
seb stan & marvel


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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨

10 of Pentz came thruuu


Omg this actually works!!! Thank you 10 of Pentacles!!!

I could seriously use this money right now….

Please give me my refund of 400$ soon…

I feel obligated to reblog this every time it shows up in my dash

No bragging, just 100% floored and grateful. Work hard, maintain a positive attitude, and believe that anything can happen.

So I reblogged this exactly a week ago because I thought it was funny and uh lo and behold, a family friend wrote me a big ol’ check just to help me out of a tough financial spot AND my bank refunded me $32 for fees they’d originally taken out. SO UH YEAH. Reblogging this again in hopes that it brings equally good fortune to my followers.


Sure why not? Jobs bring in money and prosperity…



It fucking WORKED.


please im in desperate need


im so ready to be in a relationship so whenever the universe is ready hmu with a keeper

i posted this yesterday then today this cute boy held my hand and now he is sending me memes

Reblog for love

i reblogged this yesterday and my crush kissed me today

Reblogging for love



There’s a breathing blanket on the floor.

Well, the blanket’s not breathing, but underneath it…

You swallow, throat tight, and approach slowly, footsteps solid enough to let him know you’re coming. By the time you sink to your knees and place your hand against Bucky’s covered back, he’s so still you hold your breath and wait to see if he starts breathing again.

After a few seconds he does, with a shudder. The blanket shifts as he moved a hand beneath it to find yours. Even with the blanket separating you, you know it’s his metal hand.

“Hi, Bucky,” you murmur. You press a kiss to his covered hand. “What’s your status?”


You can’t help but snort—gently. “Well, this is technically a summer blanket. Want me to get you a warmer one?”

He nods, a jerky movement you nearly miss. You push yourself to your feet, heart wrenching as you leave him, even if only for a minute.

The queen-size comforter drags on the floor until you drape it over Bucky. You bite your lip, then crawl under it as well, keeping the summer blanket over Bucky alone. You know better than to force yourself too close when he’s in a rough spot. Your eyes slide shut as you lie on the floor; you weren’t in the army, and you hate how cold the wood is against your cheek. You clench your fists to contain your shivers.

Bucky’s right hand worms free from the blanket and finds your face. His fingers brush your forehead, then bump your nose before finally settling over your lips. You brush a kiss against his fingertips, eyes pricking with grateful tears. He’s still in pain, you know it, but even so he still thinks of you.

“Love you,” he says, his muffled voice hoarse.

You gently press his hand with your own, fully expecting him to retreat away from you.

But Bucky grabs your hand, and holds on tight.


soldier | amaranthine (1/10)

summary: a boy and a girl went off to war. they fell in love and the devil laughed.

WARNINGS: swearing, MAJOR angst, more fluff than usual wow, heckie doo dah they kiss, blood and vomit mentions, a lot of pain, guns, needles, trains pairing: bucky barnes x reader word count: 7.5k

a/n: written for @the-omni-princess​ and their writing challenge! i really couldn’t help it, i loved bucky and this reader so much i turned it into a series. my prompt was soldier by fleurie. gif not mine. this series will have a happy ending ON GOD

Head in the dust, feet in the fire Labour on that midnight wire Listening for that angel choir You got nowhere to run

Sunlight filters through dust and Bucky Barnes thinks it’s too fucking sunny for a day in the trenches. His feet blister as he shifts against the wet mud wall. His stomach is hollow and he closes his eyes. Chains wrap around his bones, tying him to his mud post. Mud caked beneath his nails and a strange crackling feeling festering between his legs and his gut, Bucky Barnes tries to sleep for the first time in three days. All he can feel is the mud through his soaked uniform. Yesterday, it rained like Hell’s flames had reached earth, and beneath molding wood, Bucky had tried to keep his soldiers as warm as he could.

He can’t remember the last time he was dry.


Better | Bucky Barnes x Reader (Part 4)

Summary: Bucky has a lot of suspicions. Becca had the answers he needed.

