
harley has moved.

@moved-to--mysticandskepticmuses / moved-to--mysticandskepticmuses.tumblr.com

harley can be found on my new multi @mysticandskepticmuses - still somewhat under construction but any future ic interactions with harley will be on the new blog, whether new or continued.  i will not be deleting any of the ic threads or headcanons / metas etc (though eventually i will copy those over to the new blog) but you will no longer get ic interactions on this blog.  if you do not want to follow me over on the new blog that’s fine but i won’t continue any threads we had going either! smooches.

‘ i am revved up to learn, man. my brain is horny! ’ Tony


          A single brow raises as he tries to hold back an amused smirk.  He shakes his head, walking around the table and pointing at her with a snap.  That’s what I like to hear! Not that I’ve ever heard it before. In fact, I’m pretty sure no one has ever put it that way. But hey - I like the enthusiasm!  With a flick of his wrist the table lights up, holograms coming to life between them, with multiple diagrams and charts taking shape.  I hope you can keep up buttercup, cause once I get going it’s hard to slow me down.


‘ so far, i’m the best student. i’m gonna be the velociraptor. ’ Cyberplanner....


          The cyberplanner stared silently at the woman, his stolen face scrunched up in complete bafflement. After a moment he let out a deep sigh.  Clearly we won’t be using your brain for parts.  He mumbled, sharing his head.  Humans. You continue to show how useless you are. All you’re good for is spare parts.  How they even functioned with those tiny brains was a wonder. As cyberplanner he had been in many human minds, and still the womans absurdity managed to surprise him.


‘ man, repressing your feelings is great. ’


        “Right?  She said, a little too loudly. Cassie was already a few drinks in, enough that everything felt fuzzy and a relaxed smile spread easily across her face. She turned her head to look at the blonde, her head resting in her hand, elbow on the bar.  Can you imagine actually dealing with shit. Pfft.


this blog is officially closed.

harley can be found on my new multi @mysticandskepticmuses - still somewhat under construction but any future ic interactions with harley will be on the new blog, whether new or continued.  i will not be deleting any of the ic threads or headcanons / metas etc (though eventually i will copy those over to the new blog) but you will no longer get ic interactions on this blog.  if you do not want to follow me over on the new blog that’s fine but i won’t continue any threads we had going either! smooches.

“No, it’s not a fishbowl. YOUR point is invalid. It’s not a bowl. Fish do not live in it. Mysterio is the Master of ILLUSIONS! The world will be his! He does not wear a FISH BOWL!”

  “Mmmm, but he does talk about himself in the third person and, as a previously licensed psychiatrist I should tell ya, that’s pretty tellin’ of some serious inferiority issues, just sayin’ -- and ya probably shoulda had a more in depth conversation with ya wardrobe department before you started down the path of villainy then cause -- sorry doll, nobody’s buyin’ it.”

  “It is not a FISHBOWL!” A two second pause. “And Mysterio is not to be TALKED to that way!”

“It’s a big glass bowl that sits on ya head that gots all those little swirly lights dancin’ all around  like fish  hammin’ it up at a disco rave -- sorry, pal, it’s a fish bowl  -- “


If you want some memes from Harley hit the button.  If you’re a multi lmk who you might want them for if you care.  Alternatively feel free to send MEMES.  Please reply or im w/ your meme tag if it isn’t readily found on your blog.


Like for a starter from Harley; random lengths depending on inspiration, brain and muse.   I will try to make these not one liners but if all else fails I might resort to canon quotes, lyrics or memes at least to get things going.   If you care if it’s during her time w/ Joker or post, like BoP era or something feel free to specify.

If you have a specific scenario in mind let me know.  If you have a particular wishlist / plot you’d like to explore feel free to im me the link to the post etc.  

You can also send in MEMES.    

If you’re a multi and care who it’s for please lmk.

             “I’m old, but not that old. Can’t I just have a break once in a while? You know, a nice beach or rooftop for a few weeks? Alone.” Probably not - he couldn’t get any breaks really, but he hoped that he could at least get one. Maybe two - three at most. Would he though? Most likely not. “Maybe without everyone or you know what? I’ll even take the Bat over anyone in New York.” 

           Eyebrows jutted upwards and it took a monumental and likely unappreciated force of will to resist the urge to swing batter batter, pop goes the mallet to the noggin.  Least then he’d have some peace and quiet but nah -- She couldn’t impart her learned wisdom if he was listening to the stars and birdies whistling around his head instead. “Listen, sweet cheeks, you want a vacay, you book yourself a flight somewhere where there ain’t another human being for about a hundred miles or more, take a bottle of Jack and bang around til you find some ripe, juicy coconuts, and do whatever it is you’re gonna do all by your onesie for allllllllllll those days and nights but -- do yourself -- an’ me a favor and don’t go speaking something you’s gonna regret, huh?  Batsy’s definitely not the type to give somebody a free pass, even if they are as gorgeous as you an’ me, got it?”   If she’d ever been the religious type, she might’ve crossed herself just on the off chance it might’ve actually warded off the devil.  

What’s the matter spider boy, bat got your tongue? Or you just too old and borin’ to come out and play?

 “I’m taking a vacation. I think I deserve one by now.”


                 “Puhhhh-lease, don’t ya know, no rest for the wicked?” A half snicker interrupts her words.  “Or are you pretending to be mister goody-two-shoes now? What’ve you done lately that’s such hard work you need a vacay anyway? Don’t remember seein’ your picture up on the Most Wanteds recently.  I think maybe you’re slowing down in your old age or sumthin’.”

{ @dramaquiinn || sc }

     ❝Do you ALWAYS throw these kinds of         hissy fits or is this a special occasion ?? 


    “It’s not MY FAULT that nothing is going my way!”  Plump lips pouted quite well, arms crossed in a huff over her chest, shoulders slumped despondently.  “This place -- SUCKS.”  


Also just a reminder that, you are totally in your right to have your character believe or treat Halrey like she’s a ditz - she acts like one with the intent of making people think she is, but even when she’s bat shit insane she ISN’T STUPID.  She’s incredibly smart and manipulative and is extremely learned in how to decipher people’s body language, actual language, the words they choose, the things they think, the things they don’t say - she was a master psychologist before she went off the deep end and if anything, her time w/ the Joker et al has just made her more familiar with the dark side of mental trauma and insanity.

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