hey, look up!

@silverglass / silverglass.tumblr.com

my name is sary im 24 and i just really love dogs, star wars, and harry styles

“Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives. Numerous studies of disaster response around the globe have shown that social support is the most powerful protection against becoming overwhelmed by stress and trauma.

Social support is not the same as merely being in the presence of others. The critical issue is reciprocity: being truly heard and seen by the people around us, feeling that we are held in someone else’s mind and heart. For our physiology to calm down, heal, and grow we need a visceral feeling of safety. “

- Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma


question: how would you deal with cyber attacks against the US government? 

donald trump: i am so strongly against cyber. we came up with the internet. cyber is a big issue. we need to be SMART and QUICK. let me tell you. my son has a computer. he’s 10! he’s so good on that computer so good you wouldn’t believe it!



There are people reblogging this who don’t know it’s a direct quote


girl mutual: not to sound like jenny holzer but the inherent truth of womanhood lies in its pain. women are daily forced to put effort into standing in their own womanhood. especially gay women. every woman is different. every woman is her own woman, there is no real definition of a woman. you are your own woman. also my parents are fighting in the other room and im on my late afternoon adderall. *one gifset of possession (1981) and probably a beach house song* also did i mention im lactose intolerant, i found out three days ago

me higher than the eiffel tower:


some people find love and good friends early in life. some people find love and good friends later in life.

you are not less deserving or worthy because you have yet to find your people.


u know when u peel a mandarin to eat for urself and then someone u love is there and like without even asking u feed them every other piece from ur hand…..why is love so sweet and intimate 


id love for someone to please explain to me how i ended up terrified of any kind of intimacy while craving it constantly all at the same time

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