Word Count: 6122

Pairing: Doctor!Bucky x Doctor!Reader, Nurse!Wanda x Platonic!Reader, Nurse!MJ, Doctor!Sam (mentioned)

Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of Abuse & Alcoholism, Surgery, Organ Donation, IV & Needles, Emotional Distress, Physical Pain, Drugs, Hospital Stay, Blood

A/N: Sorry not sorry. Naynay, don’t kill me!

Being in and out of consciousness for God knows how long was certainly not something you were fond of. Not only were you completely unaware of what time of day it was or even what day it was for that matter, you were starting the hate the numbness that had been brought to you by the patient-control analgesia. Even the pain in your abdomen had become bearable now, but that did not help with the emotional distress that came with the numbness either.

When you had woken up from your drug-induced slumber, you had been greeted by an indescribable darkness that had blanketed over your hospital room. The lack of sunshine peaking through the gaps between the curtains were reason enough for you to assume that it was now nightfall. Your first instinct had been to turn over to your side towards the chair next to your bed, a part of you hoping that the man who had been sitting by your bedside when you had fallen asleep was still there. But much to your disappointment, he wasn’t.

You let out a soft groan at the pain that you felt on your side, thankful that the numbness was finally starting to dissolve. You hoped that would give you enough time to feel like a functioning human being for once before the next programmed dosage kicks in.

“Y/N?” The sound of a tired Sam Wilson calling out your name made you let out a sigh. “Are you awake? How are you feeling?”

You reached your hand up to rub your eyes, letting out another groan. “W-Wilson.” You croaked out, your throat had been dry every single time you woke up and you hated it. “Where’s Barnes?”


imsebastianstan: After 7 years with @donsaladino I caught a good day, sucked it up and finally posted this... Been working with this guy through years of self judgement and mental wars when it comes to fitness and LIFE, and TODAY I’m giving myself a break and acknowledging the hard work we’ve done for @355movie (and this other small thing we got comin’ 😉) ! Proud of what we’ve accomplished pal! Love you. And thank you. 👊🏻❤️


Instead of complaining that the tweets weren't thristy enough consider that at least Sebastian wasn't unconfortable as fuck reading them. Anthony had one that said let me eat your ass and Seb's were like "you're thic and your eyes are pretty" and for once he didn't look like he'd rather be doing literally anything else.

Your entertainment shouldn't compromise someone's comfort.


ressurection - bucky barnes (one)

next part

word count: 951

november, 2011

THE blonde girl carefully observed her surroundings from her spot in the corner of the cafe. She watched as tired men and women hurried about, waiting for their morning cups of coffee. Katya had always found an intrigue in watching strangers, people who seemed to have no worries besides catching the subway, or what their boss might yell at them for. She thought it was funny how different other people's lives could be, and liked to create entire back stories for each stranger she saw.

Katya thought back to the first time she had been in her now favorite cafe, and smiled to herself, greatful for what Natasha had done for her. She had taken the blonde under her wing, given her a place to stay, and food to eat. But Nat had also provided Katya with a friend, something she didn't think would be easy to find in her new life.

The young Russian was weary of this unfamiliar place, to say the least, but so far Natasha had done nothing but prove that Katya could trust her. Katya hadn't known what to order from the long list of cappuccinos and mochas and lattes, so she told Natasha to order something for her. The red head reappeared suddenly, with two white mugs in her hands. She smiled at Katya while setting them down.

"I got you a latte, it's just coffee and milk." Katya nodded her head in gratitude, and carefully took a sip. But, the liquid was still scorching hot, and Katya immediately regretted not paying attention to that small detail.

After she got over the ordeal, Natasha asked Katya about herself, about why she had come from Russia and her life back home. Katya knew she couldn't tell any about where she really came from, working for an evil organization that had originated in World War II. Instead, she had carefully crafted herself a backstory. From now on, she was Katya Ivonov, a simple girl from a small Russian town, where she lived with her Grandmother. She'd never had many friends, and so she had a tendency to stick to herself. She had only come to America after her Grandmother died, and there was nothing left for her in Russia.

