
Criminal Minds🕵️🛫


Mostly Criminal Minds Quotes & Reblogged Imagines. Hotch Girl💕// Side Blog

When you see it, REBLOG IT

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Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
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Important reminder: take a moment for yourself. Breathe. Set aside an hour for just you time. Whether that be working out, reading a book, drawing, watching your favourite show, going for a drive, etc. Do whatever it takes to ease your mind. Life can get stressful and hectic. Don’t lose yourself in the overthinking, pressures of society or other people’s hateful opinions. It’s okay to not be okay. And if you feel like life is moving to fast and your world is spinning out of control, then stop, take a breath and take that hour and focus on you.


Hey guys! So I’ve been thinking about writing a Criminal Minds AU, but I want to know what kind of AU I should do.

Here’s the rules:
Like for a Monster!BAU AU.
Reblog for Criminal!BAU AU.
Also, please do not do both; I don’t handle confusion well.

I watched two episodes of Criminal Minds tonight and I regret it because I’m not ready for criminal minds where they all act like hotch doesn’t exist. The one person that kept me going with this show. The one person I can in a sense relate too. And he’s FIRED because the writer is a dick with past problems that were overlooked. Even thought he almost got Gibson hurt as well as ignore his creative advice. So instead he creates a lie that gets him fired. BUT also I feel like they wanted Gibson fired way before that.

When Paget was fired she was given time to close out her arc. But when Gibson was fired he was never allowed to come back and finish the arc. He never was allowed to say good bye to his team. Instead Hotch just left the BAU without telling anyone instead of trying to find the guy (SO NON HOTCH). I can’t support the continuation of a show that has blatant disrespect to its many actors (fired AJ, Paget and Gibson. Didn’t give the girls equal pay even though they were on the show for a bit. And still uses the big name actors as the leads even though Gideon and Rossi have not led the show in any way)

It’s 11:39PM and I’m angry. Thanks.


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