
A Girl Reads Books

@omgreading / omgreading.tumblr.com

Hailey | 32 | USA “A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”—George R. R. Martin

I read books but like haven’t in a while. But I still exist.


hey you. im proud of you. im proud of you for overcoming all the obstacles you've faced to be here with us today. and i'll be proud of you tomorrow for the obstacles you continue to overcome.

you've put so much effort into this life, and that deserves praise. even though many of the things you had to work through should have never happened to you. you did it. you're here. you're right here. and you don't have to go anywhere.

so i hope you're proud of yourself too - or that you will be, someday. take all the time you need. everyone lives differently.


Uh the way I never do the things I say I will. But hi, I exist still.


I'm reading a little.

I've started The Death of Mrs. Westaway. It's ok so far, I've read about 20% of it.

I'm kind of blah about life lately. Except for those days, where existence is a prison and I'm just so tired of everything.

I wonder if I will ever get to where I wake up and I'm not immediately upset that life continues.


It's always “you already have too many books” and never “wow, tell me which book you want to read so I can buy it for you”

Consul Wayland: please sit in this chair. I'd like to ask you some questions
Charlotte, whispering to Henry: deny everything
Henry: that's not a chair
Me: *talks about my unread books on my shelves getting out of control again*
Also me: *starts a book that's not on these shelves*

i wish i had a window seat with lots of pillows that i could sit in and drink tea and read books in and watch the rain in


thriller/horror movie: omg this wife is ~crazy~ and ~hysterical~ and her husband is so rational and levelheaded that he doesn't believe her when she says she sees ghosts. jk wow there are actually ghosts. this house is actually haunted. the wife isn't ~crazy~ after all. imagine that. *wife is killed by ghosts and/or the house itself* husband realizes his errors and escapes from the house safely, often with their child. the end.

same movie: wife gives up great job (even her dream job) in the city to move to the country (a huge ass house in the middle of nowhere, that's definitely a fixer-upper, in a weird town, with weird people in it) because her husband got a job there. now she's a stay at home mom and is largely alone all day every day because her husband is working, and probably flirting with younger women all day. she's not working so she's not intellectually stimulated, and she's incredibly isolated, so one could understand why she'd not be in the best place mentally. she also has a history of mental illness; she's stable right now, but one never knows when she could slip up and get all ~crazy~ again. so when she starts seeing things that the husband can't see, she must be crazy. and must not be able to handle this change of lifestyle like she promised she could, so it's all her fault, even though her husband is off trying to fuck women half his age while his wife is home with the ghosts <3 <3 <3 <3

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