And there they sat for hours, sipping at their coffee, watching people scurry about, a talking about their previous lives.

Katya was brought back to the present when that same red head slid into the seat in front of her. Natasha placed down her keys and cell phone, and they greeted each other.

This had become a weekly routine for the two of them. Whether their schedules were crammed or they had seen each other the night prior, they always met in the cafe on Fridays to catch up on life. Katya had her own apartment now, and was always busy with either school or work. After she had gotten herself settled down, she'd decided she wanted to become a nurse, so she could help others as much as possible.

A waitress came over to take the girls' orders, and Katya ordered her usual latte, iced this time, while Natasha ordered a chocolate cappuccino. The two women then sat like that for the next couple hours, talking about anything and everything.

Just as Katya had taken a sip of her drink, Natasha leaned back in her seat with a slight smirk. "So, Kat, any new guy friends?" Katya almost spit out her drink all over her friend.

"Come on Nat! You know I'm not like that." Kat exclaimed as she smacked her friend's arm. Sure, Kat had had a few flings over the years, but nothing serious. She wasn't interested in a long term relationship at the moment, seeing as she was working towards her degree while also hiding from a very powerful organization. However Nat kept pressing, the smirk on her face growing slightly wider.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, "but what about that one kid you're friends with? Spencer?"

"Figushki, Nat! We are definitely just friends, I absolutely do not see him like that." Kat huffed and leaned back in her seat. Natasha was constantly pestering her to date, and all the blonde could do was try to ignore her. With a quick glance down at her phone, Katya's eyes widened. Time passed by her so quickly, and she had promised a couple of her friends that she would help them study for a big test.

'Friends' is such a funny word, she thought. She had told Natasha when they first met that she never had many friends growing up, and although her memories before 2008 were hazy, she knew that much was true. Or, at least, she thought that much was true. From what she could remember about her time in Russia, she was a loner, for the most part. She didn't talk to many people and definitely wouldn't call anyone she had known a friend. When Katya had arrived in America, she was still very shy and anxious, but Natasha had helped her come out of her shell, which is something else the blonde would have to remember to thank Nat for.

The Russian sighed and looked back up at Natasha. "College isn't as fun as TV made it out to be." She huffed.

The two women rose from their spots in the corner of the cafe, and together, they walked outside into the cool autumn air and bid farewell to each other.

"Kat, I hope you know I'm proud of how far you've come. I just want the best for you." The red head exclaimed. Katya just smiled at her, pulling her in for a hug.

"I know, Nat, I know."

taglist: @gravedollie666


Drown - Bucky Barnes OS

Words: 2.1k Warnings: Lots of angst, mentions of OD, more angst? Also, a lot of self-loathing? Seriously, if any of this is a trigger please don’t do this to yourself! And I’m literally always here to talk if anyone ever does need someone to lend an ear! Summary: I’m sorry. This probably isn’t that great, but it’s late and I’ve had a rough week, so you can suffer with me!

Seafret- Drown, my song of choice!

(Gif not mine!)

“James? I’m so sorry…”


ressurection - bucky barnes (prologue)

next part

word count: 373 (it's short but they get much longer don't worry!)

july, 2008

KATYA had never seen anything quite like New York City. It's bustling streets, busy traffic, and seemingly never-ending life gave her a sense of home. The city welcomed her with open arms, into this so-called land of the free. She could almost hear her name in the breeze, calling out to her, telling her to stay for a while.

She had always dreamed of seeing America one day, ever since she could remember, which for some reason, was not that long. But here she was, in the great New York, the big apple, the city that never sleeps, and she couldn't be more excited.

But, at the same time, she was anxious. Anxious about her new life, finding a job, finding a home. However, she was even more anxious, scared even, that they would find her, and take her back. She couldn't go back, though, no matter how much they tried to convince her.

With these thoughts in mind, Katya took a deep breath, and stepped out into the street, ready to start her new life.

