justice creates more crime and makes criminals more violent. We have actual proof that rehabilitation reduces crime and recidivism. But some of y'all are so stuck on this idea that the wrongdoer must be punished for justice to be done that you will choose sating your need for revenge over actually moving toward a better world every time. And that's sad!

Everyone in the notes saying punishment doesn't undo the bad thing: exactly! Punishment does not create or preserve healing, prevention, protection, fairness, or goodness. The only thing punishment does is satisfy a sadistic public desire for revenge and give us the illusion of control.


my favourite empathy check of the game. i love how de presents empathy as the grounding mechanism for self-persecutory fear. i genuinely lost my cool when i got this check the first time, like idek why its this one specifically but i think its just the trust lol. everyone felt perfectly safe around him, his mental disability was not, in fact, something that seperated him from others. he was not percieved as a threat to others, or as inhuman. he was able to be around others, his existence in public was not terrifying or dangerous to others, and he knows that. #1 jean hater for life im not joking.

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