However, before she could do that, someone, probably an irritated businessman on his way to work, ran into her, shoving her into yet another person coming down the sidewalk. Before she could even get herself off the ground, she was already mumbling her apologies in her thick Russian accent. When she finally managed to stand back up, with help from the stranger, she looked up and was met with green eyes and red hair.

Katya squinted at the stranger, who seemed vaguely familiar, but that was probably because she had seen so many people in the last few days. She opened her mouth to apologise again, but the red head interrupted her before she had a chance.

"Sorry about that," the stranger chuckled and stuck out her hand. "I'm Natasha, by the way. Are from around here? I couldn't help but notice your accent."

Katya, although hesitant to talk to complete strangers, couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with this woman. "I'm K-Katya," She stumbled over the name, "and no, I just arrived here from Russia." The stranger - Natasha - simply smiled back at her.

"How about I show you around?"


ressurection - bucky barnes (masterlist)

summary: katya ivonov never asked for any of this. she never asked to be orphaned at such a young age, she never asked to be adopted into such a wicked organization, and she definitely never asked to fall in love with someone who's supposed to be the enemy. but it all happened, and now she must deal with the consequences.

disclaimer: includes language, sexual references, violence

note: this story is also available to read on wattpad under the same name by author peachesandavocados.

part one








part two








softhairbarnes reading (and re-reading) list

Thought I’d start a list of works that I am currently reading. I can be very particular in deciding what I want to read. I’m not ashamed to admit I have (probably unnecessary) high standards. But there’s lots of talent and genius here. And I hope others can enjoy them as well. All of these are reader inserts. These will for the most part be series links, but I will update as I find other solo pieces that I very much enjoy.



[Updated July 15, 2019]

All you wanted was simplicity. You had moved to Washington, DC for a better start - to get away from what you were, to get away from what you were expected to be. You never thought you’d meet the Captain America in a bar just three days after moving. You never thought there would be a dangerous person in your apartment just hours after meeting him.

Beginning with the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Hydra sends its most deadly weapon after a powerful telepath untested in the range of her abilities. Intrigued by the broken pieces of his mind, the two of you make an agreement: he helps you hide from Hydra, and you repair and salvage what’s left of his memories.


This series uses formatting for effect. In order to fully experience the story, it is recommended that you do not read it on the tumblr mobile app.

[Playlist] (Updated July 15, 2019)

Part 1

Prologue & Chapter One: Steve Rogers
Chapter Two: The Man in Your Apartment
Chapter Three: Broken Promises
Chapter Four: Purple and Red

Part 2

Chapter Five: Bruises
Chapter Six: The Corridor
Chapter Seven: Fly Away Birdie
Chapter Eight: Responsibility (To Them, To You)
Chapter Nine: Staircases
Chapter Ten: Feels Like Blue
Chapter Eleven: The Basement
Chapter Twelve: You Don’t Scare Me (But I Should Scare You) [Moodboard]
Chapter Thirteen: Breathe
Chapter Fourteen: Silence, Violence (Sometimes It’s The Same)
Chapter Fifteen: Nightmares
Chapter Sixteen: Teach Me Something You Shouldn’t // I’ll Tell You Something I Shouldn’t
Chapter Seventeen: Christmas Special
Chapter Eighteen: Domesticity
Chapter Nineteen: Chess Pieces
Chapter Twenty: Guilty (You’re Not You’re Not You’re Not)
Chapter Twenty-One: Two One Night Stands
Chapter Twenty-Two: Somewhere in Europe, 1945
Chapter Twenty-Three: Record Players & Nicknames & Her Eyes
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Tattoo
Chapter Twenty-Five: The Train Station

Part 3

Chapter Twenty-Six: If I Love You Does It Mean I Have To Let You Go?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Matt Murdock 
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Truth Will Out (HELP ME GOD, I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO)
Chapter Thirty: The Lovers
Chapter Thirty-One: Somewhere in Europe, 1945 (Again) Coming Soon
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